Male subs vs Female doms
Established: 2023-10-09
Chat room: #msubvfdom
- Submission
- Descriptive writing
- Male / Female
- Straight
- Sex
For men who want to get beaten and women who want to beat!
20 members
0 stories
0 photos
0 files
Established: 2023-10-09
Chat room: #msubvfdom
For men who want to get beaten and women who want to beat!
Welcome everyone! This federation is for mixed fighters who are specifically interested in femdom, or female dominant fights. This can be regular fights, prostyle, nhb, sexfights, anything! This federation is for like-minded people to meet each other and match up with each other. Hopefully you can meet a new fighting partner and have fun!
2024-01-19 07:31Any ladies here interested in a match?
2023-11-26 01:59Im looking for ladies to have matches against
2023-10-10 01:53hi ladies. im new here.