OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
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AngeIa Myerss (deleted member)
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04:54 QueenLola: I walk back down the rampway later on in the day and wave the crowd as the sun has gone down. I stretch and climb into the ring, still feeling the effects from fighting the newly crowned OCW World Champion Beth. I stand in my corner and do some stretches waiting for my opponent for the Intercontinental Championship. You are not logged in.
04:54 QueenLola: Yt
04:56 QueenLola: I have invited @AngeIa_Myerss to join #Angela_Vs_Lola.
04:57 AngeIa_Myerss: I walk down the runway as well as the crowd cheers, ready for the championship match between two of the sexiest blondes in wrestling. I wave to the crowd as I step onto the ring and duck under the ropes, heading to my corner as I stretch out.
04:57 AngeIa_Myerss: You are not logged in.
04:57 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:59 QueenLola: I look my sexy opponent up and down as I bite my lip and hear the bell ring. I make my way towards the center of the ring and raise my arms looking to lock up with her early on in this contest. Tonight we found out which blonde will be bringing home the gold, around their waist and which one will have to deal with humiliation depending on what is chosen with the agreed stakes between the two fighters.
04:59 QueenLola: Yt
05:00 AngeIa_Myerss: 'Don't get too distracted Lola. . .' I giggle as I do a slow 360 in front of you as I see you bite your lip. I approach you as well with my arms raised, ready to lock up when I suddenly throw a front kick at your exposed stomach to catch you off guard
05:00 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:03 QueenLola: I gasp and groan as having my arms raised left my midsection open and makes me drop down to the ground. I look up at you from my knees with my arms grasping my stomach.
05:03 QueenLola: Yt
05:03 AngeIa_Myerss: I shake my head as this so called 'champ' falls for one of the easiest tricks in the book. As you fall to your knees with your face exposed, I draw back one leg and throw a knee strike hard at your face to hopefully knock you out cold
05:03 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:06 QueenLola: I lean back from your knee and try to grab your lifted ankle and yank forward to hopefully make you fall down to the ground in an open split. This match was going to determine a new Intercontinental champ for one of us to be, and I’ll fight hard to make sure it’s me.
05:06 QueenLola: Yt
05:07 AngeIa_Myerss: I yelp as I'm pulled backwards, falling onto my back with my legs spread on either side of you. I reach forward to grab your hair, pulling your head down towards me as I try to hook my left leg over your head to pull you down into a triangle choke
05:07 AngeIa_Myerss:
05:07 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:09 QueenLola: I feel you catch me into an triangle choke and I gasp as I’m caught in yet again another submission hold, though this time, I use my ring awareness and position to lift my lower body up and get your shoulders pinned to the mat. ‘1….’ Ref counts.
05:09 QueenLola: Yt
05:10 AngeIa_Myerss: 'Gotcha!' I get my submission locked in easily and hear you gasping for air when I hear the ref count. I almost forgot about my shoulders! I keep the choke locked in as I lift my right shoulder, trying to roll us both so that I'm choking you while on my side
05:10 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:12 QueenLola: I cough being choked and she breaks the count at one and gets down to her side now instead. I decide to try and get her off by fighting a bit dirty, lifting my hand that’s free to her panties and trying to slide past them and slide into her cunt with my index finger.
05:12 QueenLola: Yt
05:15 AngeIa_Myerss: As I break the count I lean backwards, ready to choke you out easily to win the title when you suddenly jab me hard between the legs. I instantly let go, kicking hard at your face with one leg to get you away. 'Dirty bitch!' I yell
05:15 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:16 QueenLola: I get my other hand up to take the impact of your kick and fall back onto my back as I look at you and grin. “Do whatever it takes to win bitch!” I say and scoot back and grabbing onto the ropes to try and hoist myself up to my feet.
05:16 QueenLola: Yt
05:18 AngeIa_Myerss: My face flushes with anger. I was so close! I quickly climb to my feet as you get up as well and charge straight at you right away, lowering my shoulder as I try to slam hard into your stomach to pin you up against the ropes.
05:18 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:19 QueenLola: I see you lowered and charging at me as I try to an mock up of my finisher, light jump lifting my knee to hopefully connect with your head for my bicycle knee pump kick finisher.
05:19 QueenLola: Yt
05:21 AngeIa_Myerss: Your knee slams into my face and I stumble forward, falling into your as my head spins. I grab onto your body, hugging myself close to you to hold myself up as I am disoriented, trying to recover as I hold you up against the ropes
05:21 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:22 QueenLola: As you are dazed and disoriented, I try to move us forward away from the ropes and jump up trying to wrap my legs around your body and your head under my arm for an standing Guillotine submission hold.
05:22 QueenLola:
05:22 QueenLola: Yt

05:29 AngeIa_Myerss: I feel your arm wrap around my throat and I'm pulled down towards the mat, crashing on my knees with my head stuck in a headlock. Gasping for air, I grab your arm with one hand, digging my nails your forearm as I pound at your ribs with my other fist
05:29 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:30 QueenLola: As you dig your nails into my skin and nail my ribs with your punches I groan loudly, though I squeeze tightly my arms and legs on your neck and ribs as while tightening by your neck pushing down as well to apply the pressure.
05:30 QueenLola: Yt
05:32 AngeIa_Myerss: 'Noooo. . .' My title hopes are slipping away every second as I'm weakening quickly. My only hope is to try and reach for the ropes now. I get off my knees, driving my feet into the mat as I try to push forward, hand reaching forward to grab onto the rope just inches away
05:32 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:35 QueenLola: I feel you trying to reach out for the ropes and know I have you on the edge of breaking, I quickly try to arch up hard, adding intense pressure and pain to your rib cage with my legs. And the arc up pushes the down pressure on your neck more.
05:35 QueenLola: Yt
05:37 AngeIa_Myerss: I let out a choked scream of pain as I fall forward, grabbing onto the ropes with one hand as you crush down on my ribs and my neck. the pain is almost unbearable but the ref rushes over, grabbing your arm as he tries to break your hold as I'm almost unconscious now
05:37 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:39 QueenLola: The ref try’s to pull me off of you but I hold onto to it tight, as I have til the count of 5 to break the hold. ‘1….’ The ref shouts and keeps trying to insist I break the hold.
05:39 QueenLola: Yt
these rules)
05:40 AngeIa_Myerss: The last thing I hear is the roar of the crowd as the ref yells for you to let go but you only hold on tighter. I quickly pass out, going limp in your guillotine and my hand resting on the bottom rope
05:40 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

05:42 QueenLola: I let go of the hold at the count of two as it seems you have gone limp from the hold. The ref lifts your hand and watches it fall to the ground.
05:42 QueenLola: Yt
05:44 AngeIa_Myerss: As you let me go I fall facedown onto the mat and my hand slides off the rope onto the ground. I let out a soft groan but don't move otherwise
05:44 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:45 QueenLola: I decide to help out and turn you over onto your back and hook your leg as the ref drop down and begin the count now. ‘1…’
05:45 QueenLola: Yt
05:47 AngeIa_Myerss: I start to stir underneath you, eyes fluttering open as I move my head from side to side trying to figure out what is going on. 'What. . .' I weakly mutter
05:47 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:48 QueenLola: The ref counts ‘2….’ And I look down seeing you stirring and brush your head to the side with my forearm of the arm closest to you.
05:49 QueenLola: Yt
05:52 AngeIa_Myerss: I realize that my leg is hooked up in the air and that I'm being pinned right now. I have no idea what count its on but I reach for the rope right above my head since I have no energy to try and buck my hips to escape
05:52 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
19:35 QueenLola: You grab the rope and break the pin as I groan and look down at you and grip your hair trying to pull you up to an seated position.
19:35 QueenLola: Yt
19:37 AngeIa_Myerss: I hold onto the rope, trying to recover from getting choked unconscious and I don't put up much of a fight as you drag me into a sitting position with my back leaning against the ropes. I try to kick you back so I have more time
19:37 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
19:39 QueenLola: I gasp as you push me back with your foot and scoot back as I slowly stand up to my feet and let you recover a bit.
19:39 QueenLola: Yt
19:41 AngeIa_Myerss: As you scoot back I grab the ropes, pulling myself to my feet before I stumble backwards into the turnbuckle as I nurse my throat, eyes still glazed over from being choked. I bring my fists up ready to swing if you come near me as I slowly recover
19:41 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
19:43 QueenLola: I see your fist come up and I begin to charge at you and make you think I’m gonna charge, and make you gonna throw a swing as I step last minute and slide under the bottom rope to the outside.
19:43 QueenLola: Yt
19:44 AngeIa_Myerss: As you approach me I lunge out at you, swinging a wild haymaker at your face as you slide outside of the ring. I miss and my momentum carries me to the center and I turn around to see you outside. 'Scared bitch?' I taunt as I wave for you to come back in
19:44 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
19:46 QueenLola: I shake my finger at you and grin. I then move to the opposite side of you and slide into the ring and smirk. “Over here bitch” I say standing on the side of you.
19:46 QueenLola: Yt
19:59 AngeIa_Myerss: I continue to face you as you get in. I feel like I've recovered from your choke now and I start to move in towards you, careful to not get too aggressive. I flick a quick jab at your nose before backing away
19:59 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
20:04 QueenLola: I gasp as I step back and hold my nose as I flinch and look at you “Oh you fucking bitch!” I say and watch you to see if you’ll come back at me
20:04 QueenLola: Yt
20:05 AngeIa_Myerss: My knuckles hit you in the nose forcing you back. 'too slow.. . ' I taunt as I see you holding your nose. I continue to circle around you out of range before trying to stomp down on your kneecap with a dirty kick
20:05 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
20:07 QueenLola: You kick my knee and make me drop down to the ground. I grin as you seem to want to play dirty and so do I as I try to nail you with an uppercut low blow between your legs.
20:07 QueenLola: Yt
20:09 AngeIa_Myerss: I cry out in pain and drop to my knees in front of you holding my crotch. It looks like its going to be one of these matches then. I reach for your eyes, trying to scratch them with my nails
20:09 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
20:11 QueenLola: I lean back as you try to reach for my eyes and try to push you onto your back with my foot
20:11 QueenLola: Yt

20:17 AngeIa_Myerss: I fall onto my back as you kick me in the chest, climbing back to my feet as I wince in pain from your low blow. I back up to the ropes again, kneeling back down as I keep an eye on you
20:18 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
20:20 QueenLola: I use the corner ropes to pull myself up to my feet and feel some blood trickle down my nose. I charge at you as you get to your feet and try to nail you with another bicycle pump knee kick.
20:20 QueenLola: Yt
20:22 AngeIa_Myerss: I see you charging towards me and I get into a boxing stance, making it look like I'm going to try and punch you. As you jump in the air, I duck to the side so that you'll get your legs tangled with the ropes behind me
20:22 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
20:25 QueenLola: She moves and I fall into the ropes as I turn back and look at her as my right leg is draped over the middle rope from missing the move.
20:25 QueenLola: Yt
20:26 AngeIa_Myerss: While you're looking at me I move towards you, kicking at your left ankle while you're on one leg to send you falling onto your back
20:26 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
20:29 QueenLola: You kick my ankle making me fall and scream out in agony as my caught leg is caught on the middle rope and hold my thigh as the twist is definitely causing me major problems as I groan.
20:29 QueenLola: Yt
20:31 AngeIa_Myerss: as you fall on your back I drop to the mat above you as I put your head in between my thighs before I squeeze my legs together as I lock in a head scissor, crossing my ankles as I lock it in tight
20:31 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
20:32 QueenLola: I feel your legs wrap around my neck and squeeze as I squeal and groan as my tangled ankle rests on the bottom rope and the ref counts ‘1….’
20:32 QueenLola: Yt
20:33 AngeIa_Myerss: Fuck you're touching the rope! I ignore the count as I raise my body off the mats with one arm, to make it more painful as I squeeze with all my might, determined to make the most of my 5 counts
20:34 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
20:35 QueenLola: ‘2…’ the ref shouts and I struggle and try to get my arms under your legs to try and alleviate some of the pressure on my neck as I groan.
20:35 QueenLola: Yt
20:37 AngeIa_Myerss: I feel you trying to slip your arms under and I squeeze harder to leave no space for you to slip your hand through. With my other hand, I start throwing hammer fists down at your face as I continue to choke you
20:37 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
20:39 QueenLola: I take a few and then lift my hands to block your punches and groan as I struggle under you as you ware me down. ‘3….’ The ref counts out loud.
20:39 QueenLola: Yt
20:40 AngeIa_Myerss: I continue to choke and punch you as hard as I can, knowing that you can't hold on for much longer
20:40 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
20:42 QueenLola: I cough and feel my head starting to get a little light headed but I struggle more as the ref shouts ‘4….!’
20:42 QueenLola: Yt
20:44 AngeIa_Myerss: Frustrated I let go of my headscissor, sitting up as I send a couple more hard punches down at your exposed face. I grab you and pull you on top of me and off the ropes as I slip one hand under your jaw to choke you from behind
20:44 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
20:50 QueenLola: I feel you wrap your arm around me and use one hand to slip under your arm and hopefully allow me to breath. I groan and try to use my other hand to poke and or reach your face and or eyes.
20:50 QueenLola: Yt
20:55 AngeIa_Myerss: I turn my head away and close my eyes as you scratch at the side of my face. I grab my choking arm with my other hand as I squeeze the chokehold tight as I feel your finger starting to slip in from the bottom. I wrap my legs around your body to keep you trapped on top
20:55 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
20:57 QueenLola: I let my body relax and hopefully make her think I’ve gone out as I close my eyes and my hands slip down to the map.
20:57 QueenLola: Yt
18:38 AngeIa_Myerss: I continue to choke you as hard as I can as the ref comes over to check. He raises your limp arm before releasing it, letting it drop to the mat before he raises it again, to make sure you're out
18:38 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
00:42 QueenLola: My hand falls to the mat and the ref calls for the bell. As I lay there completely knocked out and under you as you’re declared the new IC Champion.
00:42 QueenLola: Yt
02:24 AngeIa_Myerss: I push you off as I stand up, taking the belt from the ref as I skip around the ring, raising it above my head. I bring it down, kissing the belt before slinging it over my shoulder
02:25 QueenLola: {End}

Published: 2023-05-01, viewed 24 times.

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