OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
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  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
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APRIL PASSION: Angie and Zack Overboard


15:24 Spanked_Angie: I feel so thrilling for April Passion match, my opponent is a old rival, I lost count how many times I've lost with him but it doesn't matter, I'll kick his ass today. The match is particular, we'll fight over a floating ring. Structure has the base made of trunks covered by a mat. It remembers a raft, turnubckles are shorts masts with sails, ropes are made of hemp. Two life -savings are tied on two corners on others corners they are oars. The ring is still moored close to the shoreline. I am the first to come, I am wearing my golden bikini, my cute bare feet graze the sand as I walk across the beach to reach the ring, as I am close to the sea water I soak my foot to feel the temperature...brrrrr I shiver, it's cold. I take a deep breath moving into the water then I climb into the ring to enter...mtc
15:24 Spanked_Angie: Rules are easy, as we are both into the ring the mooring will be removed and the structure will be free to float into the ocean. We'll perform a NHB match with no punches on face (only slaps or kicks) and no low blows, who falls into the water lost. I stretch my body, using my feet to find a good balance for sea weaves as I look toward the beach to see if my opponent is coming...yt
15:24 Spanked_Angie: You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
20:47 Zack_Davis: I gotta be honest, when I heard I was booked to meet Angie in April Passion, I couldn't help but smile. I could probably write a book on the rivalry I've had with her and her sister. Actually, maybe I will write a book. I can honestly say that not one of our encounters has ever been boring or mundane, and I always know with Angie I'm gonna get her best. When I heard the terms of this deal, I laughed with delight! Best two out of three, over the top rope. On a floating ring. At sea. Ohh, hell yeah, count me in! I arrived at the beach at the agreed time on the day of the match, not surprising, Angie was already here and on the "raft". Her bikini shimmered off of her shaply curves even from across the beach ... can't say she isn't a bombshell. Too bad today the bombshell will end up soaked! I make my way down to the waters edge, the ring rolling in the gentle swell, wearing my colorful surf briefs. Naturally, barefoot. I wade out to the ring and hoist myself aboard.
20:52 Zack_Davis: I steady myself against the hemp ropes as I acclimate to the unsteady footing. I notice you've already seemed to adjust fairly comfortably to the floating platform. I give a taunt, "Ready to do some swimming, Ang?" as I glance at the dockworkers preparing to loose our moorings...
20:52 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in.
20:55 Zack_Davis:
22:25 Spanked_Angie: Watching the clock, I feel upset my opponent is on late, I tap nervosely my cute foot on ground, as I notice a invisible imperfection on my rig big toe, I growl to the beautician, I've just paid her for pedicure (with Zack's credit card) but she'll get spanks next time I will go to her place ...you enter into the floating ring " Ohh good morning Zack, I thought you moved to wrong beach" I taunt you opening my arm and pointing to bar." I nod to sailor at beach, he cut mooring and ring go out to the open see...I move my feet on ground, trying to understand the waves to keep my balance"I hope you bring here you surfboard because I am gonna send you into the ocean " yt
23:58 Zack_Davis: I chuckle at your taunts, your meticulous pedicure doesn't escape my gaze as I study you carefully. There's a lot to study considering your shiny golden bikini is quite ... Revealing. "No shoes today Angie?", referencing the thousands of euros worth of shoes you've racked up on my credit card since our first match so long ago. Somehow I have the feeling that regardless of the outcome of today's match, that's an expense that will continue to accumulate πŸ˜‰. I steady myself with a hand on the top rope as we are set adrift into a rip current, swiftly swept out to sea. I wobble a little as I try to let go to approach you, then grab quickly a hold of the rope again. "At least you'll float quite well when you're trying to climb back aboard".
23:59 Zack_Davis: Yt
14:38 Spanked_Angie: Flooding ring is moving toward the open sea " Ohh it would be hard wrestling with high heels shoes, but don't worry I will buy some more after I beat you " I am holding the top rope, leaning there with my ass trying to read waves movements, they look casual at beginning but as we move away from beach they look more regulars...I let go the edge, moving toward you, caring to press my soles on ground to be more stable, hands up to my face but arms opened to have a good balance...as I reach the rings center a big wave makes ring tilts behind me, I am unbalanced forward but I use the slope to charge you with a clothesline to your chest yt
14:05 Zack_Davis: I can't help but chuckle at your threat of buying more shoes, I've long since chalked that credit card up as a loss. I don't mind so much to be honest, I kind of enjoy the trinkets you treat yourself to at my expense, but that doesn't mean you won't get my best shot today! The seas are gently rolling as we make our way towards each other, both getting our "sea legs", when that swell comes in from your side of our "raft", sending you on the tilted raft rushing into me with a clothesline, almost punch, to my chest! Normally, I believe I would have ducked it, but this unstable footing is definitely going to have an impact on our competition! A damn seagull lands on the far corner post as your clothes line takes me on the downhill tilt to my back. I gasp for a moment, wondering if my heart just skipped a beat from it! Yt
12:04 Spanked_Angie: I can't do something else than use ring inclination to charge to you, I know our balance is not good so I can dare a direct attack and the tilt is in my favore now, my forearm lands on your muscular chest, you fall down on your back but I can't stop my running and I am moving fast toward the turnbuckle but as I am looking where to pu my hands to block my running I see a seagull over there, I scream I am scared by that big seabirds...I cross my arms on my face, I don't wanna look it as I reach the corner the seagull flies away but my belly slams on the ring post..ouchhh I double over, coughing holding the to rop with both hands to don't fall outside, ring comes back on an horizontal position yt
12:46 Zack_Davis: I groan on my back, my head downhill yet gradually becoming not downhill! The ring levels out, and I see the seagull is gone but you seem in distress?! "Did the seagull attack?" I wonder, as I sit up, rubbing the back of my head. I shrug my shoulders, not one to question a gift, as the ring settles down the seaward side of the swell, pitching now opposite, I wrap your waist to pull you free of the ropes in your distress, perhaps I can accomplish a German suplex?! I plant my feet and heave ...
12:46 Zack_Davis: Yt
15:07 Spanked_Angie: I hear you tease me talking about seagull attack, I show off my middle finger as I am still over the turnbuckle, as the ring is into a an horizontal position you stand up and reach me from behind, I feel your strong arms wrapping my soft sides as the ring is tilting to the opposite side, I know you could lift me easily, maybe slamming me down hardly with a german supplex, I try to anticipate you, I bend my knees, I am shorter than you so as you are preparing the lift I jump up using your momentum to hit under your chin with the top of my head yt
18:34 Zack_Davis: I plant my feet and heave, my arms tight about your bare midriff as the swell passes below us, tipping our platform downhill behind me. Somewhere my intentions went astray, because instead of launching you backwards over my head as I fall back you missile upwards, the top of your head slamming into my chin! My teeth clompped together as the swell passes under us, once again level, only now my grip has loosened. I stumble back a couple of steps, holding my jaw, testing to see if it still functions properly! Yt
10:30 Spanked_Angie: As I am jumping I feel my body forced back both for you lifting attempt and for ring's tilting, the top of my head hit your chin I let go an "OUCHHHH" your chin is hard, I feel my brain vibrates into my skull but I bet you got the worst strike, you stumble back, loosing your grip on my curvy body but I lost the support of your arms so I fall on my back rolling toward the ropes since ring is still inclinated, I stop there, grabbing the middle rope I stand up, sea looks quite now so I can do easily, I shake my head to clear, regrouping my stance..."is my head hard enough?" I tease you smiling yt
10:48 Zack_Davis: "Hard enough like a rock!" I tease back, but also with a smile. For the moment, the sea is calm, and it seems we are begining to gather our "sea legs", flexing our legs to absorb the for-now gentle swells. I bow to you from the center of the ring, before offering my hands in the suggestion of a lock-up, almost as if inviting you to dance rather than fight. That damn seagull seems fascinated by our odd looking craft, soaring on the wind currents just above us. "Shoooo!!!!" I scold him. Yt
10:57 Spanked_Angie: I smile, moving slowly and cautiously toward the ring's center where you are, my legs bent to be ready if a quick wave comes, I see you are offering your hands, but the position of your arms is strange, it looks like if you were inviting me to dance rather than lock up, my walking switch into a Tango's dancer kind, I regret I am not wear my golden shoes "can you dance Tango Zack?" I ask, my eyes are shining..but suddenly this sensual moment is wasted by that fucking seagull...I scream and charge toward you "send it away!" I yell as I leap forward trying to ram my shoulder on your gut for a spear attempt yt
13:21 Zack_Davis: "Of course I can Tango, lovely Angie" ... tango your ass right over the top rope I'm thinking, when the damn bird again ruins a moment ... But wait?!? You drive in on me for a spear, I simply put my hands on your head and you push us back into the ropes, the whole time though I'm studying our feathered friends ... "Angie, he's brought us a gift!" ....
13:22 Zack_Davis:
13:22 Zack_Davis: Yt
21:57 Spanked_Angie: I hoped my shoulder met your gut but you stop me easily with your hands on my head, I try to push forward but your overpower me sending us toward the ropes, you are focusing to that ugly bird flying, I protest stomping my feet like a child but as you talk about a gift for us I look up, I see the seagull is holding a joint..I want it, jump extending my arm to get his webbed paw then I slam him on the corner, my eyes are shining but it is not nice a girl light on a joint, so I give to you..."do you need fire?" I ask giggling yt
22:26 Zack_Davis: "OMG you've slammed the bird!!!" I say in disbelief. First I'm amazed that you caught it! Your curves aren't just for show 😍! I take the joint from you, wobbling to my corner where I e secured a satchel ... With a lighter in it! "Why, will you light my fire?" I tease, puffing on the gift from our former friend as I provide a burial at sea for the little Rastafarian. I offer you a puff as I set my feet to the currents, my curvaceous sneaky foe not to be taken lightly. Yt
22:37 Spanked_Angie: I didn't realized my bikini bottom came down a little due my jump to caught the bird, same happened to my top, I look to you as you smoke, smiling as you ask me if I will light your fire "I don't mean to talk songs of The Doors but I would rather send you out the window if you try to trick me" I sniff the smoke as you blow, Mmhh it looks we got good weeds, I take the joint and for a puff, as the smoke flows into my throat my face turns red, I cough..."what kind of stuff he put into?" I ask as I give it to salmon who is swimming around the ring "one puff only" I say kindly as I regroup my stance but I see two Zacks now, I battle my eyes to focus, shit I forgot to take glasses yt
03:01 Zack_Davis: I'm not sure if a Tango is possible to the Doors, but after a puff of that seagull weed, I'm willing to give it a try! The sea salmon swims away with our bird weed blunt, his fishy little face all smiles. You may not have realized your slight wardrobe malfunction, rest assured with my newly found enhanced visual acuity compliments of the weed, I am quite keenly aware of your slippage 🀭😍! I watch somewhat confused as you look left, then right, then left again. "Are there two of me?!?" I ask, curious about this development... Coming closer to you, waving my hand before your eyes ... Perhaps a tie up if your reactions permit it. Yt
03:01 Zack_Davis:
03:01 Zack_Davis: Yt
16:30 Spanked_Angie: my head turn left right like I was watching a tennis match, I don't have a racket, it would be more easy if I had, I could hit two Zacks at once but I don't have so I have to pick you, you wave your hands "ohh it's impossible I see one Zack only I guess you don't have a twin" I reply as I push my ass on the ropes to stretch them, I release charging toward you, I can't pick one Zack so I decide to shoot the two, as I am close to you I jump shooting out my legs trying to deliver a drop kick aiming one foot to each one of you yt
10:41 Zack_Davis: Between the wardrobe malfunction and the weed, my reflexes have become slightly dulled, because as you launch yourself at me all I can do is brace for the impact of a two footed dropkick and hope for the best! I see both of your cute feet as in slow motion yet oddly, they are not well aimed!
10:44 Zack_Davis: One foot sails wide, while the other hits with the impact of one vs two. Enough to stagger me backwards into the ropes, "Owwwww!!! ... Meanie!" I scold!
10:44 Zack_Davis: Yt
10:49 Spanked_Angie: Ohhh my left foot slams on your chest, the right one misses you I yell "yessssssssss I got the right Zack" SBAMMM you are pushed back on the ropes, I hear your scold but I giggle "ohh Zicko Zacko we are here for wrestling did you forgot it?" I roll on my knees to stand up, I see you are on the ropes, I move toward you, slowly planning an attack but then a big wave tilt the ring, sloping toward you, I stumble forward, I shake my arms to get my balance but I come quickly close to you my girsl slam on your chest..."opsss" I grab the top rope with one hand trying to pull me sideway yt
11:02 Zack_Davis: The unique experience of being chest slammed by your girls isn't really awful πŸ€—! I put my hands up to "protect" myself, only to discover perhaps I don't need protection 😏. Better safe than sorry! You try to pull yourself sideways, but having been delivered right into my arms, "awww, you want a hug!". Being the nice guy and great hugger that I am, I give you a big embrace with a belly to belly bearhug! Yt
11:08 Spanked_Angie: my soft girls are smashed on your body..seawave movements to let me move very well or rather it's hard move as fast as we are on a solid ground as as I am trying to pull me sideway your strong arms wrap my sides..."mmhh yess, hugs are always nice" I reply biting my lipes but as I feel your muscles flex to squeeze with a belly to belly bearhug I change idea..."ohh tricky guy this is not a hug" I cough, I know I can't bear this for long time so I try a desperate move I raise both my arms then throw them down delivering a double karate chop on the base of your neck yelling "YAAAAATA" with Bruce Lee's voice yt
00:17 Zack_Davis: I close my eyes and blink, a lot because of you yelling "YAAAAATA" directly in my face, partly from the double knife edge chops to either side of my neck ... "OWWWWW!!!" .... peeking over your shoulder, wondering where Bruce Lee's voice came from?!? The stoned salmon smiles at me... No, it couldn't have been him! For every pitch too of our ring raft, there is an opposite recourse fro as the seas don't pause, and as I contemplate voices and suddenly stiff necks (necksπŸ€”), the seas continue on their endless journey, pitching our platform back to the downhill side behind you. Our balance is lost, fortunately as we fall to your backside I have much padding to cushion my fall! Yt
00:29 Spanked_Angie: My hands land on the base of your neck like two axes trying to cut a big tree , but what is really scaring is that voice, it's coming from heaven but maybe it's coming from hell to your ears... but I can't enjoy the moment since that fucking seas movement waste the poetry, rings waves back, I feel my body forced to move backward carried by the ring's slope...I wouldn't do but I have to hug your neck, like a lover would hug the other to blow a kiss but as I feel my body is falling back for the loosing balance I accelerate the movement making me fall on my back, you hope for a soft landing but I bend my legs to my breast jerking your neck to hit your chest with my knees as we fall on ground yt
00:40 Zack_Davis: "Fucking seas anyway!" I groan, my impact absorbed not by the pillows I had expected but instead by your equally sexy but much more rigid knees!". I let out an "Ummphhh!" and am stuck in our lovers embrace when I realize I can see the sound of my groans! Whoaaa! Sea-weed is strong stuff! I can see the trailing off of Bruce Lee's voice, the sound patterns of his voice look very different from those of my groans. Not lost in these observations is the fact that I've just been planted onto your knees and am wedged there. My arms are still wrapped in my bearhug of your waist, it wasn't exactly my chest that drew the full effects of our impact. Suddenly I regret the prosciutto sandwich I ate on my trip to the sea! Yt
00:50 Spanked_Angie: I don't have time and breath to scream another Bruce Lee scream as we fall on ground but it doesn't matter, you are bend over my knees, I hoped to hit you on chest but you held your arms around my body so it has been your belly against my knees, I sniff prosciutto taste through the air, ohhh Jesus he burped after impact... not kind burping on lady's face but at least he didn't vomit...I am laying on my back, my legs are folded, I can't move them since your weight is pushing over, I can't even push you away since your arms are still wrapped around your body, I am closed like a box, I roll on side trying to extend my legs to push you away yt
16:58 Zack_Davis: (lmao! Sorry about the beach!) Upon landing upon your drawn up knees, the "umphhh" kind of turned into more of a fish out of water effect as I struggle to gasp in a breath. I'm stuck on top o f you at the moment and ironically don't really care to be! As you roll to the side I'm almost relieved as I wrap my belly with my arms
17:00 Zack_Davis: I begin to roll away from you, I'll just slip out of the ring to regroup but I realize ohh damn, there is no outside of the ring! I watch you warily as I try to at least come to my knees to face you! Yt
00:33 Spanked_Angie: I don't know how much long I could bear your body weight but luckily I can push you off me,I took on side, taking a kneeling position, hands on thighs I take breath just a moment since I guess you won't be kind and smiling since we are wrestling, though I see you are on the ropes to move out by at last second you stop, I smile "Ohh Zack wanna dive into the ocean to clear you head" I tease you but I am preparing my next attack, I stand up as fast as then I charge toward you sliding on my back to get your ankles, not a big strike but I still hope my feet will get your ankles yt
11:43 Zack_Davis: "Perhaps a dive later, for now no thank you" I grin. Our fishy friend swims past again ... "Hmm, no thank you this time". He shrugs his little fish shoulders and swims away with our joint. I look back to my voluptuous foe ... That would be you ... To see you sprinting into a baseball slide towards my ankles! "Do I look like second base?!" I squeak, leaping to avoid your low slide, landing with my feet on either side of your legs. "Alas, fight we must I suppose", dropping down to straddle your legs, aiming a punch to your belly as I do. Yt
17:31 Spanked_Angie: I am sliding on mat hoping to take your ankles, it would be like get the base and maybe get one point, but my team doesn't play with me, looks like I have to play alone, also the stoned fish prefering to share joint with you. That's really disappointing! 🀬 My feet hit nothing I have to grab the lower ropes to don't fall outside the ring, ropes stretch and as the tension eases I am thrown back into the ring, as I am there you are straddling over me. I shoot a friendly smile like to say I am happy to see you here but it doesn't work ouchh your punch lands over my soft belly, my body curls over...I scream trying to roll away yt
23:46 Zack_Davis: I admire your baseball slide form. Nice form ;-) But my ankles don't bend the way you would have intended them to, so my evasion was imperative to my well being. I smile back at you, it is nice to see you here! But then a bad face, we are competing! A punch to your belly is effective, but you roll away from it's effects as I straddle you, taking me down with you! "Angie!" I scold, as I tumble to the mat! I look up to see a wave about to crash onto our craft, our friend the salmon surfing on it with the sea weed still in his fishy smiley face. Whoosh! The wave washes over us ... Great now we're both soaked! Yt
11:55 Spanked_Angie: I've been so lucky you didn't have a good stance over me so I can roll on side doing you fall, I have a chance to reverse the position but as I moving sideway to get you top SWASHHHHHHHHHHH a big wave overwhelms us...I am moved toward the opposite edge, holding the ropes to don't fall ou, grrr it's second time ropes save me to dive into the ocean, I stand on my knees as I see the salmon with a stoned smile on his face, I shake my fist to him..."you have done what wave?" I yell, I spit water and some little fishs, I am soaked, my hair are a mess, I squeeze water from them as I slowly try to stand up but the mat is slippery, I don't realize I've missed my bikini top as wave hit us yt
11:55 Spanked_Angie:
14:15 Zack_Davis: I am tumbled heels over ass across the ring by the wave, ending up a twisted heap in a corner not far from you. I cough from the water of the wave, but instead I cough a puff of smoke from the salmons last offering. I look around the sea quickly to make sure there are no more surprises, the fish has me feeling pretty numb and my vision is sharpened it seems. I see no threats from the water as I untangle myself from the corner, but I have the giggles from the sea weed. I realize your top has gone away, but you do not yet notice! "Ummm, Angie?" I giggle to get your attention, cupping my hands under my own pecs as a hint that something might be amiss ... You are not logged in.
14:15 Zack_Davis: Yt
14:52 Spanked_Angie: as I am busy to fix my look I noticed you have a strange face, your eyes are red and your pupil is dilated, an evil grin deforms my face, he looks stoned maybe the salmon offered last puff, this is the right moment to attack, but in which way? ground is slippery I can't walk but.....I light bulb turns over my head "I can slide" I leap toward you, my left foot forward the other one back, my arms open like I was surfing "Ah Ah surfboy watch like I ride the waves..YUUU YUUU" but as I moving fast toward you I see you are cupping your chest..."what does it means?" I look down to my eyes, I realize I am topless,my face turns red for shame, I cover my naked breasts with my arms but I lost a littl my balance, I can't neither stop...SBAMMM my body hit yours, I try to grab your shoulders to don't fall and if I can have a little support I jump up trying to wrap my legs around your waist yt
17:40 Zack_Davis: It may be the weed or it may be the boobs, but for whatever the reason you seem to be moving in slow motion towards me. Unfortunately, I seem to be moving in even slower motion! Your body in all of its topless glory slides into me with a collision of bare flesh! Another puff of smoke, but I think this time it is steam πŸ₯΅! You leap into my arms, your legs wrapped around my waist, your hands on my shoulders! I giggle, but stumble off balance backwards into the ropes... "Angie, I didn't know you cared!" I tease. Your breasts pressed against my chest has created a distraction to be sure, and I find my hands reflexively graspo your ass to support you! ... yt
17:45 Zack_Davis:
17:48 Zack_Davis: Yt
22:42 Spanked_Angie: After a long slide on wet mat I manage to don't fall but rather after a slam, a jump I am hanging on you. I hoped you would fell on mat but ropes stopped your body. You tease me " Ohh Zack ya know I always care my friends" I reply back as I am hugging your thick body with thighs and you are supporting me on my ass, I could make me fall on my back but it would be hurtin if you landed over me, what I could do then? Ohh well well, my tits are naked, an evil light bright my face, I push my hands on your shoulders to lift a little my upper body just to place my girls on your face as I wrap one arm around your head to push your face into attempting a stand hanging breast smother yt
10:25 Zack_Davis: I suddenly find myself in an oddly uncomfortable position! You offer me your breasts, "awwww, you do care!", but the evil look on your face before the sun is blocked from view is concerning ... ""Heyy, not so hard ... ". My sentence is cut short by an overwhelming loss of the ability to breathe! You don't care! Fibber! There are breast smothers, and then there are Angie breast smothers. Not entirely awful I must confess, but for the fact that I am rather fond of breathing. I stumble along the ropes as I struggle to unwear you, relieving my hands from your ass by setting you on the top rope so I can try to get free of your clutches. Yt
10:36 Spanked_Angie: Ohh yess, finally Zack has his face in the right place, I wonder how long she will resist between my big weapons.."Ohh dear, are you ready to go in dreamland?" I tease you as I try to keep my hold as tight as I can but suddely I feel your hands working on me to get free, you stumble along the ropes causing my weight switching forward, I see the sea in front of me, I could fall into the ocean and this mean I will lost the match, I unlace my legs from around your body and put my feet on ground to have a good balance trying to make you bend forward so I can continue to breastsmother you yt
11:30 Zack_Davis: I've found the top rope to set you onto while your ample boobage continues to cause me struggles. I've freed my hands of your ass in this fashion, allowing me to use them elsewhere other than to support you in our warm embrace. You unwrap your legs from my waist to stand ... "Ohh, no you don't missy!" I think to myself, hooking your legs now at your knees, attempting to flip you backwards over the top rope I have placed you onto! Yt
11:35 Spanked_Angie: as I thought I've recovered my stance you arms move down hooking my thighs, I hug your head trying to hold your face between my tits but you lift me up with a strong snatch ...I feel my cute feet leave the floor my body is flipped over your head, my girls miss the contact with yout face, I realize I am sweaty between them maybe for your breath blowing inside but I have somethign else to care now I am upside down, I kick my legs up trying to get the top rope my hands to stop your movement but it's not a good position I could sniff the seawater..."oHHHHH NOOOO Zack, let me go..." but if you let me go I fall outside so I correct "don't let me goooooo" yt
12:23 Zack_Davis: I smile as if to say "ohh, I won't drop you ..." Then laugh ... Upside down with no top on, you're all but breast smothering yourself! That damn salmon looks at you quizzically, dangling so near to his domain. I give an innocent shrug, and flip you loose into the sea..."SPLASH!!!" ... I lean on the top rope watching for you to resurface ... I'm about to toss you a ring busy when you bob to the surface. I'm reminded you have your own "floatation devices!" ... Yt
14:40 Spanked_Angie: "ZACKKKK!!!!" you are teasing me, it's clear you say you won't drop me but it's clear you will do, I can hear it by your voice's tone. I hold tighty the top rope but it's no easy stand upside down, I could fly if my boobs were to baloon inflated by air, but they are done with flesh and they are heavy, gravity doesn't help in this situation...I try to beg "Zackkk pleaseeeeeee" I battle my eyelashes to look more cute but....you continue to flip me "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" I move my arms and legs like I was diving throught the air but I can't stop my falling into the sea SPLASHHHHHHH, I sink into, my body dissappears, just some bubbles comes up on the water's surface...After few seconds I break above, I spit sea water, hair are covering my face, I pull back my hair as my boobs are floating on the sea....I growll.."help me to come up!" yt
15:12 Zack_Davis: The cuteness factor certainly weighed in on my decesion... And the boobs! Boobs are always good. But business is business, and I must do as I must! I grin as you float to the surface, "Alas, a Siren of the Sea has surfaced!". I can't help but laugh, admiring you seethe. And boobs! I kneel down, leaning against the middle rope, so I can reach out to offer you both of my hands ... Yt
15:20 Spanked_Angie: I swim toward the ring edge as I am close enough I extend my arms to grab your hands, I smile "Thank you" but you can't now I've put my feet on submerged part of the structure so as our hands join I jerk you down into the water yt
15:34 Zack_Davis: My laughter turns into an "Arrgghhh!!!" when you go totally "Bratty Angie" and jerk me into the sea! Emphasis on "jerk"! I plunge headfirst into the water beside you, this Siren of the Sea I have encountered is indeed mischievous and devious 😑. I splash you with water and dunk you playfully, when you resurface I tilt my head and look at you, (yes, you have beautiful eyes... Not looking at boobs ... Yet) ... "You're not going to count that, are you?!?" ... Yt
15:39 Spanked_Angie: I giggle then I swim closer to you, my big blue eyes are shining as I mess you hair with my right hand, smiling and blowing a kiss "fun match Zack, thank you...I hope you enjoyed" yt
15:39 Spanked_Angie:
15:54 Zack_Davis: I grin at you, perhaps a moment too long ... The currents are drifting our ride home away from us, and there's another damn seagull watching us from the top rope ... Mocking us! "Holy Jesus, Angie, swim for it" ... The damn bird shits and flies away! "Always a wacky and awesome experience, thank you and of course I enjoyed!!!". You are not logged in.
15:55 Zack_Davis:
15:55 Spanked_Angie: πŸ™‚
15:56 Zack_Davis: (END 😘)

Published: 2023-04-21, viewed 77 times.



Kiara Wrestler

2023-04-22 15:30

More time passes as more I think you are crazy Sis πŸ˜‚β€οΈ

Zack Davis

2023-04-22 16:06

(In reply to this)

Crazy good and always fun 😊!


2023-04-21 22:47

Omg you two. I was purring by halfway through

Spanked Angie

2023-04-21 23:53

(In reply to this)

Purr to me to me sugar...I need some warm after I fell into the see

Zack Davis

2023-04-21 23:22

(In reply to this)

That purr! πŸ”₯

just a karen (deleted member)

2023-04-21 16:40

So much hotness! Good thing you were in the water.

Zack Davis

2023-04-21 17:04

(In reply to this)

Angie looks good soaking wet, yes? πŸ˜‰ ... *pushes Angie into the swimming pool*

Spanked Angie

2023-04-21 20:08

(In reply to this)

Splashhhh again into the swimming pool this time...😀
Don't forget I still own your credit card !

Zack Davis

2023-04-21 20:18

(In reply to this)

I know where you hide it 😏. I hope it's not lost at sea!

Spanked Angie

2023-04-21 16:45

(In reply to this)

ohh yes but water was not cold enough lol

Zack Davis

2023-04-21 20:42

(In reply to this)

Definitely not! πŸ₯΅πŸ˜‰πŸ₯΅


2023-04-21 16:22

Story of the week? πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅ that was hot and Intense

Zack Davis

2023-04-21 17:05

(In reply to this)

You're hot πŸ₯°πŸ”₯❀️

Spanked Angie

2023-04-21 16:45

(In reply to this)

Thankk you Lolita very glad you liked <3