OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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Sinister Sisters Faction Application

Roxxxanne (deleted member)
Sweet Misty (deleted member)
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22:46 SweetMisty: Strolls backstage looking around. "H-hello?"
22:46 Roxxxanne: hello misty
22:49 Roxxxanne: *i hook my arms under misty's trapping her in a full nelson*
22:50 SweetMisty: Smiles at Roxxy as she approaches until you suddenly slip around me... and hook my arms up in a full nelson! "H-hey! HEY! What are you doing!?"
22:52 QueenLola: Hands on my hips wearing normal outfit as I smirk seeing OCW official Roxanne has done her job well. I approach the trapped innocent misty “Awww, well well well. What’s the matter Misty? I told you, you’ll see what I meant.” I walk up and grab her chin making her look at me.
22:52 QueenLola: You are not logged in.
22:54 SweetMisty: My head swings left and right trying to find a weakness in the nelson but its locked in tight! "You bitch! Let me-!!!!" A hand grabs my chin roughly and forces me to look right into the eyes of the Queen herself. Lola is here... and I don't like the way she is looking at me. "L-Lola!"
22:55 QueenLola: “What’s the matter Misty?” I laugh and look at the fear in her eyes as I hold her chin and make her look at me. “You’re probably wondering what’s going on here don’t you?”
22:57 SweetMisty: Thoughts are rolling around in my head... why would... we barely know each other! I just got here. "What is this about!? You... this is unprovoked!" I struggle again and pull against the nelson... trying to overpower Roxxy.
23:00 QueenLola: I let go of her chin and smirk “oh that’s right, it is unprovoked but but, sweety, your little miss innocent aren’t you? So I thought why not make an application out of you!” I send an hard fist right into her abdomen. “To all the women out there, if you love being bad, come see me, and maybe just maybe I’ll let you into the Sinister Sisters faction. As for ladies like Misty, take note.”
23:02 SweetMisty: "OOOOFFFF!" You sink your fist right into my tummy and it doubles me over a bit. The nelson rips me back up but I am a lot less feisty. My hair covering my face a bit and my mouth open... eyes squeezed shut in pain. "S-stop.... <cough cough>"
23:03 Roxxxanne: *i jerk you back up making sure you face lola*
23:04 QueenLola: “Mmmm Roxanne, what do you think? Think she’s had enough? I’m surprised how well she trusted you.” I smirk and send another punch into her abdomen
23:06 SweetMisty: "HUUUNNNFFFF!" I hunch over more this time... my hair flying with the motion and more coughs racking my lithe body. I stay leaning over... not even trying to pull myself up. "L-Lola.... <kaf>..."
23:06 Roxxxanne: *i jerk you back up* she could take some more
23:07 QueenLola: I smirk and look at her “Oh what what you wanted to say something huh?” I say and give her a couple of slaps to the face “come on tough girl!”
23:09 SweetMisty: I shake my head... looking groggy and a little pale after that last one. "Nooo... w-why..." Not only am I jerked up but I', shook into position... making sure I am not going to move much this time. My struggles getting more and more pathetic as I'm beaten.
23:11 QueenLola: I smirk “you know what.” I say and break her free from Roxanne’s full Nelson and trap her arms behind her back and kick her legs apart. “Make that money worth it. Ooops, how about you give her a little kick where it counts Roxanne.”
23:14 SweetMisty: My eyes go wide! Some sort of instinct kicks in and I try to drop to the side... looking to get out of the way as I can't see what Roxanne is going to do! If she does go for my V getting out of the way is the best thing. If not... a little humiliation after dropping to the floor is a small price to pay. Besides... maybe Lola will take it instead...
23:14 Roxxxanne: *i bring my leg back then kick as hard as i can between misty's legs*
23:16 QueenLola: I feel the little bitch trying to pull away from me just as Roxy pulls back to kick and I grip tighter keeping her in place for Roxy.
23:20 SweetMisty: Roxanne's foot thumps right between my legs as Lola easily pulls me back into position. "HUUUUUHHHHHH!" My eyes roll a bit and my legs quiver..... I start to just sink down to my knees... my hands shaking and moving to clutch myself... eyes pinched shut in pain. "Guuuhhhhh..." I try to topple onto my side and just soothe myself. "Oooo gaawwwddd...."
23:21 QueenLola: Roxanne and I stand over the battered little misty and smirk “Well what do you think now?” I say and look at Roxanne. “Does your cunt hurt pretty bad doesn’t it?” I laugh and smile as I look down at Misty.
23:23 Roxxxanne: *i lightly stomp her chest*
23:25 SweetMisty: "HRRRNNNNKKK!" The stomp may have been light but in my condition it presses air out of my lungs and it sets me off coughing again. I raise one arm up in a feeble attempt to fend you both off... not able to say anything now as I just try to breathe!
23:27 QueenLola: “Get her up on her knees Roxanne” I say as she does the best she can to fight back and smirk as I walk back away and set myself up for her.
23:27 Roxxxanne: *i grab misty's hair and pull her up to her knees*
23:30 SweetMisty: "Awwww...!!" My long strawberry blonde tresses are yanked and my hands paw at Roxy's wrists rather pathetically. I just... nothing works right now. My arms feel like thick rubber... and my legs are jelly. Even getting to my knees hurts without the added hairpull. My face looks up at the two treacherous females with my mouth slightly open.
23:32 QueenLola: I stand to the side of her head and give an small run as I try to nail her in the side of her head with my ‘ICE Queen’ finisher an Bicycle knee pump kick. Hopefully to lay her out cold.
23:35 SweetMisty: When your foot comes around it clocks me solidly on the side of my head and gets my cheek as well. I accidently bite down a bit and draw blood from my tongue which spurts out into the air on my trip to the hard ground. As I see the ground coming up fast I'm swallowed by darkness and... feel nothing else. To others though my long lean body twitches on the ground before sighing... resting.... taken in by a tortured sleep.
23:36 QueenLola: I smirk seeing her lay on the ground as I walk out of the locker room area and grin as an job well done.
23:36 QueenLola: {End}

Published: 2023-02-16, viewed 0 times.

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