OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
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  • Outdoors match
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Mexican Heat 🔥


03:46 LaceyP:
03:47 Zack_Davis: (aww geez, you know that bikini kills me 🥵!)
03:53 Zack_Davis: My opponents having made their entry, I tug on the top rope a few times, testing the tension and stretching my back a little bit before I cautiously approach the center of the ring, again keeping a position to maintain eye contact with both of you. We are alone, no crowd, no ref, no bell ... Simply a hot start from the word go ... " No holds barred, ladies? Erotic, no sex?" I ask as I assume a ready posture, weight balanced and hands up at the ready ... yt
03:54 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in. private ring?
03:54 Elisa: i see you "yes no rules, everything goes, you going to cry in pain, mi new ass parther and me going to kick you ass" i say to you while i bump my ass with my parther ass, i start to walk with my hands up in guard position to you
03:55 Elisa: yt
03:56 LaceyP: WE stand in our corner and bump asses with each other and i SMACK my partners hot ass as she makes her way towards the middle of the ring to start us out..I lean back in my corner as i watch my partners hot ass strutting towards you..."get her partner"..yt
04:03 Zack_Davis: The butt smacking and bumping is hot, but I can't be distracted! Elisa seems to be the aggressor as she approaches me first. I adjust my waistband as I sidestep to Circe you as you approach, studying your balance, your guard, searching for a potential weakness to exploit. You look to be in good shape, your Latina physique and complexion are teetering on the brink of model material,. Not sensing any obvious weaknesses, I reach in for a collar and elbow tie up. Let's test your power ... yt
04:04 Zack_Davis: (one at a time or both in?)
04:04 LaceyP: (guess we will find out..hehe)
04:05 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in. (glances at Lacey's hot ass)
04:05 Elisa: while you cricle us i watch your knee are no cover by you arms , then i think that this is the moment, i throw a lots of kick to your knees tring to make you fall
04:05 Elisa: yt
04:06 LaceyP:
04:06 LaceyP: Just leaning back in the corner and watching my sexy Latina partner try to kick you down
04:06 LaceyP: yt
04:07 Elisa: You are not logged in. my butt
04:13 Zack_Davis: Your first kick catches my ... 😍 ... I just died! ... Your first kick catches me by surprise, a stinging strike to the side of my knee, but instantly catches my attention! I lift my stricken knee and hop back a step on my other leg out of range ... "So that's how we're going to do this" I state more than ask. I regather myself, testing my knee ... I swat at your hand to distract you as I fire a kick low at your crotch... yt
04:14 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in.
04:15 Elisa: OUUUUU you pounch sorprise me, my pupil get smaller while i moan in pain, the little tringle of my thong cant protect my pussy, i grab my pussy and i start to jump while my big butt bounce and jumps with me
04:15 Elisa: yt
04:17 Zack_Davis: (we lost Lacey, ok to continue?)
04:18 Elisa: (as you wish, if you want we start to talk just you and me until lacet come back)
04:23 Zack_Davis: I smirk as my kick connects firmly into your sensitive pussy, quickly putting you back on the defensive. You clutch at your troubles as you bounce in your distress, your butt jiggling delightfully as you do! I set myself, waiting for the right moment, before the timing appears right. I lunge at you with a two or three step running start to attempt a clothesline of your upper chest. yt
04:23 Zack_Davis: (I'm ok with continue if you are)
04:26 Elisa: im still jumping in pain that i dont realize that you are running to me, when i see you is very late,i only cant feel you arem hitting my tiny breast and falling on the math, on the math i grab with one hand my pussy that still in pain and woth my other hand my boobs that are now in pain
04:26 Elisa: yt
04:33 Zack_Davis: My clothesline carried me through and past you, to a position on the ropes. You writhe on the mat in obvious pain, an opportunity I feel I really need to take advantage of. I'm not familiar with your abilities, and would prefer to not find out the hard way! From my position at the ropes at your head, I run diagonally to the ropes at your side, ricocheting off of the ropes and gaining speed as I leap into an attempt at a knee drop into your belly. yt
04:35 Elisa: this time im more active and i see hhow you run to the ropes, im not hurt for not react, then when i see that you jump i roll dodging your knee, and you fall on the math with you hurt knee, then i try to throw a kick to your head
04:35 Elisa: yt
04:43 Zack_Davis: I foolishly attempted to drive my knee that you've already kicked into your belly, and when you are able to avoid my attempt, my wounded knee is instead driven into the hard mat! I howl as sharp pain shoots up my leg, my attention too focused elsewhere now to see your kick aimed at my head. Your foot lands with a hollow thud (nothing in my head 😂), my vision instantly blurs as my balance vanishes, falling face forward to my belly, my head closest to you. yt
04:47 Elisa: having your head close of me quickly i try to hit your nuts with a quickly kick
04:47 Elisa: yt
04:51 Zack_Davis: "Unngghhhhhh!!!", Your foot slams into it's intended target, returning the favor of my earlier gift! My hands clutch at my balls, as I try to think through the fog from your head kick. I need a chance to regroup, I try to roll away from you to hopefully escape from the ring for a moment . yt
04:51 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in.
04:54 Elisa: Seeing that you escape, I feel strong and brave, I grab the third rope and climb up to the top, while I raise my arms and begin to move my waist up and down, bouncing and wobbling my big butt
04:54 Elisa: yt
05:00 Zack_Davis: I manage my temporary escape, trying to regain my senses and recover somewhat from your crotch kick, but I catch you in the corner of my eye climbing up to the top rope. That can't be good! Your arms are raised and your bouncing as a springboard, you gorgeous ass jiggling in rythm with your bounces. I grit my teeth and lunge upwards, aiming both hands at the top rope, hopefully striking it to throw off your balance. yt
05:02 Elisa: I hoped it would take you longer to recover, I was surprised and scared to see you fly to where I am without being able to do anything, the movement makes me lose my balance and I fall on the third rope with my pussy on it, I let out a very loud moan of pain and even my camel foot is marked by the impact, I start to drool while I am on the rope
05:02 Elisa: yt
05:04 Zack_Davis: ( I'm comfortable with any and all of your likes. I'm ok with brutal, bloody and or vicious, have fun)
05:05 Elisa: (o thanks, but I'm more of receiving all that, it would be your fun hahaha)
05:08 Zack_Davis: Grasping the top rope that you now straddle, your moan belies your pain much to my pleasure. Supporting myself by the top rope, I wrench it upwards several times, hoping to cause further harm to your pussy. yt
05:09 Zack_Davis: (then fun we will both have! 😈🔥)
05:11 Elisa: iiiiiiiii, I moan and squeal in pain as I cross my eyes and start to drool, my body moves up and down from your movements, my hair goes up and down covering and uncovering my head and my butt bounces and trembles like jelly from the movements
05:11 Elisa: yt
05:15 Zack_Davis: I smirk at your moans and squeals, your misery helps me to overcome my own misery you have caused. I switch tactics, now grasping your ankles, pulling you down with all my weight and strength into your straddle of the top rope! yt
05:17 Elisa: IIIIIIIIIIIIII, I scream and scream even louder, the string is digging into my Mexican pussy, I grab my head in pain as my eyes get wet, my tiny thong starts to dig deeper and deeper inside my pussy
05:17 Elisa: yt
05:27 Zack_Davis: Your screams fuel my sadistic nature, and the louder they become the more delight I take from them. Confident of your distress, I take advantage of your current inability to fight back to climb up onto the ring apron. Stroking your dark black Mexican hair back from your face, a display of mocking concern on my part, I glance at your hot, hot ass wedgied by the top rope. I give your nearest cheek a playful swat, admiring the slight jiggle. "I think I need to fight more Mexican ladies, Elisa" I taunt as I smack, but then my expression turns heartless and cold, lashing out with an elbow strike aimed directly at your face. yt
05:32 Elisa: When you finish pulling my legs my body falls on the third rope with my eyes crossed, drooling and my tongue sticking out, I feel how you play with my hair and my buttocks, after the spanking my buttocks tremble a little, and finally I fall to the sore canvas holding with both hands my pussy that is very hurt
05:32 Elisa: yt
05:39 Zack_Davis: Stepping gingerly through the ropes, my balls still tender from your kick, I can't help but taunt you briefly, "are you not feeling well, sweetie?". More focused on adding to your hurt, however, I grasp a double handful of your hair, coaxing you to your feet. If I am able to get you upright, I will step right into a belly-to-belly bearhug. yt
05:42 Elisa: I managed to stand up, but only for you to hug me with a berhug, I feel how my back begins to suffer from your hug, my legs open and my head and back begin to arch in pain while I scream in agony
05:42 Elisa: yt
05:50 Zack_Davis: "Scream louder for me sweetie" I tease, squeezing your sexy bare waist into my hardened abs as hard as I can. A little shake back in forth adds an extra hint to your torment. With a cold deliberate shift of my hands, I press you slightly up and away from my body, as I drop to one knee, allowing you to drop, straddling my upraised knee. My "Clam Digger" punishing move ... https://coub.com/view/2uv9yu
05:50 Zack_Davis: yt
05:55 Elisa: I keep screaming in agony as you keep squeezing my little bones of a Mexican girl, that jolt feels like I've been separated or broken my back which makes me scream even louder, then I feel you release me a bit only to feel you lift me up and fall on top of me. My sharp knee, the sharp pain that makes me scream even louder in pain, he falls by himself grabbing my vagina and rubbing it while with the other hand I grab my back that also suffered a lot
05:56 Elisa: (my favorite moves to get done are cuntbusting, of any kind, punching objects or electrocute, and piledriver)
05:56 Elisa: yt
06:02 Zack_Davis: (I need to get to sleep, but we have only scratched the surface of what we can do! Let's keep in contact!) ... My Clam Digger atomic drop nearly breaks your pubic bone, your pussy taking the fully brunt of the impact. You fall to the side writhing in agony, as I hit the combination move perfectly. I quickly pounce on you, pressing my firm pecs onto your sexy Mexican breasts for the pin. To keep you distracted from the pin itself, I slip my hand down underneath yours, clawing my fingertips cruelly into you battered crotch. yt
06:07 Elisa: my vagina was destroyed after this match, I can only hold it with a lot of pain, when I see that you pounce on me and raise my legs for the pin, then my big butt along with my vagina and my camel clutch are totally exposed while they start the count, I do not oppose resistance at any moment of the count
06:07 Elisa: (sleep well)
06:07 Elisa: yt
06:13 Zack_Davis: I rise to my knees beside you, your battered and beaten body at my mercy before me. Still angered by your early kick to my nuts, the effects of which Im sure I will feel for days, I double my fists and strike one last blow into your sexy bare belly just for spite. Leaving you writhing on the mat in agony, I roll out of the ring to make my way to the showers.
06:13 Zack_Davis: (end?)
06:13 Elisa: ens

Published: 2023-03-09, viewed 78 times.




2024-02-29 11:15

Nice story Zach & Eliza.


2023-03-09 16:18

Phew things sure did get spicy..... the Mexican heat Zack got off easy on this one :P

Zack Davis

2023-03-09 18:34

(In reply to this)

We kind of met by accident and ended up having this match, I have to say, Elisa is a rare delight and an absolute blast, what a great opponent to RP with!


2023-03-09 21:12

(In reply to this)

From what I was reading and seen, she does seem like a very rare delight for sure. always nice to see more of them around *smiles*