Lord ﹠ Lady Darcy's Fight Club

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-07-06

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Bareknuckle/fistfight
  • Male / Male
  • Female / Female
A no holds barred underground fight club run by Lord & Lady Darcy
157 members
57 stories
2 photos
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Epic Showdown at Lady Darcy's: Suki Squid vs Karla Valenzuela in Brutal Bare-Knuckle Boxing

23:54 Valenzuela:

07:24 Valenzuela: The dimly lit, smoke-filled room buzzes with anticipation as the crowd gathers at Lady Darcy's exclusive underground fight club. Hidden away from prying eyes, this venue has become infamous for its raw, unfiltered battles. Tonight promises to be an unforgettable spectacle, as two fierce warriors face off for the women's bare-knuckle boxing title. The ring is surrounded by the eager faces of spectators, feels like an arena of gladiators. Lady Darcy herself steps into the centre, her voice commanding the attention of everyone present.
07:26 Lady Darcy: “Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have a special match for the women's bare-knuckle boxing title! “And to make the fight more interesting, both women will box bare breasted, like a good old 19th century prize fight!!! An image flashes on the screen of a 19th century prize fight.
07:27 Lady Darcy: "And the prize is more than simply the honour of whooping another woman, it’s a whopping a £1,000 that only the winner takes home with her!!!" Thunderous applause erupts from the audience.
07:32 Valenzuela: “The challenger in the corner wearing some gold hotpants is the Mexican boxeodora Karla Valenzuela, 'La Princesa,' a fighter with the heart of a lion and the fire of a Mexican chilli pepper! Standing at 5 feet 3 inches tall, 120 pounds, and 32 years old.” There is a mix of boos and applause from the audience. I raise my fists above my head and circle about in my corner to let the audience view me, as the betting is ongoing.
07:36 Lady Darcy: “In the other corner, we have the seasoned warrior from Japan, the current Women’s BKB Champion, a boxer whose fists have seen countless battles and emerged victorious!” The one and only, SUKI, THE JAPANESE DESTROYER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weighing in at 150 lbs, standing at 5 ft 2 in, and 47 years of pure fighting experience!!!!”
07:53 Valenzuela: I am a proud Mexicana ready to claim my place in the history of the bareknuckle boxing world. My heart pounds with a mix of adrenaline and determination. The cheers of the crowd are a distant hum as I focus on the task ahead. Standing topless, in some tight fitting gold shorts, boxing boots, bareknuckle fists wrapped with white gauze, I feel the cool air against my skin, every muscle taut and ready. Across the ring stands my opponent, Suki, the Japanese Destroyer, a formidable boxer. At 5 feet 2 inches and 145 pounds, the 47-year-old veteran exudes confidence and experience. She has knocked out much bigger women, including Lady Darcy, so powerful things come in small packages.
13:58 Suki_Squid: The ring walk coupled with the introductions has two effects on me. One a zillion butterflies are flitting about in my tummy. Nothing new and they will disappear once the first punch is thrown. Two my chocolate colored nipples on top of my 34 B cups are erect which brings a flush to my face. My hands with knuckles scarred from over 300 fights plus daily pounding of a rope bound post flash as I shadow box. I look across the ring at this Mexican maiden and note there is not much of a height difference. Usually I face taller fighters which forced me to adopt and unsusual style of head and upper body movement plus pressure as I need to be in close to be able to reach my opponent. Taking deep breaths to get oxygen to my body I cannot miss the smells of stale sweat, cheap cigars and cigarettes, stale beer and cheap cologne. I have a light coat of sweat on my golden skinned body so am warmed up and ready. I expect a war with no prisonrs taken. One of us will walk out with the title belt and a fat purse.
13:58 Suki_Squid:
15:02 Valenzuela: The Jap fighter in the opposite side of the ring, is impressive, in spite of her short stature. Her knuckles look rough, and clearly this ain't her first rodeo, being the Champion Bareknuckle Boxer in this arena. I'm expecting a difficult fight with this woman. And suddenly the "ref" signals us to come towards the scratch line. The ref has little to do in these underground arenas, other than start and stop fights. And now I'm facing this Jap boxer, only separated by a mere line, so I prepare by raising my fists to the height of my mouth so I can look over the top of my wrapped fists, at my opponent, and tuck in my knuckles to protect my 30B boobs. And then the ref signals for the bell, DING!
15:30 Valenzuela:
16:01 Suki_Squid: Here we finally go and its show time. The bell rings, so I shift my body to present my right side to you. Chin tucked behind my right shoulder, left fist up to protect the left side of the chin, elbow down to be able to protect the ribs. Moves towards you in a side ways crab like movement. Begins to move my upper body like my hips were a ball joint in an irregular herkey jerky circle to make my head a harder target. Moves the head forward and back in an irregular manner to help make it a hard target to hit. Steps in fast looking to slip any jabs that come my way to slow me down. Bends forward a little and drops my shoulder like I am going to shoot a left hook downstairs hoping you go for it and drop the elbow. Instead whips an overhand right hook trying to slip it behind the guard and smack the face. Pulls the right back as I shoot the left hook upstairs hoping the face is open. Doubles up on the right trying to thump the tub before stepping in close hoping to get close inside. Wondering if you have faced south paws before.
16:16 Valenzuela: I realise that you are a Southpaw as you present your right towards me, a mirror of image of my orthodox stance leading with the left. I hate fighting lefties, but it is what it is. You are making movements like an ultra experienced boxer, and indeed this must be the case, as you hold the belt. Your movements and advances are both mesmerizing as well as confusing. I'm expecting to circle with you for a bit, but instead you are closing the distance quickly, you bend forward and drops your shoulder, like a left hook is coming low, so I drop my right down a little, and twist to my left to use my right forearm to protect my body, but instead a right overhand hook shoots out like a lightening bold and smacks into my right cheek! There is a roar from the crowd as the sound of the impact reverberates around the arena, and I grimace as my head twists, but then a left hook comes out that POPS my face again, and again the sound of knuckle on face reverberates. I'm nearly in a panic, getting my face worked over with two hard hits seconds after the bell rings, and as you step in closer and shoot your right out at the belly, I twist my body to my left, and let your fist glance over my abs, then try to stay toe to toe, and fire back a jab towards your nose, and follow this with a right straight towards your solar plexus, wanting to take the fight back to you, as my cheeks turn red from getting smacked around.
16:25 Suki_Squid: Like I suspected the Mexican is no creme puff and takes both shots well her head rocking with blows. She is quick as greased lightning which I don't care for but it is what it is. Her body twists to make the body shot into a glancing blow. She snaps out a jab at my nose that I slip easily as its early in the fight yet. The solar plexis could be a killer hit as I emulate her and twist my body to make it a glancing blow. I have been around the block a few times so I refrain from head shots as those hurt your hands. Instead I go for her body stepping in and trying to lay my face on her sweaty boobs. Then do the haircut and a shave a left right left three fast shots trying for her navel.
16:33 Valenzuela: My jab gets slipped with ease, she's got the reflexes of a cat, and then my right just glances across her midsection as she twists her body, and as I'm pulling back my right, as it over extends after hitting nothing but air, she turns back into me, her face now pushed into my sweaty 30Bs and her left SLAMS into my navel, forcing my mouth to open in a big O as I exhale, then the right comes in as I tighten by abs, the impact lifting me onto my toes, then as the left comes again, I twist to my left, to avoid it, as I do so, I try to wrap my right arm around the back of your head and try to pull you into a side head lock, and prime my left fist to try a left shovel hook towards your face if I get you pulled into the headlock!
16:41 Suki_Squid: I manage to bang her body good with two shots but the third one some how misses. Face against those sweaty bare breasts she snakes an arm around my head and pulls me into a head lock. I didn't come prepared to wrestle and chances are she is a head hunter. With my face in her breasts only part of my head she can get at is my chin. So I try to snake my right arm in between us to block any thing coming up. With both her hands busy I bend my knees and try to bring a pair of left uppercuts into her lower belly. Not exactly Marquis of Queensbury stuff but then neither is a head lock.
16:45 Valenzuela: I get you pulled in the headlock, my right book now pushed into the left side of your face and then fire off a left shovel hook, intending to damage your face as I hold you with my right arm, but you bring your right around that blocks my shot, and then you rock my ovaries with a couple of uppercuts, the angle is not so good for you, so the power is not great, but even still, its a tender area, and it still hurts enough to force me to let go, and move away from you to reset my guard. "Bitch!"I hiss.
16:51 Suki_Squid: Grinning after the bitch as I know those shots hurt. She steps back as I try to step with her moving my head and upper body as I try to snake a right jab between your hands to get your attention focused. If all goes well the straight left I shoot out aiming below the navel will hit home. Double on the left and bring it up in a hook aiming at the outside of that right B cup see if I can't get you rattled.
17:00 Valenzuela: I'm backing away, but you stalk me, moving your head and body to create confusion, a right jab comes out, and I know its destined to slip between my guard, so I slip my head left, to let your fist go over my right shoulder, hitting the empty air space. This keeps my mind and sight focused high, as your left shoots out striking me below my belly button, and again, my mouth opens in a big O as your fist brutally punches into my belly, forcing me to tighten my abs. I'm thinking something will come from your right fist, so I focus on my left side, but instead you use your power left to launch a hook into my right orb, smacking it into my left orb, and I OMG, I let out a moan from the pain of your fist pounding into my soft fleshy tit. I'm in disbelief that you would do this, and I stumble off to my left, and then twist back around to face you, trying to suck up the pain. I know you will come after me with that annoying dance like movements that you make, so I lunge forward, trying to take you by surprise, launching a left and right straights, hoping to slice each punch between your wicked fists towards your chin, I'm now spitting angry!
17:08 Suki_Squid: My idea worked as I hoped it would the jab went in she slipped it and I sank a pair of lefts into her. Getting a sweet ooff from her. Banging her breast got an expression like I stole the Lindbergh baby. It sure got her fired up and here she comes like a house on fire. As I suspected she is a head hunter so it is a good thing my head and upper body movement are a reflex now. Bending my knees as she comes in so to get low the better to slip her shots. Then firing a straight left aiming at the red mark on her belly below her navel. With any luck she should spear herself on the incoming left.
17:16 Valenzuela: The crowd roars as my you slip my straight combination at your face, and with my arms out, you nail me again in the belly, the pain is sharp and intense as you once again work over the gut, gradually eroding my abdominal wall. I want stay and fight, but I quickly retreat instead, backing away from you to get my guard back up, realizing that my Latin temper made me behave reckless, and allowed you to dig another fist into me. My face is now red with exertion, my abs now starting to ache. I should have stayed in the pocket and gone toe to toe, but I needed to reset. I step back at you, wanting to take some fight to you, and try a left double jab towrds your right cheek, wanting to keep your guard high, and then step in closer, dropping my right fist, and swing up with an uppercut towards your the underside of your right tit, dipping my knees low, in an attempt to punch it under your elbows.
17:29 Suki_Squid: It worked her charging in let me spear that belly as I felt the shock clear up my arm to my shoulder. Her face is bright red, hard to tell if exertion or rage. She retreats but then realizing her mistake comes right back in head hunting. I manage to slip the jabs and let them slide by. Then she gets tricky and pounds my right breast. I should have seen that coming. Fighting down the urge to step back and cup my hurt boob as the crowd roars. Nothing inflames the mob more than breast bashing. Her right is low so I try to flash a left hook over it and nail her chin. She is bending so when I fire the right twice in hooks I am not sure where they may hit, breasts or belly its all good.
17:31 Valenzuela: I sink that right uppercut into your boob, making it pop and fly up, but rather than retreat, you absorb the pain, and crash land a left hook over my right shoulder, SMASHING the side of my jaw, twisting my face to my left, spit flying out of my mouth and spraying your chest. A right hook then comes out, SLAMMING into my left tit, and forcing it to push into my right tit! I've had enough, and feeling disoriented and in pain, I step back several steps, the second hook missing me, until, I feel the ropes press into my back, and try to reset my guard, feeling woozy after the head shot.
17:39 Suki_Squid: Tough and tricky I see the bouncing breasts and realize yea that was a good hit. The headshot looks like it did some damage as I felt the spit on my bare sweaty breasts. She backs into the ropes as I follow stepping to my right her left away from her power and uncovering my dominant left. Wing the overhand right up and over to get her attention then fire a pair of straight lefts at her navel. Time for the lioness to feast.
17:47 Valenzuela: I'm feeling a little unsteady now, as I've taken multiple shots to my face and boobs, and belly, and feel like an animal being stalked as this Jap relentlessly follows me as I back away into the ropes. I know I got to box my way off these ropes, or else she'll just pound the living fuck out of me. I raise my guard left guard quickly to palm the overhand right, but then with rapid fire precision, you send a pair of straight lefts into my navel, each impact eliciting a grunt, and a gasp and an escape of hot breath through my lips, each one bending me a little forward. I want to wrap you in a clinch, but resist the urge, attempting to suck up the pain and fight back, trying to drop my left and strike out with a left hook at your liver region, as I hyperventilate from your punches to my softening gut.
17:54 Suki_Squid: I am feasting but the Mexican is strong and tough as a dollar steak. She takes the belly shots well and I know these are like money in the bank. But she is not done and has the heart to fight back. She manages to sink a left into my right side close to the liver which hurts like hell. Resisting the urge to bend and fold I dig my toes into the soiled canvas and suck it up. Twisting my body and firing back my own left hook at her liver. Then twisting further and attempting to bring a right uppercut between us going for her chin as she is bending forward.
18:00 Valenzuela: I sink a left hook near her liver, and generate enough power to make it hurt, but I know I hit more rib than liver. The Jab Destroyer fires back a left hook into my liver, but she digs her fist under my rib cage, and causes my liver to bounce around inside my body cavity, a second goes by, and then pain just explodes out in all directions, I bend forward, into an oncoming right uppercut, that hits my chin, like a fucking freight train, it snaps my head back and my back hits the top rope, that keeps me from crashing backwards on the canvass. My eyes blink, and my fists drop to my sides as I feel my knees begin to shake, or maybe the ring is shaking, and I see the ring whirling around, the crowd now going ballistic!
18:07 Suki_Squid: In pain from the near miss although she still got a piece of the liver. I felt my own shots landing and the thrill energizes me. She lays over the top rope and her hands drop down. This would be the time to step back and see if she falls on her own. But this is a title fight with a big purse so hell with it. Digging in my toes and relentlessly firing another left hook at her liver. Then trying the right hook at that open chin. Mean while the crowd smelling blood is on their feet screaming. They are not yelling for mercy they want one of us laid out cold on the soiled canvas.
18:14 Valenzuela: My head is spinning, my body is soaring with waves of pain rippling through it, by only a miracle am I still standing. It is only my Mexican pride that keeps me trying to stand, not wanting to be beaten by this Jap woman. Another hook lands on my defenseless liver, and the pain now intensifies for a moment, but it does not last long, as the Jap mercifully punches the fuck out of my chin with a right hook, that twists my face to my right, my mouth guard pops out and bounces across the canvass, and out of the ring, where an eager fan presumably picks it up and keeps it as a souvenir. Everything goes blank as my knees buckle, and then pound into the canvass and then I fall forward, face planting, my battered and bruised tits pinned and pushed into the canvass under me.
18:22 Suki_Squid: Both shots landed the liver shot probably paralizing her. I felt the shock of the right go up my arm to the shoulder. Her head snapped around with a spray of sweat and she went down like a felled redwood. I stand over her hands down fingers twitching for a few seconds staring down at the fallen Mexican, breasts heaving and bouncing with my heavy breathing. Then the referee grabs me and shoves me toward a corner. He begins a count one two three. I watch for you to get up.
18:30 Valenzuela: I must have been knocked out, because suddenly I hear a count going on above me, 7, 8, 9....I can smell the blood, sweat, tears and saliva from this fight and other fights on the unwashed canvass I lie face down. At first, I don’t realise what has happened, and I just ache all over, and feel disoriented and like I've been badly fucked up. The Jap Destroyer Suki just systematically dismantled me, and suddenly I hear the word TEN being shouted out. Although I'm slowly regaining consciousness, I just hurt so bad. this bitch has fists like sledge hammers. I just keep my head down on the canvass and hope the bells stop ringing in my head. DING DONG
18:35 Suki_Squid: As the count climbs and she makes no move to get up I realize he is out colder than a three day old fish. The count reaches ten, the referee calls for the bell DING DING and comes to raise my arm in victory. The EMTs rush in to administer first aid and see to your injuries. I watch as she shows signs of life.
18:37 Suki_Squid: My hand raised, the title belt put around my waist and I look forward to the purse as I walk towards the fallen warrior looking to show signs of sportsmanship.
18:39 Valenzuela: Gradually I sit up, with some assistance, and two of Lady's Darcy's staff bring me outside the ring where I can recover. As we pass Suki, I nod, and mumble incoherently  "it ain't over!"

After the fight, the following article appeared in a sports journal high lighting underground bare knuckle boxing:
Epic Showdown at Lady Darcy's: Suki Squid Dominates Karla Valenzuela in Bare-Knuckle Brawl
The dimly lit, smoke-filled room of Lady Darcy's exclusive underground fight club was electric with anticipation as spectators gathered for a raw, unfiltered battle. Two fierce warriors faced off for the women's bare-knuckle boxing title, promising an unforgettable spectacle. Lady Darcy herself commanded attention in the center of the ring, announcing the special match and revealing that both women would box bare-breasted, like 19th-century prizefighters, with a £1,000 prize for the winner.

In the gold hotpants, Karla Valenzuela, 'La Princesa,' entered the ring with the heart of a lion and the fire of a Mexican chili pepper. At 5 feet 3 inches and 120 pounds, the 32-year-old challenger received mixed reactions from the crowd. Across the ring stood Suki, the Japanese Destroyer, weighing 150 pounds and standing at 5 feet 2 inches. At 47 years old, she exuded the confidence and experience of a true champion.

From the start, it was clear this fight was a mismatch. Suki's southpaw stance and relentless aggression overwhelmed Karla. Suki moved with the precision of a seasoned fighter, landing powerful blows with alarming accuracy. In the first exchange, she landed a crushing overhand right hook to Karla's cheek, followed by a left hook that snapped her head to the side. Karla, disoriented, managed to fire back a jab and a right straight, but Suki's swift movements made them ineffective. Suki's dominance became more apparent as the fight progressed. She targeted Karla's body with ruthless efficiency, landing multiple shots to her navel and liver. Karla's abs ached as Suki's fists found their mark, forcing her to back away and reset her guard repeatedly. A well-placed right uppercut to Karla's chin nearly ended the fight, sending her reeling into the ropes.

The damage to Karla was extensive. Her right cheek swelled and bruised from the initial blows, her jaw bore the marks of Suki's relentless assault, and her breasts were swollen and bruised. The repeated shots to her navel and liver left her struggling to breathe. By the end of the fight, Karla's face was red with exertion, and she was visibly unsteady. Suki emerged largely unscathed. Karla's few successful punches left only minor bruises on her face and body. Despite a partial liver shot, Suki's experience and resilience allowed her to maintain control and continue her attack.

In the final moments, Karla backed into the ropes, her face a mask of pain and exhaustion. Suki, sensing victory, delivered a pair of straight lefts to Karla's navel, each impact bending her forward. With a final, powerful left hook to Karla's liver and a right uppercut to her chin, Suki sealed her fate. Karla's knees buckled, and she face planted into the canvass, barely conscious.  The referee's count echoed through the arena, but Karla couldn't rise. At "TEN," the crowd erupted in cheers and applause. Suki, the Japanese Destroyer, had defended her title in a spectacular display of skill and power. Karla Valenzuela, though brave and determined, was outmatched, her body bearing the brutal marks of the encounter. The fight at Lady Darcy's exclusive underground club showcased the raw, unfiltered essence of bare-knuckle boxing. The mismatched bout highlighted Suki's dominance, leaving the audience in awe of her prowess, solidifying her status as the reigning women's bare-knuckle boxing champion

Published: 2024-08-03, viewed 74 times.




2024-08-08 16:40

I am candidate to take the title of Suki and avenge Karla


2024-08-12 10:46

(In reply to this)

I've never boxed ya Patricia. But having gotten whooped soundly by Suki. I would have to say you're playing with fire. Expect to get torched! And someday I will crawl my way back up to face her again in the ring to avenge myself.

Suki Squid

2024-08-10 00:03

(In reply to this)

Just bring it so all can see you spread out like jam on bread.


2024-08-12 08:20

(In reply to this)

I'm ready, determined, this time you'll have to face an experienced champion


2024-08-05 16:57

Thank you for the boxing lesson it was fantastic!!! Hope there is a rematch. And Suki, I didn’t even miss the gloves (this time)…!


2024-08-05 17:14

(In reply to this)

Thanks! Count on it!

Suki Squid

2024-08-05 17:05

(In reply to this)

No scent of leather mixed with smoke, sweat, stale beer and blood eh.


2024-08-05 17:31

(In reply to this)

Well I didn’t say I was ready to go cold Turkey…! Besides with a little leather between you head shots are a little easier

Lady Darcy

2024-08-05 12:49

Kudos to you Karla, really gutsy performance, Suki is a relentless brute in the ring, she destroys her opponents body, and then puts them away with a KO head punch. I should know, I have twice been on the receiving end of a brutal beating from her, and it really hurts. If you want another match at the club Karla, you're still a contender and can win yourself a rematch, let me know. I am still looking for someone tough enough to put the "Japanese Destroyer" down and out!

Suki Squid

2024-08-05 14:46

(In reply to this)

Keep looking Lady Darcy you know I love a good war, win lose or draw.


2024-08-05 13:26

(In reply to this)

Thank you so much for this message Senora Lady Darcy, it means much to me. Now that the physical and emotional trauma of being so soundly beaten by the Jap Destroyer has subsided, I do wish to earn another shot at the title, even though it means boxing my way upwards. I am Mexicana and have heart and spirit. There are a couple of people who might wish to fight me next at the Darcy arena. However, I have irl travel to visit mi familia en Espana tomorrow, so cyber time will be limited over the next few days.

Bob Rock

2024-08-04 12:40

Hot Fight! Want to see the rematch!


2024-08-04 00:17

very sexy and brutal match

Suki Squid

2024-08-05 14:51

(In reply to this)

Thanks Mazi glad you liked it.


2024-08-04 12:38

(In reply to this)

Thanks Mazi, much appreciated!

Suki Squid

2024-08-03 20:59

Mexican fighters are tough, she will be back.


2024-08-03 21:37

(In reply to this)

Down and beaten but not out!