OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

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OCW Qualifying Match - Emily Dawnson vs. Sweet Misty

Sweet Misty (deleted member)

11:38 SweetMisty: The OCW outdoor arena crowd murmurs as the next match is getting ready to begin. Suddenly "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!" by Cyndi Lauper starts blaring over the speaker system. That's my cue I think. Time to get rid of these butterflies in my stomach and get to my debut! My hand reaches for the door handle of my cabin and open it quickly stepping out into the open air. The crowd starts to cheer as I give them a dazzling smile and a wave. My feet start to dance down toward the ring as I twirl from time to time... the ribbons trailing from my ponytail and on the sides of my hips swishing around my body. "This contest is scheduled for ONE FALL! Making her way to the ring, from Oxford, England, at 5'10" and 125 lbs. She's England's very own sweetheart... SWEEEEEEEETTTTT MISTY!" Some of the people in the crowd hold out there hand and I give them high fives as I dance by. I'm feeding off the energy of the crowd and just plain enjoying myself as I approach the ring.
11:41 SweetMisty: I give the ring a circuit... dancing around it as I give out more smiles and high fives before climbing onto the ring apron. I look out before settling my tush on the middle rope. My legs swing around through under the top rope and I pop through into the ring area. I raise my arms in the air and climb my corner buckles to scream a "WOOOOOOOO!" out to the crowd. My fists pump and I smile out at the fans obviously rabid for more action and knowing that action is imminent. Leaping down from my perch my body leans back into the corner. My music dies down and its only a matter of time before my opponent makes her own entrance.
11:54 SweetMisty: You are not logged in. wearing this You are not logged in.

12:01 Emily_Dawnson: I'm in the waiting area, wiping the sweat off my forehead. I can't stop my heart from racing, before giving myself a slap. "Come on, get your shit together!" I hear it's my turn, and hear my music play. It's the Climax to the song "Dream on" by Aerosmith as I exit my cabin with a wide grin! The crowd cheers out, and I wave to them in pride that i'm here today! Striding down, feeling the sands in between my toes as I sway my body side to side, letting my hair loose as the announcer makes her call. "Aaand her opponent! Hailing from Coventry, England, at 5'9 135lbs. She's the British badass! IIIIIIIIT'S EMILY DAWNSOOON!" I blow a kiss to the crowd, waving as I finally reach the ring, my energy and moral pumped to the roof! Stroking along the ropes as I walk to the corner, I boost myself up via the ropes. Climbing until i'm on the top of the corner post, I raise both my arms into the air and cheer out in excitement. The crowd roars, now seeing both fighters hype themselves up
12:02 Emily_Dawnson: My music dies down, and I jump back down into the ring, readying myself as I stare over at you with a smile. Flicking my hair a little, I prepare for the heartracing match that's to come
12:03 Emily_Dawnson:

12:14 SweetMisty: My gaze follows my opponent as she makes her way to the ring. Oh... Oh she's fit! Ok I think... hmm... this might be more than I thought. Yes of course I saw pictures of her and everything but seeing her muscles ripple and bulge as she moves around is a different story altogether. I suck in my lower lip and nibble on it nervously... thinking I may need to change my strategy a bit. Suddenly a sound takes me out of my thoughts. That all important, "DING DING DING!" The match has started and I push out of my corner... coming toward the middle of the ring... bouncing on the balls of my feet and circling to the right. I shake out my wrists and bring my hands up ready....

12:20 Emily_Dawnson: I meet your stare, looking you up and down. Oh wow...this...isn't what I was expecting. I thought it would be this 6'11 muscle god, but...she's actually really- NO! N-NO! She's my bloody opponent! Get out of my head! Shaking my head up a bit, I stare her down, trying not to get distracted by your looks as I hear the bell. Moving out, I stay on my toes, lightly bouncing up and down as our distance slowly closes. Raising my hands, as you circle to the right I go to the left, almost unconsciously daring you to make the first move...

12:32 SweetMisty: We circle around each other... sizing each other up. I shake my head a little to get my thoughts in the right place. Just focus on Emily the opponent... ok? Good to go Misty? I shake my wrists out again... and then come forward looking to come together with my arms up to tie up with you in the middle of the ring. My feet plant and when we do come together the ring shakes as our two forces come together. I grunt... my legs bulge... my arms flex... and I look to push against you sinking my tush down in line with my back and legs as much as I can so I can use all the muscles in my body in this initial struggle between these newcomers to the OCW.

12:21 Emily_Dawnson: Our distance slowly closing as I circle you in return. Attempting to kick out all other thoughts, our arms tie up in the middle of the ring. Grunting out a little, I shift my feet to better push against you, not expecting this much resistance of the bat. My toned arms flex out as I try to push forward, using my lower body weight to try and overpower you, while unconsciously showing off my body to the spectators of the match

14:18 SweetMisty: We're both pushing and grunting in close vicinity in the ring. At first we are like two immovable objects jockeying for leverage and looking for an advantage. My back bends the wrong way a bit and with a "Hmmmfff!" it quivers and I'm forced to put one foot back... then another... and another! I can feel momentum go your way and we pick up speed until the ropes bite into the exposed part of my back. My torso leans back from you as I'm pushed... arching over the rope... gasping out as I have no leverage at all now and am just holding on to you out of fear of going up and over the ropes!

05:44 Emily_Dawnson: Finally starting to overpower you, I push and push until finally I get you by your back against the ropes! Raising my hands a little, I see the way your slightly arching over the ropes, and try to use it to my advantage. Leaning down slightly, I attempt to force you higher and off your feet, hoping that it'll be enough to completely make you vulnerable

10:31 SweetMisty: My body stretches over the ropes. My body quivers as they lay over the top ropes with you pressed against me. You lean in further... and that has the desired effect of getting me up on my booted tip toes. "Huuuh! Whooooaaa!" My hands are grabbing at you and looking for hand holds that help me to rebalance. Along your shoulder... your back... my hands keep exploring around looking for better angles but there aren't any. My strawberry blonde hair falls behind my back like a waterfall obscuring the view of the top rope biting into the bare part of my back. I'm in your grasp and I start looking around for the referee.

13:26 Emily_Dawnson: Keeping a firm hold at you, I continue pushing as your hands spread around me. Feeling your hands stroke over my body shakes my a little, before I shake my head a little. Looking at you as you go over the top inch by inch, I’m about to move on to the next stage when the Ref suddenly intervenes… gah. With one move, I take a large step back, my grasp on you released as I shift my wrists a little, preparing for the next move.

14:45 SweetMisty: The referee moves in and starts warning for you to back off as we are tied up in the ropes. At first I think... she's not going to... then suddenly you move away and give me space. My feet come down and settle onto the mat. I roll my shoulders and lick my lips before tossing my hair back over my shoulders. This rodeo has just started and we're still feeling each other out. I start to move to the right... nibbling on my bottom lip as I take a measure of you again. I move forward quickly and try to grab your arm this time... looking to pull you toward then past me and perhaps whip you into the ropes behind me.

14:52 Emily_Dawnson: Rolling my head along my neck a little, I stare you down with a newfound slight momentum on my side. Moving to the left, I try to move forward to you as well, and you manage to grab my arm. Stumbling forward, I fling right past you in your sudden display of strength. I crash right into the ropes, and rebound towards you. Trying to work with it, I outstretch my arm to the side, and attempt to turn it into a fast clothsline!

15:02 SweetMisty: My arms surge as I do indeed get a grasp on your arm and fling you into the ropes. So much so that I stumble on to one knee trying to get you moving! Not a problem! She's going and you just need to get up... My eyes go wide as a fit arm is coming back at me! I must have got you going as I expected you would be bouncing into the ropes at this time... not on your way back! Your arm nearly takes my head off. I fly backward with my chin hooked on top of your arm. My mouth opening and eyes shut tight as my feet fly out from under me. I go completely horizontal with the power behind your clothesline and fall onto the back of my head and back. "AUUUGGGHHHHH!", I groan out as I flop over on my side and grab the back of my head... feet tapping on the canvas.

07:59 Emily_Dawnson: Slightly panting from the energy I had to use, I circle back around, my feet taking smaller and smaller steps to try and slow myself down, eventually stopping to a hault. Staring down at you, I readjust my top a little as I step towards you. Reaching down, I grab the arm that's off the ground, and lay down so my back is on the floor. Wrapping my legs around your arm, I start to pull, beginning to perform an armbar on you!

08:14 SweetMisty: A groan escapes my lips as I start to clear my head a bit. Perhaps I can just get to my feet and… My right arm is taken up! I snap my gaze your way just as you sit back and pull that limb taut… your shapely legs clamping around it. The stretch, at first, is almost pleasant… then starts to get uncomfortable. Before I know it my lips peel back from my teeth in a grimace, my left hand shoots over to my strained shoulder and I’m aching my back. “Huuuuhhhh!”, I gasp out as I start to wriggle on the mat… My legs kicking up and down as you give me a good and extended stretch.

21:28 Emily_Dawnson: Feeling you start to struggle, I try to focus on getting as much damage in as possible, leaning back more and more as I close my eyes. It’s getting harder to stay on, but I know I have to. My legs flex a little as I tighten my hold on your arm, grunting out a little. A drop of sweat drops down onto the floor, the heat of the sun as well as the effort starting to get to me.

08:29 SweetMisty: My legs kick and bridge against the canvas. When you stretch my arm even more you can see my teeth grit and my thrashing increases. “Huhhh… AWWWWW!” My free hand comes up and grabs at your scissors legs… and I slowly start to try and roll us… trying to get to my knees while ensuring this tortuous armbar. My hair is already sticking to my forehead as the hot ring lights stare down with an intense heat.

07:54 Emily_Dawnson: Feeling your resistance grow more and more, I try and keep my grip on your arm. But the rolling starts to tip us over, and I know I can't stay on you for much longer. Attempting to stay on for as long as possible, I tighten, pulling harder as we start to roll over, some of my hair sticking to my back at this point as I grunt out

08:20 SweetMisty: “Guuuhhh… Huuuuoooo!” My breathing is laboured and my arm aching so badly now. I roll myself up to my knees which gives me more flexibility at the shoulder. Using that I slide my legs under your back and try to get them around your body from behind…. My calves trying to come around and ankles locking just below your neck. If I do I’ll try to jerk that scissor hold! I still grunt and grab at your legs with my free hand looking for some relief! At least I’m trying to put some pressure on you in return.

08:26 Emily_Dawnson: Realising what she's about to do, I know i've got to get out of here, but it's a risky position...ah, fuck it, what's the worst that could happen? I wait for just a moment longer as you're getting your limbs all over me, and suddenly release your arm, and jerk similar to a salmon out of water, attempting to roll to the side and escape the clutches of Misty!

08:29 SweetMisty: You roll away just as I’m about to snap my legs around you! You are crafty I have to give you that! And so…. No… head in the game! I give chase trying to roll the way you are going so I’m on my knees before lunging for your rolling form… trying to grab one of your legs before they get away!

08:34 Emily_Dawnson: Just as I think i'm out of the danger...I feel a grip on my foot! Turning back, I spot you trying to tug me back towards you!!! A slight panic kicks in, and I thrash my leg, trying to free myself as I make my way onto my back. My arms are crawling backwards as I kick my leg about, desperately trying to free myself!

08:37 SweetMisty: You thrash and kick that leg making it difficult to hold on! I have to secure this or she’s going to get away! Quickly I slide myself on my neck and try to scissors your captured leg. I grunt and struggle against your movements before attempting to lock your ankle and give you back some of what you gave me!

08:39 Emily_Dawnson: "Argh! Fuck!" I groan out, feeling you lock over my foot and ankle. Quickly moving my other leg over to the whole mess, I try and at least get it in there, interlocking it to fully merge the limbs, hoping it at the very least slows you down while I think of an escape route, or at least a counter...

08:43 SweetMisty: “I got you…”, I whisper. My hands try to work that hold and my legs tense up against your trapped limb. Suddenly your other leg gets injected into the situation and…. Locks against your ankles frustrating my efforts. I slide my leg out from between yours and try to kick up to roll us left… trying to get us on our tummies with me on top.

08:49 Emily_Dawnson: Gasping out as I land on my stomach, I squirm and try to get on all 4's before you get on top! I feel your stomach on my back, and try to shake you off, my arms going to the sides and push upward, my biceps lightly flexing out as I do so. Even though...no, don't even go down that path, Emily!

08:53 SweetMisty: Grunting with effort I manage to stay on top of you and.. You.. whoooooaaaa! You gather yourself and lift us both of the mat as you get to all fours. I’m draped over you and amazed by the rest… stunned. I should… do… wow she’s amazing! Your buck up a bit and it’s enough to roll me off you and onto my back on the canvas near you.

08:58 Emily_Dawnson: Now on my knee's from the release of extra weight that was you, I glance over to where you are, and decide to switch up the match a little. Rising to my feet, I charge back towards the ropes with haste...and rebound off them again, heading towards you on the floor with a heavy pace!

09:03 SweetMisty: Gathering myself and getting to my feet I can feel the ring shaking and know that means something. You are on the move and fast. I turn looking for you and only spy you when you are nearly on me! I try to put an arm out and sweep it around as I line toward you looking to desperately counter with a clothesline!

09:07 Emily_Dawnson: Not expecting you to try something like that, my eyes widen as I slam into your arm. My mind shakes a little, as does my head. The momentum, paired with the counter, results in my body lurching backwards as it crashes into yours with a loud slam!

09:10 SweetMisty: My cry is more because of the sudden impact on my arm than anything as you go down! I didn’t expect that to work being as desperate as I was. My eyes find you on the mat and I try to grab at your left wrist… then your left ankle. My foot tried to roll you away to your right and plant in the small of your back… trying to stretch your body in a bow and arrow!

09:14 Emily_Dawnson: Groaning out on the floor, I feel you grab my arm...then my leg...oh no. "ARGH!" I cry out as I feel my limbs getting almost ripped from their sockets!!! Closing my eyes in pain, I whimper a little as I thrash about, desperately trying to free myself from this torture and pain!

09:16 SweetMisty: My arms loosen the hold then jerk your back into with a grunt! My eyes are on nothing but you. The curve of your back.. The strain in your arm… the bulge as your leg works to free itself. It’s… You still look fabulous and… Just maybe… with the move Misty! My arms haul back again and I grunt out with the effort!

09:20 Emily_Dawnson: Grunting out again and again, I sneak a peak up at you. Obviously she's...yeah, but at the same time seems...slightly distracted? I'll have to ask about that later, but for now I need to try and use it! She amps up the effort, and I swing my free leg with all my remaining might at your free leg, hoping that it gives me a chance!

09:24 SweetMisty: I’m ready to haul you back again when I do your leg strikes right into the side of my knee. Crying out, I lose all support and have to let go to catch myself as gravity takes hold! I fall to my knee and plant my hands on the mat before wincing at the leg shot.

09:28 Emily_Dawnson: Panting, I take a moment to recover, but I know that you'll be quick to respond. Mentally debating, I realise this may be my last attempt, so I gotta make it count! Springing awake, i'm running on fumes now, barely anything left as I wrap my arms around your head, and perform a makeshift RKO onto you!!!

09:34 SweetMisty: Ok get yourself together… my head tilts up to find you only to be grabbed quickly! Before my mind has time to process what is happening my chin is set on your shoulder and your arm wrapped around! I’m pulled forward and we both slam to the canvas with my chin taking the brunt of the impact! My eyes roll up a bit and my mouth hangs open as I pop back up and then, like a puppet with their strings cut, I topple to the side onto my back.

09:38 Emily_Dawnson: Now's my chance! Come on Emily, hang in there! I lunge down, and roll you over on your stomach with pace as I climb weakly onto your back, laying down on you, as we were before but this time? I'm on top! Slowly, I try to wrap my arm around your neck in a headlock, coughing a little as I do so...

09:42 SweetMisty: My body easily complies in the state I’m in to anything you want to do… my head lolling from side to side as you wrap your arm around my neck. The headlock secures tight before I finally come to. “W-what…?” is all I can manage before groaning out as you cinch your arm in. My feet kick weakly in the mat.

09:44 Emily_Dawnson: It's strange, but...I don't want to give her an end too painful. KO doesn't seem fitting to her, and a pin needs to have her on the verge of one. I can only try to force the tap out...so I tighten. My arm right around your neck as I pant out, trying to shut you down once and for all!

09:49 SweetMisty: My breaths play out across your side and they grow with each one. My legs stop their kicking and go rigid. Oh gawd! My mind is reeling and I can’t… my right hand grabs at the canvas and reaches my nails on it… looking for purchase. Not to escape… but to do something to relieve the pressure! My left hand weakly paws at your side… before tapping on you. The ref sees it and points at my hand… calling for the bell!

09:52 Emily_Dawnson: The second I feel your tap, I don't even wait for the bell or ref, and release you. I've won...and it was hard as nails. Rolling off you, I flop to the ground next to you in a panting mess, my head hitting the floor as I close my eyes. But is my opponent ok...why do I care? She's my opponent, she's....fuck that, is she ok?

09:55 SweetMisty: The burn of humiliation… of defeat… starts to take hold already. I cover my face with my hands as soon as you roll of me. When I lower than you are there… looking me over… and… concerned? I kind of offer a lopsided grin and say, “Good match! Mmmm… What are you doing… later…?”

09:58 Emily_Dawnson: I give one one of those 'Out of breath laughs', and wipe the sweat off my face. "Not much, just...recovering from the moves you've put me through...nice moves, by the way" I grin, my chest rising and falling as I try to regain my breath

10:00 SweetMisty: I can’t help but laugh before putting a hand to my complaining neck. “Well you too! That move before… rung my bell! Think you might help me to the exit?” I blush lightly… My half hearted attempt to just walk out of here together.

10:02 Emily_Dawnson: A small ponder from what that could really mean shrugs off as a simple ask for help. I give a smile, and slowly make my way to my feet, before offering you my hand. "Sure thing! On your feet!"

10:10 SweetMisty: Your arm is there for support and I’m glad for it. Arm in arm we make our way out of the ring and up the entranceway toward the cabins. I’m actually smiling and the fans applaud the show of sportsmanship between these two competitors.

10:18 Emily_Dawnson: The crowd cheers and applauds us for the amazing match, and both fighters gave it their all. Turning back, I decide to honor you with one last gesture, and raise your hand in the air, provoking louder cheers as we stride off the ring, and back into our cabins.

Published: 2023-02-17, viewed 62 times.
