OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
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13:26 Zack_Davis: Could it be the 2 sexiest women on the planet fighting for a belt?!?


13:31 Lisette: The time has come to start. I feel the tension before the match begin to rise. I walk out of my locker room with the belt on my hips and make my way to the arena. my entrance music begins to play...I show myself to the audience smiling mischievously as I walk to the ring. I make the steps on either side of the ring and sensually lean forward stepping between the second and third ropes. I unbuckle the belt and climb onto the nearby stake showing it to the audience. " Let's go," I say charging up and going to my corner.

13:31 Lisette:
13:31 Lisette: Yt

13:35 QueenLola: I take an deep breath and step from my office. My heart is racing as the nerves settle in, Lisette is no Jobber, she’ll stop at nothing to make sure she walks away as the OCW Womens champion. I make it to the curtain and hear my music hit the stage as I burst through the curtain to the crowd. I let the confidence take over any nerves and waved to the crowed as I walked down the ramp and slide into the using the far middle and top rope to climb and pose on as I shouted, “Let’s kick some ass!” Then climbed down and sat in my corner in my black bikini doing some pre match stretches. You are not logged in.
13:35 QueenLola: Yt

13:39 Zack_Davis: *I say the sexy one wins 😏*

13:40 Shawn_Allen: They are both sexy

13:40 Zack_Davis: 😁

13:40 Lisette: I watch you as you enter the ring. I still hold the belt on my shoulder and approach the center. " You will regret this Lola." I say staring into your eyes and raise the belt to the sky. You are an experienced fighter but I don't want to leave this belt to you and I will do anything to confirm myself as champion.
13:40 Lisette: Yt

13:42 CG_Kris: Both very hot and sexy

13:43 QueenLola: I approach the center of the ring with my hands on my hips and looking at that beautiful title on her shoulder. “Oh save it bitch, I won’t regret nothing when I leave here with that title on my waist.” I say and place my hand on her face to shove her back as an clear act of disrespect hoping to get the crowd roaring in excitement for this match, as the sun beats down on us.
13:43 QueenLola: Yt

13:44 Zack_Davis: (Says the hot and sexy one. That I sit next to 😜)

13:46 CG_Kris: Ur sweet sugar

13:48 Lisette: I hear your words and your hand rests on my face. I step back a step making a teasing smile ." You will regret this." I say bringing myself under and pushing you by putting my hands on your shoulders. I let go of the belt to the referee as I watch the crowd in a mix of booing between support and support toward Lola. " Let's go bitch. I'm ready. Ring the bell."
13:48 Lisette: Yt

13:49 Erin_Eevee: Eager to see both of you lovely ladies~

13:50 QueenLola: The bell is ring as I’m pushed back by her and that only makes my blood boil, as I take no hesitation and try to immediately drive her back into her own corner as the crowd are mixed with boos and cheers for either of us. This was going to be a good one. “You’ll regret it first bitch!”
13:50 QueenLola: Yt

13:55 Merc_01: Go go Lisette ^^

13:57 Lisette: I am not in time to get out of my corner when I see you coming toward me. I close up to give you no footholds as I extend my left leg toward your belly to keep you at a distance. " Even though you're one of the bosses of the federation I'll kick your ass bitch," I shout toward you.
13:57 Lisette: Yt

14:01 QueenLola: Advancing toward her was an bad idea as I learn quick and grunt being completely halted in my tracks by her foot sticking up and connecting into my midsection. As I look at her and smirk at her remark. “I fight as an competitor, my boss status, means nothing here bitch. I will kick your ass.” I say and try to use this position to my advantage instead grabbing her leg while slightly doubled over and trying to step back.
14:01 QueenLola: Yt

14:05 Lisette: Great, I won't have any responsibility on that." I say hearing your words as I manage to hit your belly but manage to stop my foot hop in place for a moment before grabbing the ropes with both hands and hitting you with my right foot but you back away and my kick goes wide. I can get out of the corner and go around you by raising my arms in guard.
14:05 Lisette: Yt

14:07 Zack_Davis: *nice opening exchange! ... Winces as Lola take a foot in the gut*

14:10 QueenLola: We reset and back to the middle of the ring. I smirk and raise my arms as she does and circle with her as I grin, and pushed forward attempting to enter an lock up in the middle of the ring with her.
14:10 QueenLola: Yt

14:13 Lisette: We lock ourselves in a lock in the center of the ring. My gaze snarls at Lola's as I begin to push with my legs, trying to push her back. My body moves closer to hers and bending my legs slightly I try to continue the push.
14:13 Lisette: Yt

14:16 QueenLola: We lock up and she begins to push me back, I try to control my focus on letting her gain the momentum and suddenly try planting to my feet back and use her pushing momentum to try and hip toss her over me and down to the mat. She’s an skilled fighter but I am not going to back down in this match up.
14:16 QueenLola: Yt

14:19 Lisette: Aaaaahhhrrrrgggg fuckkk....." I keep pushing with my legs but your movement throws me forward into your projection. I try to aim my right foot at the ring canvas so I don't fall as I cling to your shoulders trying to bring you to the mat too.From this move I understand how dangerous and unpredictable she can be in her moves
14:19 Lisette: Yt

14:23 QueenLola: She blocks my hip toss as I groan and she takes us both down to the mat. The crowd is sitting on the edge of their feet as they await an outcome, both of us laying on the ground as I try to climb on top of her and pin her down onto the mat.
14:23 QueenLola: Yt

14:33 Lisette: Aaaaahhhrrrrgggg....We fall heavily to the mat. I struggle with my legs tapping them on the mat as I try to roll and raise my hips arching to the right to carry myself over my opponent. I try to climb over her legs and try to sit on her belly aiming my knees over her shoulders.
14:33 Lisette: Yt

14:38 QueenLola: She rolls us over and attempts to pin me down with her knees over my shoulders though as she moves to do so, I try to slip my right arm between her legs and try to push her forward. “It’s my title bitch!”
14:38 QueenLola: Yt

14:39 Zack_Davis: *grabs a beer out of my cooler ... Getting a little hot in here*

14:42 LaceyP: mmmmmmmmmmmmm hot match here
14:44 Zack_Davis: *says the hottie*

14:47 Lisette: Bitch" I manage to climb over your body and aim my knee but you use your arm between my legs and push me forward. I put my hands forward so I don't hit my face on the canvas as I slide off your body and try to quickly turn back to you and try a scissor to your head. " This title is mine "
14:47 Lisette: Yt

14:50 Honey: Lisette going for a dirty headscissor to make sure Lola is getting weaker and weaker! Love her fighting style

14:52 Zack_Davis: "watch them legs, Lola!"

14:53 QueenLola: Lisette is cunning and quick as I force her to go forward, I think I get an bit of an reprieve from her but feel her long legs, wrap around my head as I gasp and struggle. I grab her ankles and try to use my hips to try and roll myself over hoping it’ll force her over onto her stomach.
14:53 QueenLola: Yt

14:58 Lisette: I grit my teeth and point my palms to the mats trying to stabilize my body as I feel Lola's hands on my ankles and her twisting to turn me around.... I try to tighten my grip more as I raise and lower my pelvis trying to make Lola lose her lucidity.
14:58 Lisette: Yt

15:00 Makayla_Corona: You two are hot

15:03 QueenLola: She plants her hands and can’t help the matter that I can’t turn my body over and get her over. I feel the pain in my neck as she raises her hips and groan as I try to reach my hand out now for the ropes and squirming, I refuse to let her win this way with me in such an state. The rope break will be the only thing at this point that can keep me in content for the title here.
15:03 QueenLola: Yt

15:10 Zack_Davis: "Ref!!! Rope break!"

15:15 Lisette: I feel I am beginning to take over Lola. I see how she stretches toward the ropes but I miscalculate the distance and Lola manages to catch the ropes. I hear the referee confirming my suspicion. " What? She didn't touch the ropes." I say protesting to the referee as I have to let go of my grip. I rise to my feet and continue my protest. " That's not true!!!" I turn back to Lola furious as I push my hair out of my face.
15:15 Lisette: Yt

15:19 QueenLola: I cough hard as I caught a break and roll out onto the apron to relax and regroup. I can hear in her voice how furious she is by the ref making her release the hold on me. I slide to the outside of the ring to keep my distance in the match and scowl watching her from a far as I walk along the outside of the ring. I gave my body sometime to recover and see if she would make an move or some kind.
15:19 QueenLola: Yt

15:23 Lisette: I watch you slide out of the ring. I try to catch you but don't make it in time. " You run whore!?" I say resting my hands on the ropes " come on,get back up!!!" I say taunting you as I sit on the ropes and invite you to continue as my gaze turns to the fun for a moment.
15:23 Lisette: Yt

15:27 Zack_Davis: *my gaze turns to the buns on the ropes* ... but give Lola a 'good game' swat on her butt. "C'mon, babes, you got this!"

15:29 QueenLola: I climb onto the apron opposite of where she’s sitting and laugh as she taunts me. I step through the ropes slowly and look at her. “I’m not running from you bitch. That championship is mine.” I say and wait for her to come off the rope and back into the ring. I slowly back into a corner and wait as I wink over to Zack one for the booty slap of encouragement and so he knows what’s coming.
15:29 QueenLola: Yt

15:32 Zack_Davis: *grins... I know all too well*

15:34 Lisette: I watch you as you climb back into the ring. You have a strange look on your face that I don't like. " I'm not letting go of this title easily," I warn myself as I step back from the ropes. Your position in the corner is strange and I slowly approach. I look at your hands trying to figure out what you can do. Then a few steps from you I try to reach out with my right arm trying to grab your left shoulder.
15:34 Lisette: Yt

15:39 QueenLola: She starts to walk near and before getting to close I try to jolt out of the corner and nail her jaw with an attempt at my signature bicycle pump knee kick. If connected I’ll have her down and hopefully feeling her chances of retaining and fully claiming the title for herself slipping away.
15:39 QueenLola: Yt

15:43 Lisette: I try to reach out to grab Lola but she snaps quickly coming out of the corner and catches me with her knee on my jaw. I feel dizzy as I stagger conspicuously I try to make it to the ropes before I fall but I fall off my stomach first staying lying on the mat. I can't let my title slip away like that. I think as I try to compose myself.
15:43 Lisette: Yt

15:44 Zack_Davis: 😳

15:46 QueenLola: I connected and watched her stagger as she fell to the mat. I could go for the pin but that’s to easy, I try to quickly as she’s dazed lift her upper body up and try to lock her into an Guillotine submission hold on her to hopefully seal her fate in this match up.
15:46 QueenLola: Yt

15:47 Zack_Davis: Uh ohh!

15:51 Lisette: I am stunned on my stomach. I feel him grab and lift my upper body and his legs grip me in a guillotine. I grit my teeth and try to reach toward the ropes and break this grip but they are far away by my arms. I try to slide my butt onto the canvas as I try to rotate my fatigued body with my face toward Lola and raising my pelvis I try to make a Pin as her submission move begins to weaken me
15:51 Lisette: Yt

15:55 QueenLola: I am like an snake coiled around her tightly as she try’s to turn this into an pin and I heighten my intensity of the squeeze of my legs on her waist. Feeling my shoulders connect to the mat I try to keep my head up and move slightly to keep her from gaining that pin. “Tap out bitch!”
15:55 QueenLola: Yt

15:56 Zack_Davis: "I learned it from the best, baby!"

15:59 Lisette: No " I say fatigued as your legs squeeze me. I have the bottom of your bikini next to my mouth. No one can see me as I begin to tease you between your legs as I hold on with my pelvis up to keep from letting go. My hands move to your chest still trying a Pin
15:59 Lisette: Yt

16:06 Zack_Davis: "Ref!! She's got her .. she's teasing her ... Oh, heck! Atta girl!"

16:06 QueenLola: I wrench the move hard and really squeeze her sides and neck. I have her waring down under me. “Come on just tap out!” I shout and squeeze tighter trying to either make her submit or pass out.
16:06 QueenLola: Yt

16:13 Erin_Eevee: Both ladies are very hot and fierce... I love it~

16:13 Lisette: Noooooo... In a last desperate move I try to stretch my legs and touch my foot to the rope " referee" I yell and try to reverse what happened to me before
16:13 Lisette: Yt

16:17 QueenLola: I tighten the grip around the neck trying to keep waring her down until the referee tells me to break the hold on her. “Stop fighting bitch, you’re weakened just give up!”
16:17 QueenLola: Yt

16:21 Lisette: I manage to get out of this deadly move. I pant and try to catch my breath. I hear your words as I slowly try to get back up." I will not give up as long as I have strength," I say as I look into your eyes with my body slightly bent forward from fatigue. I try one last action by throwing myself toward you with my shoulder on your belly. It is the last thing I can afford.
16:21 Lisette: Yt

16:25 QueenLola: I broke the hold as the ref told me and so she decided to make an fault altering move throwing herself into me. I groan taking her shoulder into my stomach, the pain in my stomach hurt worse as I tried to reapply the Guillotine hold once more as I felt that even though now that my stomach was in severe pain, I had an gut feeling she could not last in another hold like this.
16:25 QueenLola: Yt

16:29 Zack_Davis: "owww!!!" ... *winces at that shoulder shot* ... "Shake that off baby!"

16:30 Lisette: I manage to hit your belly with my shoulder but I still feel your arm lock me in the guillotine.... " Fuck noooo" I try to resist but I have no strength left and I have to pound on the mat. I have lost and have to let go of the belt already.
16:30 Lisette: Yt

16:31 Zack_Davis:
16:31 Zack_Davis: "Guillotine got her!"

16:32 QueenLola: I let her go as the bell rings and see her roll off to the side as I roll over onto her and whisper in her ear. “You did great.” And kiss her cheek and gave her an hug on the ground before slowly standing up to my feet my body glistening in sweat.
16:32 QueenLola: Yt

16:39 Zack_Davis: *I jump up out of my seat and dive into the ring, lifting the new champion high in the air in a big hug ... With a wink at Lisette for an awesome effort, she will still be a force to be reckoned with in the division*

16:41 QueenLola: I hug back and reach out for the title from the ref as the hug breaks and I turn my back to my man as I pass him the title to strap it around my waist.

16:45 Lisette: I slowly crawl back to the corner and lean against the first turnbuckle. I put my hands in my hair and catch my breath. I lost to a strong opponent and I still want to have an opportunity to challenge her. I slowly rise back up toward the new champion. I place a hand on the belt as I whisper in her ear. " I will see you again soon Lola. " I take her hand and raise it respecting the new champion.
16:45 Lisette: Yt

16:49 QueenLola: End?

16:49 Lisette: End

Published: 2023-03-29, viewed 53 times.



Kitana Carolina

2023-03-29 20:33

Congrats Losette, was a great effort and match