17:23 <nick_maldaran> How’s it going?
17:25 <Kiara_Wrestler> grrrrreat..20 minutes and my weekend will start hu hu
17:26 <nick_maldaran> Nice. I have about 5 more hours.
17:27 <Kiara_Wrestler> this mean I woke up before you lol
17:28 <nick_maldaran> It’s about 1030 AM my time
17:29 <nick_maldaran> I know you have at least one match, but if you ever want to have one with me sometime, I’d be honored.
17:29 <nick_maldaran> Hey Brandi
17:29 <Brandi_Mae> Hey *kiss* 😘💋
17:31 <nick_maldaran> Looking great as always. Wish I had time to have some fun in the mud with you Brandi. Damn real life job. I’ll be free this weekend though.
17:31 <Kiara_Wrestler> OHH Brandi is amazing but I guess she'll give you some real troubles
17:31 <Brandi_Mae> Yeah Kiara hun x
17:32 <Brandi_Mae> I love being in the mud pit
17:32 <nick_maldaran> Damn 15 minute breaks are always too short. I’ll have some fun with you later Brandi 😉😘
17:32 <Brandi_Mae> Yeah. Me and you, in the sloppy dirty watery mud
17:33 <nick_maldaran> Hell yeah. I’ll see you later sexy. Nice chatting with you both. Hope to see you both soon, maybe have some fun in the mud pit or just a normal ring match
17:39 <Brandi_Mae> So, Kiara, wanna get in the mud with me naked, baby?
17:43 <Kiara_Wrestler> I'd love baby but I am leaving----ya know I'd get you in any place..even into a pool filled with cream ;)
17:46 <Brandi_Mae> Yeah baby ;)
16:15 <nick_maldaran> So how was your day Kiara?
16:19 <nick_maldaran> Morning Brandi