OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
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  • Outdoors match
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Hailey's OCW debut

AngeIa Myerss (deleted member)

You are not logged in. I unlock the hotel room where we are supposed to have out match. i've been challenged by this sexy newcomer in an apartment wrestling match, just the two of us there won't be anyone around to save her. Stepping in, I change into my red bikini before sitting down on bed, waiting to see if she shows up
02:45 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
02:48 KOHottieHailey: I challenged this tough opponent and she agreed to meet me at a hotel for an apartment wrestling match and I get inside quick as I move to the bathroom to change not even looking into the main room. I close the door and then take time to pick my outfit before strutting out and looking you up and down as I flex. “Ready to get taken down cutie?” Yt
02:48 KOHottieHailey: You are not logged in.
02:51 AngeIa_Myerss: I look up as I see you enter in your blue outfit. I smile, thinking of stealing it after I'm done humiliating you. I get off the bed, walking straight at you before suddenly extending my arms as I try to shove you in the chest and knock you against the wall behind you
02:52 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
02:53 KOHottieHailey: I walk out taking a couple of deep breaths as you come after me immediately before I really get a chance to settle in. Your hands pushing into my shoulders as I feel my back hitting the wall as I let out a big grunt as I cough and grimace. Yt
02:54 AngeIa_Myerss: As you slam against the wall I follow after you as I draw back my hand giving you a hard slap across the face before reaching to grab a handful of hair. I try to pull you towards me as I throw a knee up at your stomach
02:54 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
02:56 KOHottieHailey: Your hand draws back and as you go for the slap I try to bring my left hand up to block it as I yell out…NOOOOOO. I grunt and as you reach for my hair I hope to send a right punch to your tummy. Yt
02:59 AngeIa_Myerss: Your punch slams into my stomach as I throw my knee strike into you and I grunt as I clench my abs trying to absorb the punch. I continue to hold onto your hair as I try to throw a punch at your jaw as we start to stumble around the apartment
02:59 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
03:01 KOHottieHailey: You keep us in close with a grip on my hair as we stumble around and your fist comes up under my jaw as I clench my teeth and begin blinking my eyes as I see stars for a moment as my knees wobble a bit in your grasp. Yt
03:04 AngeIa_Myerss: I feel the impact of my fist on your jaw and I see your eyes roll back and feel you buckle a bit. I figure I must have stunned you so I pull you towards me as I step to the side, sticking out my foot to try and trip you onto your stomach.
03:04 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
03:06 KOHottieHailey: Trying to get my bearings as I stumble a bit on my feet and in your grasp. You stick the foot out and I fall to my stomach letting out a big grunt and groan as I blink my eyes and cough as my vision clears a bit as I’m face down. Yt
03:09 AngeIa_Myerss: While you're face down I immediately pounce on your back as I slip one arm under your jaw, pulling on that hand with my free h and as I start to choke you from on top. I arch my back, trying to squeeze as hard as I can as I pull you backwards
03:09 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
03:12 KOHottieHailey: You drop down on my back as my legs kick into the ground as you sit on me. One arm comes under my chin as you try to choke me and I cough a bit in your grasp as I try to get my knees under me and try to fire some elbows backwards trying to unseat you as I cough and try to fight you off. Yt
03:13 AngeIa_Myerss: I feel you rising onto your hands and knees as I continue to backpack you, choking you as hard as I can. I cry out in pain as your bony elbow digs into my ribs and I grit my teeth, trying to hold on as long as I can to weaken you as much as possible
03:13 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
03:15 KOHottieHailey: My face getting red as you try to keep choking me as I get my knees under me. I am desperate to get you off me as I try to bring my hands up and rake your eyes as I’m desperate to break this choke attempt. Yt
03:21 AngeIa_Myerss: I see you reaching for me and I turn away my face as your nails rake my cheeks as I scream in pain. 'you bitch!!' I shriek as I try to hold on for just a couple more seconds before the pain will be too much
03:21 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
03:24 KOHottieHailey: I manage to catch your cheek instead of your eyes as I’m really struggling in this choke hold and I need to get some fresh air. My eyes watering as my nails try to rake your arm again and then attempt to rake your cheek as well as I try to dip my shoulder and get you off me finally. Yt
03:26 AngeIa_Myerss: I can't take the pain anymore and I'm forced to let go of my choke hold as I grab your wrist to stop you from scratching my cheeks. As I keep holding onto your wrist, I try to pull your arm across your neck to choke you with your own arm just as you start to dip your shoulder and I extend one hand to stay on your back
03:26 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
03:29 KOHottieHailey: You go for my wrist as my arm gets pulled across my neck as my eyes gets wide and I’m coughing for air as I can’t get free of your grasp as my face is getting redder and redder now as my free hand tries to push your hand off my wrist. Yt
03:30 AngeIa_Myerss: I hear you coughing and gasping for air as my grip starts to slip little by little as you start to push my hand. I withdraw my supporting hand as I roll to the side, trying to drag you on top of me as I grab your wrist with both hands now to pull you your arm
03:30 AngeIa_Myerss: yr
03:30 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
03:32 KOHottieHailey: Your hand comes off my back as you reach for my wrist with both hands as I’m on top of you now trying to fire my free elbow downwards towards your ribs as I squirm on top of now trying to plant my feet on the carpet. Yt
03:34 AngeIa_Myerss: You're showing your toughness and grit as you continue fighting hard, starting to frustrate me. My face is turning red from using all that energy to choke you and your elbow chips into my already bruised ribs and I cry out, trying to move your body so that you can't elbow me as your weight presses down into me
03:34 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
03:36 KOHottieHailey: I try to control my breathing and my stamina to withstand this as my chest heaves up and down and my face still a bright red as my cheeks are flush. I keep my soles planted in the carpet as I try to push up so my ass is lifted slightly before trying to drop my ass down on your belly. Yt
03:40 AngeIa_Myerss: I grunt as the air is knocked out of me when your weight slams onto my stomach and I loosen my hold on your arm. I know I'm in a bad spot at the bottom if I'm not choking you so I take one hand as I start to punch you in the face over and over. Hopefully you're really weak from getting choked for so long
03:40 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
03:43 KOHottieHailey: Finally the choke is loosening and I’m able to catch my breath as I’m on top of you. Your punch coming up as the first one connects and I let out a loud grimace as my hand comes up to protect my face from further shots as I try to slide my ass up a bit and drive it up and down this time aimed for your chest. Yt
03:45 AngeIa_Myerss: I continue to rain down punches on your head as you cover up one side and I completely let go of your arm as I send punches down on both sides of your face. As you start to move up I slide backwards with you so that I can keep punching you and you drop down again on my stomach
03:45 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
03:47 KOHottieHailey: You let go of my arm as I collapse on top of you as I grimace with each blow covering up as best I can as your shots come in and most hit my forearms but it does wear me down as I try to block as I try to sit up and scoot backwards with my ass coming towards your face as I try to sit up on you so I can get free from your punches, yt
03:49 AngeIa_Myerss: You're moving backwards faster than I can and soon I'm unable to punch you and I look up to see your ass is over my face. As you sit down hard I roll to the side as you sit down to the spot right next to my head, our legs tangled up. I try to get up and away as I kick around
03:50 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
03:53 KOHottieHailey: My face bruised and my throat sore as I cough and our legs get tangled up but you manage to kick free as I roll to my left covered in sweat and I push to my feet panting. My eyes narrowed at your viciousness as I come forward and start to bring my left foot up towards your tummy but instead it’s a fake as I try to bring my right fist up under your chin in an uppercut. Yt
03:56 AngeIa_Myerss: I bring my arms down in an X block, ready for your kick that never comes as your uppercut snaps my head backwards. My arms flail as I try to get my balance back before I fall into a wall and onto one knee. I look up to see a blurry image of you as I bring my arms up, trying to block your other punches
03:56 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
03:59 KOHottieHailey: My uppercut finds the mark as my body is aching and hurting and I’m trying to still suck in my air. You fall back to a knee against a wall and your arms trying to protect your face. I move to your left and try to bring my hands into your hair looking to slam the back of your head into the wall, “take this you fucking bitch!!” Yt
04:01 AngeIa_Myerss: I shake my head to clear my vision as I see you marching towards me, your chest still heaving as you suck in deep breaths of air. I cry out as you grab my hair and I quickly send a hard hooks at your exposed jaw as the back of my head is slammed into the wall. Completely disoriented, I swing a wild uppercut trying to hit you in the liver
04:01 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:03 KOHottieHailey: You catch me coming in as you send a hook to my jaw as my knees start to buckle and wobble as I stumble backwards and your liver shot misses by inches as I’m blinking my eyes and I’m wobbly and shakey but I take a big risk as I rush forward and trying to splash my body against yours against the wall as I can’t get full speed because of my shaky balance but hopefully enough to crush you between me and the wall. Yt
04:07 AngeIa_Myerss: I feel my fist hit you in the side of the jaw and as I throw my uppercut as hard as I can you stumble out of the way, my momentum carrying me off balance as I fall to the floor holding my head dizzy and discombobulated. I hear you crash into the wall behind me as I roll over, crawling away from you
04:07 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:11 KOHottieHailey: You fall to the floor with the missed punch and I hit the wall with a thud. I lean against the wall as I slump and groan as I turn around and my back slides on the wall and my legs bent as I fall to my ass groaning and rubbing my chest as I cough. Yt
04:13 AngeIa_Myerss: I crawl a good distance away before turning around, looking over at you as I prop myself up with both arms looking over to see you leaning against the wall in pain. 'Aren't you a tough bitch. . .' I groan as I rub the back of my head
04:13 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:15 KOHottieHailey: My chest heaving as you get in all fours and I’m rubbing my chin and chest heaving as I slowly start to slide my feet under me as I get to my feet still a little wobbly but getting my legs under me. I come forward bringing my hands up as I move towards you and wave you in… “time to finish this!” Yt
04:19 AngeIa_Myerss: I slowly climb to my feet, taking a deep breath as I rib my left side that is still throbbing from your hard elbows. you've been a very tough opponent, and this could be the start of a fierce rivalry in OCW. I crack my knuckles and bring both fists up to my face. I glare at you, ready to give it my all.
04:19 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:22 KOHottieHailey: We glare at each other and prepare to once again go after each other. I shake my head and take as many breaths as I can and I start to lunge in and then try to slide around behind you and wrap my arms around your midsection as I try to lift you up behind me and drop to my back hoping to drop you on your head and back with a German suplex as I go for broke now. Yt
04:28 AngeIa_Myerss: As you lunge in I circle around to face you as you wrap your arms around my body in front of me. I feel my feet leave the floor as you raise me into the air and I start to kick and thrash in your grasp, slamming elbow strikes down at your head and face as you lean backwards trying to try me
04:28 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:30 KOHottieHailey: I Start to lift you up and I’m ready to launch you backwards for the German suplex but instead I catch some elbows for my trouble as I drop my grip on you and I’m stumbling and wobbling on my legs as I bring my hands up to protect my face as my eyes water again. Yt
04:32 AngeIa_Myerss: I drop back to the ground in front of you and I see you cover your face. My elbows must have hurt you and I immediately start throwing hard hooks at your exposed body. I try to hit you in the liver again to hopefully knock you down where I can finish you off
04:32 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:36 KOHottieHailey: I am covering up as I’m wobbling on my legs and you send some hard shots to my body and my legs give way as I crumple and fall to my knees gasping and coughing as I clutch my stomach as I’m on my knees breathing heavy. Yt
04:40 AngeIa_Myerss: I stand over you as you're on your knees clutching your stomach and I sense that the match is going to end soon. As you're doubled over, I raise my foot before stomping down on the back of your head, hopefully knocking you out cold
04:40 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:43 KOHottieHailey: I Am gripping my stomach as my body is bruised and hurting and you waste no time in going for the kill. Your foot comes up and down driving my face into the carpet with your foot as I lay face down on the carpet not moving at all as I’m out of it. Yt
04:46 AngeIa_Myerss: I leave my foot on your head, standing there for a couple seconds as you're not moving. You must be completely out I figure. I finally step off of you, undoing your bra and slipping of your panties. I want to celebrate but I'm too bruised and battered from our tough match as I stumble out the room, leaving you naked and unconsious
04:47 AngeIa_Myerss: yt

Published: 2023-05-01, viewed 112 times.




2023-07-07 23:59

Wow---Angela actually finished a match! Nice debut, Hailey---better luck next time!

Zack Davis

2023-05-01 05:57

Goddamn 😳 That. Was. Awesome!