Lord ﹠ Lady Darcy's Fight Club

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-07-06

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Bareknuckle/fistfight
  • Male / Male
  • Female / Female
A no holds barred underground fight club run by Lord & Lady Darcy
157 members
57 stories
2 photos
0 files

Elle vs Anastasia - "Teeth on the Ground" Hardcore Pro Match

Oh_Elle_No: Elle vs Anastasia Teeth on the Ground NHB Match


Anastasia_the_brawler: I wait on you in the ring ! Wearing my green bikini, warming up waiting on my opponent... after I destroyed country girl ! I wait on the match since a long time and want to make @Oh_Elle_No pay for her words !!! Yt


Lady_Darcy: BOOOOO!!!... BOOO!!!...

Oh_Elle_No: I strut out from the back waring my sexy little black string bikini and my trademark arrogant smirk on my pretty face, strutting toward the ring with my hands on my hips, feeling confident as always as climb into the ring and stand opposite my muscle bound bitch of an opponent today, trying to picture what she'll look like without teeth, I think "not any worse than she does now" and have a little chuckle to myself as I stand in my corner "You're time has finally come bitch! You're gonna pay for how you treated Anna in that match bitch"



lord_darcy: WOO-HOO!!... Come on Elle, tear her to pieces!

Anastasia_the_brawler: "You will look amazing and teethless bitch!" I do a double biceps ! "Hope you will be stronger than your pathetic friend !!" I hear lord and the future miss cheering for you... stupids!!! I raise my guard... ready to start !! "A last Word with your teeth bitch ??" Yt

Oh_Elle_No: I roll my eyes and shake my head at your threat "You'll be drinking through a straw for months after today bitch" I say as I raise my guard as well as the bell rings DING DING DING and I step out from my corner and start toward you, peering between my raised forearms at you as I inch closer and closer to you with each step, then with your guard raised as well, I try to pivot quickly on the ball of my left foot and swing my right foot up and around and aim to drill you in the outside of your left knee with my right foot..yt


Anastasia_the_brawler: I see you coming to me ! I smile... I see you pivoting and I feel a big pain against my knee.. I resist and don't want to scream... as you are taking your position again I throw a left jab to your face and a giant right hook trying to pass behind your guard tu hit your jaw as hard as I can yt

Oh_Elle_No: My foot finds it's mark and smacks hard into your knee, making it bend a little but you keep it planted and locked, and as I retract my let, SMACK...CRAAACK "Aghh...Aauuugghhfff!" you land a vicious combo, jabbing my face squarely between my guard, then drilling me in the left cheek with a hard right hook, snapping my head to the side, saliva sprays as my body spins 180 degrees and staggers away now..yt

Anastasia_the_brawler: I see your body spinning in front of me "how do you like my power stupid bitch??" I quickly wrap my arms around your waist and throw all my power to lift you up and throw your body backside... over mine to crash you hard on the mat yt

Oh_Elle_No: As I spin around and start to stagger away, I feel your strong vice like arms wrap around my waist to stop me and "Unnghhff" you clamp your arms tight, against my sexy stomach, then hoist me up and fall back tossing me over your head and driving me down onto my upper back and neck with a big suplex "UUaaannnnghhfffff!" I groan out loud as I land painfully on the mat and flop over onto my back, already in pan and gasping for air..yt

Anastasia_the_brawler: I roll quickly on 4 legs and feel the ring shaking after the impact... i stand up the fastest I can and come beside you, stomping your body wildly !!! I am like in a fury mode, trying to hurt your chest and abs badly !! Yt

Oh_Elle_No: As I lay on my back trying to regain my senses from your combo to my head and face, and catch my breath after your suplex, I am just about to sit up when "unnghff! Auughff! Aaugugh! Unnghff!" I let out a series of grunts an groans as you start to stomp my chest and stomach and I quickly roll toward the ropes as fast and hard as I can and try to roll under them and drop down to the relative safety of the concrete floor outside the ring..yt

Anastasia_the_brawler: I see you like disappeared!!! "Come back bitch !! I need your fucking teeth !!!" I do a double biceps for the crowd !!! I hear them cheering wildly for me... they know who is the strongest yt


muscolo55: Hi everyone, I'm a fan of Anastasia. I start to encourage her

Maggie_Mae: Go Ana take it to her

Oh_Elle_No: I drop to the cold hard concrete floor outside the ring and take a moment to catch my breath as I push up to my hands and knees and look into the ring to see you doing a double bicep pose. I grab the edge of the ring and start to pull myself to my feet and try to antagonize you and get you to come to me "that all you got skank!? You got you're shots in and I'm still standing! That's all you're gonna get!" I shout..yt

Oh_Elle_No: (All you cheering for Ana are just haters who are jealous of PERFECTION like me)

Anastasia_the_brawler: "Oooooooh shut up stupid bitch!!" I hear my fans around the ring ! I feel proud and powerful ! I wait on you to climb on the apron and rush forward.... I just want to hit your face with a brutal superman punch to the middle of your nose before you can get in the ring again !! Yt

muscolo55: but don't make me laugh!! Watch Anastasia and feast your eyes! Or maybe you can't see her well because of how much her eyes have swollen with her blows

Oh_Elle_No: You dont come to me at all and it seems you're waiting on me to come back in. "What's the matter Ana?! Afraid to fight out here where the real fun an happen?!" Again I try to entice you to come out toward me as I now stand fully outside the ring getting in fighting stance again..yt

Anastasia_the_brawler: Grrrrrr I groan loudly... "stop Make me losing time !!" I scream and get completely mad !!! I don't care I will crush you!!! I press my back against the ropes and use them as a catapult to rush forward... I jump over the top ropes and dive on you for a body splash yt

Oh_Elle_No: I see my words starting to take effect as your eyes narrow on me now and you lean back into the ropes and shoot yourself off them, the ring rumbling as you rush across it toward me standing outside the opposite ropes. You dive over them like a madwoman, out of control as I hoped you would be, and you open your body up looking to splash down into me, but as you go airborne, I hop to my right, widen my stance, cock my right leg back and as soon as you come down I try to time it just right and swing a huge enziguri kick into the left side of your fucking head with my right foot! yt

Anastasia_the_brawler: I am diving from over the ropes... and you move to the side... I cannot change my direction and see your leg moving fast up to my face... I try to replace my hands to protect me but it is too slow... your foot destroys my face with a Crack impact and my head bends backside... i fall on the floor hands on my face wriggling yt

Oh_Elle_No: My foot smashes violently into your face as you are airborne and sailing down toward me outside the ring, snapping your head back and dropping you in a heap onto the concrete floor outside the ring, your hands covering your face as you moan in pain. Seeing you like this I grin and step to your side, and start to rain a series of brutal stomps onto those hard abs you're so proud of, trying to break through them and start the process of reducing them to mush...yt

Anastasia_the_brawler: I fall on the cold floor and turn on my back hands on my face as my mouth bleed little bit.... I feel your heels crushing my abs several times ! I try to contract them to the max feeling them burning like hell hoping my muscles will protect me enough yt

Oh_Elle_No: My bare foot lands on your solid abs over and over again, driving more and more air out of your lungs with each stomp and forcing a series of lovely grunts and groans out of you but you tighten and flex them and I am having a hard time breaking through with just stomps so I decide to jump up, bending my legs and aim to land on your gut with BOTH knees and all my weight behind them..yt

Anastasia_the_brawler: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFT feel your knees crushing my muscles brutally... I have the feeling your knees just hit my organs more than my muscles... I turn on my side hands on my abs ! I try to roll away ! Damn the impact was so brutal ibcould vomit yt

Oh_Elle_No: Finally I feel your abs give way as I break through the solid exterior and crush your insides underneath. I roll off of you and push to my feet as you roll over onto your side, clutching your abs and moaning as I grin evilly and say "All them muscles and still can't compete with me, bitch!?!" and I try to take two big steps forward, planting my left foot and trying to swing my right toward your head to send a punting kick into your temple now! yt

Anastasia_the_brawler: I am pushing on my arms to move on 4 legs when I see your foot coming. I just have time to make my head dive a little bit so your foot slams on the top of my skull ! It burns but it is much less dangerous than a hit to my temple... I moan loud and try to stand up yt

Steven_Strong: Someones winning streak seems to have come to an end!

Microdick: 👀

Oh_Elle_No: My foot just narrowly misses a devastating blow to your temple, instead smashing into the back of your head, still hurting but not having the impact a temple shot would have. I regain my footing as you continue trying to stand up. "Here let me help ya bitch" I say as I grab your head with both hands, gripping your hair tight, then try to drop down and spread my legs apart as I drop, attempting to pull you back down with me and smash your face hard into the concrete floor with a facebuster..yt

Steven_Strong: Finish her Elle!

Microdick: 😧

Oh_Elle_No: Oh I'm just getting started

Nathan_gingerbread: Elle knows how

Steven_Strong: Turn her muscles into jelly!

Anastasia_the_brawler: You pull me up by my hair and I see you jumping for the face buster... instead of letting you do, at the moment you jump, I raise my knee hard throwing it full force between your legs, trying to make my knee meet your pussy full force as your feet don't touch the ground anymore yt

Oh_Elle_No: I will

Steven_Strong: Ow shit

TheBlackHulk: No way

Oh_Elle_No: I start to lift your head to jump up and as I do, you come to life and swing your knee up hard and SMAAACK "AAUUUUNNGHHFFF!" You drive it hard into my pussy, nailing me with a low blow between my legs, making my feet lift up off the floor as my jaw drops and eyes shoot open wide, my hands releasing your hair as I stagger back til my back hits the apron, my hands now buried between my legs as pain radiates from my pussy up and down my spine..yt

Steven_Strong: Nooooooooooo

Steven_Strong: Elleeeeeeeeee come on baby!

TinaFightsYou: Fuck her up Stacy

Anastasia_the_brawler: I take your hair with both hands !!! As we are against the apron I take a deep breath "let me take care of your baby face bitch" I step forward to the corner holding you by your hair and use my power and weight to throw you head first to the steel corner really wanting to make your nose explode !!! Yt

TheBlackHulk: Kick her ass babe

Steven_Strong: Oh god no... Boooooo, boooo.... Elle, come on!

Oh_Elle_No: Leaning against the apron my pussy on fire and hands down clutching my kitty allows you to grab my blonde hair and then drag me quickly toward the corner and I try to resist but I can't stop your size and strength from dragging me so I put my hands up the best I can in front of my face but still, a loud BOOONNGG echoes out around the venue as you smash my pretty face and my forehead brutally hard into the steel ring post "AAAAAUUUGGGHHFFF!" I shriek out as my nose takes the brunt and shatters, busting open as blood splatters onto the post and my face as my knees buckle and I start to slump down against the post...yt

TheBlackHulk: Oh he'll yes

Steven_Strong: 😰😰

Anastasia_the_brawler: "Not too quick bitch!!" Before you can fall I wrap my arms around your waist "hope you love to fly bitch !!" I scream loud and lift you, your back against my chest and slam you down on the floor behind me in a brutal German supplex!!! Trying to use all my power to slam you down hard ! Yt

Nathan_gingerbread: 🫸🫷

Steven_Strong: Damn you muscle bitch, let her go!

TheBlackHulk: Mmmmm

SexyJen: Anyone have 911 on speed dial?

Steven_Strong: Wait Jen, Elle is coming back, i'm sure!

TheBlackHulk: Lol

SexyJen: Gives Steven a very doubtful look

Oh_Elle_No: Before my knees even hit the floor, you are on me again, feeling your arms around my waist and your solid body pressing against my back as your arms clutch against my sexy belly, you squeeze, "unnghff" making me grunt out as blood drips onto my lips and chin from my nose, then "UUuuhhnngghhh!" You lift me up and hoist me up and over your head and slam me down violently hard with a loud, sickening CRAAAAACK sound as the back of my head and shoulders smashes down hard into the concrete floor "AAAAAUUUUNNNGGGHFFFFFF!" I shriek out in pain as my body contorts and flops like a fish for a moment then flops down flat on my back, engulfed in pain and stunned by the brutal landing on the back of my head. yt

SexyJen: Ouuuuuh....this is getting messy

Steven_Strong: Oh my god, Jen...hold my hand

SexyJen: Cuddles up into Steven's strong arm and hides my face into his chest...Gawd I can't watch

Steven_Strong: Mmmhhpp poor Elle... fuckkk, Jen...fuck!

Anastasia_the_brawler: I stand up and take a look at you !!! I smile to @Steven_Strong "hope you like to see your little bitch getting destroyed !!" I move to my opponent and take her hair... pulling her up on her knees ! I walk back facing @Oh_Elle_No ! I take a deep breath and run forward raising my right foot, targeting your face with a massive big boot!!! "Take that bitch !!!" Yt

TinaFightsYou: I got Elle next

Steven_Strong: Oh my fuckin god please dont hurt her even more!

Oh_Elle_No: I wince out as you drag me by my silky blonde hair onto my knees now, and leave me there swaying around in a semi-daze on my knees as you back away from me, blood dripping from my shattered nose down my face and onto my chest and stomach. I can't think clearly, but I still have my subconscious fighting and survival instincts, and something tells me I'm in a dangerous spot. Then, I hear some heavy footsteps smacking on the hard concrete in front of me, and every part of my being tells me to just lay back...so I do, showing off my amazing flexibility from all my years spent as a cheerleader, I lay back with my torso, doing a sort of kneeling matrix move allowing your foot to pass right over my body as I lay back with my legs bend under my body, making myself flat to avoid your kick..yt

Steven_Strong: Whooohhhh those moves! Yes Elle, yeahh!

Anastasia_the_brawler: My heel is coming full force to your face.... for me it was probably the winning strike and the end of your jaw ! As my foot meets nothing except air I lose a bit my balance and do three steps more after the place where your body was... I turn on myself and see you in a strange position... I try to climb on the apron and jump on you for a body splash, hopping to move quick enough to catch you before you stand up yt

Steven_Strong: Go Elle, go Elle!!!

Steven_Strong: Come on baby

Oh_Elle_No: As I lay in a sexy way on my back on the floor with my legs bent at the knees and my lower legs tucked under my body, having just narrowly avoided having my head taken off by your foot, I start to regain my focus a bit as air pumps back into my lungs with each breath. I hear your feet padding next to me then lift my head to see your big body perched on the apron, then leaping off and I desperately roll myself as hard and quick as I can to my right, trying to get out of the landing zone so you'll land hard on the concrete floor with nothing to break your fall!! yt

Nathan_gingerbread: 👀

Steven_Strong: Hmmmmmmmmm!

Anastasia_the_brawler: I am in the air as i see you rolling away !!!! The cold floor is now my only target.... FUUUUUCK !!!! SPLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ! my body hits the cold floor hard ! I wriggle a bit trying to breath as my chest is burning like hell !!! I slowly place my hands on the floor and push up to move on 4 legs breathing loudly yt

Steven_Strong: Oh yes, yes! Come on Elle!

Oh_Elle_No: I hear the loud, satisfying sound of your big, muscle-bound body smashing into the concrete floor where I had just been laying a split second earlier. I push to my hands and knees and see you starting to do the same next to me "Oh no you don't bitch!" I snarl as I try to push up first and dive toward you, dropping down and trying to do a hard punch straight into the back of your fucking head as I drop down, trying to stun you again and lay you back down flat on your stomach if I can..yt

Steven_Strong: Mmmmm fuck yeahh

Anastasia_the_brawler: My upper body slowly raises from the floor... I hear you moving but I am focus on only one thing... I need to stand up... suddenly I feel the back of my head burning like hell ! I see the whole place turning as my brain is throwing adrenaline in my body to wake me up but the impact is off guard and brutal ! I fall face to the floor a bit stunned yt

Steven_Strong: The muscle girl is getting weak!

Steven_Strong: Fuck her up Elle

Oh_Elle_No: My fist to the back of your head connects with a lovely CRACK sound that sends your body collapsing back down face first on the floor. Now I'm on my feet standing over you as you moan stunned into the concrete "let's see if we can't paint that fugly face of yours a nice shade of red too bitch" I say with an evil grin as I stand with one foot on each side of your body and bend down and grab both your wrists, one in each hand, and pull up and back on your arms, attempting to lift your upper body off the floor and hold you there while I bring my right foot up and place it on the back of your head and say "Ana....meet concrete!" then I stomp down as hard as I can as I release your wrists trying to curb stomp you into the arena floor..yt

Steven_Strong: Wwwwoooowwwwwwwwwwwww babe!

Anastasia_the_brawler: I scream in pain as you pull me up by my wrists... I feel your foot behind my head knowing exactly what will happen... I wriggle as hard as I can but it is impossible to break the position... suddenly my face dives forward and hit the floor brutally !!! My nose explodes bleeding !!! I wriggle on the floor moaning in pain yt

Steven_Strong: Ohh yessss that happens when you hurt Elle...you look fucking weak right now muscle milf

Oh_Elle_No: I drive your fucking face brutally hard into the concrete floor with my foot, busting your nose open like you did me, giving me some satisfaction with the payback as you now lay bleeding and moaning and wiggling on the arena floor. I look around the venue and see all kinds of goodies with your name all over them. Then, I bend over and grab your head with both hands, trying to drag you onto your knees and make you crawl with me as I back us up toward a pile of old wooden boards near the ring. Some of them even have little tacks and nails sticking out of them. I grin wickedly and lick my lips as I try to pull you on up to your feet now so I can bury my knee in your gut, trying to bend you over and wrap my left arm around your head, then I try to dive backwards and drive your head into the pile of boards with a dangerous DDT...yt

Steven_Strong: Whhoohooooooooo stunning!!! Keep it up Elle! Destroy her!


Anastasia_the_brawler: You lift me up and drive me... feeling completely stunned... my face and chest with huge red splashes.... I double over as you knee my abs and my whole body dives.... my face hitting the wood and nails cutting my forehead open... I bounce on them amd finish stunned on my back yt

Steven_Strong: HAhahaha weakling, weakling!

Oh_Elle_No: After laying you out face down on the pile of rubble, I sit up next to you and get to my feet, grabbing your arm to drag you over and flop you onto your back on the pile, revealing your bleeding face to everyone as I leave you there now, admiring my handiwork for a moment before I walk a few feet away and grab one of the many wooden crates laying around. I drag it closer to you now before I climb on top of it, balancing on it, my back to you now, I look back over my shoulder to see you still laying in position over the rubble. Then, I bend my knees, and explode up and backwards, performing a perfect backflip through the air before opening my body back up and looking to land across your big frame, trying to nail you with a moonsault on the rubble..yt

Steven_Strong: Oh Elle Yes ;)

Anastasia_the_brawler: I lay on my back breathing deeply... I try to move but my brain is like freezed after the DDT !! I hear noises around me.... I see you climbing on the crate... "MOOOVE"my brain is screaming but my body moves nearly not.... I see your body flying and doing a flip over me.... landing hard on me !!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFGFFF !!! Feel my body like cutting in two pieces !!! YT

Steven_Strong: Oh fuck yesss mmmmmmmm

Steven_Strong: The muscle milf is in so much trouble!

Oh_Elle_No: My sexy stomach lands hard and squarely across yours with a loud SMACK as I start to break through those abs of yours. Your body flops in agony on the pile of broken boards and nails as I roll onto my knees after landing the moonsault. Then, I put my hands on your abs and push down playfully "almost there" I say as I try to gauge how much resistance then have left. I push my hands fully into your stomach now, using your body to help push to my feet. I walk away and return carrying a big thick 2x4, and standing next to you now I say with an evil smirk "you and all those muscles and abs were no match for the PERFECTION that is me, bitch!" I say as I grip the board and lift it over you then try to jam it down into your stomach as hard as I can, like I'm trying to drive a stake into the ground. Then I lift it up and jam it down again, and again, over and over until I see signs that I'm finally reducing your abs and insides to mush..yt

Steven_Strong: Yes, ohhh her belly.... oh yes Elle!

TinaFightsYou: Come on Anastasia!!!!

Steven_Strong: Shes doneeee Tina

Anastasia_the_brawler: I wriggle on the floor... moaning in pain... feeling the wood and nails ripping my back... I see you coming with something on your shoulder ! Before I have time to do anything I feel a huge pain in my abs... then again... then again... feel my stomach burning.... and again !!! And again.... my body is convulsing and I turn on my side... my stomach giving up like my whole body and I vomit a mix of blood.... holding my abs crying like a baby yt

TinaFightsYou: I can’t believe this punk ass bitch is winning

Steven_Strong: Abs? You still call them abs? That weak jiggling mess?

TheBlackHulk: me either

Oh_Elle_No: I watch with pleasure as you are finally reduced to a pile of bleeding, vomiting mush, your big old body rolling over onto your side on the rubble as you convulse and spew blood and vomit all over. Your hold your abs and sob openly as I drop the board and punt you in the stomach, forcing you to roll over onto the nasty mess you just spewed, so that you now lay awkwardly over the boards and nails covered in your own blood and vomit. Then, I mount you, dropping my ass onto your stomach and gripping your hair with my left hand, lifting your head up as I draw back with my right and drive a hard right fist straight into your face now, this time aiming for your mouth...yt

TinaFightsYou: Pffft

Anastasia_the_brawler: I roll in the disgusting vomit and blood... feel the nails against my back again... "no please... no... have mercy... you won... please... no!" I whisper totally in panic ! My body spasming under yours.... i see you moving your fist back... "NO NOOOO N...." BAM your fist slams against the bottom of my nose and my mouth... blood splashing... letting a big mark on your fingers... feel really stunned yt

TinaFightsYou: Weak ass skank

Cassy_Kay: Slipping in just in time to see the begging and left more than a bit flustered at the view.

Steven_Strong: Yea very weak

TheBlackHulk: lol

JasWar: Not surprised at all the two of us were attracted by that most promisingly sounding advertising in main!

Cassy_Kay: Nods and slips a bit closer to finish watching. "Not one bit."

JasWar: *wraps one arm around your shoulder and snuggles in to enjoy this delicious display of violence together*

Oh_Elle_No: My first fist to your mouth and nose sends blood splattering everywhere, but knowing this is a "teeth on the ground" match, and knowing I can't technically pin you until your teeth are on the ground, I still have a ways to go. So, I start rocking your head back and forth now as I stay mounting you, driving my right fist into your mouth and jaw, then my left, then my right, then left, softening you up good before taking a pause to admire your fucked up face, still...your teeth remain. I turn my head to the side, seeing the crate I jumped off of before, and lift it up to see what's inside. "oohhhh....that's perfect" I say to myself as I reach in and grab a paper bag and pull it out, and I reach inside the bag with my right hand and pull out a fistful of little metal tacks! I grin evilly as I look at your face now and with my left hand, grab your tit and twist, trying to make you howl out in pain and open your jaw in the process, and as soon as you do, I try to shove a fistful of tacks in your mouth before letting your tit go. Then, not wanting to waste any time, I push my hands into your chest to stand up over you, leaping straight up into the air, kicking my legs out in front of me, and landing my sexy bikini-clad ass right on your fucking head and face and mouth filled with tacks! yt

Anastasia_the_brawler: I look at you eyes wide open and tears down my eyes... I know I cannot do anything now... at each punch my head snaps brutally to the side! Spit and blood splashing the floor around me !!! I scream as you crush my tits and realize too late it was a trick to make open my mouth... the metal tacks filling my mouth as I look at you in terror ! I see your ass diving to my face and compressing my head and jaw, my tongue and the inside of my cheeks shredded by the tacks.... as you move away I turn my head to the side, spitting blood and tacks yt

Oh_Elle_No: After landing on your face with my perfect ass, feeling some of the tacks that were in your mouth poke into my butt as I land on you with a wet squishy sound, smearing your blood onto my butt before I rise off of you and you spit blood and tacks up, but no teeth. "Ok, you're resilient I'll give you that. But one one way or another...those teeth are gonna be on the ground!" I shout as I grab your hair and drag your heay body rouvghly across the concrete floor toward the corner of the ring. I lean you up against the ring post now so you're sititng on your ass. Then I grab some rope I saw in that crate and return to you, tying your arms against your side, then your whole body against the post. yt

TinaFightsYou: How is this happening???

Steven_Strong: Because Elle is the dom en muscle girl is the sub ;)

TinaFightsYou: How though???

TheBlackHulk: I have no idea

TinaFightsYou: Look at this bimbo

Anastasia_the_brawler: I only feel the taste of the blood in my mouth.... you pull me up... my legs shaking under me. My chest covered by blood... you press my body against the corner... I use my last strength to stay on my feet... hearing the crowd... crying.... you tie me and I am locked against the corner knowing how I will finish... oh my god.. yt

TinaFightsYou: 👎🏻👎🏻👊🏻

Steven_Strong: oh my god..

Oh_Elle_No: I get you tied securely to the corner post and you are barely able to stay upright if it were not for the rope I tied you with. I leave you there and get down and reach under the ring, grabbing something long, cold, and steel, and pull it out, revealing a 4 foot long metal pipe. I rise to my feet and strut like an executioner in front of you, standing there now, my stance side, slapping the end of the pipe over and over into one hand, letting you hear just how heavy it is. "Well, I'd like to say you put up a good fight, old lady, but really...all those muscles and you're just as soft as they come. Now....gimme those teeth!" I shout as I wind up the pipe like I'm holding a baseball bat "Someone better call the ambulance!" and then I swing the bat forward as fast and hard as I can, aiming the end of it right for your jaw and mouth! yt

TheBlackHulk: good night!

JasWar: Holy shit is this good. I am in complete awe. Is this fucking good.

Steven_Strong: Elle is owning it!

Cassy_Kay: I have to be careful to not bite through my lip

TinaFightsYou: Elle is a weak bitch

TinaFightsYou: I can’t believe what im watching

Steven_Strong: You are a weak bitch

TinaFightsYou: Your mom is a weak bitch

Anastasia_the_brawler: I barely wriggle against the corner I can see you searching under the ring ! My body convulsing in terror as I see the metal pipe !!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO !!!! My scream is interrupted by a loud CLONG ! My head snaps to the side... spit blood and teeth flying out of my mouth...my head falls down chin on my chest blood and some more teeth falling as I am outcold yt

Oh_Elle_No: I can feel the brutal impact of the end of the pipe landing against your face, crushing and probably shattering your jaw as the force knocks your teeth clean out, shattered pieces of teeth spews along with the blood out of your mouth as you instantly go out cold, your head dropping down and more teeth fall from your mouth onto the floor. I drop the blood covered pipe and untie you and let you collapse like a corpse to the arena floor, landing on your own teeth. I drop my sexy young body down on top of yours, my belly flopping down across your soft abs as my left hand pushing on the bloody mess that was your face, and my right pushes down on your pussy. The pin just a formality, but serves to make the match official. "One........two........three.....DING DING DING" yt

TinaFightsYou: Boooooooooooo 🖕🏻

JasWar: Delicious. Absolutely fucking delicious. I never expected to witness something that awesome. Thank you so much, both of you!

Anastasia_the_brawler: My body falls like a hammer... I lay down totally outsold.. unable to move yt

Steven_Strong: Elle!!!! You did it, y ou did it!!!

Nathan_gingerbread: Steals a tooth and puts it in pocket

Oh_Elle_No: The bell rings and I almost reluctantly peel my abs off yours and push to my feet beside you, planting my bare right foot on your toothless mouth now as I strike a sexy pose on you and say "You should have known bitch...you just can't mess with.....perfection!" yt (or end?)

TinaFightsYou: As Elle stands over Anastasia, i climb over the barrier, spearing her from behind. Sitting up atop her back, i grab her blonde hair with both hands. Bringing her head up, i slam it violently into the floor repeatedly. “You been hiding from me for a long time bitch!!!” I scream at you. “I told you i was gonna get yer ass!!!”

Anastasia_the_brawler: Completely out cold.... under you... I think..... I will need... a good dentist... but I want a rematch!!!!!!!!!!!

Anastasia_the_brawler: End

Steven_Strong: Oh Tina, you shouldnt have done that!

Oh_Elle_No: Fun match Ana!

Oh_Elle_No: I stand victorious and totally dominant over my decimated opponent, posing on her with that trademark arrogant smirk on my pretty face when all of a sudden "AAauuugghhhff!" I yelp out and feel a sharp pain in my lower back as my body jolts forward and crashes down chest and belly first onto the bloody concrete floor. Then I feel a weight on my back pinning me down and I can't even turn around to see who it it before I feel my head being jerked up by the hair and CRAACK "AAAGGGHH!!" CRAAACK.....CRAAACCCCK "AAUUGHH! AAUUGGH!" I start to scream out as I feel my pretty face bashed over and over onto the concrete now, making it explode in pain as my already shattered nose is busted even more, and now my lips explode as well, my mouth starting to fill with blood. yt

TinaFightsYou: I slam yer face into the floor one more time, yelling down at you, “I told you i was coming for you Elle!!!” Making my way to my feet, i stand over you and deliver a hard kick to yer ribs. “Come on tough stuff… get up!!!” I shout and i send a second kick to your head.

Steven_Strong: Noooo, Elle!

Oh_Elle_No: You smash my pretty face into the concrete floor one more time with a loud CRAAACK and then get off me, kicking me hard in the ribs "UUHHNNGGHHFF!" rocking me over onto my back, my face bloody as I lay there stunned when WHAAAAAACK "AAAUUUUGGHHFHFFFF" you send a big kick into my head, snapping it to the side blood spewing from my mouth. yt

Steven_Strong: Fuck you Tina, mean bitch! I run at you and wrap my arm around your neck...Get away from her, she had a well deserved win! Let her enjoy it.. As i punch your belly hard! "Thats for Elle, bitch"

TinaFightsYou: Stepping over you, staring down at you, broken. I cock my right foot back and send a kick as hard as i can into yer face. “Not so perfect now slut,” i say as i cock back and send a final shot into that pretty mouth of yers.

Steven_Strong: Get her Elle

Oh_Elle_No: You get off me and deliver another brutal kick straight into my face, smashing the back of my head into the concrete floor again, nearly knocking me out with that blow but I somehow hold onto conscious a little bit longer, then......with a loud sickening CRAAAAACK you drill me in the mouth one last time with your foot, this time dislocating my jaw as my head snaps and the impact forces my body to roll over as blood, and now....teeth, fly from my mouth and I am knock out could as my body flops over now onto my stomach, teeth and blood strewn around my head same as my opponent's.

TinaFightsYou: (Sorry y’all… RL calls)

Published: 2024-06-21, viewed 71 times.




2024-06-29 16:38

This was so good you both were amazing I enjoyed and love every minute of this fight


2024-06-21 12:12

I was so honored to watch the end of the actual fight as it happened and now am even more excited after reading all of this. This is next level brutality. I LOVE it. Awesomely done. I'd love to have a crack at either of you at some point.

Anastasia the brawler

2024-06-23 16:04

(In reply to this)

Thanks for your comments !!! Next time I will win!!!