OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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Outdoor Championship Wrestling Oil Challenge

BbyGrlJulia (deleted member)


14:33 Zack_Davis: *steps carefully into the oil pit set up on the beach, dressed only in my teal thong. The pit is covered in about an inch of baby oil all ready, but I have a bottle of oil in my hand also. Cautious of my footing, I make my way to the far side of the pit, and await your entry. A light sea breeze is blowing in off the ocean, carrying the sounds of the gentle crashing surf. It's a beautiful sunny day, and my opponent is drop dead gorgeous. What more could I ask for?!
14:40 BbyGrlJulia: I'm on the beach, taking in the gentle breeze as the wind blows softly through my blonde hair. I'm wearing a red bikini, as I was requested hoping that I can win using my femininity. My opponent is absolutely hot, to a very distracting level. I bend down and grab a bottle of oil and step into the oil pit. I move slowly towards my opponent as he towers over me, and I look up at him and start unscrewing the top off of my bottle. "Hey Zack, nice weather right?".
14:50 Zack_Davis: I smile down at Julia as she enters the pit in that crazy hot red bikini, playfully unscrewing the cap of a bottle of oil. Her sexy tummy flat and tone beneath those sexy breasts, amazing legs ending in a tiny red bikini! She asks me about the weather, and for a moment I'm unable to answer! I make a nice save, though, " yeah, it sure is ... Hot". I unscrew the cap of the bottle I hold as well, then put my arms straight out to my sides, inviting you to be thorough in applying my coating of oil. I don't even have to look down, I feel the twinge of my thong already being stretched by my arousal.
14:55 BbyGrlJulia: You spread your arms out, ready to be oiled up by me. "Hmm where shall I start?". As I stare at your immaculate body, I step cautiously around to your back and pour a generous amount of oil down it. I begin massaging it in, spreading it all over your back, running my fingers over you in awe of your body. "The weather's not the only thing that's hot today babe".
15:03 Zack_Davis: Your hands begin caressing oil onto my back, firmly but gently. Your touch actually feels amazing and I can't get enough of your caressing. I lean my head back and let out a slight sigh as you work your way down lower and lower. "Gonna get hotter" I tease.
15:07 BbyGrlJulia: As your big toned back absorbs most of the oil well, I pour a little more onto my hands and work my way down to my favourite part. "Oh now this is a work of art right here babe!". I start rubbing oil onto your ass, more concerned with feeling it and playing with it more so than covering it with oil. I squeeze it inside my hands and shake it around a little, it's so nice and soft. After what seems like 5 straight minutes I finally decide to stop applying oil to your ass and pull myself away. "oh I'm gonna get my hands on that again, don't worry baby".
15:15 Zack_Davis: I can't help but smile as my ass gets thoroughly oil up, your hands squeezing, probing, caressing. OMGAWD I don't know about you, but I'm certainly distracted. You promise to get back to my ass, and I find myself certainly hoping so! You step back and I sheepishly turn to face you, the bulge threatening to escape the constraints of my thong pouch quite obvious. As we face each other, I pour oil on your upper chest as you do the same to me, "gotta make sure these are nice and slippery" I wink as I massage the oil into your breasts, slipping my hands under your top... Just to be sure they're well oiled, of course.
15:18 BbyGrlJulia: "mmmm yes of course Zack". I close my eyes and moan in pleasure as your strong hands go to work on my body, touching me and feeling my bare breasts. "Oh you're enjoying this aren't you babe?".
15:26 Zack_Davis: "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't" ... My hands slip down to your sexy tummy, gently caressing oil in the warm sun, our oiled bodies soaking up the warmth. I pour a fresh handful of oil into my hands, reaching behind you working my way down your back to your own amazing ass. This daws is together, our bodies touching , our faces mere inches apart as I'm giving your ass the attention it deserves.
15:31 BbyGrlJulia: As you finish oiling up my bare breasts, my smile fades before quickly returning again as you run your hands over my tummy and then more importantly, to my ass. Feeling your big hands caressing my ass, squeezing it and poking it is unlike anything I've ever experienced. While my eyes are still closed, I tilt my head up towards the sky and enjoy the beautiful weather and the even better company. "Oh that feels amazing, I could stay here all day!"
15:36 Zack_Davis: Reflexively, without thinking I catch myself licking your neck as your head leans back exposing it before me. One final squeeze of your ass cheeks draws your body tight to mine, my bulge pressed against your mound. "Ohhh, can't forget there", slipping an oiled hand to your front , teasing oil onto your crotch.
15:41 BbyGrlJulia: Our bodies are pressed against each other and my heart is pounding. You bring me right against you, pressing your big bulge into my pussy. I grab behind your neck and lean close to your ear. "Thanks for the help baby, you can do this anytime". I gently bite your ear lobe and then pull away, kissing your cheek before letting you go. "So is that enough, or do you want to feel a little more Zack". I wink at you and laugh a little.
15:48 Zack_Davis: The nibble on my earlobe sends goosebumps down my back, as you peck my cheek and wink I grin. "I think I'll take you up on that offer of anytime. I think we're good for now." The thoughts of our bodies intertwined, struggling for control of the other, causing adrenaline to pump through my veins ... "Shall we begin?".
15:51 BbyGrlJulia: "hmmm yes, let's begin babe". I put my hand on your chest and push off, strutting back to my side of the oil pit. "We gonna stand up, or be on our knees?".
16:00 Zack_Davis: "Ohh, I wondered that myself". Giving a sly grin, I step back to my corner as well, capping my bottle of oil and tossing it aside. "NHB, I say we start standing". Adjusting my thong around the bulge you've created, I make my way to the center of the pit, holding a hand up inviting you to tie up with a hand.
16:01 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in.
16:03 BbyGrlJulia: I see you approach the centre of the pit with confidence, stretching out your arms and inviting me to tie up with you. I slowly shuffle towards you and smile before grabbing both of your hands and pressing my body against yours. I quickly realise I'm not going to beat you so I move my legs and wrap them around your body while falling onto my back. "Isn't this exciting babe?".
16:12 Zack_Davis: I can't help but laugh with you as we tumble to the ground, very crafty move in using your legs and pulling me down. "One point for the hot blonde" I grin, twisting between your slippery thighs to try and work my way up your body and free. You still hold my hands however, so for now I don't gain much ground and I'm content to lay on you, allowing my size advantage hopefully wear you down.
16:15 BbyGrlJulia: As I enjoy having you on top of me, your oiled body writhing around between my legs, I start to lose my grip. I let go of your hands and lean upwards to wrap both my arms around your head and roll you over onto your back.
16:20 Zack_Davis: I manage to twist to my side between your legs, but as I do you release my hands and grasp around neck, using my own momentum against me to continue my roll to my back as we exchange positions. With you on top of me now, I also wrap my arms around your neck, holding a clinch to limit your ability to mount any offensive attack. Bridging into your straddle of me trying to unbalance you.
16:25 BbyGrlJulia: As I quickly roll on top of you and get a lovely view of your body below mine, you give me a taste of my own medicine. Your strong arms around my neck prove too difficult to get out of and my face is buried in your chest, oil rubbing off on the side of my face. I use my much skinnier arms and force them through the gaps of your hold on my neck and push them through. Getting a little more room, I move my head around and finally free myself from your hold. "Oh boy, you're so strong!".
16:33 Zack_Davis: The oil is so slippery, it almost negates any size or strength advantage I might have. You squirm and wiggle your way free, into a straddle of me, not an unpleasant experience at all! Your long legs and tone body atop of me certainly has it's appeal, but I do have some thoughts of winning our hot little contest. I reach to arms length to clutch a breast in each hand, both keeping you at distance and causing some harm. "NHB, right?" I grin.
16:39 BbyGrlJulia: I manage to get free of you, but you immediately surprise me again and grab both of my breasts with your large hands, slightly creasing my bikini in the process. I'm distracted by your firm grip, but hear your voice. "of course babe, but how about you try and take it off next time?". I use the slipperiness of the oil to force your hands off of me and quickly grab them and pin them to the ground above your head while hovering over you, face to face.
16:48 Zack_Davis: That's the great thing about oil wrestling, the darn stuff is slippery! It ironic that you mentioned taking your top off, because as you pull my hands free of your well oiled breasts (I made quite sure of that!) my finger hooked the cleavage of your red bikini top. It doesn't pull free, but twists and pulls, exposing your breasts while you press my wrists above my head. From your position of leverage I can't budge my hands, but your face is so close! A different tactic perhaps, but a distraction nonetheless, I press my lips to yours hoping you don't bite my lip in return!
16:54 BbyGrlJulia: As I'm staring down at your face, you lean up and kiss me on the lips. I foolishly let go of one of your arms and kiss you back, holding the back of your neck and grabbing your hair from behind. While I'm kissing you, my knees planted on the ground on either side of your body, I move my leg up and move my foot close to your thong. I gently rub my foot over your big bulge. "I bet you don't wanna move from this position, do you babe?".
17:05 Zack_Davis: My distraction works like a charm, with you releasing one hand to grab a handful of my hair from behind, our lips pressing together in a hot stalemate. You have tricks too, though, and begin caressing my bulging bulge with your foot. The hot sun, your hot body, the sudden stimulation of your foot as your bare breasts press against my chest ... Whew! Feeling a bit out of control of the situation, I use my free hand to slip around your body, grabbing at your butt cheek. My plan was to pull up and sideways to unseat you, but again, I oiled your ass way too well for a firm grasp. I moan lightly as your foot continues to rub.
17:10 BbyGrlJulia: "oh I think you're in trouble now Zack". I notice you grab my ass and immediately think you're going to overpower me yet again but you halt your move and let out a moan. "my boobs are already showing, be a dear and help take my bra off?". I lean up and turn around, my back facing you. Now I focus on your bulge, clearly stretched to its limits. I grab it with my hands this time and squeeze it gently, while using my other hand and digging underneath it to touch your cock. "Hmmm you need to get your head in the game baby".
17:21 Zack_Davis: You're definitely in control of this match at this point, as if your foot wasn't causing enough of a distraction. I gladly oblige your request and pull the straps of your bikini top down over your shoulders. Your sexy tits are freed, but of course from my position I can't really enjoy the view. I run my hand up and down your back as you grasp my hard cock, pleasure sensations suddenly erupting from a thousand nerves endings. Supporting myself as much as I can into a sitting position, I'm able to reach from behind to grasp a slippery, bare tit, finding the areola to work your nipple between my slick fingers. Uncertain if this will slow you down, though, thinking about my next possible move.
17:27 BbyGrlJulia: I feel a lot more free when you take my top off, but my freedom is interrupted when I feel your large, warm body press into my back. Your big arms wrap around me and your hands play with my nipples. Without thinking, I lean my head back in pleasure and find myself resting on your shoulder. I move one of my hands off of your bulge and grab behind your neck and start kissing you. "Mmm I love that, keep it up". I'm having trouble balancing my thoughts of pleasure and my desire to win as you have your way with me.
17:37 Zack_Davis: The coating of oil creates a lack of friction, allowing me to press an open hand against your breast to mushroom it against your body while my hand glides easily in rubbing your nipple. You turn while grabbing the back of my neck, you pressing your lips to mine this time. My tongue flicks as our kiss becomes open mouthed, brushing against your tongue in an erotic, passionate exchange. My hand slips free of your breast, sliding down your belly until it reaches the fabric of your bikini bottoms. Underneath the fabric, a little further down and I find your waxed clitoris, and gently rub in a circular motion.
17:47 BbyGrlJulia: As we enjoy being so close to each other, my mind begins to turn foggy slowly losing sight of trying to achieve victory. I feel one of your hands slide down my stomach towards my lower bikini and my eyes roll back. Your hand is touching my bare pussy and it feels amazing. I move my other hand, which was merely holding your bulge, towards the strings on my bikini bottoms. I quickly undo the string on both sides and pull it off, then bring my other hand to grab your head. "Oh fuck, what is happening right now babe?". I smile and laugh at the pleasure I'm recieving from you.
17:56 Zack_Davis: "Well sweetie", I half gasp as you untie your bikini and pull it off, your hands holding my head. "I'm calling it now, first to cum loses!". With your bikini bottoms and your top now gone, your gorgeous ass on my chiselled abs, I can more easily now reach your pussy, caressing, probing, slipping a finger inside of you as our kiss becomes deep and passionate.
18:01 BbyGrlJulia: "whatever you say baby". You tell me that the rules are changing, first to make the other cum. I feel rejuvenated and that determination to win returns again. While I'm kissing you, I lift up both my legs and put my feet on your thighs. I then move both of my feet to either side of your thong and grab them with my toes. I quickly slide them down, attempting to even the odds while distracting you.
18:08 Zack_Davis: "Them feet are talented" I smile into our kiss, yet I lift my hips to make slipping my thong off easier. Both of us now naked, the sea breeze keeps the sting of the sun bearable. My cock looks like a flagpole standing straight and tall, but I try to get inside your head as I continue to stroke your pussy, "will you cum baby? I think you will, you know how much you want to".
18:11 BbyGrlJulia: As you continue stroking my pussy, I'm finding it hard not to give in. I indulge for a couple of seconds before refocusing again. I grab your hard cock with both of my hands and start rubbing it, fully intent on making you cum for me. "I know you want to cum baby, just do it Zack!".
18:19 Zack_Davis: I moan in ecstacy as you grab my shaft with two hands now, stroking my length. I lean my head down and bite the back of your shoulder in an animalistic display of unbridled pleasure sensations. Your butt comes up as you reach with both hands, so I slide my hands underneath you from behind to reach your vagina, slipping two fingers inside of you this time, probing for your g-spot. Maybe I can get you positioned into a 69, I'd like my chances better, because your two handed stroke is definitely and rapidly working to your advantage.
18:23 BbyGrlJulia: "oh my god! FUCK!". When I repositioned to grab ahold of your cock, I left myself open to even more pleasure. The position I'm gives you more leverage and you stick 2 of your fingers inside me. I'm completely distracted and I almost cease to rub further on your cock, pretty much doing nothing to it. "I'm about to fucking cum, oh fuck!".
18:30 Zack_Davis: Your pussy is almost dripping wet as I feel it swelling around my probing fingers. I hear you gasp and I grin ... "I found your spot, didn't I babygirl?" Without waiting for an answer, I focus on rubbing the warm tender inside wall of your vagina where I think I might have gained myself possibly a close victory!
18:34 BbyGrlJulia: "oh just shut up and keep going!". I fully arch my neck backwards to lean on your shoulder and I grab the back of your neck and clench your hair tightly. "ooh oh FUCK, I'M CUMMING!". I feel absolutely lifted as your fingers make me cum, but I'm also frustrated I couldn't win. I breathe heavily and slowly ease my grip that I have on your hair.
18:39 Zack_Davis: Your orgasm is as erotic and primal as I've ever seen. Watching and feeling your gorgeous body react to the surge of ecstasy I produced for it is just plain HOT! I smile as your grip loosens in my long hair. Sensing your disappointment, I offer the truth "baby, it was closer than you think" as I slow my rubbing, milking your orgasm for all I can.
18:40 Zack_Davis: (want to publish as a story?)
18:42 BbyGrlJulia: Hmm that was good baby
18:43 Zack_Davis: You're pretty good
18:43 BbyGrlJulia: Thanks, you're a lot more than just good
18:44 Zack_Davis: 😉 offer stands to oil you anytime?

Published: 2023-02-06, viewed 76 times.



Brandi Mae - SKW

2023-02-06 19:03

Good job, guys 🙂💪💦 Hot Oil Wrestling match