OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
173 members
152 stories
267 photos
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Different Team, Same Results

Kensley (deleted member)

14:21 LaceyP: hi partner

14:21 LaceyP: Hey Zackie

14:21 Zack_Davis: Oh, hi 🤣

14:21 Kensley: Heya!

14:21 LaceyP: You really think you can beat the 2 of us Zack? heh

14:24 Kensley: She calls you Zackie??

14:24 Kensley: I guess we already know who are pet is gonna be, right Lacey?

14:24 LaceyP: mmmhmmmmm

14:24 Zack_Davis: She does. Isn't it cute 🥰

14:25 Kensley: Ha! This is gonna be easy then!

14:37 Zack_Davis: Standing in the cue area of the arena, stripped down to only my red speedo ... waiting to be called to the ring. I get the nod, my music begins to blast through the outdoors arena, and I step out into the spotlight, hitting a double bicep pose for my fans. "Bodies" by the Drowning Pool reverberates it's erie beat ... 6' even, 175 pounds pumped and ripped! I break off in a trot as the PA announcer goes into her sales pitch ... "INTRODUCING FIRST FOR THIS TWO VS ONE HANDICAPPED MATCH, FROM THE SUNNY SHORES OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, HE IS THE MAN WITH THE TAN, THE SULTAN OF SURF, HE IS THE BOARRRRDWALLLLK ASSASSIN .... HERE IS ZACK. THE SHARK ATTACK. DAVISSSS!!!". I trot down the aisle, hands low, giving "low fives" to my fans as I trot along, diving under the bottom into the ring as the sales pitch ends. Arms up, turning around for the crowd, I flash my most charming smile to a hottie in the front row before retreating to a corner to await the estrogen invasion ...

14:37 Zack_Davis:

14:37 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in.

14:39 Zack_Davis:

14:42 Kensley: Grinning in the back as I hear the loud music play out towards the crowd, I look at my partner "Looks like the show is starting.... let's go give these people what they really want huh??" I slap Lacey's ass before stepping towards the curtain leading out to the ring! Getting the cue and stepping out to the stage. A wide smile on my face as I look towards the onlooking crowd, my hands glaze over my body for a moment as I travel up and down my hips before I blow a kiss towards Zack in the ring! I adjust my pink top and black bottoms as I wait on the stage for my partner to join me before making our way down to the ring together! "HERE SHE IS ONE HALF OF TONIGHTS TAG TEAM.... THE BLONDE BRATTTTTTTT, KENSLEY!!" I giggle and wave to the crowd before looking to the back eager for my partner to make her way out!
14:42 Kensley: You are not logged in.

14:43 Zack_Davis: (blows a kiss back 😘)
14:44 Zack_Davis: (slaps Laceys ass too 😈)

14:46 LaceyP: I finish getting changed in the back..forgetting my own attire tonight my partner had my back and totally brought an extra bikini for me. "OMG thank you so much for having my back and bringing an extra outfit for me babe...yep show is definitely starting.." I follow you out onto the stage with a big perfect smile to compliment our perfect bodies..the fans love us as the scream and roar their approval of us...wearing a black string bikini that I am borrowing from kensley...it fits me just perfect and i adjust it before making my way to the ring and following my partner to the apron...blowing a kiss of my own to Zackie then giggling....."AND THE OTHER HALF OF THE TAG TEAM.....THE LOVELY LACEY!!!!!!...holding the ropes open for my partner to enter...yt

14:47 Kensley: You are not logged in. (Lacey's attire)

14:55 Zack_Davis: I blow a kiss back at the Lovely Lacey, grinning at the pair of hotties climbing into the ring with me. I look at some old drunk guy near my corner and give him a wink and a thumbs up. He gives a big, toothless grin back at me, nodding his head, as he already drooling over you two! "Well, THIS is certainly already hot I think to myself, paying especially close attention to Kensley. She's new, and new makes me nervous. No idea what her abilities are, her style, but she's teamed up with Lacey so she must be good. I swagger out to the center of the ring to listen to the ref explain the rules that I'm just going to break anyway... Yt

14:58 Kensley: "Why thank you partner...." I say with a smile as she holds open the ropes for me and I climb into the ring and do the same for her waiting till she climbs through the ropes to join me! Now looking across towards Zack, my hands moving to my hips as I give a confident glare across the ring! Stepping to the middle with my partner by my side! Eager to make my debut count and show all the crowds around chatfighters that I'm here to make a name for myself!!

14:59 LaceyP: "Of course partner...not a problem" then following you in as you hold the ropes open for me as well...We both look across the ring at Zack and notice his bulge in his shorts..pointing to it and giggling...then standing side by side with my partner..my hands on my hips as well next to Kensley...we stand tall before him as the bell rings DING DING DING...yt
15:01 Zack_Davis:

15:06 Zack_Davis: The two hotties look all confident and bubbly, and they certainly look all that as they strut around in their skimpy attire. 'Hard' ... Not to notice... I adjust my shrinking? Speedo ...nice butts, tone flat bellies each, nice boobs ... Whooooo! I force myself to focus as the bell rings ... Divide and conquer... But first buy time to divide ... You stand next to each other, an arms length apart or so ... I opt to come in low and hard, driving into you both in an attempt at pulling off a double spear right on the bell ... Yt

15:09 Kensley: Standing close as we hear the ref divulge his rules to us! My eyes locked on Zack as I begin to daydream about his lovely body and how I'm gonna use it once I'm done with him! I don't even have time to drop my hands from my hips! It's not even before the bell rings that I feel Zack's shoulder dig into my abs... "UNHGHHHHH" My body slammed suddenly and landing with a hard THUD on my back.... I lay spread eagle groaning from one shot!

15:11 LaceyP: We are standing about arms length apart and trying to act tough with our hands on our hips..listening to the ref just go on and on I also find myself daydreaming about the end of this match and what we are going to do to him....but then out of nowhere....OOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF his shoulder digs into my abs and i go flying off my feet backwards and landing HARD on my back spread eagle after the HARD spear...turning my head and seeing my partner in the same bad position I am in...yt

15:21 Zack_Davis: I drive through you both in my attempt, pleasantly surprised when my each of my shoulders plow deep into separate firm, flat bellies, knocking you both heels over ass. My momentum carries almost through the ropes when I catch myself, turning to see where to go first. Lacey landed closest to me, and lays flat on her back almost in front of me. I step on her stomach on my way over to Kensley. Let's not give this one a chance to get going, because heaven knows what's she's capable of! She is also on her back holding her abs. I run across the ring, ricocheting off the far ropes, launching myself airborne as I re-approch her with an attempt at a Guillotine leg drop aimed at her throat ... yt

15:24 Kensley: Laid out and breathing hard... trying to react to the quick punishment that just got dealt to me so quickly!! My eyes flutter for a moment as I know I need to get back into the fight, for my partners sake... I can't leave her all alone! Looking over to see her just as down and out as I am! I grunt, gritting my teeth as I try to start to move my body, turning my head to suddenly see another move coming on top of me.... your leg coming down hard onto my throat before I have a chance to roll out of the way "AUKKCKCKCKC" Suddenly punished by your strong leg as my entire body reacts! My legs and arms flying from the canvas as I groan out in pain!

15:26 LaceyP: I am laid out on the mat next to my partner and i reach my hand out to grab Kelseys but UUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH you step all your weight on my tummy and my body reacts as i curl into a fetal position holding my tummy and seeing Zacks leg drop across my partner throat....oh gawd no...i cough as i try and grab Kelseys hand...yt

15:39 Zack_Davis: A quick glance at Lacey curled up in a fetal position holding her belly gives me a pretty good idea that I've got a little bit of time to focus on Kensley some more. She got rocked with two quick, violent moves and at the moment seems vulnerable. Focusing on quick, hard hitters as opposed to long drawn out submissions for now, I use a handful of hair to draw Kensley rudely to her feet, allowing her to remain somewhat doubled over. Grabbing the waistband of that sexy bikini just above her ass with one hand, the other wraps her neck from a front overhead position. If everything goes as planned, she will get a super wedgie DDT out of the deal! I pull hard on her waistband... Yt

15:43 Kensley: Yanked awake by a sudden grasp on my hair! "UNGHHHHHhhhh" I moan out as I try to recover from the past pain already dealt so quickly! My body lifted to my feet weakly as I stand almost swaying in your grasp unable to even put a hand of resistance against you! My body quickly tilted over, under your arm....feeling trapped now as my hands paw at your arm to try and get you to let it go but it's a useless attempt! "AHieeee!!! Don't touch that!!!" I feel a wedgie begin to build as you grab my once bikini bottoms and turn them into a thong! My legs shake as you suddenly lift me and slam me onto my head! Planting me into the canvas as I lay stunned against the floor, my eyes a blank daze as I moan weakly under my breath.... my ass raised in the air as my face lays flat bent over completely

15:49 LaceyP: Curled up in a fetal position as i watch my partner het yanked up and seeing her unable to fight back as her bottoms become a thong and i get to all fours as you plant my partner face down HARD into the mat with your DDT....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i scream out as i paw at you and try to get to my feet...my partners perfect ass in the air as she looks so dazed. I am not doin much better right now as Zack is taking it to us...yt

16:05 Zack_Davis: Kensley's body crumples atop of me and rolls of to my side when I successfully plant her in the DDT. The lingering aroma of her hair, her perfume is still on my mind .. sooo... Sexy! Divide and conquer. I turn my attention to Lacey. Petite, feisty and probably one of the sexiest ladies I've ever met, our rivalry is long standing, usually intense and never boring! She has gotten the better of me at times, I give her the respect she's due as I now approach her. She's already onto her hands and knees... I straddle her back, allowing my weight sitting on her lower back to settle her hips back to the ground as I reach up for her chin... Yt

16:09 Kensley: My body laid out.... ass in the air as I slowly slide down onto being flat on my face! Not a single move or even attempt to try and get away, small little twitches are the only reactions my body gives as Zack moves onto my partner!

16:17 Zack_Davis: As I settle into Lacey's back, hopefully working her body into a crippling camel clutch, my eyes are on Kensley 's perfect ass jutting up in the air, her sexy butt cheeks on full display compliments of the DDT. Her body slowly slides down until she's flat on her face, those bare cheeks jiggling ever so slightly as she comes to rest. I can't pass that up! I give a hard downward shove to the back of Laceys head, basically faceplanting her as I bail out on the camel clutch, unable to resist the allure of Kensley's amazing body 🔥! yt

16:22 LaceyP: I am on my hands and knees as Kensley is out of it beside me......i am trying ot get up when I feel Zack straddle me..ugh noooooo..i protest but it has no affect as you cup my chin and pull back on myhead......aaagggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....i scream out as you have me stretched in your camel clutch..forced to look at Kelsey badly dazed.."OMG HELP ME KENS" I am beggin for help but I see some drool coming out of Kensley's mouth....then YOu grab my head and faceplant me down HARD into the mat..my body bounces and my head comes up to show my eyes all glassy before I drop back down and lay there ass up and badly dazed myself now...yt
16:24 LaceyP:

16:27 Zack_Davis: I swagger back over to Kensley with Lacey basically a puddle of flesh at the moment. I'm mesmerized by that ass! I like it with my toe to watch it jiggle some more in amusement, the crowd roaring their approvement. "YOU LIKE THAT ASS?!?" I roar out to the crowd? "I LIKE THAT ASS!" , The crowd roars even louder! Reaching down to grasp your waistband, I give a firm tug ... "LETS SEE THAT ASS!!!" I probably would win the towns mayoral election at that point, the crowd roaring its approval as I yank Kensley's bottoms clear off. Yt

16:30 Kensley: Starting to get a little back into the fight now..... feeling Zack grab at my bottoms awakes me a little! "AUNHGHhhhhh" I dig my hands into the canvas as I feel my bottoms once wedged deep in my ass now fully stripped off my body! I moan out as my legs are lifted into the air and slam back on the canvas weakly as I'm stripped of my bottoms.... I paw weakly against the canvas almost sliding myself over towards Lacey's weak body, trying to stay together....

16:38 Zack_Davis: Lacey is still I think in a daze. (More so than usual 😎🤣). I approach her with Kensley's bottoms as a trophy, tossing them towards my corner. But there are two trophies to be gained here today, both happen to belong to Kensley ironically enough! I roll Lacey to her semi-comatose back, easily ripping her bottoms off as well, kicking her legs spread eagled as I toss my second trophy (of Kensley's) aside with the other. Kensley is crawling this way anyways, so I grab her wrists to drag her atop of Lacey. Yt

16:39 LaceyP: I watch as Kensley crawls towards me and I start to crawl towards her as well..we are both in trouble at this point and both of us want each others reassurances....I feel Zack kick me to my back with his foot and i lay spread eagle as he strips me of my own bottoms now....uugghhhhh...then feeling Kens being dragged on top of me...ugh...yt

16:42 Kensley: My body placed on top of Lacey.... groaning as Zack dragged me on top of my partner, feeling her legs squirm as I see a pair of panties tossed over my head as I know what's happened to Lacey now! Our bodies lay together almost grinding against each other as we weakly twitch and moan out from Zack's past moves... our bodies completely left to whatever his mind can dream up to do with us!

16:47 LaceyP:

16:49 Zack_Davis: Heaving Kensley's legs over the top of Laceys, adjusting her just nice 😈, positioning Kensley's legs between Laceys ... Me Kensley's face lays on Lace's shoulder, Laceys face turned into Kensley's. A perfect jobber pile, with Kensley's gorgeous ass on full display! I step back for a moment to admire my work, before my speedos are tossed onto the growing pile of attire! Yt

16:53 LaceyP: I feel Zack situate Kens however he sees fit..we are both bottomless and we are on top of each other..our kitties rubbing against each others as we lay there twitching...the twitching definitely has an affect as my pussy starts to drip a lil bit....uugggghhhhh....trying to move but unable to under my partner...i see Zack remove his bottoms and he is left naked and so hard just looking down at our twitching bodies...yt

16:55 Kensley: I groan laying out as a toy... placed against Lacey's perfect body, shaking a little as I'm sure to know what's coming next and it's not looking good for our tag team at this point! Both of us half stripped and laying in a pile together! My head laying over Lacey's shoulder as I kiss at her neck weakly trying to reassure her

17:02 Zack_Davis: I wave my arms to the crowd, firing them up... As if they need it ... "WANT ME TO HIT THAT?!?" I roar to the crowd, to an overwhelming and thundering "YES" in reply!! I kneel down between Lacey's legs, pushing Kensley's apart as well ... "Sorry Kens, I smirk... The crowd said yes!" I rub your slit, wettening my fingers with your juices, then Lacey's. Your juices are my lubricant that I rub into my cock before I guide my head into Kensley's labia...a firm, not nice thrust gains me almost half of my length inside of her with a single push... Yt

17:04 LaceyP: I feel Zack kneeling between my spread legs and feeling my partners legs getting spread on top of mine...then I see my partners eyes as he enters her.....oh no....you ok Kens
17:04 Kensley: "UNGHHhhhhh" I moan out as all
the sudden I feel Zack enter, I heard the mumbling behind me but now it's only left for me to react to.... I cry out as my body twitches as you cock goes deep inside of me! My body shivers and I twitch on top of Lacey... my chest sliding against her as you push inside!

17:07 Zack_Davis: I pull myself almost out of you, then ram myself back into you, my hips slapping against that sexy ass ... Again, and again. ... and again! The rhythmic slapping of my hips against your ass drowned out by the moans and groans from all three of us ... My orgasm rapidly is almost upon me! yt

17:09 Kensley: My body thrusted into my Zack..... moaning each time his cock rams deep inside of me... it doesn't help that all the while my beautiful partner is grinding against me! "UHHHhhhh, UGHHH, FUCCkkkkkkk" I moan loudly as Zack uses my body as he pleases!

17:10 LaceyP: With each thrust Kens has her pussy rubbing against my own....no cock inside me but my partner is rubbing me perfectly as he seems to be fucking her perfectly....my pussy leaking now as my partners pussy slips easily up and down on my clit...my legs spread a bit wider out of instinct as I watch my partner get fucked...yt

17:11 Zack_Davis: I give a few final, animalistic thrusts and I feel my orgasm begin to erupt! I pull my cock out, squirting cum up Kensley's back in a powerful tidal wave of raw primal lust! Yt

17:13 Kensley: "AHGUHHHH" I moan out as I feel your thrusts get rougher.... my body pushed into Lacey even harder as I feel my own body slowly coming to orgasm.... a last touch is all it's going to take and the cum hitting my back is what makes me finish! The mental image of being defeated and cum covered is enough to make me squirt.... "Fuuuu----FUCKKKkkkkkk!!!" I cry out and moan as I'm humiliated

17:15 LaceyP: You continue to grind against me pussy to pussy....mmmmmmmm fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i begin to moan and twitch under you...I am so close i can feel it...then as soon as you begin to cum..i tense up and squirt of my own comes out and goes all over my partner as her squirt goes all over my own body...we both twitch in orgasm with a giant puddle under me and around me...yt
17:16 Zack_Davis: With a smirk on my face, I give Kensley's ass a good firm SMACK, geez I love that jiggle! Bending down to retrieve my "trophies", I yell back over my shoulder as I crawl out of the ring ..."Let's do this again sometime, ladies" ... Laughing my ass off as I make my way naked back up the aisle to a standing ovation from the mob of fans!"

17:17 LaceyP: we lay in the middle of the ring out of it and soaked in each others juices

17:17 Kensley: Perfect ending to a perfect match!

17:17 Kensley: We'll get you next time Zack! Or not.... 😜

17:18 Zack_Davis: You two are a blast to conspire with 😉

17:18 Zack_Davis: Never can tell!

17:19 LaceyP: we are so going to get you next time

17:19 Zack_Davis: Like that would be so awful 🔥

17:34 Zack_Davis:

Published: 2023-05-03, viewed 116 times.




2023-06-01 21:26

Amazing ending and great match to all 3 of you

Princess Kitty (deleted member)

2023-05-10 06:49

sexy fight , but i think Lacey enjoyed my wife alittle too much , Grrrrrr !

Zack Davis

2023-05-10 10:55

(In reply to this)

Not that I did 😈👅😉

Nicely done for job all around

Zack Davis

2023-05-04 10:06

(In reply to this)

Thanks Jackson, Lacey and Kensley are both amazing!