OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
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The Bounty

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I stand in my comfortable living room dressed sharply in a suit jacket, as a hardcore champion should always look respectable. The camera tightens in on me as I begin to speak.

"Queen Lola. The Queen of Mean. You weren't so mean when I drove your ass through that table, were you? Soooo, you throw a little hissy fit and go out and find Sigrid to try to finish what you couldn't". I laugh almost uncontrollably.

"Seriously, SIGRID?!? That's the best you could do??? From one blonde to another, no big deal, I have some unfinished business to settle with her anyway. Now for YOU, Miss Lola. I wouldn't want to pretend your little hissy fit went unnoticed. So in appreciation of this little Sigrid arrangement you put together, I have something nice for you too". Holding up five $100.00 bills fanned out in my hand up to the camera, "I'm offering a little bounty on your hissy fitting little ass. $500.00 cash for whoever beats your skinny little ass into the ground and brings me your bra as proof..How's THAT for hardcore?!? Watch your back little Lola".

Tossing the bills, they flutter through the air as the camera pans away to the oceanside view of my living room window.

Published: 2023-02-06, viewed 0 times.

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