OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

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OPCW- Lola Takes on Zack

Rylee rocket (deleted member)

14:32 QueenLola: Our match is destined to be one for the ages. My music hits the stage and I begin to walk down to the ring waving to the crowd as I smile and am excited to be back in the fed and ready to prove my worth. I make it to the end of the ramp and raise both my hands to the sky with my index fingers pointing to the sky. The crowd goes wild as I take it all in.
17:37 Zack_Davis: The crowd roars in their approval of your glorious return, the uproars conceals the squeals of concern and panic as I rise from the seat I was hiding in next to the ramp way. I toss my hat aside that was covering my face, stalking the few remaining steps to approach you from behind. A glorious return at MY expense?!? Not today, Blondie, I have different plans, crashing a wicked forearm smash across your upper back, your hands still raised in the air glory-seeking. I sneer at the chorus of boos that instantly erupts... Adjusting my red briefs, I look to continue my ambush as I watch your reactions ... You are not logged in.
18:23 QueenLola: Focused on the cheers and crowd going wild on my behalf. I don’t notice you slip out from the crowd itself and slams an painful forearm into my back, driving me down to the floor as I groan and hold the back of my neck as I look at you and scoot back towards the bottom of the ring in agony. The crowds boos raged along the arena walls as they watch, my return be squandered by your blindside ambush. In only my black bikini, I gripped onto the ring skirt and tried helping myself up to my feet.
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18:24 QueenLola: Yt
20:23 Zack_Davis: I stalk you to the ring apron where you struggle to gain your feet. "Let me help you, Princess", guiding you to your feet by your wrist and a handful of your hair. A firm tug on your wrist and a shove to your back on the way by launches you into an Irish Whip, sending you sprawling backwards into the steel crowd barrier that surrounds the ring. I step to the side of you for a moment, taking some fat guys beer from the front row, chugging it in one guzzle, throwing the empty plastic cup at you in disdain once finished... yt
20:34 QueenLola: I feel you help me up and then launch me toward the crowd as I slam back first into the steel barricade and hit the ground as I hold my back and groan and then feel a plastic cup hit me out of spite as you finished the drink first. I hold my back and slowly try crawling toward the steps of the ring.
20:34 QueenLola: Yt
21:05 Zack_Davis: I laugh as you try to crawl to the ring ... "Rylee, grab that bitch??"
21:08 Rylee_rocket: *reaching over the barricade before Lola can move to far away. I wrap my arms around her try and put lola in a full Nelson and hoist her back to her feet up against the barricade.* as I try saying “let’s make this. nice and open target for Zach”
21:08 Rylee_rocket: Yt
21:10 QueenLola: I think for a moment a fan grabs me from behind but when I hear the voice I begin to struggle as it seems Zack is putting together a team of some kind. This match isn’t even started yet as I’m pinned to the barricade and wide open to Zack.
21:10 QueenLola: Yt
21:14 Zack_Davis: "Our little prom Queen thinks she gonna make a big splash return at my expense" I say with a wink at Rylee ... "How about that?!?" Lola, trapped tightly in Rylee's full nelson and wide open, pinned tight ... "Ya like apples, prom QUEEN? I dive a quick, swift kick into her wide open, exposed belly ... "How ya like them apples???" ...
21:15 Rylee_rocket: *smiles as I make sure to pull back to keep her straight up on the barricade*
21:17 QueenLola: I squeal and groan out as my back nails the steel after taking the kick into my stomach and can’t slump over being held up by Rylee. I look up at Zack as at this rate my back might need attention by the OPCW medical after this match.
21:17 QueenLola: Yt
21:26 Zack_Davis: I grin at Rylee, mocking Lola, "OHHHHH, That had to suck! How about you try?!" ... Taking Lola's limp body from Rylee's grasp, I slip in a full nelson of my own, arching back to expose her belly to Rylee ... yt
21:28 Rylee_rocket: *the smile grows on my face as I say* “ohh a nice punching bag maybe I should give it a nice love tap” than winding up and pounding the hardest right and left hooks I can into Lola’s sides “oh how much fun zack while have with you” I say afterwards
21:28 Rylee_rocket: Yt
21:32 QueenLola: I grunt and groan taking each punch to my sides from Rylee and struggle over and over trying to escape from this terrible beating as it seems my midsection is the target so far.
21:32 QueenLola: Yt
21:36 Zack_Davis: I wink at Rylee after her nasty one-two combination leaves Lola gasping and writhing in my grasp. "Thanks, buddy, owe ya one!!!" Turning towards the ring with Lola still in my full nelson, I get our momentum moving towards the closest ring post, intending to ram her head into the steel post. Yt
21:40 Rylee_rocket: *nods at zack*
21:46 QueenLola: I can’t escape your hold and groan being slammed first into the steel post as I groan and slump in your hold as my body is becoming weaker upon this beat down
21:46 QueenLola: Yt
23:08 Zack_Davis: The ref seemed befuddled, unsure as to how to control the chaos that erupted before the match has even started. To his credit, he did probably the only thing he could do: he signaled for the bell to start the match and began counting us out. Your head hit the post with a 'thunk' at the six-count, well, let's not end this before the fun even gets started! I release my full nelson, one hand grasping a handful of blonde hair, the other grasps the waistband of your bottoms, shoving you under the top rope into the ring. The tight, tight wedgie just an added bonus ... At the nine count, I roll under the bottom rope myself... Yt
23:10 QueenLola: You roll me into the ring and I lay possum in the middle and wait for you to come over trying to pick me up. The wedgie really riding up my ass as I lie and wait.
23:10 QueenLola: Yt
23:35 Zack_Davis: I rise up to my hands and knees after rolling into the ring, I notice a trickle of blood running down your face, compliments of the ring post. A chorus of boos reigns down from the rafters as I rise to my knees and give the crowd a double bird. That just riled up the prom Queen lovers even more, with a smirk I stand up and grab my crotch at the fans. I don't give a shit what they think, I get paid the same. "Awww, you all worried about your little blond Barbie doll?" I further taunt the fans, as I reach down for another handful of your blonde, blonde hair ... Yt
00:00 QueenLola: I feel you grab my hair, my stomach aching and I can feel the blood trickling down my head as I seem to now wear the crimson mask and know I need to get an break from the massive beating, and in doing so I try to slam my fist into your balls hoping to get some separation from you and recover a bit.
00:00 QueenLola: Yt
00:43 Zack_Davis: Overconfident at the direction the brawl has gone thus far, and preoccupied in taunting the crowd, I bend to grasp your hair and step right into your wicked little nut punch! I double over, clutching my balls. "Fuucckkkk!!!" I scream. Nothing hurts quite like a nut shot. I stagger sideways onto the ropes to support myself with a grimace, the crowd suddenly all kinds of smug. "SHUT UP!!!" I scream out at the morons, as I try to keep from vomiting. Yt
01:07 QueenLola: I wipe my forehead of the blood and groan as I lay on the mat and take a minute to recover for myself, the nut shot was effective and so I had the separation that I needed to catch my breath and regroup from the pre match beating, if it weren’t for the ref, I wouldn’t have made it into the ring if it weren’t for the ref. I give him a nod that I am good and okay even though my head still drips blood.
01:07 QueenLola: Yt
01:17 Zack_Davis: A burst of rage and adrenaline courses through my veins, even as my balls continue to throb. Gritting my teeth, I see you're starting to overcome the effects of the early beating you were served. These jerks in the crowd are getting under my skin, I wobble over to you as you signal the ref that you're okay. Like hell, not if I have any say in the matter! I reach down as I approach you to grasp you by the hair, hoping to slam your already bloody forehead onto the mat! Yt
01:20 QueenLola: Having caught my breath and had time to breath, I notice you coming but lay there as you grab my hair and like an fly to an fly trap, I spring and pull you down into an small package pin, hoping that it’ll catch you off guard and pick up the win.
01:20 QueenLola: Yt
01:30 Zack_Davis: Probably not the smartest way to approach a seasoned, veteran opponent, particularly one who is currently wounded prey. As my fingers wove into the prom Queen Lola's sexy blonde hair, the faceplant into the mat never happened ... The little snot hooked my leg and neck into a small package, rolling me onto my back. Normally her 130-ish pounds is easily manhandled, but as I try to kick out of the package, a fresh wave of agony shoots through my groin. I gasp out as the ref of course is already into his count... He's a jerk too, I'll have something nice for him someday ... Yt
01:42 QueenLola: I keep the pin locked and move with you as you struggle as the ref begins his count. “1….2…” I wait to hear if I’ll get the three and somehow manage to pull out a win on this one.
01:42 QueenLola: Yt
01:48 Zack_Davis: I roll hard to the side to break your hold, which I easily accomplish ... After the damn ref slaps the mat for the "three" count! I scramble away from you, leaping up into the refs face! "A little fast on the count, what the actual hell, ass clown?!?!" I scream into his face, giving him a good shove in the process ... yt
01:50 QueenLola: I get the count and the bell rings as I quickly roll under the bottom rope and start walking backwards up the ramp holding my ribs as the crowd cheered and I hold my hand up in victory. Soon making my way to medical to get my ribs looked at and my head stitched up. As I walk backwards I use my free hand to fix my bikini wedgie.
01:51 QueenLola: Yt
01:54 Zack_Davis: I see you backing your way up the ramp to the roar of the crowd. Some jerk throws a beer on me, causing me to seethe even more than I already am... I climb the middle rope in a corner closest to you as I point at you and scream "I'll be seeing ya around, Blondie! Watch your back!!!".
01:55 Zack_Davis: (end)

Published: 2023-03-19, viewed 66 times.
