Mudwrestling Lover's Federation
Established: 2025-01-13
Chat room: #MLF
- Submission
- Pin to win
- Male / Female
- Female / Female
- First to cum
All matches are contested in a mud pit.
We offer 3 styles of matches but all will take place in our mud pit.
1) First to cum loses.
2) Pin to win with (3) count pins.
3) Submission.
There will be a division for each style of match.
We allow MvsF and FvsF matches here.
The 2 wrestler's in each match must choose the style of match, and also agree on the style before the match begins.
This will be an Open Fed.
All members will be able set up their own matches, and can do so at anytime.
This means that any member can wrestle any other member in the Fed.
We will demand polite and respectful behavior at all times.
If this sounds like fun to you, please feel free to apply!