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Established: 2023-01-25

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OCW Ladies Championship Lola vs Lisette

AngeIa Myerss (deleted member)
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22:03 QueenLola: My music hits the stage and yet again it’s time to fight, I push through the curtain though the crowd can see I’m not the perky moving champ I was, the first time around, my belt is around my waist and my hand is on the back of my neck as I’m still feeling the affects of Emily’s attack in the locker room not long before, I’m not 100% but I will soon still see if I can contest with my opponent at this state.
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22:06 Lisette:

22:09 Lisette: My song resonates. I introduce myself to the audience in my pink bikini as I look at the champion already in the ring. I greet the fans present and exchange high fives. I circle the ring before slipping under the first time and once kneeling stare again. " I came to get my belt back,bitch."

22:09 Lisette:

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22:12 Kara_Anne: Go Listette!!

22:14 QueenLola: I rub my neck and try to regain myself as I listen to you flap your gums telling me all this crap. I ignore your bold statement. “Shut up bitch!” I say and stretch in the corner and wait for the opening bell to ring.

22:21 Lisette: I heard about your recent attack. I am a little sorry not to face you at your best. You still wanted to do the match and I respect your choice. "Beware the champion is angry." I say defiantly as I also wait for the bell in my corner.

22:27 QueenLola: The bell rings and growl at her as she makes that statement. I make my way out of my corner and to the middle of the ring with my arms up trying to set up an lock up offer.

22:30 Lisette: The bell rings and I too come out of my corner. I stare into your eyes and watch your hands rise. I pretend to get up too and start with a lock but I raise my left leg and try to hit your right thigh to destabilize you and follow up with another kick again on the same thigh.

22:34 QueenLola: I get my hands though I am soon staggering into the ropes to the right as your kicks nail into my right thigh causing me to lose some balance early on in this fight. I hold onto the ropes and look at you as I growl and sneer. “Confident are we huh?!”

22:37 Lisette: Nothing has changed from our first match. In fact, something has. You are the one who is different." I growl and taunt you again as you lean against the ropes. I wait for you to come to your senses and wave you over. " Come on Lola.*

22:40 QueenLola: I use the ropes to scale along and slowly begin to climb up onto the top turnbuckle in the front right corner as I look at you and sneer “come on, bring it!”

22:42 Lisette: With much pleasure." Smiling, I approach you again this time really looking for the lock locking my arms between your neck and shoulder as I tug to push you back toward the ropes.

22:45 QueenLola: I lock up with you near the corner and as you go to push me back towards the ropes I try to flip and push you into the corner of the ring.

22:48 Lisette: I struggle against you in the padlock. I manage to get you to touch the ropes but you manage to turn around and my back rests on the corner. I growl as I push and try to get out but I have little momentum in my legs and changing strategy I try to break the lock and hit you with an uppercut with my right arm.

22:55 QueenLola: I stagger back taking the uppercut and groan as I hold my jaw and then the back of my neck favoring the back of my neck. I try to retaliate and not letting you out of the corner trying to charge back with an shoulder spear into the corner.

22:59 Lisette: I see you moving away from the corner holding your neck. A little later you charge again with a shoulder thrust to keep me from leaving but I move out of the corner trying to avoid it. You stay with your upper body leaning against the center turnbuckle in the corner. I move behind you grabbing your legs and lifting them up and holding your body in tension at my waist I try to jump backwards and crash you on the mat with a faceslam.

23:00 Zack_Davis: 😳

23:02 QueenLola: She moves and I go crashing into the corner as I groan from the pain shooting up my upper back from the impact. She lifts me up and soon my face is meeting the canvas as I lay at the bottom of the corner. She’s definitely making me work for this title defense, as I compete at less than 100.

23:04 Zack_Davis: *Lisette's brought her A- game it looks like* ... "Come on, sweetie, just a little bump"

23:10 Zack_Davis: *Cracks a beer from the front row ... Tosses Angela and Erin one each*

23:10 Lisette: I manage to connect my move. My butt also meets the ring canvas and I look at you with your body between my legs. I want to try a submission move but we are too close to the ropes and it would be a waste of energy. i slide under your body and get out. I get back up by resting one hand on the ropes and stomp on your back. I grab your blond hair and try to raise it first knee and straight

23:13 QueenLola: I groan as she stomps on my back as I then feel her grip onto my hair and take her knee as I feel a bit dizzy as I groan more and reach out grabbing onto the ropes for support.

23:13 AngeIa_Myerss: *sips beer* 'i'm a lightweight'

23:14 Zack_Davis: *😈 gives Angela a second*

23:17 Lisette: I bring you to your knees and see your moment of difficulty. Your hand on the rope. I still hold your blond hair and bring my body closer to your kneeling I slap your face arching your neck backward. with the weight of my body I try to lie you on your back in a Facesitting position

23:18 AngeIa_Myerss: *waves off second beer*

23:18 QueenLola: I gasp and squeal feeling my body bend as I try to reach out and realize I need to play a little dirty as my hand try’s to find her face and play dirty with an attempt at an rake of the eye out of pure desperation.

23:22 Zack_Davis: "Nothing to see there ref. Nothing there"

23:22 Lisette: Aaaaahhhrrgggggg fucking bitch aaaaahhhrrrrgggg " suddenly I feel your fingers in my eyes. I let you go and pull away looking for the ropes, I see nothing and feel my eyes burning. I go tentatively and feel disoriented.

23:22 AngeIa_Myerss: 'Hey Lola's cheating!!'

23:23 Zack_Davis: "I didn't see anything"

23:24 QueenLola: I roll out of the ring and take a minute to regroup and collect myself as I take an dizzy step toward Zack and Angela taking Zacks beer and throwing it in Angela’s face, then shake my head. “Sorry love.”

23:26 Zack_Davis: *lmao ... Grabs another beer*

23:27 AngeIa_Myerss: 'AHHH you bitch!' I scream as I lunge at Lola half blinded

23:28 Zack_Davis: *steps back so my beer doesn't spill*

23:30 Lisette: I try to recover but my vision is still blurred and difficult. I see no one in the ring except the referee. " You didn't see that? Asshole," I say furiously as I also get out of the ring and take a minute to recover. I see that something is going on but I take advantage of it by coming up behind Lola. I grab his hair and smack his forehead on the fence that divides the ring from the audience. " You're a whore." I retort angrily still making him hit his head and the referee starts counting us out of the ring.

23:32 QueenLola: I feel Lisette grab me from behind and groan as she slams my face into the fence over and over as the ref begins to count us out of the ring. ‘1…’ I hear as my head slams off of the fence and feel a little blood trickle down my head.

23:32 AngeIa_Myerss: I miss as I swing at Lola and fall on my hands and knees as I wipe away at my face. 'beat her up Lisette!'

23:33 Zack_Davis: *giggles at Angela* ... "Swing and a miss!"

23:36 Lisette: Count on it." I say looking at Angela for a moment. I still hold your hair with my right hand and hit your right side my left hand. I try to turn her around. I look angrily into her eyes and taking her arm I throw her toward the outside corner of the ring. .........2......... Referee continues his count

23:40 QueenLola: I slam into the ring post on the outside of the ring and fall to my knees as I groan and slowly crawl towards the ring side steps trying to see if you’ll follow me as the ref keeps counting. ‘3….’ I get to the steps and turn over sitting on my ass and looking in your direction.

23:44 Lisette: I watch you crawl down to the ring steps and sit down. Your position is ripe for a running shoulder thrust but your attitude worries me. I give up the idea and slide under the first rope back into the ring. " Come on bitch." ........4......

23:45 AngeIa_Myerss: Gets up and dusts myself off as I glare at Lola

23:50 QueenLola: I slowly get up to my feet and use the fence as my support, I make an smug look as I know well enough the rules of an title defense are that the title can not change hands on an count out. I hear the ref count 5 as I’m up to my feet and taking my sweet time to recover. I slide half into the ring to break the count and slide back out. Walking around the ring, taking a moment to slap that glare off of Angela’s smug face. Then turn my attention back to Lisette in the ring and play mind games with her as I waltz around the ring.

23:54 AngeIa_Myerss: OWWW! Lola's slap snaps my head to the side and I turn back holding my cheek. As she starts looking back and Lisette I charge at her to kick her in the back

23:55 Lisette: I see your attitude and you keep stalling. " You want to play bitch, let's play bitch!!!" I wait until you are on the opposite side and return outside the ring. I walk over to Zack and grab his shirt pulling him to me and kissing him on the mouth. Still holding him I turn only with my face toward you and smile teasingly, adding a wink I kiss him again and let him go. " Now what are you doing Lola?"

23:57 QueenLola: I get anger build up but groan and drop to the ground being kicked to the back as I hold my back from the kick by Angela from behind as the match starts to get heated and the ref is debating ringing the bell and ruling it disqualification.

23:59 Lisette: I see your attitude and you keep stalling. " You want to play bitch, let's play bitch!!!" I wait until you are on the opposite side and return outside the ring. I walk over to Zack and grab his shirt pulling him to me and kissing him on the mouth. Still holding him I turn only with my face toward you and smile teasingly, adding a wink I kiss him again and let him go. " Now what are you doing Lola?"

00:02 Zack_Davis: *caught in a kiss by Lisette, I drop my beer ... I open my mouth to say something and get kissed again. I completely forget what I was going to say!*

00:04 Jackson_starlight: Zack your such a sucker for the ladies love you though hugs

00:05 AngeIa_Myerss: I back off walking to my seat by the ring

00:07 QueenLola: I charge Lisette and trying to spear her into the fence for kissing Zack during our match, not once but twice as I growl and hope to connect with this spear.

00:11 Zack_Davis: *mouth opens, still no words ... Pivots to avoid Lola's enraged spear attempt*

00:13 Lisette: I was looking forward to nothing else. To see Lola furious and jealous. I used Zack to succeed in this. I keep my eyes on her and see her charging with the spear. I move out of the way causing her to crash into the guards. I quickly grab her hair and throw her into the ring. I quickly get on her stomach and moving my legs to her head I lock her face between my thighs I take her hands still avoiding her fingers in my eyes and Pin her to the canvas

00:14 Zack_Davis: 😳

00:15 QueenLola: I slam into the canvas out of rage and collapse to the ground, as my head drips some blood and gets thrown back into the ring and immediately pinned as the referee gets down and slams his hand down for the count ‘1….’.

00:17 Lisette: I growl on your gaze as I put weight on your face using the thong of my bikini. My hands crush holding you in the Pin.....2.....

00:19 QueenLola: You hold me down but I’m not out as the ref gets to 2 and 9/10ths of a pin and use my legs to kick and kick enough to count as kicking out of the pinfall attempt as I begin to squirm and fight against you.

00:23 Zack_Davis: "ok, little close babe!"

00:25 Lisette: You miraculously manage to get out of the pin. I don't have time to despair that a violent battle begins, feeling you squirm underneath to get out. I also continue to struggle I let go of your hair with one hand and throw myself sideways trying to get you to follow my movement as my legs twist behind your head trying this time to submit you

00:28 QueenLola: You roll us and get your legs up around my head as I’m now feeling the crimson mask drip down my face and I groan, my hand on your leg as I try to raise up and cause your shoulders to go down to the mat for the ref to hopefully begin the count.

00:30 Zack_Davis: "Smart move babe! It's just a scratch babe, no worry. 😳"

00:33 Lisette: I see your body turn and press my back on the mat. I feel my body bend slightly but I continue the squeeze with my legs starting to move my pelvis left and right to break your breath....1.....

00:35 QueenLola: I feel my neck burning in pain from the squeeze and from the attack in the back by Emily as the referee hits the mat for an 2 count now and I feel my body slowly fading out a bit as I try to keep the pin.

00:35 Zack_Davis: "I can't watch!"

00:36 Zack_Davis: *hands Jackson a beer*

00:40 Lisette: I twist to the left to raise my shoulder and get out of the pivot by exploiting until the last moment. I am at the limit of my strength but I try to hold on still trying to lie on my side. "Do it Lola." I tell her angrily putting a hand back on her hair.

00:42 QueenLola: My body is slowly fading more and I weakly reach out for the rope and groan as the ref notices that I’m fading and comes over and raises my arm closest to him and drops it. ‘1….’ He says and then raised my arm again and let’s go as I catch it and struggle not giving up on this fight not yet.

00:45 Zack_Davis: "Them legs is tough"

00:46 Lisette: It is a hard and violent battle. You let me have the initiative but you are defending yourself great. I have to let go after the referee declared you still fit to fight. I crawl tiredly back up using the ropes to get back on my feet. I move the sweaty hair away from my face watching you regain your strength.

00:50 QueenLola: I lay on the mat catching my breath as I cough and an small pool of my blood is puddles on the canvas as I look up at you and groan. I grip the rope and begin to pull myself back up to my feet slowly, my blonde locks getting slightly discolored by my blood in the front here as it falls over my sweaty face. Getting to my feet I look at her and smirk and nod in respect of the fight so far

00:54 Lisette: You return to your feet and we look at each other still and battle-weary. You had an amazing match considering the attack you suffered and I respect you. " Let's finish this match Lola" I say raising my arms and ready to resume and trying to hit you with a chop on your breasts.

00:55 QueenLola: I take the chop to my breast and return one right back to her chest as we seem to slowly begin to trade off chops back and forth this late into the match, as our bodies are battered and ware out.

00:57 Zack_Davis: "PUPPIES ABUSE!!!"

01:00 Lisette: My body staggers from your blows. I respond by hitting you again with the skin of our breasts beginning to burn and turn red. I grit my teeth at each of your chops. I try to intercept your last blow and move my body closer to your hugging you and lifting you up with the last remaining strength to crash you on your back

01:02 QueenLola: She blocks me off both of us in the middle of the ring as she slams me to my back and groan out in agony though, anyone who’s seen the very first match, between us knows this was an bad move on her part, as I try to quickly lock her into my famous submission hold the Guillotine submission tucking her head under my arm and my legs around her waist.
01:02 QueenLola:

01:08 Lisette: Aaaaahhhrrrrgggg fuckkk. I lift your weight and carry you back to the floor. I can still feel your arm closing on my neck. I place my hands one on your thighs avoiding the closing on my body as I try to rise up with my head I wedge my body to yours in a scissor-like position making our thongs adhere I distract your action by crawling me while my free hand stops your mouth trying to choke you

01:12 QueenLola: I gasp being choked by her and keep trying squeeze on the hold but she keeps blocking me off. I decide to let her go and push her off of me entirely instead as I try to gain a moment of separation from her.

01:16 Zack_Davis: Wow!

01:17 Lisette: I managed to get out of a lethal move. I feel you trying to break away from my body and catch your breath but I stay close to you. I remove my hand from my mouth and climb up your hair. My body stays stuck to yours and I keep moving slightly trying to close your legs with mine in a figure 4forced

01:20 QueenLola: I gasp as she locks in an forced figure four leg lock on me and makes me groan in agony as while on my back, I try to recover from this and try to turn over onto my stomach and reverse the pressure onto her legs.

14:33 Lisette: I grit my teeth. The position is forced but I manage to keep my legs locked in the vice. I try to pull myself up with my back resting my palms on the canvas as I feel your movement trying to reverse the move. I struggle to keep myself from spinning.

14:34 QueenLola: She plants her hands down onto the canvas making it hard to roll over onto my stomach as I scream out in agony and groan as I try harder to flip her over onto her stomach, though the pain in my legs is slowly becoming unbearable.

14:38 Lisette: Ahhhrrrggg.....my legs begin to ache from your constant attempts to turn the move. I try to raise my pelvis and make it difficult for you to move but following your body I find myself turned sideways. Having a free hand I try to hit your leg to get back up.

14:40 QueenLola: I groan as she hits my leg and I growl at her as I try to give her leg an hit back as we both lay on our sides with one arm open to use on each other. “Give up bitch!”

14:44 Lisette: I don't even think about it. bitch." The pain in my legs becomes more and more intense as I try once again to turn around. I try to roll onto the canvas holding our legs intertwined to get to the ropes and break the move.

14:45 QueenLola: I roll with and reach out getting my hands wrapped around the bottom rope first and the ref begins an 5 count for you to break the hold

14:48 Lisette: The referee starts to count us out. I hold the hold until the count of 3 but I have to let you go. I'm exhausted from the long battle and letting go I crawl to the corner and try to get back up clinging struggling

14:50 QueenLola: I drag my body to the corner, my legs a bit sore now from that figure four though I use all the strength I have left in my worn out upper body to drag myself to my feet and look at Lisette pulling up in the direct adjacent corner to me.

15:02 Lisette: I get up slowly and catch my breath. I look at you at the opposite corner. Instinctively I want to run toward you but my legs ache and I remember your move. " Come on bitch, let's finish this." I say reaching the center of the ring and stopping in a guard position.

15:04 QueenLola: I see you starting to move toward the center of the ring, you are used to most of my moves, but one that I’ve had yet to use on you. I wait til you’re bout midway toward the center and cry in pain as I try to use the middle rope to bounce off of and aim an kick to the side of your head.

15:20 Lisette: I watch you scream. You take a running start and launch yourself at me. I duck to avoid your kick and send it flying. When your back is to me quickly I return to my feet and lock my arms over your neck and cling to your back bringing you to the mat in a sleeper hold

15:22 QueenLola: I miss the kick and land on my shoulder on the mat and groan turning over onto my hands and knees only to be locked into an hold involving my already sore neck and squeal as she brings me down to the ground completely.

15:22 Zack_Davis: Them long arms ... 💪💪

15:24 Lisette: I wrap my body around Lola's. As my arm grips her throat trying to break her breath. " Say it whore." I move my body pushing back and forth in the submission move.

15:26 QueenLola: Thanks to Emily my neck is my weak point and I can’t stand the pain, last thing I need is to be injured. I groan and slowly begin to tap the mat over and over.

15:26 Zack_Davis: *pushes Angela in her seat* .... "Nooooo!!!"

15:28 AngeIa_Myerss: falls onto the ground hard. 'fuck you zack' i glare at you

15:30 Lisette: I hear Lola tapping on the carpet. The referee immediately approaches to get me to loosen my grip. I whisper in your ear." It's not over between us yet, we'll meet again soon when you're at your best." I mischievously pinch your earlobe before letting go and lying completely exhausted on the mat.

15:31 Zack_Davis: *Steps on Angela's stomach as I step over her to get to the ring ...* ... "OMG Lola!! Get off her Lisette!!!"

15:32 QueenLola: I lay on the mat face down as I groan and hold the back of my neck as the bell rings and declares Lisette the winner.

15:33 AngeIa_Myerss: I cry out as I get stepped on and I roll to my knees holding my stomach

15:33 Zack_Davis: "MEDICS!" I yell "c-collar!!!"

15:34 Zack_Davis: The ref hands Lisette the belt ...
15:34 Zack_Davis:

15:34 Lisette: It was a long and very tiring match. I get up helped by the referee and stagger against the ropes looking at Lola lying on her stomach. I raise my arm victoriously waiting for the belt to return to the ring.

15:35 QueenLola: OCW Medic arrives and checks on my neck as I nod to his questions and lay there holding my neck as I’m helped up and to my feet.

15:36 Lisette: The belt comes and I hug her happily for the victory. I climb to a corner showing it to the victorious audience. In the crowd I can also see some of my next opponents but now it is time to celebrate.

15:40 Zack_Davis: I wander back past Angela, using her hair to slam her forehead to the ground as she sits on her knees holding her stomach ... Just a little message to anyone who might have thoughts on my hardcore title ... "Applauds the amazing effort of both ladies"

15:41 QueenLola: I hug her back and then get escorted out of the ring and to the back by OCW medics to be furthered checked out

15:49 Zack_Davis: Takes some publicity photos for the fed ...

15:49 Zack_Davis:

15:49 Zack_Davis:

15:49 Zack_Davis:
15:50 Lisette: I witness the scene of Zack showing why he is the hardcore champion. I wait for Lola to get out of the ring and I, too, head for the locker room high-fiving the fans. The belt on my shoulder as I take my leave of the audience taking one last bow to them.

15:58 QueenLola: {End}

16:06 Zack_Davis: (👏👏👏👏👏👏 AWESOME match, ladies!)

16:11 Lisette: I sorry if it was so broken up. Anyway yes it was a very good match very entertaining.

21:49 AngeIa_Myerss: My face slams into the
ground as I lie there groaning

22:10 Zack_Davis: *spills my beer on Angela as I go check on Lola*

22:33 AngeIa_Myerss: 'asshole' i mutter

Published: 2023-04-11, viewed 0 times.

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