Lord ﹠ Lady Darcy's Fight Club

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-07-06

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Bareknuckle/fistfight
  • Male / Male
  • Female / Female
A no holds barred underground fight club run by Lord & Lady Darcy
157 members
57 stories
2 photos
0 files

A battle of two powerhouse pros

18:04 Kylena_Zenith: It's been a long time coming, but the underground wrestling circuit has finally put me up against the Mangler, a foe I've been chasing for quite some time. He's well known as a brutal heel, vicious and powerful against all foes. My body tingles just THINKING about taking him on. I change into my wrestling gear, a golden bikini edged in white as I strap on my golden wrestling boots. My skin shimmers with bronze and my blond tresses bounce lightly around me as I check myself out in the mirrors. I flex and get a quick pump in before heading out to the ring. Lights go up and I dive out of the back, arms raised as I sprint to the ring and vault over the top rope. Announcer belatedly getting out "Our next match features the Amazon Warrior Queen herself, KYLENA ZENIIIITH! At 6' 200lbs of fury, she is ready to take down the competition!" I give a double bicep flex, 20" guns popping
18:42 The_Mangler: Herre we are, finally after almost a year of waiting. The match between myself and one of the most prolific lady wrestlers in the organization is on. She is a powerhouse of a physical specimen. I know my work will be cut out for me. But I'm confident in my experience and being one of the most dangerous wrestlers around. My black boots, red tights and blue Lucha mask all are ready as I walk the aisle seeing my opponent in the ring, I slap my pecs. AND HER OPPONENT FROM THE CANADIAN HINTERLAND, AT 5'11 270 LBS, THHHHHEE MANNNNGGLERRRRRR. I climb up the steps and into the ring waiting in my corner.......
18:53 Kylena_Zenith: You climb in, a powerhouse in your own right and I nod in respect at you. I shake my arms out and stretch my shoulders, cracking my neck and moving out of my corner slowly as the bell rings. Hands up, I circle the ring and move towards you, ready to engage and thinking of how to take down this big beast of a wrestler stud!
18:57 The_Mangler: The bell rings and it's on, finally we begin to circle , her muscles are a prime specimen of hard work. I know I'm going to be in for a long night, bit so will she, a whole aspect of these battles is psychological as she nods in respect to me. As I approach "THOSE MUSCLES ARE ALL GONNA BE QUITE SORE WHEN IM DONE WITH YOU MISSY" AMD at that I lunge at her for a attempted collar and elbow lock up.....TTTSSSSYEEAAAAAHHH!
19:00 Kylena_Zenith: I grin as you come in, all bluster and swagger. I know the drill here and I refuse to fall for it, keeping focused on the match and on my victory! I keep my arms up and we lunge in, collar and elbow sinking in tightly. Not wanting to waste any time, I tighten up my grip on your thick shoulder and beefy arm, yanking you in close and hammering a knee into your powerful gut BAM BAM "You're right, I will be sore from working your big bulk over!"
19:04 The_Mangler: Her speed is something I'll need to be wary of, as my gut is wracked in pain from her well timed knee lifts and driving me backwards onto the ropes doubled over. I breathe heavily as I back away from you and try to regroup, slowly righting myself arms up, fingers wiggling as I don't dare take my eyes off you....a small smirk under my mask.....
19:12 Kylena_Zenith: I move in, arms up and match the invitation for a test of strength, clasping one hand to yours before planting my feet and flexing. Moving in, I reach my other hand up, eyes on you and go for the second hand, ready to explode with power the second we match grip
19:13 The_Mangler: I dig my boots into the mat, I clasp onto her fingers with the first hand....and feeling her power there we interlace fingers on the second hand. TSSSSSSTEAH, TSSSSSSTEAH, I GRUNT as I try to bend her wrists backwards, eliminating her slight height advantage if I can. Arms shake , feeling her power.......
19:21 Kylena_Zenith: NGHHHHHHARGHHHH I grit my teeth and, arms shaking, I fight back against you, determined not to lose any ground in this. I surge forward, breasts pushing into your chest and turning my head to the side as we go chest to chest now
19:27 The_Mangler: Our bodies press against each other as muscles and sheer will power against each other are pressed to the extreme, here. Arm muscles on both sides flex and quiver, my hairy bulbous chest pressing on your powerful smooth chest. I look away to the side as i realize that my gut muscles are quite sore....and I need to even the score so attempt to twist my core and quickly dive my knee up into your gut....hoping to slow you down so I can begin to soften you up a bit more that way.....
19:35 Kylena_Zenith: Feeling like I'm about to gain the upper hand as you twist to the side, suddenly weakening your grip but then OOFFF! Your knee slams up into my unflexed abs, taking me by surprise and doubling me over, my grip lost on your hands. I lean into your chest, wheezing and shove against your bulk, trying to back you off
19:39 The_Mangler: Now in true heel fashion, I grab a handful of blonde tresses as I feel your breath on my chest, and I drag you over to a corner, keeping you bent over, until I attempt to swing you back wards and slam your head against the top turnbuckle . SHEEEYAH....
19:41 Kylena_Zenith: You grab my hair and drag me towards the corner, rearing back and aiming to bounce my skull off the corner. I manage to get my foot up onto the middle turnbuckle and stop your attempt. With a shout of rage, I hammer two hard elbows back into your musclegut and break free
19:46 The_Mangler: My gut collapses on me twice and doubles me over and drops me to a knee. Sore from the earlier attack. I'm in a lot of pain, I have trouble breathing,but I'm so very close to you With my head bent down, and looking the part of a wounded warrior, which I am, I see your boots in front of me, I raise myself up and attempt to cock my arm and send a forearm smash into your svelt gut. It's a despation move, as I'm so sore right now....I hope it just slows down your offensive...
19:48 Kylena_Zenith: You're at my feet, looking wounded and ripe for pounding. I reach down, grabbing your mask and move in closer, sliding an arm under your chin and grabbing your arm when UNGHHHH your forearm smashes into my unflexed abs deep, doubling me over with a startled oath of surprise, leaning on your shoulder as I try to draw in breath
19:53 The_Mangler: Right now I can feel her pain as well as mine, I've slowed her up a bit, she's using me to hold herself up, for her that's not a good place to be, since her gut is sore. Standard pro strategy is work over the sore area. Constantly so from both knees now I grab her hips and attempt to fling my masked head into her unprotected gut, hoping to work that tender area over, and soften her up if I can
19:55 Kylena_Zenith: Your headbutt to my abs sinks in deep, knocking me to my knees with a startled oath and a gasp, my arms wrapping around my busted abs to protect it. "Oh you bastard." I gasp out, wheezing as I try and suck in deeper breaths past the pain
20:01 The_Mangler: Now from here I smile at my opponent, and laugh " THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING" We're facing each other on our knees, quickly my mind goes back to a pro match I watched as a kid. Where two bulls had a slap chop duel, on thier knees during thier bout. So, i wind up my left arm to send a slap chop to her chest, the reasoning, her chest will be more susceptible to the pain. SHHYYEAAHHH .....I HOPE
20:03 Kylena_Zenith: I recoil from the hit, glaring at you with a fire in my eyes. You want a slap fight? YOU GOT IT! I realize I shout the last and haul back, chopping your thick pecs hard, the echoing slap resounding through the room. I follow up with a swift headbutt and try to get to my feet
20:06 The_Mangler: My chest is on fire I knew that that would happen, then everything goes foggy as I see your head back away from mine. Almost as if everything is in slow motion, I wobble on my knees as lean forward on you. Breathing heavily, my head on your shoulder. Slowly moving as I don't know what's happening, your headbutt working well.....
20:13 Kylena_Zenith: I grab you by the mask and yank you upright, one arm sliding between your legs as I cup your beefy ass and give it a playful squeeze before flexing and lifting you into a cross body, huffing with the effort before body slamming you down
20:16 The_Mangler: As I I'm being flipped over, I come too and feel your hand on my ass, and my chest rolling over yours as you exhibit a awesome feat of strength. The ringboqrds rumble as I land. The force of me hitting the mat causes the ring to bounce some and still a bit dazed, I attempt to roll away from you as I know I'm in trouble....but I'm working on a shortcut to slow you up.....
20:22 Kylena_Zenith: Chest heaving, I watch as you roll aside and try to escape. I stalk after you, waiting until you're at the ropes and beginning to get up before grabbing your mask from behind and dragging you around to face me. I pull you up again, grabbing your arm and seeking to drag you up for more punishment
20:27 The_Mangler: My neck is torqued the other way as you grab my mask and I'm unceremoniously dragged up, I'm sore and now I face you....so as you've got one arm, the other arm flashes a hand at your eyes, hoping to dig deep onto the ocular sockets and rake those beautiful eyes. SHHYEAHHH...
20:30 Kylena_Zenith: AIEEEEE you rake my eyes and I shriek as I back away, blinded and waving my hands to keep you back. I'm blinded with pain and reach the ropes, grabbing it and palming my eyes, bent over and blinking rapidly.
20:36 The_Mangler: Now I go over to my opponent as she is grasping her eyes and the ropes. I move in and wrap my arms around the 6'0 amazon, I squeeze tight and attempt to lift her up, off her feet. As I do I twist away from the ropes as she comes down, almost in a intimate hug, her chest rolls over my face, and I Extennd my knee and try for a reverse atomic drop. Hoping to stun her ass, maybe even catch her crotch In "unfortunate" low blow ......
20:38 Kylena_Zenith: Blearily blinking my eyes free of the sting of the rake, I'm still not fully coherent as you grab me from behind. I grunt as you squeeze me tight, lifting me up off my feet and twisting me away from the ropes. My grip breaks as you tear me away and hit me with a reverse atomic drop, my crotch spiking with pain as you lowblow me "unintentionally" like the dastardly heel you are! I grab my crotch and moan in pain as I drop to my knees
20:41 The_Mangler: Now she's down and I need to move fast as the crowd is jeering me the ref is warning me, I brush him aside, as I finger the crowd, I grab her hair and her arm and send her across the ring, hoping the whip, will have her crash into the corner, where she'll be in my office, and i can go to work on her. If all goes according to plan....
21:06 Kylena_Zenith: I get Irish whipped into the corner before I can recover, the ref doing squat to stop you from hopping right on me before I can recover. Course he didn't see any foul play despite the crowd roaring their disapproval. I hit hard, back recoiling from the impact and a cry of pain coming from my lips. I hit hard and grasp the top ropes, steadying myself so I don't collapse
21:14 The_Mangler: As she is draped over the top strand, I approach her, and place my hand on her chest, cupping her left globe, unintentionally holding her up, as I prepare to unleash a barrage of 3 closed fists to her gut, if I can get these shots in. It'll set up my next move, hoping my experience in the ring m, planning my moves will tear the amazon down.
21:16 Kylena_Zenith: Shaking off the effects of the slam, your grasp on my tit sends a thrill of energy through me and I growl as you cop a feel. That growl turns to a cough and a grunt as your fists slam into my abs, blasting the wind out of me with their power and catching me off guard! I manage to flex for the last one, but my core is getting worked over expertly right now. I reach out and go for a titty twister on you to back you off, risking the ref sanctioning me
21:19 The_Mangler: My head bows in pain, as I feel my nipples on fire... I place my hands on your wrists in order to try and unclamp your grip on my tits. Unable to break free, I dig down deep and try to clamp onto her glorious globes hoping to dig my fingers in your flesh and squeeze as hard as I can.....
21:23 Kylena_Zenith: ARGHHH! We go tit to tit in our battle for control, your big paws clamping onto my muscled globes and my hands gripping your thick nipples. I gasp and relent, losing the battle as your paws crush my muscle tits harder than I can work your nips! My hands fly to your grip on my tits and I grab at your wrist, up on my tiptoes and stomping my feet to alleviate the pain
21:28 The_Mangler: Now I've turned the tables and so close to the corner I hold and push you back, then I let go, I spin around and face away from you, grabbing the top rope. From there I fall forward and I attempt to slam my big ass backwards into your gut. Much as Andre The Giant would have to his trapped in the corner oppents. Hopng my mass is a devastating weapon to hurt your muscled mass.....
21:32 Kylena_Zenith: You push me back into the corner, increasing the pressure until I close my eyes and howl in pain then suddenly...your grip is gone and I sag in relief. I open my eyes to see your broad backside barreling in at me and OOFFFFFFF your thick ass hammers into my barely-flexed-in-time abs like a fucking cannonball! If I hadn't flexed, I'd be in BIG trouble. I'm still in trouble, just able to breath still...barely. I push against your back, trying to get room to breathe in a full breath
21:36 The_Mangler: As she pushes me away. I decide to take a risk. I run out a few steps and taking one more step back, I run at you full speed, as your in the corner I jump hoping my attacks have been enough to slow you down as my splash attempt has me sailing at you, ready to bring my now sweaty hairy body on yours......
21:42 Kylena_Zenith: I push you off and away, which nets me a relatively brief moment of respite. You run out, but soon turn right back around and come hurtling back at me! I yelp and dive aside, your big bod slamming into the corner post instead of me. I land on my hands and knees, panting at the near miss and scramble back upright, turning to take advantage of my dodge
21:47 The_Mangler: Yep, yep, yep, too soon as soon as she, dodges I know I'm in trouble, as my large frame folds over the top buckle and the physics of the blow, has my inards rocked as slide down and drop to my knees head on the buckle pad...my arms draped on the second rope as I try to get to one knee. Groaning all the while.....
21:52 Kylena_Zenith: Time to go to work. I see you hurting in the corner after the botched attempt to smash me to paste and I grin, knowing this is gonna be fun. I reach under the rope and grab your hands, locking them around the ropes and pinning you in place as I smash three sharp knees into your back BAM BAM BAM working you good!
21:56 The_Mangler: Each blow sends a spasm, of pain through my body as I'm trapped and my tender back from before with the slam, is being tenderized by her big knee. The ref is vanely trying to stop her but she's way bigger than the twerp of ref we have. I come to rest on the buckle pad. Still trapped and sore....
21:59 Kylena_Zenith: I let up as the ref gets in my face. "Fine!" I back off for a moment, but dive right back in as soon as the ref backs off. I drag you up by your mask from behind, getting you up to your feet and walking you backwards out of the corner. I squat down and dip one shoulder under your lower back, flexing hard and pulling your head to drape you over my shoulders to go for a torture rack! I've rarely managed the feat on someone of your size, but I get you up and, legs shaking, get fully standing with a roar of adrenaline! I clamp a hand down onto your thick thigh and shift my grip to grab your mask and keep you in place, bending you hard
22:06 The_Mangler: My back is screaming in pain as I look up at the lights, my legs and arms dangle as I'm on your shoulders and your hand clamps on my meaty thigh, the other on my face as I'm alone, I can't see as your had coveres up my eyes as you pull down and my leg is trapped . "NO NO NO" I reactively call out in pain. My back is going into a firey, numb like pain. I think about submitting. But I can't. But I can't get out either.......AAAAUUUGHHHH I call out suspended on your back.....
22:14 Kylena_Zenith: The crowd going apeshit at this intense show of strength...The Mangler doesn't get handled like this...nearly ever! I stomp forward, placing my feet deliberately and get to ring center, dipping low in a squat once.....twice....legs trembling as I hit three....four....five! I crank down on the hold, ref asking if you give!
22:21 The_Mangler: You manhandle me, as I feel myself on your shoulders going up and down. Slowly my legs are going numb, the pain is so intense, as I'm suspended on your shoulders. The ref says to me "It's your money, I can make her stop, but you have ro tell me first " I'm helpless and your hand squeezes my thigh. The crowd is bonkers.....she's so strong. I havent anything left. Except fight another day. Then she asks me to quit. ...........I nod my head but with her hand on my head I don't think anyone saw. "YES YES YES, I QUIT I QUIT"
22:23 Kylena_Zenith: You shout out your submission, the ref calling for the bell and I drop you off my shoulders, shocked that I pulled it off and submitted THE heel himself. I know I'm up for some major payback eventually, but this...this win right now, it's all worth it. I drop to my knees, legs giving out and I hold my arms up in victory
22:26 The_Mangler: I land on my back...and look up at the lights, unable to move....but slowly....i feel my legs again. Sore, realizing that defeat comes in many forms....but those who are tough learn from the loss, to apply those lessons next time....I see her triumphant as the ref checks me....I push him away. As I roll under the ropes....and slowly get off the apron.. and manage to walk away....yt/end
22:30 Kylena_Zenith: end

Published: 2024-07-23, viewed 70 times.



henrike v

2024-08-15 03:20

a fight between 2 heavyweights


2024-07-24 12:51

Wow! Now that was hot and heavy!

lord darcy

2024-07-23 09:28

Nice work Kylena, Mangler got what he deserved!