Low Blow Wrestling Federation

Private Restricted

Established: 2023-11-11
Chat room: #LowBlowFed

  • No holds barred
  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
  • CBT
For Ballbusting & Cuntbusting Cyberwrestling
14 members
0 stories
0 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

Boys and Girls.. Men and Women.. Welcome to the Low Blow Wrestling Federation!

Before you apply, please do read below on:
Who can Join?
How to Join?

About the Fed:
Fighters in the federation will engage in the struggle for dominance and control over each other. Each encounter here is a spectacle, where pain intertwines with pleasure.
More often than not, the matches will be - Battle of the Sexes! To decide which is the 'Stronger Sex', there could not be a better way! Isn't it!?
Ofcourse, there will be regular matches held as well - F/F , F/M , M/M

The federation holds No Rules matches with focus on 'dirty tactics', primarily Ballbusting and Cuntbusting. Erotic elements in wrestling are welcome in matches. Any and all dirty tactics in the world of fighting are encouraged.
The matches are not limited by opponents' gender. However, fighters are preferred over jobbers.

Who can Join?
Male or Female, irrespective of your opponent gender preference, you can join!

You have to be a Buster! If you are a Buster, you can most definitely join!

As for the Jobbers,
Female Jobbers are welcome!
Male Jobbers are NOT welcome! (Sorry guys, can't let you spoil the Battle of Sexes for men, only to fulfil your fetishes)

How to Join?
In your application to the Federation, you are required to let a few details known. This will help us find apt matches for you.
Here is what you are required to positively mention in your application:
  • Is your Opponent Gender Preference : MALE or FEMALE or BOTH
  • Are you a : DOMME/DOM or SUB or SWITCH

Without information on these 2 basic details, your application is bound to get rejected. Please do co-operate.