Mud Wrestling Mayhem

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Established: 2022-12-30
Chat room: #mudwrestling

  • Mud wrestling
  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
  • Two on One
  • Tag Team
Mud wrestling, plain and simple. M/F and F/F allowed
13 members
1 stories
8 photos
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Mud wrestling needed a federation, so here we are. Come join us and have fun.

About Mud Wrestling Mayhem

Mud wrestling deserves it's own space. Gather in this federation if you like to roll in mud with fellow boys and girls. Have a fun match, put some stakes on the winner, bet on the matches, have a drink at the bar. As long as you have fun everything is ok!

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17:23 <nick_maldaran> How’s it going?
17:25 <Kiara_Wrestler> grrrrreat..20 minutes and my weekend will start hu hu
17:26 <nick_maldaran> Nice. I have about 5 more hours.
17:27 <Kiara_Wrestler> this mean I woke up before you lol
17:28 <nick_maldaran> It’s about 1030 AM my time
17:29 <nick_maldaran> I know you have at least one match, but if you ever want to have one with me sometime, I’d be honored.
17:29 <nick_maldaran> Hey Brandi
17:29 <Brandi_Mae> Hey *kiss* 😘💋
17:31 <nick_maldaran> Looking great as always. Wish I had time to have some fun in the mud with you Brandi. Damn real life job. I’ll be free this weekend though.
17:31 <Kiara_Wrestler> OHH Brandi is amazing but I guess she'll give you some real troubles
17:31 <Brandi_Mae> Yeah Kiara hun x
17:32 <Brandi_Mae> I love being in the mud pit
17:32 <nick_maldaran> Damn 15 minute breaks are always too short. I’ll have some fun with you later Brandi 😉😘
17:32 <Brandi_Mae> Yeah. Me and you, in the sloppy dirty watery mud
17:33 <nick_maldaran> Hell yeah. I’ll see you later sexy. Nice chatting with you both. Hope to see you both soon, maybe have some fun in the mud pit or just a normal ring match
17:39 <Brandi_Mae> So, Kiara, wanna get in the mud with me naked, baby?
17:43 <Kiara_Wrestler> I'd love baby but I am leaving----ya know I'd get you in any place..even into a pool filled with cream ;)
17:46 <Brandi_Mae> Yeah baby ;)
16:15 <nick_maldaran> So how was your day Kiara?
16:19 <nick_maldaran> Morning Brandi