Lord ﹠ Lady Darcy's Fight Club

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-07-06

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Bareknuckle/fistfight
  • Male / Male
  • Female / Female
A no holds barred underground fight club run by Lord & Lady Darcy
148 members
52 stories
2 photos
0 files

Lady Darcy's Fight Club Bareknuckle Boxing: Brad Jaxon (c) vs. Bob the Rock

Bob the Rock (deleted member)

Lady_Darcy: I swagger out to the ring dressed in a black body suit, a microphone in my hand, ready to address the crowd in Lord & Lady Darcy's Fight Club. I climb into the ring to resounding cheers from the crowd.

Lady_Darcy: "Good evening darlings and... Welcome to Lord & Lady Darcy's Fight Club!!..." The crowd cheers loudly. "Tonight's MAIN EVENT is a TITLE MATCH in the... MEN'S BAREKNUCKLE BOXING DIVISION..." Again the crowd cheers. "Our... newly crowned champion... BRAD JAWBREAKER JAXON... is gonna defend his title against a... local challenger... BOB THE ROCK..." The crowd cheers again. "Now I know y'all, like me, are lookin' forward to seeing these... two young studs... goin' at it in the ring... to see which one of them is... tough enough... to be the Men's Bareknuckle Champion at Lord & Lady Darcy's Fight Club... because this is a FIGHT TO THE FINISH... OLD SCHOOL RULES... NO 3 KNOCKDOWN RULE or anything like that... when a fighter is knocked down they have 30 seconds to recover and get back up to the scratch line... the fight goes on until one of these two tough guys is either... BEATEN UNCONSCIOUS and CAN'T GET UP TO SCRATCH or they THROW IN THE TOWEL because they can't take anymore..." Once more the crowd cheers. "So darlings, let's get a look at these two WARRIORS... (grins provocatively) ... INTRODUCING FIRST... THE CHALLENGER... at 5'10" tall and a toned 180lbs... here is... BOB... THE... ROCK!!!!..."

Bob_the_Rock: I hear Lady Darcy’s voice booming on the sound system, the crowd being lively and attentive. It’s now time to go out ring side and to meet the champion on the scratch line. He will outweigh me and also will have a reach advantage as well, but none of this matters. I’ll just have to be not at home wherever those big fists strike. The instantaneous recognition that I will get when I knock this fucker senseless is well worth the risk. I strut confidently down to the ring, get searched by the “ref”. Tonight I’m wearing some black very short boxing gloves, right fist wrapped with red gauze, left with black gauze. Looking handsome, confident and dangerous. 

Bob_the_Rock: I now stand in my corner, swipe the air with a few hooks, jabs and uppercuts as I wait for my big opponent to enter the ring.

Lady_Darcy: I watch Bob the Rock strut to the ring and climb in. I look over at some of the women in the front row and give them a smirking grin before I flounce over to Bob and ask him to raise his arms while I pat his toned body down and give him the once over check. "Okay Bob, nothing concealed there then... and in those shorts it would be pretty hard to conceal anything wouldn't it?... (smiles)... Now you better be ready sweetie, 'cause I've seen Brad Jaxon fight, and he is a... monster..." I give Bob a smile and make my way back to the centre of the ring to continue.

Bob_the_Rock: Before she announces Jaxon, Lady Darcy personally searches me, give my shorts, and the contents, what can only be a heavy-handed pat down, groping and squeezing to make sure there are no concealed weapons. She then gives me a warning about Jaxon, which apparently the bookies are already onto, giving the champion 3.5:1 odds of victory, using an AI program to compute betting odds. Fuck this, I have my strategy for taking down the big guy.

Lady_Darcy: "Okay folks, now it's time to get our CHAMPION out here... and I'd better tell you that our champion is... TOUGH... and I should know, he gave my husband, Lord Darcy, a serious ass-whipping to win the club title so, please welcome to the ring... the LORD & LADY DARCY'S FIGHT CLUB MEN'S BAREKNUCLE BOXING CHAMPION... standing 6'2" tall and weighing in at 230lbs here is... BRAD... 'THE JAWBREAKER... JAXON!!!'..." I turn and point to backstage as I await Brad to make his entrance...

Brad_Jaxon: I knew my next fight would have to come sooner or later. Only title defences from here on out. I've been at the gym, belt coming with me wherever I go and training hard for the next challenge. That day comes as Lady Darcy informs me of my first title defence. Back in the locker rooms gearing up. Lacing up my old school leather boxing boots. Short, old school faded red with faded silver trim, boxing trunks that belonged to my grandfather in his boxing days. Wrists and hands taped with white and knuckles exposed. Waiting at the curtain as Lady D calls you down to the ring in this packed house. Waiting my turn to be called. My intro sounds and music hits. Coming down to the ring in the title belt and short snug trunks. Bulging bulge and muscles. 6'0 230 lbs of hard-hitting man. I slap some hands on my way down to the ring before getting inside. I get to my corner as Lady D firmly pats me down and asks for the belt. I hesitantly give it over to her. But it’s all formality. She holds it up to show off the belt to the crowd.

Lady_Darcy: I give Brad the same, scrupulous, body pat down that I gave Bob, licking my lips and gently panting as I run my hands over him. “Okay, nothing there I wasn’t expecting… (grins)… and everything I was expecting… let’s have the belt big guy…” I take the title belt from you and walk to the middle of the ring with it held over my head, gently swaying my curvy hips as I walk. I sling the belt over my shoulder and hold out my arms towards each of you, beckoning you towards the middle of the ring and the scratch line. I look around and nod my head for the referee I have hired to also come to the middle of the ring.

Brad_Jaxon: I step up to the scratch line shaking my arms out and face you. Smaller guy. I should have this in the bag, but you never know in this sport.

Bob_the_Rock: I now look you over, your size would naturally make anyone nervous, but I shrug this off and step up to the scratch line, forming an orthodox stance. Left fist leading, left foot leading, elbows tucked in, and right fist held near my chin. I begin to bounce on the balls of my feet, and bob erratically from side to side.

Lady_Darcy: “Okay boys, we’re all looking forward to a good fight… (looks you both over and smiles)… you both look in great shape and I’m sure you’ll give me… uh… I mean give the crowd… your best.” I step aside. “Now you boys wait for the bell, I don’t want you going off… half-cocked…” I nod my head towards the referee and then make my way out of the ring, where I hand the belt to an assistant and take hold of a cocktail they were holding for me.

Lady_Darcy: I look at a buxom, blonde, woman standing near me holding a betting slip, “Who ya got in this one sweetie?” I look at her betting slip and take an intake of breath, “Taking the long odds huh, good luck sweetie, ya’ll need it.” I raise my right arm and click my fingers for the bell. Nothing happens. I turn and look at the timekeeper… “HEY BOZO!!...” I angrily shout and click my fingers again… DING… DING… DING… The bell rings.

Bob_the_Rock: Lady D signals for the bell. Nothing happens, so she snaps her fingers again, and suddenly DING! And it’s on. I brace myself and start to move out to my right to try to circle, not wanting to rush in too quickly.

Brad_Jaxon: Fists coming up as I too choose orthodox stance. I have the younger age by 6 years, 50 lbs weight advantage and 4-inch reach. With rounds only ending with a knockdown and then 30 second rest and then 10 seconds to return to the scratch line, you'd swear we were prize-fighters in the late 1800's. The bell rings and I start to circle with you but become the aggressor as I counter circle and throw out a straight right left jab to your head then duck down with a right hook to your left ribs.

Bob_the_Rock: I begin to circle, but you cut me off, making a counter circle and then you start the aggressive moves, first with a straight right and left jab at my face, which I can parry using my left and right forearms. I try to counter punch fast, a left jab and right straight towards your nose, but fuck, you ain't home as my strikes only pound empty airspace as you drop down and SLAM a fucking right hook into my ribs like I'm a side of beef. For a big guy, you are fast. I breath in hard and move back a few steps to reset my guard watching closely, knowing you might be on me quickly.

Brad_Jaxon: Giving you a taste of my power. Former Golden gloves and NCBA collegiate boxing champ. You step back anticipating a quick follow up from that body shot but I take my time. Pushing forward but not rushing. Trying to cut the ring off and force you to back to the ropes. I lead with a jab, jab with my left to your face, jab to the body. Then feint a jab to the body and snap an overhand right to the base of your jaw.

Bob_the_Rock: I'm working through the pain in my ribs, and as I expect, you come at me, but not too fast, more stalking than rushing. The ropes are coming up behind me, and not wanting to be trapped, I try to stand my ground now, and show this hulk I ain't no pussy. JAB JAB comes out to the face and then JAB to the body. I use my right forearm to deflect those jabs to my face, but the third JAB connects to my pecs, and I shudder from the impact. You feint a jab to my body again, and I drop my guard to try to deflect something that never comes. My eyes open wide as the overhand right snaps out towards my jaw, forcing me slip my head to my left, and step closer, letting your punch land over my right shoulder. I then counter punch fast, with a quick right straight at your solar plexus, twisting my arm to increase the power, and then a quick left shovel hook towards your liver, hoping to drive my left fist up in under your ribs and make that liver bounce.

Brad_Jaxon: My jab connects to your body, thinking that maybe your body is the way to break you down in this fight. The overhand misses as you step in with a shot to the solar plexus that makes me grunt a bit. Thank God for big pecs and sweaty skin or that shot might have been more devastating. It still sucks. I step in hard after that as your liver shot crazes my skin and slides off the back side. I press my chest to yours, bulge to bulge and clinch. Then driving a right punch/elbow to your face and two left shovel hooks to your lower right ribs. Too blind to target your liver. But using the clinch to drive you back to the ropes.

Bob_the_Rock: My right corkscrew punch catches you in the solar plexus, but man, it hits a pretty solid wall of muscle. My shovel hook to liver glances off your ribs and skin and just slides off behind you. You step in closer, your chest slamming into mine, our bulges pressing together, and you connect a right punch to the side of my face as I'm bringing my left back up, but fortunately it's a short range punch without the power that could be generated if we were not clinched up, it still hurst my jaw, twisting my face to my right. Two shovel hooks snap into my ribs, leaving bruising marks, and I try to suck up the pain, as you drive me back into the ropes with your larger, more muscular body. I try to shove you back a step with my left hand pushing into your pecs, and then swing a right hook towards your jaw, and then bring the right back, and try second hook towards your left eye socket.

Brad_Jaxon: The clinch is working to my favour as I hold you against your will and get in some short but useful shots. Crowd loving the hard action so far. As you push off, I try to bring my guard up to block the right but only successful at blocking the inside of the arm stopping you from rotating into the full punch but still knocking my head a bit. As you pull back and cock that arm and fist for a follow up, I drop low and slam a left hook to your lower abs at the belt line and right hook to your left ribs then pivot step right and come up with a left uppercut to your chin sneaking it under your arm as I stand to your side.

Bob_the_Rock: As I try to swing a second look at your jaw, you drop under it, my right fist swings in the air above your head, leaving me unbalanced and exposed, as you are low, SLAMING a left hook into my abs, just above the trunk line, the impact making my cock and balls bounce inside my protective cup. I tightened my abs to absorb the impact, it was still painful and unsettling. I drop my left to swipe away your right hook, but then suddenly your left uppercut comes up, pounding into my chin, your fist catching me in the jaw, my head snaps back, spit sprays everywhere, my back presses deeply into the top ropes, and then my knees buckle and I slide down the ropes to land on my butt, glassy eyed, and dazed but still conscious, wondering what the fuck......I look up and see you towering over me, your fists still ready....

Brad_Jaxon: The uppercut lands as expected. Watching you crumble to the canvas off of the rope is such a stroke to my ego. Even a bounce of my manhood in my groin guard when I see you fall and the bell rings to end the round. I walk over to my corner as my cornerman kneels down for me to sit on his knee as he feeds me water and gives advice on the fight so far. It's kind of a blur as I just watch your cornerman struggle to get you up to your feet and for you to sit on his knee to give us that 30 second break. Feeling good about myself and this match so far.

Lady_Darcy: I look at the buxom, blonde, woman and hold out my cocktail glass, “Hold this for me sweetie, and order me another one while you’re at it, watching these boys slugging it out is… thirsty… work.”

Lady_Darcy: As the blonde woman turns to the bar to get me another drink, I hold up the microphone to make an announcement… “After 1 minute and 20 seconds into the fight, we have our… first… knockdown!... (I look at Bob as his corner man is helping him up.)… Thirty seconds to get back up to scratch Bob…” I turn around and look for my drinks, keeping an eye on the timekeeper to ring the bell after 30 seconds.

Bob_the_Rock: My corner man gets me to my feet, settles me down, gives me water. I feel woozy but try to pull myself together. I'm gonna win this, I tell myself, and vow to come out fighting. Ten second warning, and I'm now up on my feet, mouth guard inserted. I move out to the scratch line, and get my guard up, into orthodox stance. I watch as you reform your stance and give you a long cold stare. DING!

Brad_Jaxon: 30 seconds goes by fast as we are ordered back to scratch. I'm in good shape but i think i see your eyes looking a little glassy still. Back in my orthodox stance. As soon as the bell rings I step forward with a mean left jab popping at your head with a right uppercut to your plexus. Then I switch stance with my right forward. circle right with a right jab and right hook, both to your face.

Bob_the_Rock: Just as in round 1, you begin aggressive action first. I think I'm feeling OK, but a left JAB pops out fast, and it catches me in the nose, causing blood to dribble out onto my upper lip. I blink my eyes, as I try to focus, and as the right uppercut swings out, I lean back to avoid it. You switch stance now, as you circle right, sending a right jab to my face, but this time I use my left forearm to parry it, and then weave under your hook. I realise this is a good opportunity to be in, as you may have overestimated my weakness, and I go all out for it, trying to swing a right uppercut up towards your chin as I raise up, a left uppercut towards your liver region and a right hook towards your temple, swinging furiously at you!

Brad_Jaxon: Switching my stance backfires badly as the uppercut catches me by surprise dropping my arms a bit out of sheer body reaction to the hard uppercut. Seeing stars a bit and inadvertently block the liver shot. Then the right hook sends spit and sweat flying as I stumble to the ropes. Crowd on their feet as I bring my guard up. Noticeably hurt by that exchange. I don't move to a corner an instead stay and wait for you to come to me. Then pop a right cross feint and instead go low for a left right hook combo to the ribs and try to pivot around you and push you to the ropes.

Bob_the_Rock: My uppercut connects to your chin, and I know it’s a solid hit by the impact on my knuckles, the crowd roars with their approval and astonishment. You block my liver shot with your, movements, but my right hook lands solid and sends you into the ropes. I feel an adrenalin rush and follow you quickly, thinking I can win this fight. Your guard goes up, and as I come towards you a right cross is feinted, that stops me from approaching. I raise my guard, but then a low left hook combo connects with my ribs, BAM BAM!!! I grunt in pain, and try to suck it up, and suddenly you pivot around me and push me into the ropes. I use the spring in the ropes to bound back towards you fast, trying a left and right hook combo towards your jaws.

Brad_Jaxon: I'm hoping that was just a series of lucky shots. I stop trying to be fancy and just box smart. Which pays off as the body hooks hit their mark making you grunt in pain. The sound I want to hear. I do misjudge the amount of spring in the ropes as you come back at me as I try to lead a right cross to your face. I block your right hook but get nailed with the left as it brings the stars back. A bit glassy eyed as I stand my ground then put my lead left fist out to your face to distract you. I pop it back slightly to hit your nose then right uppercut to your jaw. angle step right and try a right hook to your gut and left shovel hook to your liver.

Bob_the_Rock: My quick momentum pushes your leading right cross back, as my face comes into it before it gains any power, then my right hook is blocked, but my left nails you in the jaw. You're really big, and that hook does not drop you. Suddenly your lead left comes out, which is curious, I try to slap it away with my right as you cock it back, but it does distract me from your right coming up, and slamming into my jaw with a massive bang, spit fly’s out of my mouth and into your face as my head twists to the right, A right hook slams into my gut causing me to lower my guard, so that nasty shovel hook hits my right forearm, which hurst, but spares the liver. I wobble a little, eyes tearing up after the big right uppercut to my jaw. My back is to ropes so no retreat available, so I try to slug it out. With my guard down, I try a shovel hook towards your liver region, and a right straight at your solar plexus.

Brad_Jaxon: I have the size advantage in this fight meaning your hits need to be quicker and with more precision and more of them. I can't rely on strength alone and need to work technique in there too. Despite seeing stars I manage to fight smart and blind you to that uppercut with my fist giving me back the momentum as you head snaps back hard making the audience cringe. Then the body shots follow as the crowd senses another potential knockdown. You go for broke giving no regard to your guard as I stay on you like a predator to pray. I eat the body shots as I grunt and groan but fire a right hook to the cheek, left uppercut to your chin, and a right hook to your jaw base.

Bob_the_Rock: My body shots would probably have dropped someone of my size to the canvass, but that extra 50 pounds of muscle that you carry just carried the day. As I try to work your body, suddenly right hook smashes into my cheek, opening a cut, blood dribbling down the left side of my face, then an uppercut to my chin snaps my head back, and a right hook to my jaw smashes in, twisting my face to the right. I wobble on my knees as my brain bounces inside my skull, at first my vision is ok, then blurs, then my knees crash into the canvass, and I fall face first into the canvass, knocked out. Dreams of a title shattered with three severe headshots.

Brad_Jaxon: Wincing from those last body shots as my knees buckle but hold as I deliver the blows to end this title fight. The state of your consciousness diminishes with each shot Until your eyes roll back and you collapse the canvas. My cornerman comes into the ring as the bell rings. With my back turned the bell rings multiple more times signalling the end of the fight. Ref is waving off the fight as you lay unconscious on the canvas with some blood coming from your nose and cut adding to the stains in the canvas.

Lady_Darcy: I put my cocktail glass down on the bar and look at the blonde woman ripping up her betting slip. “Never mind sweetie, your boy did well… he came… second…” I pick up the microphone and the title belt and make my way towards the ring.

Lady_Darcy: "Your winner… by way of knockout… and STILL LORD & LADY DARCY’S FIGHT CLUB… MEN'S BAREKNUCKLE BOXING CHAMPION!.... BRRRRAAAAD… THE JAWBREAKER… JAAAAAAXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOON!" I climb up onto the ring apron and step into the ring, making my way over to Brad and hand him the belt. “Congratulations Brad, you got anything ya want to say?...”

Bob_the_Rock: My corner man comes to me quickly, and smelling salts bring me around. But I'm very groggy, disoriented, clearly not with it.... asking multiple times the same question, what the fuck? what the fuck happened? what the fuck.....

Brad_Jaxon: I get interviewed saying how I had little doubt in my head that I'd win this fight and retain the men's title, but this little guy can hit so props to him. The interview finishes and I head out of the ring and back to the locker room.

Published: 2024-07-04, viewed 46 times.



Lady Darcy

2024-07-04 22:33

After Brad Jaxon has left with the title belt, and the seconds have carried Bob the Rock backstage, I return to the bar for (yet) another cocktail. The buxom, blonde, woman is at the bar drowning her sorrows while she reads some computer printout. I look over at the printout, it is entitled "AI Fight Analysis" and reads as follows.

Analysis and Summary of the Fight Between Bob "The Rock" and Brad "Jawbreaker" Jaxon:

Summary Count of Punches:
Brad Jaxon: Thrown: 18 punches Landed: 13 punches
Bob the Rock: Thrown: 13 punches Landed: 8 punches

Round 1: Bob is knocked down by Brad with a left uppercut to the chin. Bob is down for 30 seconds, then returns to the scratch line.
Round 2: Bob is knocked out by a series of punches from Brad: right hook to the cheek, left uppercut to the chin, and right hook to the jaw base.

Brad Jaxon: Demonstrated aggression, power, and technical skill. Effectively used his size and strength advantages. Consistently pressured Bob and capitalized on openings. Maintained composure and control throughout the fight, leading to a decisive knockout.
Bob the Rock: Showed resilience, strategy, and determination. Landed several significant punches but struggled against Brad's superior power. Managed to recover from the first knockdown but was ultimately overwhelmed by Brad's relentless attack. Fought valiantly but was outmatched in the end.

Brad Jaxon successfully defended his title with a knockout victory in the second round. Despite Bob's valiant effort and strategic counterattacks, Brad's size, power, and technical skill proved too much to overcome, leading to a definitive and emphatic win for the champion.

I put my arm around the woman's shoulders. "All that technical stuff is fine hun, but your guy Bob showed a lot of guts to fight a monster like Jaxon, ain't no computer program gonna substitute for that."