OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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OCW World Championship Match



14:18 QueenLola: I walk down to the ring wearing my black bikini and seeing the new OCW World Championship, sitting on full display on stage, I point to it for the crowd and then motion around my waist, feeling confident as I sprint down to the ring and slide in, giving the crowd another pose and then standing in my corner. You are not logged in.

14:21 Beth_Rassle: I come down the aisle in my black one piece suit ... cut high on the sides to show off my thick legs...... i climb up into the ring waving to the crowed........doing a double bicep pose...........then turn and look at you as i go to my corner.....yt

14:25 QueenLola: I grin and watch you do your pose as the bell rings once you enter your corner. I knew trying an test of strength with you would be an bad idea, so I waste no time and charge out of my corner trying to spear you back into your corner.

14:29 Beth_Rassle: Flexing....... i here the bell ring..........You lunge at me.......... I dont have time to turn around i place my foot on the rope and hop upward last second.........letting you slam into the corner....... i then try to jump BACK DOWN STRATTLE YOU.....WRAP MY ARM AROUND YOUR NECK AND FALL BACKWARDS FOR A CHOKE SCISSOR COMBO....yt

14:35 QueenLola: I grab onto the rope as you wrap around my neck and try to take me down for an choke scissor combo.

14:36 Beth_Rassle: Feeling you grab the ropes.......I try to pump my arms and legs around you........trying to use my strength to take control,,,,yt

14:38 QueenLola: I grip tighter on the ropes refusing to let go of the ropes, as I shake my head no over and over. The crowd watching on to see how this plays out.

14:40 Beth_Rassle: taking my arm from around your neck.........move my hands to your arm pits...........and dig my fingers hard into your ribcage.......hoping it make your grip on ropes to let you go....yt

14:44 QueenLola: I gasp and squeal as I groan as you dig your fingers into my rib cage and drop my right arm from the ropes as I try to elbow down your arm on that side hoping to break you from this.

14:46 Beth_Rassle: feeling you elbowing me.....bitch.........yelp out trying to grab that arm with mine hand......flexing my arm......trying to pull it backward to me.....yt

14:49 QueenLola: I gasp as she bends my arm behind my back and I groan having my one arm trapped and the other still gripping onto the ropes.

14:52 Beth_Rassle: I push upward on your arm hard........... telling you to let go off the ropes......... I open my legs up now .....pressing my weight into you...........taking my one hand grabbing your forearm that you have holding you to the ropes......start to squeeze my finger into it hasrd......trying to make you let go.....yt

14:58 QueenLola: I place my foot on the middle turnbuckle and groan as I try to push back on you and groan hoping I can take you down to the ground after letting the rope go.

15:02 Beth_Rassle: i feel you pushing on the [post with you foot.......Let me help you lola........... yanking hard pulling backwards with you........ trying to keep the hammer lock on........yanking backwards. then stick my leg out trying to trip you......so you fall down r first with my foot....yt

15:08 QueenLola: I hit the ground as we are still in the same position with my arm trapped behind my back and groan as I look up at the sky and struggle

15:10 Beth_Rassle: pushing up on your arm more as we hit the ground.......... i try to grab your other arm with my hand.........trying to turn it upward also once i grab it....yt

15:14 QueenLola: I grunt and groan as you pull both arms under me and cry out in agony as it hurts so bad, ontop of that I am completely trapped now as I squirm

15:17 Beth_Rassle: having both off your arms now........... i plant my feet and roll you over to your chest......... with me now ontop off your back........strattling you.........pulling your hand upward with mine.......i slide my legs upward......putting you in a lotus.....yt

15:21 QueenLola: I scream out in agony as you wrench my arms upwards and causing an intense pain to shoot through my shoulder blades as I groan out in pain.

15:26 Beth_Rassle: taking my legs after getting them positioned around your arms........ i place my feet towards your face............ takingh my hands i untie your top...........and yank it out from under you exposing your breast.....yt

15:29 QueenLola: I gasp as you strip me of my bra as I am now half naked and struggle as I am struggling under you

15:32 Beth_Rassle: taking the top,,,,,,,, i wrap one side around your wrist...........then i squezze my legs together....... holding your arms still....i tie up your wrist tight together......smile

15:34 QueenLola: I feel her using my bra to tie my wrists together as I gasp and struggle trying to prevent you from doing so “No no!”

15:36 Beth_Rassle: Squezze my legs tight to you,,,,,to hold your arms still,,,,,,,,,,once i tie up your arms........ i squezze your arms in my legs......to cause you pain....yt

15:40 QueenLola: I cry out in pain as you squeeze my arms together with your legs and groan as I am trapped under you.

15:44 Beth_Rassle: open up my legs........ and now stay on you......... spinning around laying on you........ taking my hand back grabbing your hair........ yanking your head back up...........lace my legs around your head.........locking my calf under your neck hooking my leg under the other......i grab my ankle.....and squeeze hard.....yt

15:46 QueenLola: She locks me into this painful hold and cry out in agony as I try to squirm and as she locks me and leaving me absolutely no where to go but scream. “I submit! I submit!!”

15:52 Beth_Rassle: hearing you submit......... i open my legs.........and let you go.......... rolling you over to your back...place my foot on your face...........flex over you......... pressing my foot down......Who your queen slut.....yt

15:53 QueenLola: I refuse to answer and groan as I lay on the mat and whimper as you pose on me and the ref wraps the title around your waist as the bell rings to declare you the winner and new champion.


Published: 2023-04-28, viewed 79 times.
