OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

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  • Outdoors match
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Outdoor Championship Wrestling Hardcore Title Defense

JakeThe3rd (deleted member)
Sweet Misty (deleted member)

04:43 Sigrid: I hear the crowd warming up for the next match on the card, MY match on the card for the Hardcore Title of the OCW. As Wagner's "Flight of the Valkyries" plays over the speakers, I bust out of my cabana on the beach as white and brighter white fireworks start exploding overhead. Ready for this fight in boots, micro-shorts, and my football jersey, complimented by some pads and my own winning smile, I head for the ring. I slap a few high fives to some randos in the crowd and wave to the people that I know (and like) before rolling into the ring and hopping up onto the second rope to raise my hands and listen to the cheers and adulations that I am due. Then I turn my 5'7" and 131 pound tone body around and hop down to the canvas, leaning back on the ropes in the corner to watch for my opponent to show up.
04:44 Sigrid: You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
04:44 Sigrid: yt
04:47 QueenLola: I followed Sig down to the ring wearing my black bikini and clapping as she strutted down to the ring. I stood on the apron after she climbed down into the corner and gave her butt a playful spank of good luck as I bite my lip and watch the rampway for her opponent to arrive “you will walk out of here the new champ.” You are not logged in.
04:47 QueenLola: Yt
04:48 Sigrid: I glance back at Lola with a little smirk, "Oh, I plan to... but, you stay over there, last time I fought Zack you stabbed me in the back, I'm glad you say you are on my side, but...."
04:50 Michelle_Pantero: (hehehe. Enforcer)
04:50 QueenLola: I take the hint and climb down off of the apron and stand back letting her have this fight to prove I am truly out here to help her and not betray her.
04:58 QueenLola: Yt
05:02 Michelle_Pantero: I got a call from my friend Sigrid asking if I'd come keep a eye on her hardcore match. I had no love lost between any of the participants, so why not come down and make sure it was no shenanigans happening. I wandered down to the ringside decked out in my motorcycle gear, tight jeans, blue wife beater and boots. I prowled the edge of the ring, almost hoping someone would try and interfere. YT
15:52 SweetMisty: I've just finished changing into my own ring attire and take a seat on one of the benches back stage. Sigrid and Lola are already ringside and soon Zack is going to make his way. Lola is probably expecting me to inject myself into this fiasco at some point or another. At the very least I'll be another variable for her to contend with in this 5D chess game that is playing out... another piece to consider. If anything maybe I can finally get my hands on her and start cracking at the reputation that is the Sisterhood... make them a laughing stock. For now... valet... manager... whatever you want to call it... I'm here and will be coming down with Zack Attack to make sure things go the way they should.
18:37 Zack_Davis: I pace back and forth like a caged animal behind the impromptu staging area set up for this oceanside OCW Hardcore Championship match, listening to the dreadful symphony "Flight of the Valkyries" that now blasts over the sound system. I pause to observe the litany of predators currently wandering around the ring for this spectacle. Pantero, Queen Lola and her gang of thugs, and of course the main course, Sigrid. All the ingredients of a powder keg, basically, even bets on who might explode on whom. With no love lost amongst any of those scheduled to be in attendance, I asked my trusted friend Misty to come along and watch my back. She's as solid as they come, tough as nails and gorgeous as well. FINALLY that dreadful depressing music ends as Sigrid poses for the crowd, and I get my cue to enter. AC/DC "Thunderstruck" begins blasting over the sound system, and the crowd erupts with adrenaline! How can you not?! I get goosebumps myself as I take Misty's hand!! (mtc)
18:39 Zack_Davis:
18:55 Zack_Davis: We step out together, hand in hand, holding our opposing fists high in the air. I chose to wear my traditional blue speedo for this match, and at an even 6'0" and 175 pounds, I'm as ripped as ever. Misty herself is an imposing figure at 5'10", as we make our way to the ring we make an impressive team. We work our way through the crowd, never letting go of each other's hand. There's sharks in these waters, and as of right now, we're ready for anything. I hop up onto the apron, sitting on the middle rope like a true gentleman, allowing Misty to enter the ring first as I slip in behind her. A glare at Sigrid is followed by my contractually mandated corner pose for fan photos and recognition. Part of being a champion. My music fades as I hop down off the middle ropes, turning in midair to face Sigrid with a smirk. Zack vs Sigrid, Part 4. Hardcore match. I'm gonna enjoy this! "Hello, Sigrid...". You are not logged in.
18:55 Zack_Davis: yt
18:57 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in.
18:57 QueenLola: I decide to walk around to Zacks view and get his attention before making things worse off the bat for him with Zack mode by lifting my bikini top and flashing him as I bite my lip while Michelle’s back was turned.
18:57 QueenLola: Yt
19:06 Zack_Davis: Out of nowhere, pow! 34d's on full display. AND she's biting her lip 🥵! Freaking Lola, already up to no good. Successfully. She knows she drives me crazy, and the brats little display sends my mind spinning! Somebody throw that lady a string of Mardi Gras beads!
19:06 Zack_Davis: yt
19:07 QueenLola: I put my top back down and quickly scurry back to my side of the ring before Michelle could notice anything and look at him as I bite my lip and then give him a booty shake as I walk back trying to keep him driven crazy.
19:08 QueenLola: Yt
19:10 Zack_Davis: (😍 Damn you! 🍑)
19:51 SweetMisty: I glare across the ring at Lola and put a hand on Zack's shoulder. "Hey! Focus...!! Remember who is going to try to take that gold away from you? Hint: It's both of them but only one can make the pin!" I move around in front of Zack and try to block out Lola from his view. "Right here. Up top Zack. Look at me. Are you focused?"
19:55 SweetMisty: yt
21:17 Zack_Davis: Misty meets me face to face, eye to eye...she's got her game face on and her tone of voice draws my focus away from that crazy little booty shake 🍑🥵. I look at her and blink, as if coming out of a trance ..."huh? focus?!". I snap back into the moment, suddenly recognizing Misty...close call! "I'm good, partner, I got this! Good lookin' out!". More confident than ever knowing I have an awesome partner watching my back, I gaze at Sigrid across the ring... "Up to your old tricks already, Sigster?" yt
21:26 Michelle_Pantero: I chuckle from outside the ring, Lola using sex to distract Zack... Check. Zack forgetting everything else as soon as boobs come out..... Check. Misty not realizing she's in way over her head..... Check. Sigrid focused on what she's doing.... Check. So far everything is going according to plan. "Outta the ring glass jaw." I snarl up at Misty.. "or do I need to help you?". YT
21:37 Zack_Davis: (I'm focused 👅. My friend made sure of that. Peeks down at you... Ohh, cleavage!)
21:42 SweetMisty: Hearing a familiar voice my head turns quickly with my hair whipping around to see... Michelle. Of course she would be here. Everywhere I go... Michelle has to be there. "Oh I should have known. The glory hound having to be where the spotlight is. I don't plan on doing anything but supporting the champ. Don't you have some catnip to play with?" My eyes turn back to Zack giving him a smile. "Focus!", is my advice before I step to the ropes and slip through the top and middle strands. I hop down to the concrete and stand there... arms crossed... my eyes staring at Michelle with murder in them. yt
21:45 QueenLola: Michelle and Misty don’t seem to be getting along to well, I’m fairly sure she wouldn’t think twice if I had struck that bitch with an chair. With this in mind, I sneak around on my way over I reach under the ring and pull out a chair, before long I end up getting behind Misty and slamming that chair right into her backside.
21:45 QueenLola: Yt
21:53 SweetMisty: My focus is entirely on Michelle. This bitch is not going to get the drop on me again! First I'm fresh so.... yeah she's not going to attack me when it could be a fair battle. Second I know her style now. I got her pinned down so if it does happen I'll be the one walking away. And third... SMMMAAAACCCCKKKKK! That chair hits with a meaty smack right across my back! My arms fly up and I cry out immediately... falling to my knees! yt
21:58 QueenLola: I slam the chair flush against her back again and smirk taking this moment to then grab her leg and her ankle between the chair and chuckle as I climb onto the apron and tap Zacks shoulder as I then stood on the stairs above the part of the chair I need to step to take Misty out of this.
21:58 QueenLola: Yt
22:20 Zack_Davis: I turn as Lola taps me on the shoulder. I see my friend stretched out on the floor with her leg pinned inside a chair. "Son of a ...!" Rage fills my mind, everything's suddenly a hazy shade of red. Didn't even get to the opening bell yet and Lola is pushing every button she can. Well, she's not pushing this button. With a primal scream of pure rage, I grasp a hold of her blonde hair first with one hand then with both. Dragging her over the top rope by her hair until just her shins rest on the top rope, I drop like a rock while wrapping my arms around her neck from above, spiking her head into the mat in a top rope DDT. yt
22:29 Sigrid: During the kerfuffle of Zack’s entrance, and the gaggle of other people seeming to swarm around the ring, I just lean back, watching with vaguely amused interest until the smack of the chair. When Zack drags Lola into the ring, I give an eye roll and shake my head again, typical. I push out of the corner and call out, “Michelle! Get that bimbo out of my ring! And Zack! The fight is with me!” Trying to time it and leap forward to catch him high in the chest with a diving spear as he rises from the DDT
22:29 Sigrid: Yt
22:31 QueenLola: I hit the mat and groan as I roll out of the ring and down to floor off of the ddt and groan as Sig wasn’t happy with Zack pulling me into the ring as the match got under way as I laid on the outside and held my head.
22:32 QueenLola: Yt
22:35 Michelle_Pantero: I smile.... Like a doberman let off it's chain I start for Lola, intending to make bad things happen. I stomp my foot when she rolls out. Slightly pissed I didn't get to have any fun.... Yet. YT
22:36 SweetMisty: I drag my leg out from inside the chair and kick the thing away. Really?! Right off!!? Where is she!? That's when I see Michelle all over Lola and I just roll up and walk to the other side of the ring... content to let someone else do the dirty work...
22:38 QueenLola: I put my hands up toward Michelle as she comes over and gives motion that I over heard Misty talking shit about her and that’s why I smacked her with the chair.
23:05 Michelle_Pantero: I look back and forth from Lola to Misty and back. "Stay out of the way girl's..." I twist my head left to right, causing it to pop loudly. "Or you'll be riding in a ambulance home." YT
23:06 SweetMisty: My arms cross and I just toss my strawberry blonde hair back over my shoulder... shrugging my shoulders. My eyes go back to the action in the ring. "Come on Zack!!!"
01:43 Zack_Davis: I hit the DDT on Lola in a fit of rage! She's doing everything she can to distract me, obviously bitter because I beat her for this title to begin with. Attacking my friend was a game changer though, and hitting that DDT has me JACKED! Adrenaline and testosterone is coursing through my veins, I could run through a wall right now! "WOOOOOOO!!!!" I let out a war cry as I slam Lola's head into the mat, damn that felt good! Misty seems to be okay, Michelle is growling as usual but minding her own business. I hear Sigrid with the audacity to say this was HER ring. Lady, as long as that belt is mine, this is MY ring! Like really, she's giving instructions to Michiepants, sure, no collaboration there, but really? I'm not aware of your presence after hearing that exchange?! I pop up to my feet, ready to take on the world, my head on a swivel as you do your high flying attempt at a spear. I have this really cool trick that I do when someone is sailing at me ... I move. (mtc)
01:51 Zack_Davis: Unfortunately I don't quite move enough, your 132 pounds worth of wannabe Valkyrie partially collides with me and partially deflects off of me. Your impact drives me into a natural pivot, and by getting my arms under you I'm able to steer both of us crashing into the corner. "AWESOME!!!" I roar at you as we become entangled in a mass of arms and legs and ropes ..."Let's do this, Viking Girl!", eyeing up Lola's forgotten chair just outside the ring. Mental note, check. Never know when THAT might come in handy. yt
02:46 Sigrid: Time seems to slow as I’m leaping and between the time I leave my feet and impact you check on Misty, listen to Michelle, stand fully erect, look around, and then pivot to partially catch me in my dive. “Ack!” We go crashing into the corner of the ring, the stop brings my feet to the canvas and I get my balance and blink, partially deafened by your roar, but yelling at me doesn’t hurt, even if the breath does water my eyes, and I bounce up on my toes, grabbing the top rope, and raise a knee, attempting to swing it across at your side, aiming at the lower ribs.
02:46 Sigrid: Yt
03:28 Zack_Davis: We certainly don't want time to slow down! You gain your feet, catch your balance, blink at me through watery eyes, bounce on your toes, grab the top rope, and launch a knee strike at my ribs. I groan as your knee lands, "my gosh, where did that come from" I think to myself, folding over to favor my now injured ribs. yt
03:59 Sigrid: "My knee! It came from my knee! Didn't see it did you?" As you lean into the rib shot, my hands loose from the ropes and go for a wrist to try to pull you out, I back up, twisting, aiming to launch with an Irish whip across towards the opposite corner as I try to get something going and hope to try to counter that adrenaline.
03:59 Sigrid: yt
11:16 Zack_Davis: Hunched over clutching my side, my center of gravity and therefore my base is off center. When you grab my wrist and pull, you're easily able to get my momentum moving out of the corner in the direction of the opposite corner. Normally I would simply reverse this move, but with my free arm favoring my ribs at the moment I miss that opportunity. I focus on ensuring I hit the opposing corner back first so I can minimize any harm and focus on your next move. I hit the corner as I had hoped, back first and hands at the top ropes, ready to do something crazy, like move if need be. yt
11:24 Sigrid: Flinging you across the ring, I see you turning and hitting the opposite turnbuckles back first. I hope it does a little more damage to the ribcage, but there's not much time to waste on that sort of observation if I want to keep up the initial blitz so I dash in, following and jump again, this time feet first instead of headfirst, aiming my feet to try to squash you into the corner with a dropkick.
11:24 Sigrid: yt
11:48 SweetMisty: “Come on Zack! Get out of there!!” I move around the ring to get closer to the section pointing at a flying Sigrid coming your way!
12:48 QueenLola: I take the refs distraction on the match as an small window to sneak up and blindside Misty with an forearm to her back.
12:48 QueenLola: Yt
12:58 Zack_Davis: Turning and hitting the corner with my broad back wasn't that big of an effort, with years worth of agility training in football I've got pretty good footwork. You being the only other person in the ring, I kind of suspect something might be up as you dash towards me in the corner. I tend to have an aversion to things like drop kicks and spears and such, but geez you're just too fast what can I do?! Like, Jesus, I don't even have a chance to notice the encouragement of my partner or the fact that she just got blindsided right next to me outside the ring before your feet slam into my chest. Squashed. I sag slightly, hanging onto the top ropes for support, my 400 pound bench press pecs throbbing from the impact. yt
13:04 SweetMisty: The impact on my back staggers me forward and I have to grab onto the apron of the ring with one hand while the other clutches at my back. My head turns and my eyes scream bloody murder seeing that bitch Lola is the culprit. My fingers form into claws before I stalk back after that prima-donna with her bottled platinum blonde hair framing her smirking face. With a cry my hands fly up trying to latch on to Lola’s hair as my body bullies into hers… looking to force her back and bend her over the guard rail that separates the arena from the audience. Some lucky fans are about to get a surprise!
13:10 QueenLola: I gasp and groan my back hitting the barricade on the outside nearly bending over it like an fucking accordion.
13:29 SweetMisty: My right hand tested to keep Lola stretched over that rail as I raise up my left arm. “Gyaaa!” I bring my open hand down looking to smack it against Lola’s taut and stretched tummy!
13:37 Zack_Davis: (😳 That's gonna hurt!)
20:50 Sigrid: The impact of the drop kick to your chest leaves a little bit of a satisfied feeling as I drop to the mat and roll back to my feet to push back to my feet. The kerfuffle on the outside doesn’t bother me in the slightest, if they want to beat each other up then sure, whatever. I turn towards you and, seeing you sagging in the ropes, reach for the middle ones and try to use the grip to slam myself forward shoulder first at your chest.
20:51 Sigrid: Yt
10:20 Zack_Davis: I'm not in much shape at the moment to take the fight to you, but by bending over and grasping the opposing middle ropes you've effectively brought the fight to me. As you bend over into range, I grasp a handful of your platinum blonde tresses, holding you at length while pulling (pushing) your head lower. With the simple matter of drawing my knee up, I hope to catch you preferably in the forehead. If it lands I maybe buy myself enough time to regroup. If it misses, I'm eating a nasty shoulder. yt
10:34 Sigrid: Grabbing the ropes, I start to yank myself in when I feel an old and familiar burning sensation on my scalp, that fucker's pulling my hair! And the shoulder blast is arrested, my head coming up at first as the hair yank stands me up, then shoved back down to meet your rising leg. "Ack!" I try to stay close and manage to not quite take a bony knee to the face, but your meaty thigh still stuns a bit and I feel my knees wobble.
10:34 Sigrid: yt
10:52 Zack_Davis: Without a lot of pep in my step, my options are limited, but I need to do something to take a little more wind out of your sails. By keeping my grip on your hair, a simple sidestep and pivot enables me to position myself to take a stab at introducing you to a turn buckle head first. yt
10:55 Sigrid: With my legs and knees a little but unsteady and your grip tight in my tresses, I see you moving. I reach out to try to grab hold but the downward yank sends me into the corner, forehead thumping against the top buckle, eyes widening, and legs even more unsure of themselves, "Oooph!" One hand raises to try to relieve some of the pain from the hairpull as the other hand grabs a rope to steady myself and I send a blind kick backwards, hoping to try to drive you back long enough for me to uncross my eyes.
10:55 Sigrid: yt
11:21 Zack_Davis: Having used a side-step and pivot to attempt the slam into to turnbuckle, I smirk a bit as your blind kick sails backwards. "Strike one" I taunt, not able to help myself from a little dig. I attempt to guide you over the top rope while your balance is suspect. If I can manage your neck over the top rope, it would be a comfortable resting post to regain some momentum back from your early onslaught. yt
11:27 Sigrid: I feel the resistance of nothing from my kick at you, and instead feel the grip on my hair pulling my head to the side of the turnbuckle, trying to push it over the top rope. Since I don't particularly want to be strangled on the top rope, I do what I can to try to prevent this. Using my grip on the rope, I push back, trying to arch my body, pressing my head back against your 'guiding' hand. My other hand, on your wrist, starts to try to sink my nails in in the hopes I can get your grubby paws out of my hair. "Ghaaa! Leggo!"
11:27 Sigrid: yt
14:56 Zack_Davis: "DAMN!" I swear as you claw at my wrist. With your outstretched arm on the top rope and your other hand clawing at my wrist, your head pressing back, your midriff is exposed and unprotected. Although still not fully recovered from your assaults, I do have the ability to attempt to return the favor of a knee aimed at your belly as I struggle with you at your side. With my right hand in your hair, my left hand also on the ropes by your hand, I swing my left knee around with bad intentions. I endure your claws only long enough to for this attempt, then yank my hand from your hair, shaking my arm as four nasty indentations are visible on my wrist. yt
21:13 SweetMisty: Moving around the ring for a better position I place my hands on the apron watching the action. Lola looked out of it after I gave her stomach a whack after stretching her out. My eye does catch Michelle sulking as she always does just around the next corner. Gawd she boils my blood... Patience Misty... patience... you can out think this kitty.
21:23 Michelle_Pantero: I glance out the corner of my eye, seeing Misty prance back and forth like she did something by be getting a whack in on Lola. I turn my head slightly, keeping a side glance on the action in ring. "HEY MUSTY.... YOU BETTER STICK WITH PICKING ON B LISTERS... THERE'S NOTHING OVER HERE BUT A ASS KICKING WAITING." I smirk and blow a kiss... My left hand checking my back pocket... Yep still there.
21:23 Michelle_Pantero: Yt
21:37 Sigrid: I’m free of the hair pull, as I manage to make you let go of that, but the knee swinging around finds very little in its way to slow it down even if I am able to try to hop back a bit. “Oooph!” My blitz portion of the opening seems to have stalled and I double over and stumble away, trying to away from the ropes, backpedaling to get a bit of space between us to let me catch my breath.
21:37 Sigrid: Yt
22:24 Zack_Davis: I smirk as you let out a grunt and double over. That one hurt. I watch you backpedal away a couple of steps chosing to not follow you just yet. I'm still licking my own wounds from your early onslaught, but feeling better. I circle to your side at a safe distance. Always a talker, of course I'm talking the entire time I work towards your flank. Rubbing at the two bruises already forming on my pecs from your feet, taunting.. " you jump around like a damn cat!". I pause to grin at little Ms Cats Meow herself outside the ring as I say this ... "They say cats always land on their feet, is that true Michie?". I glance at Misty, "watch out for that damn Lola, sweetie! She's full of surprises". Waving my arms forwards and back, working out any knots, I tilt my head to crack my neck as I begin to approach you. yt
06:19 Sigrid: Taking advantage of the time you give me by yammering away at the people outside the ring, I take a breath and stand myself back up. I keep my distance as you start to circle, turning to keep facing you as I do. "I jump too much? that's your complaint?" I give a little shrug and shake my head, then shake out my hands and arms before stepping forward, arms up, watching for your legs, but aiming to grapple at your arms and shoulders, looking for a lockup to push against you.
06:19 Sigrid: yt
16:21 Zack_Davis: Having had the opportunity to regroup myself, I approach you with my hands in a high and low guard position, cautiously but aggressively. Once close enough to lock up with you, I adjust my arms into an elbow and collar tie up, pressing back against you, hoping to use my size advantage in forcing you backwards. Wrestling within our lock up to hopefully keep you off balance. yt
22:48 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in. The boys roll in to help Misty
00:35 Sigrid: As you approach, I move in as well, my right hand going for your neck and left for your elbow, feeling your similar grip on mine as we start to push. A slight glance over as more of your toadies start filing in and I give a grunt. Shoving forward, I know that I can’t match the power so after the initial shove to get a response, I don’t try anymore. I grip your neck and arm as I let my legs collapse and roll to my butt, raising a leg to try to catch you in the hip for a monkey flip over me.
00:35 Sigrid: Yt
00:46 Zack_Davis: I press against you, feeling smug that you would accept such a challenge. I certainly have a size and weight advantage, I should have expected something sneaky. Being intent on forcing you backwards into a corner, your shift from resisting to not resisting causes my balance to shift forwards, your leg on my hip flipping me over you onto my back as you dropped to your butt. I lay there looking up at the sky for a moment, blinking a few times. I thing my back just cracked the base of the ring, good Lord! That kinda sucked... yt
07:01 Sigrid: I feel you lurching forward as I pull, then going sailing over me and flipping onto your back with us both on the canvas head to head. I keep my leg up and kick the other one with it, using the momentum to keep rolling into a back roll to my knees and then looking backwards. If you are still staring up at the open sky for long enough, I'll just scoot right back a bit more to sit one your face. Not really expecting this will keep you down, but it'll surely discombobulate you for a moment if it works.
07:01 Sigrid: yt
17:00 SweetMisty: Slapping my hand on the ring apron! "Come on Zack!!! Hardcore! Don't hold back!!!!"
22:58 Zack_Davis: As I lay on my back wondering if that was my back or the ring that cracked, I focus in on a funny cloud formation in the sky. Oddly enough it resembles a shark 🦈. I hear Misty pounding on the apron, "...Hardcore! Don't hold back!!!" She's right, I haven't even dipped into my bag of tricks yet! Don't worry, Siggy, my Shark Bite gonna get ya! Suddenly the sky goes dark, instantly followed by your sexy firm ass straddling my face! I flash to our second match, where your video promo featured just such a move. I think back to how that match ended as well. Not today Valkyrie! I've seen this trick before, and as much as it doesn't actually suck (🔥) I'm ready for it. Your momentum carries you up into your straddle position, I lift my feet hoping to hook your shoulders and continue your momentum backwards. A success would be you on your back between my legs, facing away from me with your butt on my lower abs. If it fails, as Misty reminded me, it's a Hardcore match! I have other options.
22:58 Zack_Davis: yt
10:57 Sigrid: Scooting into the facesit, I smirk down at your covered face, just before I feel your legs coming up to hook my shoulders and flip me backwards, "Dammit!" Well, I didn't think it would really work, and now I find myself on my back, shoulders pinned by your legs and feet sticking up. You were ready for the sit attempt, and I was ready for the counter so I slam my knees together, trying to catch your head between them, not for a scissors, just smacking the temples, hopefully hard enough to stun you enough for me to roll out of this pin and get a little distance to stand back up.
10:57 Sigrid: yt
12:35 Zack_Davis: I suppose we have both thought this through quite thoroughly. I sit up as my feet hook your shoulders, effectively rolling you through your facesit and onto your back. I double my fists and raise them over my head with a sadistic smile, your legs to either side of me. "You like to crotch smother people" I sneer, as I begin to drive my fists down into your unprotected mound. You raise your legs as I do and slam them together. I have no idea how this will turn out. yt
19:46 Sigrid: As you lean in and swing your fists down between my legs I yelp as the surprise brings my legs together faster. Not fast enough to stop it, but I do feel the impact of my knees to the sides of your head right before the wave of pain rushes over me and I roll to the side, not as far as I was hoping to, and gasp as I hold myself. “Ooowwwfuuck!”
19:46 Sigrid: Yt
20:20 Zack_Davis: Your long, shapely legs slam your knees into my temples as we both yelp out! "Fuuuuck!" I groan, my head suddenly feels like a firecracker exploded inside of it. And what is that damn ringing in my ears all about?!? You roll away in one direction as I opt for the other direction, making my way to the apron and dropping outside. I shake my head to try to get that freaking ringing to stop. I take the opportunity to toss a few goodies into the ring as my head clears...hmmm 🤔, folding chair might come in handy... Lifts the apron and pulls out a folding table. Ohh, yes. Sets that up outside the ring. And THATS what I was looking for. Step ladder to use to grab the belt that dangles above the ring. I toss the step ladder into the ring with the chair before rolling back into the ring myself. I eye you suspiciously as I approach you, you're notorious for your sneaky tricks... yt
05:24 Sigrid: I roll to the side, hands between my legs and mouth agape as you roll out of the ring. I use the time to catch my breath an soothe my injured bits for a minute. I start to hear you clanging around under the ring, pulling a motley assortment of junk from under the ring into it. I scoot to the side to avoid being hit by the flying debris and push up to my feet, feeling a little bit of a limp. I pick up the first chair you tossed into the ring, seems like a prudent move, and when you start to roll back into the ring, I swing it like a golf club, not fully expecting you to roll into it, but just rolling yourself into the ring like that ain't going to be so easy.
05:24 Sigrid: yt
18:13 Zack_Davis: Granted, my eyesight isn't perfect, but I do have a pretty sharp eye for opponents standing up, picking up a chair and swinging it at me. "Whoaaa!" I yelp, quickly changing directions and rolling back out of the ring. "Not today Blondie!!!" I taunt as I hit the ground on my feet. Hoping to catch you off balance in your follow through, I take a swipe at your ankle by leaning onto the apron. yt
18:19 JakeThe3rd: Steps next to Misty, "I think he's got this...come on Zack!!"
18:20 Michelle_Pantero: Glares at Jake... "Sigrid is toying with the little Bitch boy."
18:21 JakeThe3rd: Smirks at Michelle... "Time will tell...time will tell."
20:53 Sigrid: “Swing and a miss!” I see you reverse course and roll back out of the ring as my perfect follow through raises the chair back up over my head for another swing. Then I feel hands on my ankle, yanking it under the rope and I give a yelp before falling onto my butt and kick out with my other foot.
20:53 Sigrid: Yt
23:12 Zack_Davis: (Admiring your follow-through from the corner of my eye... thinking probably a monster off the tee! 🏌️... ) I flail at your ankle and actually snag it, yanking you to your butt. Padded landing I'm thinking. I get both hands on your ankle and give my strongest tug, exposing as much of your leg off the apron as I can. Your free leg lashes out, "Yo!!!", I exclaim, flinching ackwardly. I rest your shapely calf in the crook of my left elbow to keep your leg extended, swinging my right forearm at your knee cap. yt
00:39 Sigrid: “Ack! Dammit!” I feel myself getting pulled under the ropes and want to swing the chair in my hands but the ropes are in the way. Slipping forward some more as you pull me forward, I feel the clubbing arm thump down onto my knee and scream out as you try to hyperextend it. I half roll to the side, trying to bring my free leg across with a sweeping kick at the side of your head to try to back you off.
00:39 Sigrid: Yt
01:49 Zack_Davis: I pretty much sold out in my attempt at causing harm to your knee, I barely catch a side glance of your free leg before it strikes my head with a thud! I now understand the expression "getting your bell rung", staggering backwards in the sand. A damn seagull stands beside me, mocking me ... You are not logged in.
01:50 Zack_Davis: yt
06:52 Sigrid: As you stagger back, I slide the rest of the way out of the ring, leaving the chair behind and landing on the sand and testing my knee. It hurts a bit, and that's going to be a limp for a few minutes, but seems to stil be stable. I dig my toes into the sand and charge, trying to catch you before you can fully recover, going for just a straight up tackle to the ground, trying to get you down and mount on top to hopefully start a rain of punches.
06:52 Sigrid: yt
16:55 JakeThe3rd: Knowing just a quick dash around the corner could put me between Sig and Zack, I turn the corner running hard...and seeing we may meet our target at the same time, I launch myself at Sig from behind Zack, hoping my shoulder meets hers as we'll collide in mid air...hopefully sparing Zack of further damage.
17:43 Michelle_Pantero: I see a flash coming up the side of the ring, I pull the pair of brass knuckles out of my back pocket and slide them over my hands. Seems someone forgot there's a enforcer here for a reason. I crouch down, cocking my right fist. "Come on baby Zack... Come to Momma." As soon as Jake cuts the corner, my loaded fist flys, aimed for that bellybutton sweet spot. Yt
17:47 JakeThe3rd: My overconfidence running on full-steam, I just launch off two planted feet when a shiny fist collides with my stretched out abs, and my trajectory is changed...as I go crashing to the sand, just to the side of Sig, my eyes closed in a silent scream as air seems to be only going out, and not coming in. yt
23:52 Zack_Davis: I shake my head, I swear I'm seeing shadow figures out of my periferal vision ... Except ... They're talking and groaning? My shadow figures are beating each other up?!? I shake my head again, just to make sure nothing is rattling around in there, annnd "WHUMPPPP!" I'm driven to the ground in a tackle that would make any dad proud! Well Crapski! So much more my leg attack, seems to be just fine. A rain of fists starts pummeling me as I am straddled by this blonde Valkyrie, my hands up in a guard to protect my face. I gamble and reach down quickly, grabbing a handfull of sand and fling it at your eyes. yt
00:39 Sigrid: Swinging down, aiming fists at your head and torso, I notice a bit of the kerfuffle off to the side. “Save it Jake! I’ll get to you later!” And then I turn back for another few swings when “Ahhh! Fucker!” I get a handful of sand to the face. Enough gets me in the eyes that I’m temporarily blinded and I roll back off of you, scrambling and trying to find the ring apron to try to pull myself up with one hand while I paw my eyes with the other.
00:39 Sigrid: Yt
11:14 Zack_Davis: I roll to my hands and knees when you roll off the back of me. I touch my cheek, then look at my hand. Great. One of your haymakers cut my cheek, it's kind of numb to the touch and feels like it's starting to swell already. Welp, can't do anything about that now. I get to my unsteady feet, wobble a little, and see that you're pawing at your eyes but you're pulling yourself onto the apron. Evil grin. Stalking up behind you, climbing onto the apron beside you, a handful of your hair to guide your head into position to wrap my arm around your neck. yt
11:25 Sigrid: Managing to find my way up onto the apron, blinking furiously to try to clear my eyes and stay away from you, but not fast enough as it's pretty hard to stay away from someone who you can't see. I first feel the yank of my hair, pulling it forward, then your arm looping over the back of my neck, pulling me into a headlock and nearly a guilotine. "Nnngh!" My immediate reaction is to shove one hand up between my neck and your forearm, trying to keep it from fully locking in to choke me out, my other hand reaches up, and like a blind woman using braile when she can't read, I paw at your face, trying to find your eyes to poke them.
11:25 Sigrid: yt
11:30 SweetMisty: I’m completely focused on Zack and Sigrid when Jake goes flying around toward them. A motion… Michelle doing what she said she’d do and stop interference but… Jake goes down… hard! In a hardcore match everything is legal. Nothing is interference really. Is Michelle… yeah she is… Taking a different route I climb into the ring using the ropes to climb to my feet. My right hand sliding along the top rope I start to climb the corner nearest Michelle…
16:29 Zack_Davis: I mount the apron and manage to position you into a forward headlock, facing you, your head down. My heartbeat quickens, my Guillotine is lethal! But you are a seasoned, veteran professional. Your arm prevents me from locking in the choke. Well played. Misty dives into the ring and climbs up the corner right behind you, that's probably not good! I can't worry about Misty right now, however, as your hand is pawing at my face, probing, seeking ... Clawing! "Arghhhhh! Trim your damn fingernails, lady!", your nails poking at my eyes! I yank my head back reflexively and start to lose my balance in the process, but I refuse to abandon my hold ... So Close!!! I feel myself beyond the point of no return, I'm falling off the apron, and if I go you're coming with me! Gritting my teeth and resigning myself to fate, I lean back to fall off the apron while I can still semi-control my fall. I grasp my wrist to hold tight as we begin to fall, turning us as we fall. Perhaps a DDT off of the apron!
16:30 Zack_Davis: yt
23:18 SweetMisty: I look over at Michelle and her dangerous fist of metal... and think that's a variable that we don't need in this equation. I perch up on the top turnbuckle before letting fly with my legs leading the way. This is going to hurt but hopefully I can take Michelle out at the same time with a dropkick from above. At least there is sand to help cushion some of the blow!
23:50 Sigrid: Poking at your eyes, trying to get you to release, I feel you jerking back and then swaying as you start to lose your balance and fall off the apron. My neck feels a wrench when you don’t let go and we both start crashing to the sand below. Luckily, sand is a lot more giving than a concrete floor or a canvas covered wooden mat, and the awkward DDT hurts, but not as much as just jarring and wrenching my neck. I try to maneuver the fall enough to land on you, hopefully driving my weight through my shoulder onto your chest.
23:50 Sigrid: Yt
23:54 Michelle_Pantero: I'm half watching the match, when I see a tiny little head pop up from the side of the apron like a ferret. Is this chick for real, is she really trying to sneak up on the Panther princess in full daylight on a beach? Did winning one title fight really make her that confident? Does she not know what a enforcer is about. OMG... IS SHE REALLY GOING UP HIGH. I smile, the delight I'm feeling should be against the law. She launches herself towards me heels first, a strawberry blonde parakeet of glory. Ohh.. the majestic look.. I wait and step to the side, watching her feet plow into Jake's already downed form. Crouching down, I wave a silvery fist infront of her nose. "That going to be one lump or two, Misty?"
23:57 SweetMisty: You saw me coming... there's no other explanation as you just casually step out of the way and my soles drill into Jake instead. The sand provides some padding but its still not a good landing. I look up to see you smiling wickedly down at me and waving those knucks in front of me. I sort of just watch the gleam on those knuckles. "Just stay out of it Michelle..." My eyes don't leave those wicked knuckles though... as a drop of sweat rolls down the side of my head.
00:02 Zack_Davis: We land with a THUD! Me on my back, you on top of me. Your shoulder into my chest. Oofff. Your head into only sand. I try to wrap my legs and try to hold on to work my Guillotine. I'm pretty squashed though. yt
05:21 Sigrid: One hand trapped between my neck and your arm, but that's a good thing, it keeps my blood flowing and my consciousness conscious, we hit with a thump and I let out a yelp. As your legs come up around me, I start flailing with my other hand, knowing this is a really bad spot to be in. I just start trying to thump you hard with short jabs into the ribs. "Mmmnnff! llggoo!"
05:21 Sigrid: yt
11:56 Zack_Davis: Battered, beaten, bloody and bruised. Sweating in the hot sun, sand sticking to the once-glieteninging sheen of our bodies. The wind basically driven from me upon your headfirst guided dive off of the apron. Your knee survived. My Guillotine impeded. Your eyes don't seem to be a factor any longer. Your fist pumping into my ribs. I abandon my failed efforts at your neck, surrendering a full mount, but with my fingers woven into your hair. All I have left in me is an attempt to bash your face with my forehead. I doubt it will have much effect. yt
20:54 Sigrid: Gasping, I feel your arm releasing from around my neck and take a breath, still blinking, still at least half blinded as I push down on your chest to try to sit up and not seeing your hand coming for my hair to yank it back down. *smack!* to the face as heads collide and my hands raise up to cover it, “Unnnph!”
20:54 Sigrid: Yt
09:08 SweetMisty: Rises to her feet slowly… hands still in the air and eyes on nothing but Michelle and her knucks.
18:11 Zack_Davis: I collapse back onto the sand. I half knocked myself silly we bashed heads so hard! I lay gasping, blinking, rubbing my forehead as I try to focus my suddenly doubled vision. I pause, not because I want to, but because I must. The four hands covering your two faces slowly merge into two hands covering one face. I'm not at all comfortable with you straddling me in any way, I've seen how THAT turns out before! I lash out with my fist at your exposed midriff as I try to wiggle my way backwards out from beneath you. yt
20:33 Sigrid: Groaning, my hands over my face, after the head smash, I start to try to scoot back when your ouch lands in my belly. “Ghaah!” I can feel you scooting back under me and I blindly reach back, thinking that we probably didn’t fall too far from the ring, searching for and finding the edge of the ring apron and I use it to start pulling myself to my feet, letting you retreat away while trying to cover up with my other arm.
20:34 Sigrid: Yt
20:45 Zack_Davis: We gain our seperation, each the worse for wear. My eye is swollen at this point, my face bloody from your earlier haymakers. I'm exhausted, and I've gotten sand even in places I shouldn't. Hardcore! It's freaking awesome! My breath returns in a huge gasp. No retreat, no surrender. I wobble to my feet and cover the few steps in the sand to where you're pulling yourself to your feet by the ring apron. I shoot at your leg in a duck-under, intent on getting you across my shoulder ... You are not logged in.
20:45 Zack_Davis: yt
20:50 Sigrid: I get to my feet with a limp, still unsteady and blinking to clear my vision, seeing some kind of motion and I swing out with a fist but too high as you duck down and wrap my legs and lift. I yelp as I’m taken off my feet.
20:50 Sigrid: Yt
21:05 Zack_Davis: 132 pounds of Sigrid on my shoulders is not generally a problem, I curl more than that at the gym. After a brutal match in the hot sun, it's a problem. The table I set up previously sits just past where Michelle and Misty have drawn their line in the sand. This is probably my last chance at causing harm, I'm drained, sweating, dehydrated and beat up. I squeeze my grip on you as tightly as my protesting muscles will allow as I slip behind the safety of my partner Misty one wobbly step at a time towards that table. yt
21:23 Sigrid: Draped over your shoulders, my eyes finally starting to focus to the sight of your upside down sweaty and sandy back, I groan and push my hands against it, trying to lift my upper body up enough to attempt to squirm off your shoulder. My legs kick in front of you with a wince as my knee flexes and the jolts of your stumbling drive the shoulder into my gut.
21:23 Sigrid: Yt
21:39 Zack_Davis: I stumble to one knee as you press against my back and squirm, my center of gravity and my balance shifted by your efforts. Although not intentional, I feel my shoulder driven into your gut when I crash to one knee. That might have sucked I think to myself, turning a quarter turn to face Misty's back in a squat position. My thighs quiver like guitar strings as I struggle to regain my feet. I look around quickly, seems like your back ups have all left you except for Michelle, and she's basically a vigilante. "You got that, sweetheart!" I gasp to Misty as she keeps Michelle at bay ... Two more steps to the table ...
21:40 Zack_Davis: yt
21:45 Sigrid: “Oooph!” What equates to a stunner to the abs blasts the wind out of me and my hands pushing my upper body up slip on your sweaty skin to drop my down laying across your back. “Nnngh… nuh…” Feet kick a little more as I feel you lurch back to your feet.
21:45 Sigrid: Yt
21:56 Zack_Davis: With a two wobble/hobble/step head start, I arch my back, then flex forwards, my hands slipping to hook your sand covered legs, snapping you down onto and hopefully through the table. The Queen of Mean, Lola, would have admired the effort, considering the trick was learned from her, even if she was trying to sabotage me on your behalf. yt
22:13 Sigrid: Weakly kicking, I feel your arms tighten to catch my legs at the knees and swing me forward. “Aaaahhffuck!” *CRASH!* and the table is harder than the sand, but the impact breaks it and then the sand thumps me in the back too as I lay spread eagled and groaning in the rubble.
22:13 Sigrid: Yt
22:34 Zack_Davis: I lean hard into the effort, your 132 pounds feels double that. My momentum threatens to send me crashing on top of you, I lurch backwards, over-compensating, and stagger back into Misty. She catches me as I glare down at you, then up at the belt dangling from the crosswire above the ring. Which way do I go? My mind is fuzzy, overwhelmed by that fight-or-flight instinct. Misty offers guidance where I lack the ability to guide myself, turning my shoulders and shoving me towards the ring ... "GO!" ... She yelps into my ear. yt
23:05 Sigrid: Groaning, barely conscious after the table and sand double crush, I blink up at the night sky and half roll to my side. My hands weakly pushing parts of the broken table to try to clear it off of me. I barely hear Misty yelping something through my own gasping breaths.
23:05 Sigrid: Yt
23:49 Zack_Davis: Crawling into the ring, (perhaps with a little help from a friend), I stagger over to the ladder that lays on the mat. I position it between you and I so I can keep a close eye on you. Kicking the ladders legs apart, centering it under the belt. I pause to see if you have enough gas in your tank to impede my ascent. yt
23:52 Sigrid: I groan again, managing to sweep the rest of the sandy debris from myself as I get to my hands and knees, looking up and seeing Misty, then the ring, then an out of focused Zack starting to climb the ladder. “Nnngh..” I start crawling towards the ring, reaching for the apron to pull myself up, knowing it’s going to be too late.
23:52 Sigrid: Yt
00:17 Zack_Davis: I study you briefly, you're moving but I think I can do this! I quickly make the decision to go for it. My body aches, my head aches, my cheek is still bleeding, my eye about swollen shut... I believe I've got a migraine compliments of your side kick off the apron. But step by deliberate step, I force my way upwards. I pause near the top of the ladder, taking one last precautionary look to see where you are.
00:18 Zack_Davis: yt
01:00 Sigrid: Staggering as I pull myself to my feet, I see you at the top of the ladder, reaching for the belt, and curse weakly under my breath as I try to pull myself up onto the ring and roll under the ropes.
01:00 Sigrid: Yt
01:08 Zack_Davis: I take that last step, stretching my full length to grasp a hold of that belt , MY belt, the belt I was beaten brutally by you to earn. I pull the belt free from it's clip ... Suddenly a wave of relief washed over me as I lean my elbows onto the top of the ladder and place my head in my hands as I hold the belt between them. yt
02:18 Sigrid: Rolling into the ring, I see you pulling the belt from the hook and hear the bell ringing to end that match just as I make it to my feet. I curse under my breath and throw my weight against the side of the ladder anyway to knock it over before dropping back down to roll out of the ring.
02:18 Sigrid: Yt
02:52 Zack_Davis: "Ohhh shiittttttt" I yelp as you knock the ladder over with me still on it! I land in a tangle of limbs on top of the ropes, tumbling over and out of the ring. I lay on the sand and moan as my music has begun to play again, clutching at a probably sprained ankle. I glare at you as your butt wiggles in your stride from the ring.
03:09 Sigrid: <fin>
03:34 Zack_Davis: (👍)

Published: 2023-03-07, viewed 75 times.
