OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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Lola decides to confront her attacker 🔥 - OCW


07:39 QueenLola: After a few days or atleast week or so from my match with Lisette, I decided I needed to find that bitch, Emily and pay her back for what she did to me. I arrived at the building and walk in putting my stuff in my locker room, already in my bikini as I have an possible shoot later tonight. Though I pass by the photo area and see that bitch posing in her bikini, the anger builds up in me and I immediately March over and try to grab her by the back of her neck and bottoms and throw her into one of the stands holding up the photography lights. You are not logged in.
07:39 QueenLola: Yt
07:43 Emily_Dawnson: Feeling pretty proud of the stunt I pulled with Lola, i'm in my own bikini for this photoshoot they want me to do when I feel to sets of hands grip me by my neck and bottoms! Yelping out, I can only stumble as I crash right into the lights! "Ack! Ah, who the f-...you!" I glare over at you
07:43 Emily_Dawnson: yt
07:45 QueenLola: I watch you crash into the lights and then turn and glare at me as smirk and grin “Yeah me bitch! You cost me, my fucking title! So, you wanna attack bitches from behind huh? Doesn’t feel to good does it?” I say as I step to her after she crashed into the lights and is staggered trying to grab her shoulders and drive my knee hard into her navel. “I’m gonna make you pay bitch!”
07:45 QueenLola: Yt
07:47 Emily_Dawnson: Shaking my head, I shout out back at you. "It wasn't my fucking fault you're so shit!" I reach up and grab your hair when you fire off a navel shot! Wheezing out, I try to stay up as I attempt to fling you right into the lights yourself! "Fuck you, bitch!"
07:47 Emily_Dawnson: yt
07:50 QueenLola: I hit you in the stomach hard with my knee and groan as you stay up but take the pain and push me into the light I shoved you towards as I knock it over and fall over on it. I groan from the pain with the metal stand on my ribs as the light hits the ground and smashes cause a small spark to fire off on impact. I lay over the metal and hold my ribs as I look back at you.
07:50 QueenLola: Yt
07:52 Emily_Dawnson: Panting a little, I clutch my stomach as I angrily move in towards you, slightly dragging my left leg behind me. "Not so nice, is it you second rate SLUT!" I shout out, my free fist curled as I try to stamp down on your heel!
07:52 Emily_Dawnson: yt
07:54 QueenLola: I feel the stomp on my heel and shout in a bit of agony. “Ahhh, you’re the second rate whore!” I shout and try to throw my elbow back at her face as I’m knelt over the black metal light stand. “I’m gonna make you regret, ever attacking me ever again!”
07:55 QueenLola: Yt
07:56 Emily_Dawnson: The elbow clocks right into my face as I cry out! Staggering back, I clutch my nose with a few hints of blood dripping out. Only fuelling my anger further, I try charging right at you to slam my body right into yours against the light stand!
07:56 Emily_Dawnson: yt
07:58 QueenLola: I get up off of the light stand and turn around after nailing you in the face with my elbow and groan being speared through the light stand as we bend it and I end up landing on the hot small shards of glass as I cry out in agony laying under you. “You crazy bitch!”
07:58 QueenLola: Yt
08:02 Emily_Dawnson: An almost insane laugh comes from me as I kick over a few more shards to you for the extra little pain! "Not so tough now without the element of surprise, are ya~?!" I'm about to go in for another physical attack when I spot something very interesting...a shard of glass...bigger than most of the others...around the size of my finger. Bending down, I grab it with an evil smirk
08:02 Emily_Dawnson: yt
08:04 QueenLola: I cover my face as you kick some of the shards and watch you grab an bigger piece. Not knowing what you plan to do with that shard I try to quickly sweep one of your legs out from under you, hoping to make you fall to the ground.
08:04 QueenLola: Yt
08:06 Emily_Dawnson: Not seeing that coming, I trip up and fall right to the ground with a thud! "Ack! Crafty bitch, aren't ya?!" I growl out, crawling towards you with the piece in hand
08:08 QueenLola: I sit up and decide not to let you have any control here as I try to pounce on you and pin you down to the ground, especially the hand with the glass in it.
08:08 QueenLola: Yt
08:09 Emily_Dawnson: Grunting, you manage to pin me down after a few more seconds of struggle. I'm wriggling under you as I try to escape, thinking of a plan and fast as I glare up at you
08:09 Emily_Dawnson: yt
08:11 QueenLola: I slide back and move up trying to place my foot on your throat and push to try and choke you out and avoid the glass in your hand.
08:11 QueenLola: Yt
08:13 Emily_Dawnson: My eyes widen as I slightly gag, my feet starting to kick already as I shake around harder, my eyes already beginning to flutter! "B-bitch!..."
08:13 Emily_Dawnson: yt
08:15 QueenLola: Blood I can feel running down my back from the glass, mixed with slight burns. My nose bleeding slightly from hitting the light stand as I keep up the pressure on your throat. “Tap bitch!”
08:15 QueenLola: Yt
08:17 Emily_Dawnson: "F-fuck...you..." I gasp out, things starting to go dark as I try to kick my leg high up to hit you anywhere on your back in a panic! Nose bleeding, leg hurt, and my energy fading as I go for the kick to your injured back!
08:17 Emily_Dawnson: yt
08:19 QueenLola: I scream out in pure pain, as I hold my back and fall to the side of you as I can feel the stinging of the small cut and the burn on my back.
08:19 QueenLola: Yt
08:21 Emily_Dawnson: Gasping out, I cough a few times as I lay there next to you. My body shaking as I regain my breath in a hurry, having barely survived the choke attack
08:21 Emily_Dawnson: yt
08:23 QueenLola: I pant and recover a bit as I get up to my feet and grab you by your hair and drag you up to your feet hopefully. “I told you I’m gonna make you regret attacking me bitch!”
08:23 QueenLola: Yt
08:25 Emily_Dawnson: Slowly stumbling to my feet, one hand grips you by your blonde hair as well. "Not if I make you pay for this first!" I groan out, trying to send a punch to your stomach
08:25 Emily_Dawnson: yt
08:27 QueenLola: I growl and groan as she grabs my hair and yanks “Ahhh you fucking bitch!” I grunt and also take her punch to the stomach as I try to retaliate and slam my fist hard into your rib cage.
08:27 QueenLola: Yt
08:28 Emily_Dawnson: "OOF!" I grunt out again, coughing as I drag my fist up to try uppercut you, my vision slightly blurring as my nose bleeds again
08:28 Emily_Dawnson: yt
08:31 QueenLola: I take the uppercut and let go of your hair as I feel dizzy and drop to my knees as I groan and look at you. “Fuck you, you whore!”
08:31 QueenLola: yt
08:32 Emily_Dawnson: One hand holds my ribcage, 50% certain you're fractured something as I wind up a punch. "Fuck...YOU!" I scream out as I fire off a large punch aimed for your head!
08:32 Emily_Dawnson: yt
08:34 QueenLola: I take the punch to my head and groan out as she keeps me dizzy and I feel blood drip down more from my nose as I think you broke my nose. “Y-You, You fucking bitch!”
08:34 QueenLola: Yt
08:37 Emily_Dawnson: "Join the club, whore!" I pant and growl out, still holding your hair as I glance around for something...soon finding it, I reach over and grab the tripod, raising it up to slam into your head
08:37 Emily_Dawnson: yt
08:39 QueenLola: I take the tripod to the head and slump down as I let out an light groan and have everything go dark for me from that hit
08:39 QueenLola: Yt
08:40 Emily_Dawnson: Panting, I stare down at your body as the pain for what's just happened starts to set in...bleeding nose...fractured rib...injured leg...and a few bruises here and there...
08:40 Emily_Dawnson: yt
08:41 QueenLola: I feel my body plop to the floor as you seem to have let me go and I lay spread out on the concrete floor laid out with a bloody nose
08:41 QueenLola: Yt
08:43 Emily_Dawnson: Curling my fists, I raise the tripod up and crack it across your back, smashing said tripod on impact for one final blow...before slowly dragging my beaten body away from the deadly scene
08:43 Emily_Dawnson: yt
08:44 QueenLola: {End}
08:44 Emily_Dawnson: {End}
08:44 Emily_Dawnson: yt

Published: 2023-04-15, viewed 79 times.



Zack Davis

2023-04-15 09:50

NEWSLINE, OCW- Public Statement from Medical Staff: "Doctors have confirmed that Miss Dawnson's butt was indeed broken during this unfortunate melee, having discovered upon examination a crack running right down the middle. Doctors are monitoring closely" ... More to come on this developing story ...


2023-04-15 15:12

(In reply to this)

I'd be glad to give a second opinion if given the opportunity for a thorough examination

Zack Davis

2023-04-15 15:34

(In reply to this)

A second opinion can never hurt. Considering massage therapy as a course of action...

Zack Davis

2023-04-15 08:56

I'm gonna need to order more first aid supplies 🙄!

Emily Dawnson

2023-04-15 08:58

(In reply to this)

Anytime anywhere, Lola. Bring it!

Amanda Heartwell

2023-04-15 08:57

(In reply to this)

Give it another week, Zack. You'll need even more.

Zack Davis

2023-04-15 09:42

(In reply to this)

*photocopies supply requisition form ... Less writing next week*


2023-04-15 08:56

(In reply to this)

Probably sorry hehe