OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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  • Outdoors match
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Angela vs Carmella Round 1

AngeIa Myerss (deleted member)
Carmella (deleted member)
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16:23 AngeIa_Myerss: I walk out of the tunnel making my way towards the ring. I'm clad in my red bikini with my blonde hair left hanging down and I wave to the cheering fans as I kick off my flip flops, stepping into the ring barefoot. I pace around, swinging out my arms and stretching as I wait for my opponent
16:23 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
16:26 Carmella: Soon after I stride down the tunnel myself, raising my arms up with a wide grin as I make my way to the ring. I'm in my pink bikini with my own blonde hair loose, blowing a kiss to the crowd at I flick my sandals off. Entering through the middle rope, I stride around with an arm in the air, before starting to stretch
16:26 Carmella: yt
16:27 AngeIa_Myerss: I feel my heart racing as I lean against the turnbuckle. Its my first time in a wrestling tournament, and the stakes can't be much higher. DING DING, the bell rings and I immediately move towards you in a boxing stance before sending a hard front kick at your stomach
16:27 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
16:29 Carmella: I'm a little nervous myself, but hide it behind a wall of a smile as I slightly squat over to ready myself. There's the bell, and I raise my fists, closing the distance before "OOF!" I groan out, taking a kick right to my stomach! Thinking fast, I move my hands to grab your heel and foot before you can retract it, and try to trip you over!
16:29 Carmella: yt
16:30 AngeIa_Myerss: My foot jabs into your stomach and as I try to bring it back my heel gets caught by you. I hop around on one leg trying to stay upright before I'm swept hard onto my back. I cry out, kicking at your stomach with my other leg while on the ground
16:30 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
16:34 Carmella: Another stomach shot lands, and I slightly stagger back, loosing my breath a little as I clutch my stomach with one hand. Gasping, I soon start to run the other way, rebounding off the ropes as I come back towards you with a rapid speed, aiming to lunge down and slam my elbows down to your stomach!
16:34 Carmella: yt
16:35 AngeIa_Myerss: As you back up and run towards the ropes, I take my chance to quickly climb up to my feet. I look up to see you charging towards me and I rush towards you, extending my arm as I try to hit you in the face with a flying clothesline
16:35 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
16:36 Carmella: Right across my face the clothsline lands, however due to your positioning the double elbow slams right into your face! Grunting out, I fall to the floor coughing, taking a second to recover from the blow
16:36 Carmella: yt
16:38 AngeIa_Myerss: My momentum carries my right into your elbow and I stagger backwards, eyes tearing up from the hit. I lean back into the ropes, wiping at my eyes to see you on the floor. I take a deep breath before putting my hands up again, knowing i need to be careful against you
16:38 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
16:42 Carmella: Panting, I wipe my face a little, groaning again before using the ropes near the corner to help me up to my feet, turning to lean against them while facing you, waiting for when the time is right...
16:42 Carmella: yt
16:49 Carmella: yt
21:10 AngeIa_Myerss: As you get up I shuffle forward to take you on again. I lift my leg, faking a front kick before springing forward with a right cross at your nose, trying to catch you off guard
21:10 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:55 Carmella: It works, and I get blindsided with a cry! My head feels slightly dizzy as I reach out to grab you. Any part of you that’ll keep me in this.
04:55 Carmella: yt
20:41 AngeIa_Myerss: My knuckles hit you square in the nose and I see you're eyes roll back for a second before you lunge towards me, grabbing a hold of my hair to stay upright. I respond by doing the same and sending a hard knee at your stomach to knock the wind out of you
20:41 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
22:30 Carmella: The stomach shot is enough to nearly cripple me, as I cough out again. Tightening my grip on your hair, I try to fling you past me head first into the corner post!
22:30 Carmella: yt
23:45 AngeIa_Myerss: I cry out as I'm thrown across the ring. I reach out trying to stop myself before hitting my forehead on the padding of the corner post. I grab onto the top rope as I fall to my knees before pulling myself up holding my head
23:45 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
23:47 Carmella: Panting, I try to keep the momentum on my side for once, and grab the back of your head again, starting to repeatedly slam your head into the same corner post again and again!
23:47 Carmella: yt
23:49 AngeIa_Myerss: I scream as you grab my hair and spin me around as you smash my face into the padding over and over. I crumple to my knees holding my face with both hands as I groan in pain
23:49 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
23:51 Carmella: Wiping my forehead, I slightly lower down, facing the same way as you as I hook my arm around your head...before dropping back down for a reverse DDT attack!
23:51 Carmella: yt
23:55 AngeIa_Myerss: My head slams into the mat with a loud crash and I fall facedown. My eyes flicker open and the room seems to be spinning as the crowd seems to sense the end is near
23:55 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
23:56 Carmella: Moving for the finishing move, I start to climb to the middle ropes either side of the corner post, reaching out to the crowd to raise their cheers as I take the risk, leaping off to try and summersault right off it and land on you!
23:56 Carmella: yt
00:00 AngeIa_Myerss: I flip over onto my stomach as I see you starting to climb up on the turnbuckle. I hear the roar of the crowd as you start to hype them up but I can't lose this easily. As you leap off, I try to roll out of the way
00:00 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
00:02 Carmella: I land right on the mat with a slam as I cry out in pain, my front body feeling hurt as I cover my chest and roll out under the bottom rope outside the ring with a groan
00:02 Carmella: yt
00:05 AngeIa_Myerss: I hear you cry out right next to me, followed by you hitting the floor outside. I'm in the center of the ring now and I get on one knee, breathing heavily as I shake my head, trying to recover from all those hits on the turnbuckle
00:05 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
00:06 Carmella: Panting, I clutch my stomach as I shakily make my way to all fours, then my knee's...then my feet as I take the time to recover myself from the failed finisher of an attack
00:06 Carmella: yt
00:08 AngeIa_Myerss: I slowly get to my feet, standing unsteadily as I turn to face you outside the ring. I glare at you as I raise both my middle fingers at you before starting to walk towards you
00:08 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
00:09 Carmella: Staring over at you, I spit on the ground in your direction, raising my arms up with a growl towards you
00:09 Carmella: yt
00:11 AngeIa_Myerss: I stop right by the ring ropes staring you down before I suddenly charge at you as I try to dive in between the middle and top ropes to land on top you outside the ring
00:11 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
00:12 Carmella: Half expecting this, I move my hands out and in a risky tactic...move my head right where you're going to hit me! Landing right on top of me, my legs buckle as my arms wrap around to catch you, holding you in the air as I stagger back a few steps!
00:12 Carmella: yt
00:15 AngeIa_Myerss: To my shock as Iand on top of you, you don't even budge and hold me up easily instead. Seeing that I'm in a bad position to get slammed, I start thrashing in your grasp as I try to send hard knee strikes at your face while you hold me up
00:15 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
00:17 Carmella: Moving you into position, I plan to throw you forward away from the ring, but the knee strike completely throws me off! Crying out, I immediately drop you straight to the floor as I flop down in pain, the both of us hitting the floor hard!
00:17 Carmella: yt
00:21 AngeIa_Myerss: You release me and I yelp as I fall before crashing hand on my stomach. I roll on my back clutching my ribs as I scream in pain, unable to get up for now.
00:21 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
00:23 Carmella: My head is spinning from your knee strike, my hand on my head as I try to stop the pain from flooding through, my legs lashing around trying to aimlessly kick towards you
00:23 Carmella: yt
00:25 AngeIa_Myerss: When I'm on the ground rolling in pain I move just out of the way, feeling your foot brush against my hair. I feel the post of the ring on my back as I roll into it and I look over to see you holding your head but starting to get up.
00:25 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
00:27 Carmella: My head throbbing but I know I have to get up, I reach up to grab the side of the ring to drag me onto my knee's...then my feet, still doozy from the knee blow you kindly sent me
00:27 Carmella: yt
00:39 AngeIa_Myerss: I slowly climb to my feet as I lean against the ring platform for support before I crawl under the ropes, rolling into the ring. I get back to my feet, taking in deep breaths of air as my whole body is in pain
00:39 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
08:04 Carmella: As you're doing all this, I slowly climb up the corner post outside the ring, shaking as I can barely get a foot on each rope...finally making it to the top, I take a deep breath, before diving straight at you feet first!
08:04 Carmella: yt
14:07 AngeIa_Myerss: As I pull myself up by the ropes I hear the crowd chanting your name. I look over to see you on top of the ropes as you leap at me, tripping me to the ground when you knock my legs out from under me. While we're both on the ground, I try to roll over and pin you
14:07 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
19:48 Carmella: Panting, you're on top as I struggle to stop you, kicking out as it hits 2. My arm comes to your head, trying to elbow it with a tired grunt!
19:48 Carmella: yt
22:24 AngeIa_Myerss: (are you still on your back)
22:25 Carmella: (Yeah)
23:01 AngeIa_Myerss: Your elbow catches me in the head as I try to pin you and I cry out, clutching the back of my head with one hand as I throw a hammer fist down at your face with my other
23:01 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
23:03 Carmella: "GAH!" I cry out, clutching my face as I try to knee strike you off me anywhere I can!
23:03 Carmella: yt
21:58 AngeIa_Myerss: I move myself to the side of you so that your knee strike can't hit me. As I pin you down, I try to wrap my arm around your head in an anaconda choke
21:58 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
12:21 Carmella: Gagging out, I struggle in your grasp to try and break free, though i'm slowly fading. My fists curled, trying to strike you in any exposed spot, from your stomach to your groin to your side to anywhere I can!
12:21 Carmella: yt
16:00 AngeIa_Myerss: I cry out as your fist hits me in the stomach and I take my other hand to grab your wrist and pin it by the side of your head as I continue to use my other arm to choke you. I feel your struggles weakening and I know you'll be out soon
16:00 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
20:05 Carmella: A realisation hits me. She’s going to win. Unless I bend the rules a little. I don’t like it, but I’ve gotta play dirty. Fluttering my eyes again, I attempt to fool you into thinking I’ve fainted in your arms from the struggle, while also trying not to faint for real
20:05 Carmella: yt
20:37 AngeIa_Myerss: I feel you stop struggling and I release your arm to grab my choking hand, pulling it tighter and tighter. I'm not sure if you've passed out or not. 'Tap out Carmella!' I yell
20:37 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
20:38 Carmella: Trying to make it look at realistic as possible, I’m inches away from passing out for real as I panic to decide what to do next?!
20:38 Carmella: yt
20:39 AngeIa_Myerss: 'fine then!' I lean backwards as I choke you with all my might as your eyes flutter open for a second. My arms are starting to burn from exhaustion but I can't let you escape
20:39 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
20:41 Carmella: Fuck! It’s…not…working…gasping for what little air you’re giving me, my now free hand to try and give one last escape attempt via a punch to your face!
20:41 Carmella: yt
23:22 AngeIa_Myerss: Ouch! your fist catches me in the face and I turn away as you continue punching me, I release one hand and use it to throw fists down at your face while I choke you, hopefully putting you to sleep
23:22 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
14:56 Carmella: After a hard struggle, and a hard conflict...my strength and remaining will gives, knowing that nothing I can even try do will give me freedom from your grasp. My eyes flutter, before I finally drop limp in your grasp

Published: 2023-04-25, viewed 0 times.

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