OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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The Blonde Brats vs Squared Perfection

Kensley (deleted member)
AngeIa Myerss (deleted member)

03:56 AngeIa_Myerss: I duck under the ropes facing Kass and Lacey on the other side of the ring as Kensley stands on the other side of the rope, ready to fill in if I ever tag out. I bounce on my toes, big smile on my face as I wait to see who will b e starting off on their team
03:56 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
03:57 Kensley: I grin as I look in the ring at my beautiful blonde haired partner, eagerly shouting to cheer her on! "Let's go A!!" I clap my hands as I look across the ring at our opponents blowing Lacey and Kass a kiss!
03:59 LaceyP: I stand outside the ring in our corner as Angela is starting for their team and Kass will start us out...I stand on the apron in my purple one piece..barefoot and my hair down as I pat my partners perfect butt and give her a kiss....glaring at Kensley as she blows us a kiss..yt
03:59 LaceyP:
04:00 ItsKass: I return Laceys kiss as I turn to glare at Angela in the oppossite side of the ring. I crack my neck as I glare deeply against her and move the center of the ring, crouched and with my arms raised up ready to bring it on while I'm clad in my blue one piece and thigh high socks.
04:01 LaceyP:
04:01 LaceyP: Kass's attire
04:02 Kensley: You are not logged in. My attire!
04:02 AngeIa_Myerss: You are not logged in.
04:04 AngeIa_Myerss: I see Kass starting off instead. It looks like Lacey is scared of me and rightly so! Making sure I dont' get sneak attacked like last time, I ball up my fists making my way towards Kass in a boxing stance as I throw a quick jab cross before backing away
04:04 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:06 ItsKass: I smirk as I crack my neck at Angela as she approaches in her boxing stance . She throws her quick jab cross and I change my stance barely managing to step back as they graze past me. I grit my teeth as I close the distance before I try to send a side kick right to her gut. yt
04:08 Kensley: "Come on Angie!!" I watch on as the match begins, the two cuties meeting in the middle of the ring as the first blows are thrown from each side! My eyes slowly wander over the two fighters amazing bodies as I begin to daydream a little
04:08 LaceyP: CMON KASS
04:08 Kensley: yt
04:11 AngeIa_Myerss: I barely miss with my cross and I back away as Kass lunges at me with a side kick. I brace myself, clenching my abs as her foot connects, knocking me backwards. I flail my arms trying to stay upright before I fall on my ass, quickly getting up again as I rub my belly
04:11 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:12 LaceyP: haha...NICE Kass....laughing as Angela falls on her ass. She is quick to get up but nice to see....blowing a kiss mockingly to Kensley
04:13 Kensley: I grunt as I watch on, scoffing at Lacey as she blows me a kiss
04:13 ItsKass: I smirk and wink at Lacey as my kick connects making you fall onto your ass. As you get up I glare back at you and luung forward aiming to work your gut even more by sending my knee right into it. yt
04:14 AngeIa_Myerss: I stumble backwards as I try to get away from you, falling into the ropes as you drive your knee into my stomach. I cry out in pain as it connects as I double over, holding on to your leg before you can draw it back as I try to trip you onto your back
04:14 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:15 LaceyP: YES KASS!!!!....but then noticing that Angela is holding her leg
04:16 ItsKass: I smirk as I light up hearing Lacey cheer me on before I feel you holding my leg as you drop me onto my back. I land with a hard thump and groan as I try to wrap my legs around your ankle trying to trip you over from below. yt
04:17 Kensley: "Ha! Nice one babe!! Drop her down!" I clap my hands eagerly as Angela tips Kass over and enjoying the start of the match's back and forth
04:17 Kensley: yt
04:18 AngeIa_Myerss: I hear Kensley cheering me on just as I manage to throw Kass onto her back. I turn around to smile at Kensley when I feel her legs wrap around my ankle and pull. I yelp as I fall onto my ass again, pulling my leg as I try to get free
04:18 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:19 LaceyP: haha....yessssssss loving the back and forth so far
04:20 ItsKass: I smirk as I manage to get Angela to fall on her ass as she pulls her leg trying to get free. I wink at Lacey as I get back onto my ass before I try to lung forward to take Angela down onto her back with me on top of her. yt
04:21 AngeIa_Myerss: I pull my leg free to see Kass suddenly lunging at me, knocking me onto my back. I swing my legs apart so that I can wrap them around her body as Kass tries to pin me when I suddenly throw one leg up, trying to loop it around the back of her head for a triangle choke
04:22 AngeIa_Myerss:
04:22 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:22 Kensley: "Let's go Angie! Lock it in!" I shout as I see her swing her legs around Kass's head!
04:23 LaceyP: "OH NO" watch her legs baby"
04:23 ItsKass: I manage to knock you onto your back but you reverse with your legs looping aorund my head forcing me into a triangle choke. I let out a cough as I wheeze struggling aginst your choke. I grunt as I try to use my free hand to reach behind you, trying to grab your bottoms and yank them up as I try to lift you off the ground slightly before slamming you down again. yt
04:26 AngeIa_Myerss: I grit my teeth as I lock my choke in and I feel you reaching for my bottoms as I grab your wrist with one hand, squeezing as hard as I can with my legs. I feel myself rise slightly above the mat and hit the floor and I'm honestly shocked at how strong you are. However thats not going to do much if you're choked unconscious. As I hold your wrist I use my other hand to punch you in the face
04:26 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:28 LaceyP: I see Kass in trouble in this triangle choke hold..She delivers a nice counter but it doesnt phase Angela and I watch as she punches Lass in her pretty face.."hey"..i come charging in and deliver a kick to the side of Angelas head to get her off Kass before I run back to our corner and get back to our apron...
04:30 Kensley: "Keep her there babe!! Not too long before she'll be drooling knocked out!! I know these girls can't last in any hold!" I giggle as I watch you try to keep the choke locked in on Kass, I watch Lacey across the ring as she suddenly runs in!! "HEY!! That's not fair! That's not fair!" I call out, as I stay outside the ring looking on helpless.... wanting to play by the rules and not cheat like the other team decides to! "Come on Angela... let me at them and we'll double team the two of them like an actual tag team would! Instead of these cheating losers!"
04:32 AngeIa_Myerss: I continue to bash my fist into Kass's exposed face as she's being slowly choked unconscious when BAM Lacey's foot slams into the side of my head. I loosen my hold as I fall onto my back, holding my head dazed as I hear Kensley yelling for me to tag her in. I weakly reach for her but I can't move
04:33 ItsKass: I stay in the hold as Angela bashes her fist into my face making me choke more and get more dazed before she suddenly lets go. I fall onto my face holding it as I roll around trying to nurse it and crawl away for a bit.
04:34 LaceyP: "TAG ME IN KASS"
04:34 Kensley: I reach my hand out, but see Angela struggling I'm worried about her chances of reaching my corner! Hoping she'll get a chance to tag me before a fresh Lacey enters the match!
04:35 AngeIa_Myerss: I groan in pain, flipping onto my stomach and I look over at Kensley with glazed eyes, reaching at her extended hand. I have no idea where Kass is but hopefully she isn't going to attack me right now. I slowly drag myself along the mat, getting closer and closer to kensley
04:35 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:37 ItsKass: I groan as I take my surroundings in, still dazed as I crawl to the corner where Lacey is as I reach my hand up trying to reach lacey as I crawl and inch forward.
04:38 LaceyP: My arm over the top rope..reaching for Kass as she is crawling towards me and Angela is crawling towards Kensley..."cmon baby..."
04:39 Kensley: I lean over the top ropes, begging for a tag! "Almost there Angie!! I believe girl!!" I reach out my hand as far as I can but you're still far enough away to where our hands don't tag yet! yt
04:41 AngeIa_Myerss: I slump to the mats as the pain in my head is too much when I hear Kensleys voice right in front of me and I look up again to see her hand just inches away. Summoning my strength I lunge forward, slapping palm before I fall back to the mat, rolling towards the ropes as I get out
04:41 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
04:42 ItsKass: I groan and grunt as I crawl slumped against the mat, my head realing as I hear Laceys soft voice nearby as I crawl forward more reaching my hand out as I hope to tag in my Lacey as I push myself forward with all my might. yt
04:43 LaceyP: I am reaching over the top rope as Kass gets close but I cant quite tag her as she is just out of reach.."noooo cmon baby"
04:43 Kensley: I grin as I feel Angela's hand finally connect to mine, my excited smile suddenly changing to pure confidence as I climb between the two ropes and charge across the ring at the corner of Kass and Lacey! Seeing she can't make it in time means that I'll be able to hopefully reach and grab Kass by her left leg and drag her back to the middle of the ring! "Where do you think you're going!!" I taunt!
04:43 Kensley: yt
04:46 ItsKass: I keep weakly crawling forward as I finally see a bit of Lacey now that my vision isn't as blurry before I suddenly feel the ring vibrate and me being pulled by my leg to the center of the ring. I calw at the ring trying to stay put and reach Lacey but its no use as i'm dragged to the center. I twist and turn around and see a fresh Kensley holding my foot. I gulp before I try to bend my left foot back and push Kensley back away from me. yt
04:47 AngeIa_Myerss: I roll out of the ring climbing to my feet as I lean on the ropes looking at Kensley holding Kass. The pain in my head is starting to go away
04:50 Kensley: Groaning as all the sudden Kass's foot slams into my stomach! "UNGHhhhhhh" I moan out, knocked back a couple steps as I stumble! Not wanting her to be able to tag in however! I try to quickly put myself between Lacey and Kass, circling the girl on the ground as I sprint to get in front of her before she can crawl to their corner! "No way! I'm not letting you through!"
04:50 Kensley: yt
04:50 LaceyP: Reaching out to try and grab Kensleys hair as she gets between me and Kass...just missing her hair by about the same amount as I just missed the tag with my partner
04:52 ItsKass: I let out a grunt as I manage to slam my foot in Kensley as I instantly turn around and try to crawl to Lacey before I feel the ring vibrate again and see Kensley in my way. I groan knowing she's trying to stop me from tagging as I crawl towards Kensley, I meakly go forward before I try to get to my knees and try sending a quick uppercut between her legs. yt
04:55 AngeIa_Myerss: 'Watch out!!!'
04:55 Kensley: My hands on my hips confidently as I look down at the little girl below me! "Awww you poor thing! Stuck in the ring with no way out!" I see you crawl on your hands and knees preparing to lock my legs around your head in a standing headscissor.... but before I know it, your fist comes up hard and smashes my hot pink bikini bottoms!! My eyes widen as I look across the ring at my partner gasping for a second before I moan out "OhhHHHH FUCKKkkkkk" I drop to my knees in front of Kass as my eyes flutter...
04:55 Kensley: yt
04:56 LaceyP: I watch as Kass goes for the low blow and I hold my hand out reaching as far as i can for Kass
04:56 AngeIa_Myerss: 'Noooo Kensley!!!!'
04:58 ItsKass: I manage to land my uppercut between Knesleys lets as she drops to her knees in front of my. I push her onto her back and crawl on top of her as I see Lacey and reach forward as I use my strenght to lung and tap Laceys hand as I roll beneath the ropes trying to catch my breath. yt
04:59 Kensley: My body laid out on the canvas as my hands move to cover up between my legs.... still trying to recover from the shock of my body that the punch just caused! Toppled to my back as I lay looking at the overhead lights for a moment.... I groan out slowly trying to get some space between me and the corner before Lacey comes into the ring! I weakly try to stand up first to my hands and knees!
04:59 Kensley: yt
05:01 LaceyP: I finally get my hand on Kass's I am eager to get in the ring and i step in between the ropes and see Kensley getting to her feet..I charge her fast and attempt to clothesline her and make her pay for dragging my partner...yt
05:03 AngeIa_Myerss: 'Look out kensley!!!' I scream as I see Lacey charging at Kensley, arm extended ready to slam into her face
05:04 Kensley: I turn around quickly to see Lacey running from behind, this time I'm able to react with my partners assistance! Seeing a wide arm outstretched I quickly lower my upper body and try to duck under Lacey's clothesline before it wipes me out!
05:05 Kensley: yt
05:07 LaceyP: I am about to hit Kensley across her throat when she suddenly ducks my clothesline..whooaaa i go flying past her and into the ropes behind her. I rebound off them and come running back towards you a bit out of control and no idea of a move right now...yt
05:08 Kensley: "My turn Lacey!" I call out as I see you bounce back at me off of the ropes, I charge across the ring trying to leap off the ground and lower my shoulder! Wanting to almost spear you and tackle you onto the ground hoping you'll be out of control enough for it to land
05:08 Kensley: yt
05:09 ItsKass: "Lacey look out!!!" I yell out as I stand in the conrer seeing Kensley about to spear her
05:10 AngeIa_Myerss: 'Come on. . .' I anxious pace back and forth
05:13 LaceyP: I hear Kass yell her warning to me but I am expecting a clothesline and i start to duck to try and avoid it but instead she goes low and I duck right into it...OOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF my feet fly off the mat and I crash on my back from Kensleys spear...oh gawd i moan out as i grab at my tummy and roll to my side coughing and looking over towards Kass...yt
05:15 AngeIa_Myerss: 'Don't let her get away!!'
05:15 Kensley: My spear connects and I land on my hands and knees after tackling Lacey to the ground! I taunt as I look down at my dropped opponent "Down she goes!!" I giggle as I quickly reach for her hair, wanting to drag her back to her feet quickly, standing to my feet as I drag Lacey with me! This time dragging her over to my corner with Angela.... "Now it's time for us to REALLY have some fun!" I grin as I thrust your back into the turnbuckle in the corner!
05:15 Kensley: yt
05:17 LaceyP: Rolling on the mat from the spear and your hands in my hair....AAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you drag me to my feet and force me to your corner..I am backfirst in the corner and my head hanging a bit as the spear has had its desired affect on me..."get off me" i try and shove you off me weakly...yt
05:18 ItsKass: "Let her goo" I shout in the corner at you two as I get on my tip toes worreid for my Lacey
05:18 AngeIa_Myerss: I giggle as Lacey is shoved into the corner right in front of me and as she tries to shove you I grab her by the hair, pulling her back into the corner and forcing her head back. 'You're gonna get it cheating bitch!' I snarl in her ear before punching her in the ribs
05:18 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:20 Kensley: I grin as Angela goes to work on Lacey as I turn back to Kass to taunt "Awww what's wrong?? I don't even see what's happening right now!" Pacing my way to the middle of the ring as I giggle before turning back to Lacey with a nasty smile... hoping Angela keeps you held for me to set up a splash! I charge towards my corner, leaping again to land on Lacey's body with my own! Hoping to slam her against the turnbuckle again keeping her in the corner!
05:20 Kensley: yt
05:22 LaceyP: I shove Kensley off me but as soon as I do I feel Angela yank back on my hair...."OOOWWWWWWW'''then uggghhhhhhhhhhhh i take a punch to my ribs and my left leg comes up as I grab at my side...I then feel the ring vibrate and I look up to see a flying Kensley...OOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF my cheeks blow out as I lose a huge amount of air and my eyes cross..I take 2 steps forward and reach for Kass before I fall flat on my face...laying there trying to get myself back to my feet but badly winded...yt
05:22 ItsKass: "Laceyy nooo come her hunny" I plead as I reach out trying to urge her to me
05:26 Kensley: My smile wide as I see the brunette fall to the canvas, "Awww you poor loser...." I reach out my hand towards Angela to tag her in the ring! Enough time for us to land a double team move onto Lacey before I roll on out! I reach for Lacey's hair with my hands dragging her back to her feet again "Up you go.... come on!" I grin as I slowly lift Lacey into my arms grabbing her into a bearhug! My hands wrap around her back as my wrists lock and I squeeze hard! "Do it Angie!! Put this girl to sleep!" I giggle
05:26 Kensley: yt
05:29 LaceyP: I am damaged for sure after the spear and splash...you grab my hair again and yank me up to my feet..I am slow to get up this time as my legs feel like spaghetti..you hold me up and then haul me up into yrou arms as you get me into a bearhug as my legs go up against your waist and my eyes go wide as you begin to squeeze..shaking my head and just reaching for Kass but soooo far away...yt
05:34 AngeIa_Myerss: I step under the ropes in a grin, sticking my tongue out at Kass who is on the other side of the ring as Lacey struggles in Kensley's grasp. I skip in front of Lacey giving her a slap across the face before I turn around, looking over my shoulder as I grab her head with both hands. I jump in the air, trying to fall on my back while slamming her face into the mat with me
05:34 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:35 Kensley: Letting go of Lacey as Angela drives her head into the ground! I giggle "There she goes!!" I quickly slide out of the ring letting Angela get all of the spotlight!
05:35 Kensley: yt
05:37 LaceyP: I am being held in Kensleys grasp and reaching for Kass as Angela skips around in front of me and slaps my face..uuggghhhhh...then she grabs my head with her hands and as I am being held up in he air I feel Kensley suddenly let go as I am drilled facefirst into the mat in a viscious double team maneuver...I lay spread eagle and twitching next to Angela as that double team finisher has put me in BIG trouble...yt
05:38 AngeIa_Myerss: I quickly lay down across from Lacey, hooking her leg in the air as I grin at Kensley. ONE. . . TWO. . ..
05:40 LaceyP: I am out of it under Angela as she pins me from their double team...my leg hooked and the ref counting..yt
05:40 ItsKass: "Lacey nooo" I see her passed out beneath you as I rush out of the ropes "Leave her alone" I growl as I try to go and kick Angela off of her
05:43 Kensley: It's my turn to make the interference now.... you may have gotten away with hitting my teammate once but I'm not letting it happen again! I quickly move to intercept before she can get to Angela! "Oh no you don't!" My knee coming outstretched as I see you try to kick my partner! Hoping you're distracted enough so my knee lands into your side and knocks you off course before you can land your kick!
05:43 Kensley: yt
05:45 ItsKass: I'm about to kick Angela off Lacey to save her before I hear Kensley yell at me. I lose focus for a moment before I focuse back on Angela, realing my legs back as I'm about to kick her before I suddenly let out a yelp as I feel Kensleys knee land into my side knocking me off to the side and sending my kick into Laceys head as I fall on my side groaning. yt
05:46 AngeIa_Myerss: I glance over to see Kass charging at me but Kensley comes in just in time, knocking her off course and her foot hits Lacey's head instead! I keep my pin as the ref keeps counting. THREE. . . FOUR. . . FIVE
05:46 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:48 LaceyP: I hear the count reach THREE and i am about to try and kick out but instead Kass kicks me in my head knocking me out cold..drool coming out of my mouth as the ref counts FOUR....FIVE on me and I am officially eliminated...laying under Angela twithcing and drooling..yt
05:48 Kensley: It's my turn to focus on Kass now, after her earlier kick to back me off I've been waiting to get my hands on her! I quickly try to close the distance between us and reach for your hair! Lifting you back to your feet and under my arm in a DDT! Wanting to plant your head to the canvas just like we did with your partner!
05:48 Kensley: yt
05:50 ItsKass: I grunt as I see Lacey get eliminated "Nooo" I groan reaching out before Iget pulled by the hair to my feet. You tuck my head underneath your arm. In an act of despereation I try to plant my feet firmly and grab your bottoms hoping to try and lift you up and over me to stop the ddt. yt
05:52 AngeIa_Myerss: YES!!! The ref counts to 5 and I spring to my feet to help Kensley. I look over to see her putting Kass in a headlock but Kass is using her strength to start lifting kensley off the ground. I run over behind kass, dropping to my knees as I send an uppercut in between her legs.
05:52 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:53 Kensley: Standing strong in my hold as Kass and I go back and forth! I'm unable to get the advantage and plant her to the floor.... but as she tries to lift me up! My partner is there to make the save!
05:53 Kensley: yt
05:54 ItsKass: I keep strugglign against Kensley before I feel a strong fist come up between my legs making me spit out as my eyes widen and I gasp. My legs shake violently as they want to drop only to be held up by Kensley as I graon in pain too distracted by the pain. yt
05:55 Kensley: "What do you say Angela..... you think we finish her off!" I grin as I slowly move my arms around her waist! Gripping my wrists behind her back as I squeeeeezeeeeee a bearhug around her body! Lifting her from the ground as I prepare her for Angela to hit our finishing move again!
05:55 Kensley: yt
05:57 AngeIa_Myerss: 'My pleasure!' As Kass is lifted up in the same position as Lacey was I run over, turning around just in time as I jump in the air, grabbing kass by the head and slamming it down to the mat as I fall on my back in a facebuster move
05:57 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
05:58 ItsKass: I groan as I struggle in Kensleys bearhug, my eyes going wide as I see Angela running at me before I know it she slams my head down onto the gorund with a loud thud as I let out a wheezed groan and bounce off the mat and land on my back my head realing in pain. yt
05:59 Kensley: "She's all mine Angie.... go pin that loser again and we can finish these two off together!!" I giggle as I slowly get on top of Kass, planting my ass on her face as I hook both of her legs and drag them up off the mats! Calling out to Angie "Count it with me babe!! ONE! TWO"
05:59 Kensley: yt
06:01 AngeIa_Myerss: I drag Lacey's limp body over as well and I place my foot on her face, I smile at you raising my hands up in the air as I count with you. 'THREE FOUR. . .'
06:01 AngeIa_Myerss: yt
06:02 LaceyP: I get dragged next to Kass as we are being pinned together...this was supposed to be us doing it to them...my only movements are twitches as I get pinned for a second time
06:04 ItsKass: I groan before I get smoether by Kensleys ass, my legs bent backwards fully exposing me as I'm dazed before I go limp beneath her ass, my whole body aching as I'm bent like a pretezel while the pin goes on as I twicth and drool.
06:04 Kensley: The two losers under our bodies as we pin them to the mats together.... we call out together at once "FIVE!" and with that our first tag team match as the blonde brats was won!!

Published: 2023-05-04, viewed 105 times.



Princess Kitty (deleted member)

2023-05-10 06:36

YAYYYYY my wifey Kensley is the best ! Good job Kensley and Angela Kass and Lacey did not have a chance against the both of you !

Zack Davis

2023-05-04 15:26

That. Was. HOT!!! What a cast of characters, great match ladies


2023-05-04 19:26

(In reply to this)

Thank you Zackie