OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
173 members
152 stories
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AngeIa Myerss (deleted member)
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20:34 AngeIa_Myerss: you wanna have some fun

20:38 Zack_Davis: Sure
20:39 Zack_Davis: Whatcha thinkin?

20:39 AngeIa_Myerss: a match idk

20:43 Zack_Davis: Sure
20:44 Zack_Davis: Lots of different kinds of matches, what ya in the mood for?

20:55 AngeIa_Myerss: you want to do pro?

20:56 Zack_Davis: Sure!
21:01 Zack_Davis: Rowdy or risque?

21:02 AngeIa_Myerss: rowdy

21:04 Zack_Davis: Ok. NHB, no ref so rules are vague. My friend owns the local gym where I lift weights at, he gave me an extra key so I can let myself in after hours for private wrestling matches. Earlier in the day I spotted you on the beach and HAD to strike up a conversation, you were the hottest thing on the beach. We talked for quite awhile, it was pretty obvious we found each other attractive. Eventually the topic of conversation turned to our mutual interest in mixed pro wrestling. I explained my gym arrangements and we decided to call it a date. We agreed to meet here tonight, I've already arrived at the gym, and it is deserted. I strip down to my blue speedo, a stark contrast to my surfers tan, and shuffle my feet on the mat, testing my traction. I have always fought barefoot, I believe it gives me a better feel for the mat. I've been doing some light stretching and warm ups, and a light glimmer of sweat reflects off my body. I have left the door unlocked for you to let yourself in when you get here...
21:23 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in.

22:09 AngeIa_Myerss: I push open the door where I see you on the mats warming up. I'm dressed in my red bikini this time with my blonde hair hanging down my shoulders. As I approach the mats, I kick off my flip flops before stepping on, pushing my hair out of my face as I sit down to stretch out. We've definitely had some history, and its time to settle our differences in a long awaited match. I stand back up before crouching into a wrestling stance
22:09 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

22:20 Zack_Davis: "Surprised you actually showed up" I taunt with a smirk. History and differences for sure. From lovers to haters we've run the gambit. I admire your figure in my favorite red bikini of yours, you always did look great in red, but I will pay you not the satisfaction of letting you know. This is more about the differences in our history. "This is long overdue" I growl, as I match your stance with my own ... "Shall we?" ... Swats at your hand, testing your reflexes ... yt

22:24 AngeIa_Myerss: I give you a smile back as you get in front of me as well. 'I would never miss a chance to embarrass you Zack. . .' I taunt back. I get up, doing a slow spin in front of you before getting back in my stance. 'Don't get too distracted now. . .' As you take a quick swat I pull my hand back out of reach as I begin to circle around you, looking for an opening to attack. I know I have to fight smart against someone your size and strength
22:25 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

22:34 Zack_Davis: I may or may not have admired your figure, your natural sexuality and good looks as you tease with your little pirouette, but I again focus on why we are here ... My urge to crush you overwhelms any desires I may have once had for you. I mirror you as you circle, your reflexes are pretty good I see. You're a veteran in the ring that I will not underestimate, even with my size advantage. I look to use that advantage immediately, as I try to snag you behind your neck in a collar and elbow tie up ... yt

22:40 AngeIa_Myerss: You come at me quickly, determined to beat me this match and I immediately put my hands up to protect my head. As you walk towards me I start to back up to keep my distance. AS you reach forward with your arm, I duck my head under your collar tie up throwing a two hard hooks at your abs to see how well you can take my punches before trying to get out of range again
22:40 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

22:52 Zack_Davis: Your advantage in this match up is actually in your lack of size ... your agility and your quickness vs my size and strength. You easily duck under my tie up, ripping two nasty hooks into my gut before backing away. You throw a pretty good punch, even with my well developed and I eat the first then the second with a wince. "You got tricks" I tease, not showing that sucked a little. "That's ok, I have a few of my own"... This time I wait for you to make a move as I stalk you in your retreat out of my range ...yt

22:55 AngeIa_Myerss: I feel your hard abs on my knuckles with each punch , distracting you enough to slip behind you again but you continue marching forward, looking unaffected by my punches. I keep backing up, before I feel the cold wall of the gym on my back. Once you move closer, I lunge forward throwing a quick jab cross at your jaw this time before trying to side step away
22:55 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

22:59 Zack_Davis: I lean my head to the side and loop a counterpunch over the top of you arm, a hook with bad intentions aimed at your cheek. yt

23:08 AngeIa_Myerss: Your punch slams into my cheek, knocking my head to the side as I stumble trying to stand upright. I look at you with blurred vision as I try to lunge at you, swinging a wild hook at your jaw
23:09 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

23:21 Zack_Davis: A wild roundhouse hook clips my jaw, jarring my teeth. You're obviously no amateur with your fists, my teeth are jarred. "You hit like a truck! Bitch!" I snarl, lifting a knee into your lunge aimed at your belly. yt
23:22 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in.

19:48 AngeIa_Myerss: My fist hits you square on the face and stops you for a second as you stumble back. I take the moment to shake my head, trying to recover as your knee drives into my stomach, knocking the air out of me. I double over grabbing for your leg as I try to bring you down
19:48 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

19:53 Zack_Davis: I try to shake you free but only manage to lose my balance as you latch onto my leg. I wrap a front overhead headlock around your neck while you are doubled and clutching my leg. Not gracefully, we tumble to the ground in a tangle of arms and legs and things. yt

19:57 AngeIa_Myerss: I manage to grab onto your tightly, not letting you get more hits on me. I feel your arm loop around my head pulling me in towards you as I begin to fall forward, landing on top of you in a heap. Your arm forces my head down as I try reaching for your arm to pry it off while raising my head at the same time
19:57 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

20:06 Zack_Davis: "Damn Angela!" I grunt as you land half on top of me. Your not huge by any means, but it's an ackward landing. You pull at my arm as you raise your head. Literally the first person I have EVER seen here that actually has a clue as to how to counter a Guillotine attempt. "You little shit! Come here!!!" I swear at you, your uplifted head preventing the lethal hold. I nonetheless try to wrap my thick arm tighter, grasping my opposite wrist to tighten the effort... yt

16:18 AngeIa_Myerss: 'Let. . . GO!!' I yell as I try my hardest to raise my head off the mat but I don't have enough leverage to push free. As you begin to grab for your opposite wrist, I reach for your wrist with both hands, pushing as hard as I can to pop my head out of your headlock while keeping your other hand away so that you cannot completely tighten the hold. My neck muscles are already tired from trying to lift my head and I'm breathing heavily, trying to think of how to get away from your hold.
16:18 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

16:45 Zack_Davis: Your two hands pushing against my wrist provides you with enough leverage to open my grasp slightly. "Fuck!" I shout, knowing I may have missed a great opportunity. You may or may not pop your head out, either way I try to get my legs into position to wrap around your waist from my current spot beneath you. yt

21:01 AngeIa_Myerss: I push as hard as I can and feel your arm loosen just enough for me to pop my head free as I sit up. I grunt as you wrap your legs around my body from the bottom. 'Didn't think you would be ending up on bottom did you?' I taunt before throwing hammer fists down at your face as hard as I can
21:01 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

03:43 Zack_Davis: "Well, you always did prefer to fuck from on top" I taunt, covering up with my forearms as you reign hammer fists at my face. I squeeze my muscular legs as tight as I can around your petite waist, hooking my ankles for extra leverage as I fire an elbow strike at your mouth. One or two of your hammer fists makes it through my guard, I can feel my cheek getting numb and puffy. yt

15:50 AngeIa_Myerss: I wince as you squeeze your legs tighter, feeling them crush around my body as I continue throwing punches down at you. You do a good job blocking but I manage to sneak through in between your arms, hittin you hard on the cheek. My face is left open and your bony elbow slams into my jaw as I cry out, reaching for your arms to try and pin them
15:51 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

22:33 Zack_Davis: You left that arm down after one of your hammer fists, it left an opening for me to slip an elbow strike through your rain of blows. I may have cut you, but it's hard to tell right now. You do a nice job of tangling up my arms after the strike, leaning onto them to pin them besides my head, my legs still firmly locked around your waist. I grin up at you ... "So now what, sassy?", Prepared to meet you halfway if you try a headbutt... yt

18:34 AngeIa_Myerss: I manage to pin your arms down beside your head as I lean forward, making sure my body weight stops you from moving your arms. I shake my head to recover from your hard elbow as I taste some blood from a small cut on my lip. Your grin only infuriates me as I release one of your arms, trying to throw a hard elbow down to give you a taste of yoru own medicine
18:34 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

18:47 Zack_Davis: Your elbow cracks sharply against my mouth, instantly I sense the coppery taste of blood. "Fuccckkkkk!" I scream, squeezing your petite waist tightly with my scissors. You've released one of my hands, which I use to press hard on the ground as I try to roll us, attempting to reverse our positions so you would now be on your back. yt

15:22 AngeIa_Myerss: I hear you scream and I know that it must have hurt you badly, wiping that annoying smirk off your face in an instant. I grunt as you squeeze your legs around my body tighter and I draw back my hand again to punch down when I feel you twist underneath me. 'No fuck!' I yell as I extend both of my arms, pushing on the ground to hold me up as you threaten to flip on top
15:22 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

15:28 Zack_Davis: You've extended your arms to effectively block my efforts at rolling you, but have released my hands in the process. I can taste the blood in my mouth, but my jaw is numb and probably because of swelling, I don't feel the blood run down my cheek. Enraged at the taste of my own blood, I clench my fist and now punch repeatedly at your face as you prevent me from gaining top position.
15:28 Zack_Davis: Yt

15:30 AngeIa_Myerss: I manage to stop myself from getting flipped over as I take a deep breath, trying to think of what to do when your fist slams into my cheek. I cry out in pain, only for another punch to hit me again and again. I use one hand to try and block your punches but its no use as i'm forced to cover up with both arms, falling on my side in the process
15:30 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

15:37 Zack_Davis: I can't deny it felt good to harm my knuckles against your cheekbone! You roll to your side, your head tucked and arms covering your face. I've rolled with you, my leg scissors pretty much forces me to. Laying on our sides facing each other. I grab a handful of your hair with my bottom hand, pulling your head to me as I try to wrap my top arm around your neck in an overhead headlock
15:38 Zack_Davis: Yt

17:59 AngeIa_Myerss: I cry out as you yank on my hair and I reach for your hand, trying to pry your fingers apart when I see you reach over my neck with your other arm, going for a headlock again. I'm forced to let go of your hands as I grab your wrist with both hands, pulling as hard as I can to stop your arm from digging into my neck fully. I groan, using lots of energy trying to defend as I kick my legs to try getting out of your scissor
17:59 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
18:37 Zack_Davis:
16:08 Zack_Davis: Your pulling at my wrist with both of your hands, trying to prevent me from getting a good grip around your neck, while I grasp my opposite wrist to try and draw my grip tighter. Your sexy legs are kicking furiously as you're trying to at least break my scissors, "GODDAMNIT! SIT STILL!!!" I roar, as your damn kicking breaks my ankle lock apart. Trying to hold you still by simply pressing my legs together... Hell, that's not gonna work I'm thinking to myself ... Yt

18:35 AngeIa_Myerss: 'Get. . .OFF!' I yell, gritting my teeth as I use all my strength to stop you from finishing your chokehold. As I kick around with all my might, I feel your body scissors loosen a little as your ankle lock gets broken apart. I feel your arm squeezing tighter and tighter as you grab your opposite wrist and I know I have to act fast. I stomp on the ground, trying to bridge my hips and throw you off
18:35 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

18:44 Zack_Davis: "AWWW SHIT!!!!" I scream in frustration! Dangit, I had you, but you're so damn wiggly and with the sweat we've worked up, were a little bit slippery. Nice bridge from your petite body causes me to slip sideways off of you, my hold jarred loose. Suddenly side by side, your sexy belly arched up, I think about getting in a shot but my position is ackward and would probably be a bad move. You're not half bad, best to play it safe for now. I roll away clear of your striking range to regroup myself. Yt
15:05 AngeIa_Myerss: As I bridge my hips I twist to the side, trying to throw you off. I feel your weight finally off of me as you get to your feet and out of reach. I quickly crawl to the ropes, pulling myself up as I take in deep breaths trying to recover from fighting off your chokehold. I turn around to face you, glaring at you as I push my hair out of my face and ball up my fists
15:05 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

01:46 Zack_Davis: You get your escape, now standing with clenched fists glaring at me, strands of that blonde hair stick to the side of your face. I've used a lot of energy in my efforts as well, leaning against the opposite ropes also catching my breath. I leave my fists unclenched however, a wrestler vs a striker ... I step towards you "let's do this, prom queen ". Yt

01:49 AngeIa_Myerss: I bring my fists up to my face, clenching my teeth as I shuffle towards you in a boxing stance. I've managed to escape from your submission attempt and hopefully that shows you that I can't be bullied in wrestling. I move closer just out of punching range when I kick out, thrusting my toes towards your solar plexus as hard as I can trying to stun you
01:49 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

01:58 Zack_Davis: You approach in your boxing stance, hands clenched and at your guard. I approach a little less rigid, arms loose hands open. We pause at a safe range, but your legs are as skilled as your hands. Your bare foot slams into my upper abs, drawing a sharp involuntary "unghhhhhhh" from my lips, wincing, diaphragm stunned as I gasp, the ability to breathe suddenly and dramatically impeded... Fuucckkkk!!! Yt

02:01 AngeIa_Myerss: As the ball of my foot hits your chiseled abs, I hear your sharp exhale. I smirk as I draw back my foot seeing you wincing, unable to to hide your pain and gasping. 'Looks like you're getting slow. . .' I taunt as I step forward before throwing a hard overhand right at your face with all my weight behind it, hoping that you are unable to react in time.
02:01 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

02:08 Zack_Davis: Gasping for breath like a fish out of water, I know you're tired too, but you throw an overhand right over my hands that wrap my upper belly. I can taste a coppery taste as you drive your fist into my face, blood splattering as I stagger off-balance and rocked back against the ropes. Yt

02:12 AngeIa_Myerss: My knuckles slam into your nose and as I twist my whole body behind it sending my larger and heavier opponent staggering backwards. I grit my teeth as I follow behind you, not wanting to let you get away. As you fall against the ropes I follow up with 2 hooks at your head and a knee towards your stomach, trying to overwhelm you and knock you to the mats.
02:12 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

02:27 Zack_Davis: Not that it matters, I still can't draw a breath as I hit the ropes and bounce slight off them back into you, but I'm pretty sure you've broken my nose. My hands reflexively cover my face and are rapidly becoming blood soaked. You throw two hooks at my head, my face is protected by my hands but your hooks come in from a side angle, clubbing the side of my head more than my face. Smart, I often strike an opponents ear. Knocks the inner ear all out of whack, fucks up a person's balance. The ring swims around me, my brain trying to process which way is actually up, when your sharp little knee slams into my gut. I definitely wasn't ready for that, my abs unflexed allowing your knee to sink deep into my belly. I double hard from the blow, my legs losing their ability to support me as I drop to my knees. I grasp at you for support as I drop, my only accomplishment however was to tangle my bloody hands in your bra as I drop. Yt

02:32 AngeIa_Myerss: I let out 2 grunts as I slam my fists at your head in a clubbing blow, all my frustration towards you from our history spilling over as I feel the satisfying crunch of your nose breaking from my punches. I feel my bony kneecap dig deep into your stomach as I let out a yell and the next thing I see is you stumbling forward towards me. I back up just as you grab on my bra, pulling it down and exposing my chest as you crumple to the mats. 'Let go bitch!' I send another punch at your face as you continue to grab my bra, trying to circle around to your back and choke you from behind
02:32 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

02:38 Zack_Davis: As I'm sure you're aware, broken noses tend to make ones eyes water. I gasp for a precious breath as I struggle with my balance even on my knees, my vision obscured by the broken nose. My only point of reference is my grasp on your bra, to which I hold tightly. It's a shame I can't see your bare breasts through my watery eyes, it's been quite awhile since you once offered them willingly for my pleasure. As you attempt to circle around to my back, I'm turned with you by my grip on your bra. Yt

02:42 AngeIa_Myerss: I yank my body away from you try my hardest to break rip my bra free but your vice like grip prevents me from fully circling around you. Frustrated, I continue to pummel your face with my fists, aiming right at your nose as your hand is occupied with grabbing onto me. Unable to get you to let go, I reach behind, unclipping my bra before trying once again to get behind you while you're temporarily blinded from your watery eyes
02:42 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

02:47 Zack_Davis: I eat a few more punches, none as hard as the ones that busted me up, but I hold on trying to buy some time for my head to clear. Suddenly my support is lost, I find myself holding your bra ... Without you in it. I swipe blindly for where I feel your legs should be, but frankly I have no idea where they are. I'm full of rage, fury and frustration, battered bloody and beaten, and no idea of where you are. Damnit, if I had locked in that Guillotine ... Yt

02:51 AngeIa_Myerss: Finally breaking free, I move backwards causing you to fall forward as you swing your arms angrily trying to hit me. this it the opportunity I've been looking for as I move to the side, jumping onto your back as I sneak one of my arms underneath your jaw in a rear naked choke. I reach with my other hand, pulling on my choking hand as hard as I yank backwards, squeezing as hard as I can while trying to pull you onto your back
02:51 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

03:00 Zack_Davis: As soon as I feel you touch me I know I'm screwed, your arm into a choke position is the first thing I felt, already too late. My last best effort is to use your efforts at pulling me backwards, I'm guessing to draw me on top of you. I resist hard enough for you to pull hard, then instantly stop resisting and thrusting my back against your petite bare breasts, hopefully driving YOU hard onto your back with my weight on top of you. Yt

14:21 AngeIa_Myerss: I feel your adams apple against my forearm as I pull you into the choke. In a last attempt, you throw yourself backwards, driving your weight down into my chest, making it much harder to breathe. I try to hook my ankles together in the front while wrapping my legs around your body. 'Just. . . give up!' I groan, arms straining
14:21 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

14:44 Zack_Davis: Now it is your arms that strain for a submission, but you have the advantage of having gotten your grip set in before I could defend against it. I'm able to drive you to your back with an emphatic THUD, but you smartly wrap your shapely legs around my waist, hooking your ankles at my crotch. I feel your now naked breasts mushroom against my back as you wrap yourself tightly onto me, your choke hold rapidly draining the consciousness from me. With all of the mixed emotions involved in our history, I would NEVER grant you the satisfaction of submitting to you. I would die first! With a feeble grasp at your arm I give a final futile effort at gasping for a breath before black shroud envelops my vision as I quickly drift away into unconsciousness. Yt

18:40 AngeIa_Myerss: I feel you go limp under me. My signature submission claims another victim! I grunt as I push your body off of me before getting to my feet. Of course you decided to go out fighting, not giving me the satisfaction of seeing you tap. I begin to poke your face with my foot. 'Wake up loser!'
18:40 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

18:44 Zack_Davis: I can hear your voice, but it sounds as though I am underwater listening to you ... My eyes flutter as I try to draw you into focus above me. "What...?" I ask still in a fog, my vision clearing but your face is uobstructed as you poke at my face with your foot. I find myself staring up at your crotch as you stand over me. Yt

18:50 AngeIa_Myerss: 'Hope you had a nice nap!' I giggle as I place my foot over your mouth. 'Kiss my feet like the bitch you are!' I command as I stand over you
18:50 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

18:59 Zack_Davis: My ability to see and to be aware of what is going on about me becomes clear, your sexy petite foot covers my mouth. Our eyes meet in a gaze of hatred and old lust. Not the first time I've missed your feet, but certainly the first under circumstances such as this. I take your big toe into my mouth and gently bite down. Yt

19:02 AngeIa_Myerss: I smile as I look down at you. How the tables have turned, from getting beat up and kicked out of the mansion to having the mansion owner sucking my toes! 'Say you're my bitch Zack!'
19:02 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

19:18 Zack_Davis: With a smirk, I let your toe free ... "I'm your lover, Angela, not your bitch" ... Taking your toe back into my mouth. Yt

Published: 2023-03-25, viewed 81 times.

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