OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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Aysha VS Zack No Holds Barred Pro Match!

Aysha (deleted member)

15:20 Zack_Davis: Strolling out of my beachfront condo, I pause to take a deep breath and take in the amazing day. Every day is amazing at the beach, but today in particular I'm a little bit psyched! The new lady, Aysha, is trying to make a name for herself, so I said sure why not, let's fight! The negotiations got spicy, and we ended up agreed upon a NHB/extreme rules match. I stroll across the beach to the pro-style ring on the Private Beach, hop up onto the apron and duck through the ropes. There's a nice breeze blowing in off the ocean, carrying the sound of the gentle surf. I do some light stretching as I await your entry, wearing only my blue speedo. At 6'0" and 175, I'm in pretty good shape for the match.
15:21 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in. your choice 😉You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
15:21 Zack_Davis: Yt
15:29 Aysha: After you made your way I shortly come along. I walk along the private beach, taking in the breeze and beautiful day. I then see the ring and make my way. I slide in through the bottom rope and get back up to my feet. I go to my corner and cross my arms feeling real cocky, even yawning trying to mess with you. “So are you ready or what?” I’m 5’2 and 111, but that still won’t stop me or even fear you.
15:30 Aysha: You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
15:30 Aysha: Yt
15:47 Zack_Davis: I admire the fiesty look about you, the smug, cocky look on your face. I'll wipe that off soon enough. Your green attire really makes your dark complexion pop, 'not bad' I think to myself. Stepping out of my corner towards you, I look around and wave my arms in a broad circle... "No rules, no refs, just you and me. Sure you're ready for this?" ... Stopping at center ring. Yt
15:50 Aysha: I step out of my corner as I get into a stance, I circle around the ring watching you. “Of course I’m ready. I should be asking you the same thing..” I smirk. Shortly after I lunge at you getting you into an elbow and collar lock up with me! I grunt as I plant my feet down trying to push you towards a corner.
15:50 Aysha: Yt
15:56 Zack_Davis: Although I have a considerable size advantage over you, your lower center of gravity works to your advantage. My bad, I wasn't expecting you to lunge and you caught me flat footed. THAT won't happen again, but at the moment I find myself cornered. I try to gather myself while we're still locked up, lifting a knee at your body. Yt
15:58 Aysha: I get you in the lock up and I have the advantage early on due to my lower center of gravity. I get you in the corner but out of nowhere you send a knee to my stomach. “OUGHHHH!” I groan and bend over, breaking the lock up.
15:58 Aysha: Yt
16:02 Zack_Davis: My knee strike lands, your sharp grunt tells me it hurt. With a smirk, I sidestep as our clinch is broken. Weaving my fingers into your hair, I attempt to drive you face first into the top turn buckle. yt
16:03 Aysha: You step to the side after the clinch breaks. You put your fingers into my hair and drive me face first into the top turnbuckle! “AGHHH!” I scream and hold my face in pain.
16:03 Aysha: Yt
16:12 Zack_Davis: I keep my fingers laced into your hair, the pace now slow and deliberate as I have an advantage for now. I can't help but taunt you a little, as I use your hair to pull you into a side headlock, "Soo Aysha, how ya liking the beach so far?" Yt
16:13 Aysha: I groan as you keep a hold of my hair. You then lock me into a side headlock. “UGHHH.. SHUT...UP!” I yell before I attempt to ram you in the corner as you have me in the side headlock.
16:13 Aysha: Yt
16:39 Zack_Davis: Too cocky, too soon... I get rammed hard into the corner, my ribs taking the brunt of the impact. I wince, holding my headlock but loosening it considerably... "DAMN!" I curse, you have good ring smarts. yt
16:42 Aysha: I ram you into the corner and your ribs take the impact! I would still be held in your headlock but it would loosen so I get out! Still being behind you I would wrap my arms around your waist. “Ready for liftoff!?” I ask taunting you. I then lift you up and slam you backwards on your neck with a German suplex!
16:42 Aysha: Yt
16:51 Zack_Davis: I pause for a moment to grasp at my aching ribs, which allows you the opportunity to wiggle free and wrap your arms tightly about my waist. "Whoa, whoa, HEY!" I yelp as I get flopped over onto my neck, then crumple into a pile as the impact stuns me. Yt
16:52 Aysha: I get up and the pick you up, but keep you bent over. I then wrap my arm around your head and proceed to spike you right back down to the canvas with a DDT!
16:52 Aysha: Yt
17:01 Zack_Davis: Still stunned from the suplex, I struggle to resist as you draw me up to my feet and wrap your arm around my neck. "Well shoot!" I'm thinking, "this can't be good...". My head on your hip with my hands free as you set up your DDT, I swing my fist in a looping arch towards your crotch as you fall back into the spike. Not sure if it had any effect, as my forehead slammed into the mat. I see stars as a ringing sound fills my head. Yt
17:05 Aysha: I would have you set up for the DDT and I then drop you, but you then send a punch to my crotch as we fall. After smashing your forehead against the mat I scream in pain! “AGHHH!!” I hold my crotch as I kick my feet up and down in pain!
17:05 Aysha: Yt
17:13 Zack_Davis: I think happy thoughts as I hear you scream... "Extreme Rules, welcome to the beach!" I think through the ringing in my head. My mind is telling me to attack you while you're wounded, but at the moment I don't have the ability to do that, rolling to my back holding my head. Yt
17:15 Aysha: I shortly get up, I see you on your back so I then run to the ropes behind me and bounce off of them running back to you! Once I’m close enough I send a elbow drop right onto your face!
17:15 Aysha: Yt
17:27 Zack_Davis: You bounce back pretty quickly from my low blow, "BITCH!!!" I shriek as your elbow crashes into my face. I'm sure I'm bleeding from that one! Rolling away from you and out of the ring for a chance to regroup.
17:30 Aysha: My elbow crashes onto your face! I laugh as I roll away and see you bleeding from your nose! “Awww is someone gonna need a bandage and a boo boo kiss?” I say pouting and then laughing!
17:30 Aysha: Yt
17:35 Zack_Davis: I grin up at you from outside the ring as you talk trash, I play that game too! "Are you offering?!" I tease back, taking a swipe at your ankles as I ask... Yt
17:56 Aysha: “Oh shut u- AGHHH!” I’m interrupted by you swiping at my ankles. I fall onto my back and groan in pain as I lay there.
18:02 Zack_Davis: Grabbing onto your ankle, I pull you in one swift motion out of the ring, allowing you to land flat on your back in the sand. I love extreme rules!
18:14 Aysha: You then grab my ankle after swiping at my ankles and yank me out the ring. “AGHHH!” I scream as I fall flat onto my back on the sand. I try to get up before you can hit me with something.
18:14 Aysha: Yt
18:14 QueenLola: I step up to where Aysha is and smirk as she ends up backing into my legs trying to get up. “Hey”
18:15 Aysha: I back up into someone’s legs and turn around to see Lola behind me. “What do you want!?” I ask as I get back up to my feet.
18:17 Zack_Davis: *steps to the side, cutting off any escape for Aysha. Pinching my bloody nose shut, stepping closer...*
18:18 QueenLola: I grab her as she stands up and holds her arms tightly “get her!”
18:19 Aysha: “UGHHH!” I scream as Lola grabs me. But as soon as Zack gets closer I start to send kicks wanting to hit him in his midsection!
18:19 Aysha: Yt
18:24 Zack_Davis: "She's a fiesty one!" I giggle, keeping my distance from those feet ... Waiting. Taller than you, with longer legs, my striking distance is greater. At the first clear chance I get, I launch a kick of my own at your crotch. yt
18:26 Aysha: You keep some distance from me so my kicks won’t land. You then retaliate with a kick of your own! “UGHHHH!” I fall to my knees but I’m still held by Lola.
18:26 Aysha: Yt
18:26 QueenLola: I lift her up and set her up for an suplex on the outside of the ring
18:29 Aysha: You lift me up and set me up for a suplex, I then try to send some blows to your back with a hammer fist trying to stop you!
18:29 QueenLola: The pain to my back only makes me drop her faster slamming her down hard on the sand
18:32 Aysha: “AGHHH!” I scream and arch my back in pain after being slammed onto my back on the sand.
18:34 Zack_Davis: I follow the suplex, as Aysha lands I taunt "you Doo like your elbow drops, don't you?!" ... Following her down with an elbow drop of my own into her belly as soon as she lands. I smile up at Lola and give her a wink, Aysha's sexy body slammed, arched and elbowed...
18:36 Aysha: “AGHHH!” I jump up in pain as I hold my stomach and groan, kicking my legs up and down. I roll to my side laying there in pain.
18:36 Aysha: Yt
18:41 Zack_Davis: You roll to your side as I get up and give Lola a deep kiss... "Thanks baby!" I smirk down at you as you roll to your side clutching your stomach. "Shall we get back in the ring, sweetie?" I taunt, as I grasp a handfull of your hair to ease you up. "Do you need a boo boo kissed now?" I giggle. Yt
18:44 Aysha: I lay there as you give Lola a kiss. You then taunt me and grab a handful of my hair. “Fuck...you..” I say angrily as you taunt me by using what I said earlier.
18:44 Aysha: Yt
18:50 Zack_Davis: "Maybe later" I reply to your generous offer, pulling you up to your feet and rolling you back into the ring under the bottom rope. There's a folding chair leaning against the outside of the ring, I pick that up and toss it into the ring as well. "That might come in handy, don't ya think?". ..*evil bloody grin*
18:50 Zack_Davis: yt
18:54 Aysha: You roll me back into the ring through the bottom rope and I lay there, “Ughhhh..” I groan in pain. You then grab a folding chair that was leaning against the ring. You toss it in the ring and I still lay there, having no idea what’s going on.
18:54 Aysha: Yt
19:01 Zack_Davis: I roll into the ring myself, getting to my feet, I stalk over to you. With the chair laying flat on the ground behind me, I again try to pull you to your feet by your hair, "come on up here, Aysha, this will be fun!". yt
19:02 Aysha: I easily get picked up to my feet by you grabbing my hair. “Oughhhh..” I keep groaning in pain as you set me up for something..
19:02 Aysha: Yt
19:06 Zack_Davis: I wrap one arm around your neck from above, my other hand I use to grab the waistband of your shorts just above your butt. Looking behind me to make sure everything is lined up right, I fall backwards as I yank on your shorts, a Wedgie DDT onto a steel chair if everything goes as planned... yt
19:14 Aysha: You set me up for a wedgie DDT as you pull my shorts up, my ass sort of sticking out. You then slam me down with a DDT! “AGHHHHH!!!!” I scream as I roll onto my back, I put my hands over my forehead as I start bleeding! I roll left and right as I yell in pain!
19:14 Aysha: Yt
19:20 Zack_Davis: I grin as I see I've now drawn blood also. While you writhe in anguish, I plan my next move ... Coldly, deliberately. "Silly Aysha, I need you on your feet, darn it!". Again drawing you up, but this time my thick arms wrap around your cute, petite waist in a belly to belly bearhug. I growl into your ear as I squeeze ... "This is my little 'Zack Attack'. I think you'll like it!". Yt
19:25 Aysha: You pick me up after making me bleed with that DDT! You wrap your thick strong arms around my cute, small, and petite waist to lock me in a belly to belly bearhug! “AGHHHH!!!” I scream as you growl into my ear. “OUGHHH!!” I wrap my legs around your waist and try pushing on your arms as I wince and cringe in pain while clenching my teeth and close my eyes!
19:25 Aysha: Yt
19:31 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in. My sadistic side takes pleasure in your cries! Your legs wrap around my waist, a delightful reaction, only causing me to squeeze tighter as I rock you back and forth, shaking you in my grip... "you could submit" I suggest as your blood drips onto my shoulder. You are not logged in. yt
19:36 Aysha: “AGHHHH!!!! NOOOO!!” I yell out as I shake my head no, my sweaty hair flying around. I then start to send elbows and hammer fists to your back trying to make you stop!
19:36 Aysha: Yt
19:49 Zack_Davis: Your sharp little elbows and fists are quite painful, time to bail out of this hold. "Aww, now you get to see my Shark Bite!" I tease into your ear. Slipping my grip to your waist, I lift you slightly and push you away down me, creating a little space. I drop to one knee, allowing gravity to do the rest as you land straddling my upraised knee. An atomic drop, aka a Shark Bite.... https://coub.com/view/2uv9yu
19:49 Zack_Davis: Yt
19:54 Aysha: My elbows and fists hurt your back. My face turns into fear as I hear you say I get to hear your shark bite. You slip your grip to my waist, lift me up slightly, and push me away down you. You leave a little space and drop to one knee. I drop down with my crotch hitting your upraised knee! “AGHHHHH!!!!” I scream and fall off your knee as I hold my crotch!
19:54 Aysha: Yt
20:06 Zack_Davis: I smirk ... "Yeah, that one kinda hurts, doesn't it?" I feel like I've taken a lot of the fight out of you, so I take my time. I retrieve the chair from where it rests, turning to approach you with it raised over my head. yt
02:06 Aysha: I lay there in pain as blood is all over my forehead. You grab the chair from where it is and approach me with it raised over your head.
02:06 Aysha: Yt
02:17 Zack_Davis: You appear to be in quite a bit of pain, a Shark Bite tends to do that. Your forehead wound is a bloody one, equal to my face after your elbow strikes. I approach with the chair raised, aiming it at your head in a short, swift swing. Yt
02:20 Aysha: I groan as you then have the chair raised above me, but as soon as you swing to hit me with it roll out the way before I can get hit with the chair!
02:20 Aysha: Yt
02:30 Zack_Davis: I stalk you, eying you up with the chair, ohh man this is gonna be awesome! I swing sharply for your head, but you roll out of the way at the last second. The chair instead hits the mat hard, stunning my hands causing me to drop it. I'll get back to that chair I think smugly, standing upright to walk over the short distance to you. I raise my foot to stomp your stomach. Yt
02:33 Aysha: I roll out the way and the chair smashing against the mat stuns your hands! I then see you coming to stomp me so I grab your foot and push you away before you can!
02:33 Aysha: Yt
02:38 Zack_Davis: "Damn!!!" I swear, missing the chance at a really good belly shot. I stumble backwards as you push me away, touching my face and looking at my hand, curious as to if I'm still bleeding. Ughh, hard to tell, we both are a mess! I sulk back into a corner to catch my breath under the hot sun, my body glistening with sweat. Watching you. yt
02:42 Aysha: I then get up as quick as I can and see you sulking back in a corner! I then rush at you as fast as I can and try to crush your body with mines and the corner!
02:42 Aysha: Yt
02:52 Zack_Davis: Your quickness is your advantage against my size, you slam into me with that sexy body with reckless abandon. My back slams into the corner as I try to figure out if I still have the ability to breathe! I sag down a little bit, supported by my arms draped over the top opposing ropes of the corner. yt
02:54 Aysha: I then grab the middles ropes, bend over, and begin to hit you with multiple shoulder tackles into your midsection as you’re dazed in the corner. “Come on Zack what’s wrong!?!”
02:54 Aysha: Yt
02:59 Zack_Davis: You drive your shoulder into my belly again and again, ruthlessly! Each strike hurts more than the previous one, and each one drives my butt a little farther back onto the middle turn buckle. My body folds over yours as the repeated blows make me grunt sharply in agony with each one , Unghhhh, Unghhhh, awww fuk! Unghhh! yt
03:17 Aysha: After smashing your midsection with shoulder tackles I feel your body over mines so I grab you by your legs and take a few steps back with you on top of my back. I walk to the chair that’s on the floor and line your back up with it! I then slam you down hard onto your back on the chair with a brutal spine buster!
03:17 Aysha: Yt
03:22 Zack_Davis: I arch my back as I writhe in agony, my mouth open but no sound escapes. You drove the breath out of me with your barrage of shoulders, my stomach feels like it's on fire and now your spine buster onto the chair! Omg you're vicious! I actually admire you as I writhe in agony, rolling partially to my side, clutching at my arched back. Not bad, rookie, not bad. yt
03:28 Aysha: I then grab the chair and open it up, I place it on the floor and grab you by your hair. I drag you to the open space of the chair and place your head between the open space of the chair.
03:28 Aysha: You are not logged in.
03:29 Aysha: I then place my foot on the chair and taunt you. “Hmmm I wonder how it would feel if I was in this position.. I guess I’ll never know!” I then stomp on the chair closing it on your throat and neck!
03:29 Aysha: Yt
19:26 Zack_Davis: I'm vaguely aware of you positioning me in the chair, but my pride and frankly my current state of decimation prevents me from protesting. My bloody cheek rests against the cool steel of the chair. My mind says move, but my nervous system is stunned and I physically lack that ability for the moment. I hear your taunts as though I were listening to you underwater, when you stomp on the chair, slamming it closed on my throat and neck! My body goes rigid for a moment, then spasms violently in reaction to your vicious attack ... yt
19:30 Aysha: “Ohhh that looks bad..” I laugh as the chair closes on your neck and throat. I then get on my knees and place one knee on your back. I then grab your chin with both hands and pull back hard as your head is still in the chair!
19:30 Aysha: Yt
19:44 Zack_Davis: Only a faint glimmer consciousness remains within my mind, and the part of my mind that is aware of my surroundings knows only agony! My battered body bends to your will, a toy for your sadistic pleasures. A groan of anguish is all I am able to offer as resistance, my neck bent in your impromptu camel clutch sending waves of ain coursing in every direction! yt
19:49 Aysha: I keep bending you as hard as I can, the chair should even even more pain! I laugh hearing your groans of anguish! “JUST TAP OUT ALREADY!!” I yell wrenching you back harder and harder.
19:49 Aysha: Yt
20:34 Zack_Davis: My body battered, bruised and broken, I use all of my remaining strength to feel for your thigh. I manage one tap on your thigh before my arm goes limp and collapses!
20:34 Zack_Davis: yt
21:19 Aysha: I then wrench back as hard as I can before finally throwing you down onto the mat! I get up and grab the chair I used on you. I raise it up in victory as I place my foot on your back.
21:19 Aysha: You are not logged in.
21:19 Aysha: Yt
21:27 Zack_Davis: I drool a bit from the corner of my mouth as you pose over my twitching body in a victory stance. I'm vaguely aware of your foot on my back, every joint in my back and neck feels broken, my guts still on fire from your shoulder work. I was cocky coming in, perhaps took an unknown rookie lightly. That certainly won't happen again. If we ever meet again, I make up my mind right there under your foot that I will make you beg for mercy someday. Today, however, you were better, meaner, more vicious, and I paid dearly for allowing that to happen. I squeeze my eyes shut, uncertain as to what to expect next. yt
21:29 Aysha: I then toss the chair onto your head and pose. I exit out the ring and hold my head, as I was still bleeding. “Better luck next time Zack! You’re next Lola don’t forget that either!” I yell as I walk away from the ring, smiling as I’m victorious.

Published: 2023-02-21, viewed 84 times.



Spanked Angie

2023-02-21 23:12

Spank him next time *giggle*

Zack Davis

2023-02-22 00:27

(In reply to this)

She pretty much did, don't give her any ideas!