Lord ﹠ Lady Darcy's Fight Club

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-07-06

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Bareknuckle/fistfight
  • Male / Male
  • Female / Female
A no holds barred underground fight club run by Lord & Lady Darcy
148 members
52 stories
2 photos
0 files

Bareknuckle Boxing Title Match: Lord Darcy (c) vs Brad Jaxon


Announcer: "Welcome to Lord & Lady Darcy's Fight Club!!..." The crowd cheers. "Tonight's main event is a... NO TIME LIMIT... FIGHT TO THE KO FINISH... BAREKNUCKLE BOXING MATCH... for the Club's MEN'S BKB TITLE..." Again, the crowd cheers and whoops. "Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by his manager, Lady Darcy, here is the reigning Club Bareknuckle Boxing Champion... at 5'7" and weighing in at 240lbs... LORD DARCY!!!..."

Lady_Darcy: I step through the curtain from backstage and look around the crowd and then hold the curtain open for my husband to enter....

Lord_Darcy: I strut out from backstage, dressed in my black trunks, black boots, and red and black mask, raising my arms and fist up above my head as a salute to the crowd and then swagger towards the ring as my wife follows me... when I get to the ring I climb the steps and duck through the ropes, making my way to my corner, where I lean back and wait for my opponent to be introduced...

Lady_Darcy: I follow my husband up the ring steps but stay outside the ring in his corner, leaning over the ropes...

Announcer: "And now, please welcome the... challenger… Making his way to the ring. He stands at 6'2" 230 lbs. Hailing from the sunshine state of Florida. Your challenger for the Men's BKB Championship Belt. He is BRRAAAAAAD "JAWBREAKER" JAAAAAXXXXXOOOOOOOON!"

Brad_Jaxon: My music hits as I pop open the curtains wearing a red and silver satin robe, open to show off my abs and chest. I strut down to the ring wearing sunglasses and slapping hands with the people in the crowd. Wearing red boots with red compression shorts. Wrists taped as well as I slide through the ropes and do a lap around the ring. Back in my corner I stand up on the ropes and strip off my robe and do a double bicep flex showing off for all the ladies, and guys in the audience. I then step down and remove my glasses. Staring over at my opponent bouncing on my toes, light on my feet.

Lord_Darcy: I sneer at the young upstart, bouncing on his toes and showing off to the crowd, then shake my head and draw my thumb across my throat... I clench my fists together and get ready for the fight...

Lady_Darcy: I lean over the ropes and give my husband a reassuring pat on the back...

Brad_Jaxon: I cockily blow a kiss at Lady Darcy ignoring Lord's threat. Staring back at you I put my fists up to show I am ready. DING! The bell sounds and I come out. I have a serious reach advantage over you. 6'2" vs 5'7". I circle you but getting closer with each step until I pop put 2 stiff jabs to your face then pivot step to the left and swing my hips and go low with a right hook to the belly and left hook to your right kidney.

Lady_Darcy: I notice Brad blowing me a kiss and shake my head and laugh, then hop down off the ring apron as I notice the bell is about to ring...

Lord_Darcy: The bell rings and you quickly come out of your corner, all buzzing with confidence... I come out more slowly and more cautiously, moving steadily to start circling, rolling my fists in front of me, slightly crouched, watching you... you throw out 2 jabs, I take a step backwards to let them land short... but you are all action and keep coming forward, dropping low and sending a right hook into my big gut... Ugh... I grunt as my belly wobbles from the impact... you pivot to throw a left hook, I twist and take the blow on my ribs... Uff... again I grunt but as you are dropped low I take advantage that you are now "down at my level" and swing a clubbing left hook at the right side of your head... pivoting to a right uppercut at your chin... stepping forward to keep us fighting close up to mitigate your reach advantage...

Brad_Jaxon: All my body shots land even if it's not at their intended targets. I know I am at your level and in your domain. You may be short but that usually means you are more compact muscle and strength wise. It's evident as I bring my arms up to block. The power hitting my arms is intense and every bit as good as mine in some ways. I stumble to the side a bit and manage to dodge my head away from your uppercut. I counter with a swift right hook to the jaw and left jab to your solar plexus as I take a step back and barrel a right cross to your face.

Lord_Darcy: My left smacks into your arms as you raise them to protect your head... but the impact makes you stumble and as a result my uppercut swishes past in front of your chin... grrr... I let out a growl of annoyance... which is cut short as I turn to face you and catch a right hook on my jaw... Ufff... twisting my head and body... again as I twist my head back to face you, I catch another blow... Ufff... straight into my gut again... I wobble on my legs but bring my forearms up to protect my face and block your follow up right cross... I snort angrily and lunge forward at you, looping a left hook up towards your head, leaning my bulk behind the blow, my big belly swaying...

The_Mangler: Sitting down to take in the action

Lady_Darcy: Goes and sits next to @The_Mangler

The_Mangler: Stands up as @Lady_Darcy sits....and I retake my seat

Brad_Jaxon: You eat my punches which I can tell are having an impact on you from the noises you make. You come at me with a single left hook having to make up some distance between us. I sidestep to my right allowing the hook to fly past my face and counter with a quick left uppercut to your jaw and right shovel hook to your left ribs. Speed and distance are going to be important for me in this fight. I take a step back after my hook to maintain distance to my advantage.

Lady_Darcy: Grrr... I growl angrily as Darcy's left hook misses...

Lord_Darcy: I send my left haymaker out just as you start to step to your right and it flies past your face, the momentum of the missed blow sending my thick body stumbling to my right, as I regain my balance and straighten up your left uppercut catches my chin... my head snaps upwards and backwards and I stumble back, your right shovel hook catching me in the ribs as I go back... wobbling on my legs I pull my fists up, but instead of pressing home your advantage you instead back away and start to circle, keeping your distance... gasping and puffing I start to recover my composure and stance, getting my fists up in front of my face, rolling them... I snort angrily at your getting the better of the opening exchange and start to circle you, keeping my distance for the moment...

Brad_Jaxon: Crowd is enjoying the connection of fists as this fight progresses. I see how badly the two shots affect you and I regret my decision to back off and keep my distance. I don't let you recover for long though as I press back in as I step to the left and right as I come in feinting a wide left hook to the face and instead firing an uppercut to your sternum then following up with a back spinning left elbow to your temple. No ref no rules as far as I see it.

Lord_Darcy: As I start to circle you dance forward, first to the left, then to the right, then motioning to swing your left towards my head... I step to my left and turtle up behind my forearms... but you switch and send a right uppercut under my forearms into my sternum... Ugg... I grunt as I double forward, then as I start to raise my head and look up I see your twisting around as if to start spinning and... I take my chance, lashing out with my left in a hook towards your lower back with a kidney punch as you are turned away from me to spin...

Brad_Jaxon: The sternum shot sends you buckling over. My body shots are having such an impact on you that you change height more than I am used to, given your short stature. Putting you in view of my kidneys as you swing and hit. A painful spike goes through my body as I immediately drop the elbow and grab my side and back off from you. Grunting and moaning as I go on the defense and try to keep my guard up and out distance you. The crowd loved the impact of the blow as it's the first substantial one to hit me this fight.

Lady_Darcy: YESSSS!!!... I squeal as the kidney punch hits home

Lord_Darcy: My kidney punch lands and clearly takes you by surprise, you grab your side and start to back way, moaning and grunting... I gasp a deep breath and, as I hear the cheer from the crowd, lunge after you as you retreat with your guard up... stumbling forward I go low and hook a right towards your left ribs, then a left towards your right ribs... and then with a loud grunt... Yarrrghh... a big right uppercut aimed for your jaw aiming to catch you if you double over from the body blows...

Brad_Jaxon: Retreating around the ring making you work to come after me. But not as fast as before given the kidney shot. You manage to catch me with the body shots though, grunting with each impact. I step in to clinch with you neutralized the uppercut as my body slides and grinds with yours. From here I bring my arms over yours. Sweating and breathing heavily i take in deep breaths while trying to control you. A few moments pass and I pull my head back and fire it forward into your face then push off with a left and right hook to your right eye and jaw.

Lord_Darcy: My body shots catch you and you grunt loudly with each impact but as I pivot to the uppercut you lunge at me and clinch up, your arms wrapping over my arms... Grrr... grr... I growl as I struggle to try and wrestle free of your grip... "Get off me!..." I angrily snarl, just as you draw your head back and launch a headbutt into my face... Arrrghh... I squeal as it impacts, you release me and push me away, and I stumble backwards, my hands coming up to my face... Ufff... a left hook smacks into my hands on the right side of my face, close to my eye... knocking my head to the side... I stumble and your right hook gets through my hands and hits my jaw... and I start stumbling backwards more quickly towards the corner of the ring...

Lady_Darcy: NOOO!!!... CHEATER!!... I squeal and point at Brad as he fires in the headbutt

Brad_Jaxon: I ignore Lady's cries of cheating. This is the Underground I want to yell out but focus on her husband instead. As you stumble back, I come in at you making sure not to repeat my mistake from before. Like a predator stalking its prey I drive a sharp right hook to the base of your jaw. Then swing my hips and really drive a left uppercut deep to that belly of yours with a follow up left uppercut to that sternum. And then a third uppercut aimed at that jaw. Each punch I let out a loud grunt putting a ton of energy into each shot.

Lord_Darcy: As I stumble backwards you follow me... another right hook smacks into my jaw, my head violently snaps backwards and my arms flail outwards and my stumbling accelerates, but you keep chasing me... a left driven deep into my big belly... Urrrgh... I grunt as my head and upper body double forward... Uff... a left uppercut into my sternum straightens me up and... Uffff... another right uppercut to the jaw again snaps my head backwards and I going careering backwards on my heels, my arms windmilling, into the corner, my arms flopping over the top ropes to hold me up against the corner turnbuckles...

Lady_Darcy: NOOOOOOOO!!!...

Brad_Jaxon: I do some real damage to you. No counters or even the hint of one. You would have gone to the canvas had you not caught the ropes. I come in hot breathing heavily and sweat flying off of my punches as I break into you. I lead with 2 liver shots. Damning left hooks to your right side. Then I take a step back and fire a right cross to your face then duck and snap an overhand left to your temple with a follow up right uppercut. Using you as a punching bag making sure to hurt you and limit any potential for a comeback.

Lord_Darcy: As I hang, defenseless, in the corner you move in to work me over, 2 brutal left hooks into my right side, aiming for my liver... Arrrgh... Arrrggh... I squeal in pain, my head drooping down... then you back away and smash a right cross into my head, twisting it to my right... then an overarm left that snaps my head violently in the other direction, my legs start to shake and give way under me, just as your right uppercut cracks into my jaw, lifting me just a short distance up into the air so that my arms slip off the ropes and I slide down in the corner, slipping down onto my fat ass, my head leaning back on the middle turnbuckle, my arms resting on the bottom rope...

Lady_Darcy: NOOOO!!... NOOO!!...

Brad_Jaxon: Veins popping in my legs and arms as I really put everything I got into these shots. Each one connecting like a chain targeting and damaging your body pushing it up to and past it's limits. The last shot making you lose grip of the ropes as you slide to your ass in the corner. YYYYEEEEEEAAAAAA! I yell out as I pump my fist in the air doing a lap around the ring then head over to a neutral corner. With no ref in the ring, I am not sure if I should be expecting someone to count. So, I just do. 1...2...3...

Lord_Darcy: I moan and groan as I sit in the corner, my head starts to loll from side to side as inside my brain a Wurlitzer plays... there is a brief period when I wonder what you are doing but then I hear you starting to count... 1... 2... 3... Urr... I moan and start to try and roll to my left side to grab hold of the middle rope with my right hand to try and pull myself up...

Lady_Darcy: GET UP!!... GET UP!!... I scream

Brad_Jaxon: Arms on the top rope taking focused deep breaths through my nose and out my mouth. Stomach and chest rising and falling with each breath wondering if you might manage to get back to your feet. 4...5...6...

Lord_Darcy: I get hold of the middle rope with my right hand and start to pull on it... I can hear voices in the crowd imploring me to get up... I reach out with my left hand for the top rope... I can hear the 4... 5... 6... of the count... I pull on the top rope and get my legs under me to push myself up on my wobbling legs, leaning on the ropes for support...

Brad_Jaxon: You make it up by the count of 7 and though you are still leaning on the ropes, you are standing. In my book that's all I need to continue this fight. I shuffle in a yell as I drive a charged right cross into your gut then pop up with two stiff jabs to your face and hold the last one out as I spin and drive a spinning right backfist into your temple.

Lady_Darcy: Look out Darcy!... I squeal as I see Brad flying across the ring...

Lord_Darcy: I hear a warning from the crowd, but... too late... leaning against the ropes your right cross into my gut drives me into the ropes and into a sitting position on the middle rope, your two jabs to my head rock it backwards, and with each blow I let out a plaintive... Ugg... for a moment there is a pause as I sit in the ropes... until your spinning right backfist crashes into my right temple and sends my head flying to my left, my thick body following as I roll off the middle rope, falling down onto the canvas face first and then rolling over onto my back, my arms and legs spreadeagled, my big belly up in the air... my head rolls to the side and I lay there, motionless...

Brad_Jaxon: That last shot cracks and gains a mix of gasps and yells from the crowd watching. The shot heard throughout the building as it sends you to the canvas. I don't look worried. Even as I breathe and sweat I strut with my arms up back to the corner and yell out the count 1...2...3...4...

Lady_Darcy: GET UP!!... GET UP!!...

Lord_Darcy: As I lay on my back, I can hear the count... 1... 2... 3... 4... I lift my head a few cm off the canvas...

Brad_Jaxon: Getting my breath in and now a second wind. Bouncing on my toes and rolling my shoulders and arms as I stare down over at you. The crowd yelling, especially the ones who bet on you along with your wife.

Brad_Jaxon: 5...6...7...8...

Lady_Darcy: COME ON... GET UP!!

Lord_Darcy: As the count continues.... 5... 6... 7... 8... I lift my head a little further off the canvas, but the effort is too much, and it falls back down...

Brad_Jaxon: ...9...10


Brad_Jaxon: I jump up and run to the center of the ring and backflip to my feet in a superhero pose. "Ladies and gentlemen. This contest has come to an end by way of KNOCKOUT for your winner and NEEEEEEWWWWWWWW Men's BKB Champion! BRAAAAAAAAAD JAAAAWWWWWBRRREAKERRRRRRR JAAAAAAAAXXXXXOOOOON!" Crowd erupts as the long reigning Lord Darcy falls. A girl comes into the ring with the big shiny belt to strap it to my waist.

Lady_Darcy: I rush to the ring and slide in ring under the bottom rope to check on my husband...

Published: 2024-06-16, viewed 80 times.




2024-06-23 13:42

IThunder will destroy him, Lady Darcy. You deserve a champion


2024-06-16 18:28

Yeah…that was a real bad beating for her man!

Lady Darcy

2024-06-16 18:32

(In reply to this)

It's a tough sport! He'll be back.

Anastasia the brawler

2024-06-16 16:40

Hehe Miss Darcy..... poor you

Lady Darcy

2024-06-16 18:34

(In reply to this)

I stick by my man, win or lose!