Mouthguard Dropping League

Public Open

Established: 2022-02-19
Chat room: #MDL

  • Boxing
  • Karate
  • Taekwondo
  • Kick-boxing
A league for fighter who like to see their opponent lose their mouthguard
213 members
6 stories
0 photos
0 files


22:22 FoxxyZoe: Yo
22:22 FoxxyZoe: and stuff
06:33 Jay_James: Heya!
03:51 Tessie_McGreevy: Hello!
05:50 Shulkie_Jennifer_cho_hulk_form: Hello
17:45 BalkanWarrior: hello
19:16 Jake_Derringer: Hi!
22:49 Realboxer21: Hello, I wanted to know if anyone would like to help me get better with rp chatting in boxing, I new to the site, but I ready to take steps to fight
19:58 Mixtko8910: Congrats on your win Tessie!
23:26 Realboxer21: Anyone up for a boxing match
17:31 BearDaBoxer: Anyone up to box?
19:59 Erika_Jordan: Hey everyone
19:59 Axl_Dusk: hi there erika
20:00 Erika_Jordan: Hey are you baby?
20:01 Axl_Dusk: Doing fine little girl, hbu?
20:02 Erika_Jordan: Just pounding some girls and guys
20:04 Axl_Dusk: really? How do you reach their jaw?
20:05 Erika_Jordan: Pretty easy when they're all bent over from gut shots or cum
20:08 Axl_Dusk: you must give a nasty headbutt in that case
20:09 Erika_Jordan: Take out the butt and you're right
20:10 PoliceBrett: Hmm interesting
20:10 Axl_Dusk: then we're leaving out the tasty side of the menu
20:11 PoliceBrett: Don't know why headbutt would be allowed in a boxing fight heh
14:35 Axl_Dusk: hi everyone, how are you doing?
03:23 Aria_Becker: Hello everyone! We are looking for a referee for an official boxing match. If you are ready to play referee, write me in private messages 😏🥊
04:34 Realboxer21: Yo aria can I help?
04:34 Realboxer21: Yo aria can I help
16:04 BalkanWarrior: good afternoon warriors
09:26 Erika_Jordan: Anyone in here want to take part in my experiment? It's called "How far can you spit out your mouthguard after I knock your ass out?"
10:09 Robby_Fighter: Seems Erika is looking for troubles