OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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OCW - Iron Women: Kiara Vs Dana

Dana Brooke (deleted member)

11:38 Kiara_Wrestler: Finally is the debut day for me into OutDoor Championship Wrestling, I feel so thrilling...I want to be the best one here but I have one obstacle today, she is Dana, an iron woman, but I am an iron woman too so I guess I won't have troubles to show her I am stronger than here....as I hear my music play I come out from the cabin, wearing a black striped toop and black panties, my bare feet walk over the hot sand of the beach as TNT by AC/CD sounds....a lot of people came to watch the show, I shake my hands to my fans then as I reach the apron I climb up, I grab the top rope and take momentum to jump into the ring, speaker announces me "from Italy, 5'9 165 lbs of pure muscles...KIARAAAAAAAAAA the Supplex Machine" I raise my arms as the crowd clap hands and whistle, I then move to my corner waiting my opponent yt
11:38 Kiara_Wrestler:
11:45 Dana_Brooke: Sitting in my own cabin, my nerves are all over the place, my heart racing as I know that today, I could show myself as the best there is. But to do that? Kiara needs to lose. I know it'll be tough, but I know i've got a damn good chance. Once you're done, I enter out of the cabin, my music playing as i'm in my black bra and thong. My feet along the sands as I flick my blonde hair back. Blowing a few kisses to the crowd, I finally slip through the bottom rope, and raise my fist into the air, my biceps shining in the sun as the speaker announces. "From America, 5'5 and 145lbs of absolute power...DANA BROOKE!" The crowd cheers again, before I turn my attention back to you
11:45 Dana_Brooke:
11:49 Kiara_Wrestler: I look to you as you come toward the ring, trying to size your body with my eyes, I have weight and height advantage but you look pretty trained, smiling as I realize our outfit colour match...I am into my corner, jumping and swinign my arms to arm up, my girls bounce up and down, as you are into I grab my blonde hair to tie them up into a pony tail, caaring to make my biceps bulge to show off who you are facing...then I get my fight stance, arms up and legs slighlty bent...my eyes glaring to you, I nod to the ref to let him know I am ready yt
11:51 Dana_Brooke: Stretching my arms and legs up and down, I glance over at you with a smirk, seeing you flex yourself as I give you a little show of your own to let you know who you're facing. As I stretch up, I give my girls a little jiggle, and my biceps a flex, before resting my leg on the middle rope, showing off my quads and such, before finally readying myself. I glare right back at you with a smirk, mimicking your stance as I nod to the ref as well
11:52 Dana_Brooke: yt
11:55 Kiara_Wrestler: I look to you, I notice your biceps are really pretty trained as well as your legs..you show off you are a strong one, but I am too...but I am so curious to know who will be stronger...DING DINGG, as the bell rings I move out from my corners approaching you frontally, wiggling my fingers with my palms open to invite you into a test of strenght, my eyes are shining as I think about what kind of hold I'll have to apply to break your muscular body yt
11:58 Dana_Brooke: Looking you up and down, I inspect your muscular body, seeing that you're taller and heavier, but i'm still confident in my abilities to topple the giant to her knees. The bell rings, and I approach you carefully, outstretching my own arms to meet your test. I just can't wait to get you begging for mercy as I lunge in, interlocking hands to push against you
11:58 Dana_Brooke: yt
12:02 Kiara_Wrestler: I see you are moving toward me as well....I don't know if you'll accept the test of strenght of not but that's my goal...you do, our fingers interlock each other and as we have a grip you start to push me, but I am not sleeping, I push you back too, my muscles bulge as I move my right foot forward to increase my strenght yt
04:10 Dana_Brooke: Grunting out, I keep on trying to force you back with effort, shifting my feet to allow myself to push harder. My biceps shining and bulging as I exert my strength against yours, but it seems so far we're at a stalemate. But I try not to let it demotivate me, and stare you right in the eye
04:10 Dana_Brooke: yt
15:47 Kiara_Wrestler: I feel our strenght is balanced, I could increases my strenght but I don't mean to spend a lot of energy at beginning of the match, I suddenly ease my pushing hoping to surprise you and me you unbalance as I suddely let me drop laying on my back, moving up one leg I plant my foot on yur stomach and pull my arms trying to monkeflip you over me yt
03:47 Dana_Brooke: My eyes widen as I stumble forward as I spot you go down, and feel your foot on my stomach. Grunting out, I get pulled right over you, and hit the floor with a slam over you. Groaning a little, I roll to my knees a small distance away from you
09:46 Kiara_Wrestler: I hear the thud of your body landing behind me..."nice fly" I tease you as I roll and turn to see where you are...as I see you are on knees I stand up quickly...I try to reach you and leaning I grab you hair..."ohh where do you think to go?" I ask trying to pull you up yt
09:52 Dana_Brooke: Grunting out, I feel you grab my hair, and try to go through the pain. As you slowly pull me up by it, I try to catch you off guard, and hopefully turn the tide of the match. Reaching up, I grab some of your own hair, and attempt to yank you into a headbutt!
09:52 Dana_Brooke: yt
09:55 Kiara_Wrestler: arggI don't know how can you do that but suddenly your head smashes on my face with a brutal headbutt....I feel my nose broke, my face covered fo blood...I drop on my knees, holding my face for pain...yt
09:58 Dana_Brooke: Panting a little, I hold your head by each side, staring down at you as I try to recover for at least a few seconds, before raising my knee, aiming it at your face to try and fend you off!
09:58 Dana_Brooke: yt
09:59 Kiara_Wrestler: as I trying to recover ouchh you hit my face again knocking me out yt
10:00 Dana_Brooke: As you drop down, I stumble back a few steps, my back hitting the ropes as I try to recover, my back still throbbing in pain from your slam
10:00 Dana_Brooke: yt
10:01 Kiara_Wrestler: I lay on ground arms and legs spreaded motionless ref counts 1 2 3 4 5... yt
10:02 Dana_Brooke: Staring over at you, I clutch my side, mentally preparing for whatever comes next...
10:03 Dana_Brooke: yt
10:06 Kiara_Wrestler: I don't wake up..the headbutt and the next knee strike at my face totally knocked me out...my face is a bloody mask...count go ahead 6 7 8 9 10 dinng dingg bell rings yt
10:10 Dana_Brooke: The first round is over, and I sigh out in relief. My back feels like it's on fire, as the creativity from you was harsh on me
10:10 Dana_Brooke: yt
10:21 Kiara_Wrestler: (END)

Published: 2023-02-08, viewed 66 times.



Michelle Pantero

2023-02-09 05:48

Snort..... I'll be at both y'all's asses

Kiara Wrestler

2023-02-08 11:08

You'll pay for messing up my face, SLUT!

Dana Brooke (deleted member)

2023-02-08 11:10

(In reply to this)

I'll do it again should you try it, bitch!

Kiara Wrestler

2023-02-08 11:14

(In reply to this)

Fuck you, I won't let you use nasty tricks next time! you are unfair wrestler and I'll give you back next time.

Dana Brooke (deleted member)

2023-02-08 11:14

(In reply to this)

Bring it on, I dare you!!!

Grace Ziegler (deleted member)

2023-02-08 11:08

(In reply to this)

Oof! That's a threat alright!