OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
173 members
152 stories
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02:25 Destiny_Desire: After all the talk in the lobby I decide it’s time to hop into the ring with Zack officially! I saunter my way down quickly making an entrance and wasting no time as I jog down to ringside. I slide my way up onto the apron and slip through the ropes, playfully bouncing around the ring and doing a bit of showboating as I wave to everyone. I make my way to my corner and relax in it as I await Zack.

02:29 Zack_Davis: I'm called to the ring for this impromptu match next, watching your sexy little showboat as I make my way down the aisle, hands low to to ground giving the fans "low fives" to the fans. I smirk at you as I hop into the ring, red speedo and barefoot. "Looks like it's on, rookie!" You are not logged in.

02:31 Destiny_Desire: “It’s so on!” I reply with an energetic way about me, bouncing from toe to toe as we meet in the center of the ring! I wasn’t expecting this to be my debut match but the opportunity presenting itself was just too perfect… I extend my arm to you in show of sportsmanship as we get ready for the match to get underway!

02:34 Zack_Davis: "Bouncing" from toe to toe ... I see what's bouncing... Where the heck is Roland when I need him?!? I here his yoda-like wisdom in my mind ... "Boobs ignore" ... Right! I reach out cautiously to shake your hand, your enthusiasm is contagious... Yt

02:35 Destiny_Desire: As we shake hands, there’s a moment of silence as we stand there waiting for the bell… finally after what seems like a short eternity the bell rings and signals the start of this very sudden match! I lead off with a quick kick from my leading foot, hoping to gain an early advantage!

02:39 Zack_Davis: "Well damn!" flashes through my mind as I catch your foot in the gut, "the rookie using my own move against me!" My abs are tight, but I still double over a little from the impact... Yt

02:40 Destiny_Desire: I take a page right out of your own book as I follow up the kick to gut but rushing towards you, trying to catch your head in a side headlock… looking to gain some momentum early in the matchup! I want to put on a show worthy of the people watching 🤭

02:46 Zack_Davis: I wrap my arm around your waist, my head pinned to your hip. Not a good start against this quick learning rookie! I give a good shove, hoping to push you forward and out of your headlock, hopefully slinging you into the ropes. Yt

02:47 Zack_Davis: *I smirk at @Penny_Barber as I launch her new friend across the ring*

02:47 Destiny_Desire: You shove me hard, but I roll with the momentum! I take a few steps with you as I you try to shove me into the ropes, trying to pull you down with me for a running bulldog! I’m out to prove something in this event, and I won’t go down easily!

02:53 Zack_Davis: I gasp as you maintain your grip on the headlock, you leap into the air in mid-stride to spike my head in a bulldog. A bulldog, for Pete's sake! I have a pretty hard head, but that little stunt makes my ears ring and my eyes go blurry. Oh yeah, and it HURT!!! Grrrrr! Boobs or no boobs, I'm in a match and not off to a great start! Yt

02:54 Kelly-Awesome: (Wow ! ! This looks like a one sided fight.. poor Zack !)

02:55 Carolsingapore76: (oh dear Zack)

02:55 Destiny_Desire: I may be a rookie, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have some tricks up my sleeve! I scramble back to a neutral position as we both come crashing down to the canvas… I step over your body and begin making a sprint towards the ropes, anticipating you getting up sooner rather than later!

03:00 Penny_Barber: (Destiny you got this)

03:03 Zack_Davis: I stand up quickly, maybe a little too quickly, I wobble on unsteady legs as I take a wild swing at ... Nothing! Through blurry vision I see your butt jiggle as you dash across the ring, with a quick slingshot back at me! Through the fog of that bulldog it feels like I'm walking in sand, my brain says move but the body doesn't listen ... Ohhhh damn! Yt

03:04 Zack_Davis: @Penny_Barber ... 👅

03:05 Destiny_Desire: I bounce of the ropes as I sprint at them full speed, slingshotting myself back towards my now groggy opponent… I’m eager to unveil a few of the moves I’ve been working on as I launch into my first signature move! A brutal full speed spear that I’ve dubbed Destiny’s Calling! I launch my body at yours, hoping to connect for a big move.

03:10 The_Mangler: (Go Destiny!!!)

03:11 The_Mangler: I Arrive and sit beside Carol

03:12 Zack_Davis: A 5'6", 130 pound projectile missile I imagine qualifies as a big move! Full sprint, shoulder down, driving through your target... I'd say the practice has worked out well 😳. Your shoulder drives into my unsuspecting abs, driving the wind out of me and possibly a vital organ or three! Insult adding to injury, your follow through isn't bad either, driving me into the mat... I groan looking up at the arena lights, my mouth moving like a fish out of water as I try to gasp in a breath! Yt

03:14 Destiny_Desire: After such a big move, I rear my head up as I flip my hair back behind my head… I’m surprised all my training has paid off so far! This rookie seems to be putting on a good show for everyone… but it isn’t over yet! I try to go for a quick pin cover as I look to capitalize on my last big move…

03:19 Zack_Davis: Still gasping to catch my breath, I glance over at @QueenLola ... As she always does, she causes a burst of adrenaline (😏) to course through my veins, giving me both the strength and desire to kick out of your pin at the two count! Yt

03:21 Destiny_Desire: I look in disbelief as I was sure that would’ve had you! Clearly I underestimated you, a mistake I won’t make twice. I sit up, somewhat shocked at the sudden kick out as I try to regroup for my next attack! I try to get myself reset to neutral with you as we get ready to square off again!

03:24 Zack_Davis: I look over and see @Ash_Sorority_Queen watching with great interest as I struggle to get to my feet ... I stumble forward as much as lunge forward, looking to tie you up in a collar and elbow, maybe stealing some momentum from you by clinching. Yt

03:26 The_Mangler: Hmmmmmm

03:27 Destiny_Desire: You clinch with me and it seems my options are limited! Desperate times call for desperate measure as I plan to start unveiling my finishing move in the coming moments! I try to reach my arms around the back of your neck, pulling you into me for a deep kiss in the center of the ring!

03:27 The_Mangler: Whoaaaa

03:27 QueenLola: “Do it babe! You know what I mean!”

03:28 Zack_Davis: 😈

03:28 Ash_Sorority_Queen: "Come on Destiny you got this! You know what I mean!"

03:31 Zack_Davis: On the Zack Attack scale of lost concentration, this unorthodox tactic easily rates a Level 4 distraction. I resist at first, but damn, you kiss as well as you wrestle! I'm thinking this normally would cost me dinner and a movie, but I'm not complaining. The boobs pressing up against my chest? Level 4.5 ...yt

03:33 QueenLola: “Zack do to her what you’d to me if we were building to a fight while in a kiss!”

03:33 Ash_Sorority_Queen: "Destiny he is weakkkk you got him now Destiny finish him off!!!"

03:34 The_Mangler: Hmmm I think I need to take Destiny on some time?

03:34 Zack_Davis: I hear Lola coaching me, the plan forms in my hazy, Level 4.5 distracted brain... I brace myself to attack...

03:34 Ash_Sorority_Queen: "I look over at Lola stop coaching him for god-sake let the man fight his own battle"

03:34 Destiny_Desire: I don’t release this unconventional “hold” as I kiss you right in the center of the ring! But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows as I look to kick it into high gear! I try to get myself into position to fire a quick knee to your abs, looking to target the same spot I hit with Destiny’s Calling earlier in the match! I’m sure this next move will be a showstopper as I hope my knee finds its target!!

03:35 QueenLola: “Clench your abs and nail her!”

03:35 Zack_Davis: You just want the winner 👅

03:40 Zack_Davis: I clench my battered abs, poised to deliver a sharp knee to your more sensitive parts, but you've beaten me to the punch as it were, your knee driving what little breath I've regained from the Calling out of my body with a sharp "unghhhhhhh"! I double over, reflexively clutching my stomach, suddenly on fire. The foreplay was kind of nice, but the finish really sucked!!! Yt

03:41 The_Mangler: C"Mon destiny.....goooo get him

03:42 Destiny_Desire: The setup isn’t over yet as I wrap my arm around your neck for the second time… I raise my other arm triumphantly in the air playing to the crowd as I wave to them! I remember all the build up to this match in the lobby and I’m not about to let anyone down! I kick my leg out and start to fall backwards looking to drop you with a hard DDT/Kiss combo I call Destiny’s Fortune… my finishing move!

03:45 Colin_4U: Yeah Destiny!!!

03:46 The_Mangler: Ohhhhhhh

03:46 The_Mangler: YESSSSSSSS!

03:48 Rylee_rocket: Way to go destiny showing him who is boss!!!

03:49 Lily_K: Let’s go destiny you got this show zack the true power we have and make enjoy him while your at it 🤭

03:50 Amazon_Jess: I kinda want to sit on the loser. Can I sit on the loser?

03:51 Zack_Davis: I can feel your arm snaking around my neck, my head pinned against an ample breast under your arm ... I've been around long enough to know what's coming, but knowing and doing something about it are two different things when you've been basically pummeled up to this point! That last knee, set up with a kiss?!? Where the HECK did that come from??? I'd let out a blistering battery of curse words at you ... If I had any breath in me to speak! My eyes grow wide 😳 as I see the mat rushing up to greet me ... Then nothing. Literally nothing. Darkness. Silence. A spasm from my unconscious body ... yt

03:51 asianfighter: You're not alone

03:52 Colin_4U: Yeah!!!

03:52 The_Mangler: I'll put destiny on my shoulder and carry her aound

03:52 Brianwrestler: ( 🔥 )

03:52 The_Mangler: Sweeet

03:54 asianfighter: So many 😘😘😘😘😘😘 @Destiny_Desire

03:54 Destiny_Desire: I let out a soft huff as we hit the canvas together! I sit there for a moment in disbelief as I hit my finisher for the first time in the public eye! It all comes down to this as I quickly scramble to cover you for a pin count, grabbing you leg and pulling it up as I try to leverage myself onto you!

03:55 Levii: Go destiny!

03:55 asianfighter: 1....

03:57 asianfighter: 2.....

04:00 The_Mangler: Count faster ref.......

04:00 Brianwrestler: ( 😅 )

04:01 The_Mangler: Mannn

04:01 asianfighter: 3....

04:01 asianfighter: Done!!!

04:01 The_Mangler: Yessssssssssss

04:01 asianfighter: raise the arm of Destiny

04:02 asianfighter: 💁‍♀️

04:02 asianfighter: Wonder what the stake was

04:03 The_Mangler: 🤔🤔

04:04 Zack_Davis: I'm vaguely aware of a body laying on top of me, a very curvaceous body, with my leg hooked ... My eyes flutter but my body is stunned, my nervous system too overwhelmed to function on command ... I hear the ref counting ... A bead of sweat drips off of Destiny's chin onto my chest ...

04:05 Colin_4U: He’s fucked!

04:06 QueenLola: The ref counts the two count and as they are about to slap down for three, I slide over the barricade and move forward towards the ring grabbing the refs ankle and dragging em out of the ring as I grin at Destiny.

04:06 Zack_Davis: (ohhhhh!!!!)

04:06 The_Mangler: Ummmmmm

04:07 asianfighter: heeeyyyyyyy

04:07 Lily_K: *looks confused as heck seeing zoey jump the barricade*

04:07 Destiny_Desire: I look in disbelief at Lola as she drags the referee clean out of the ring in a shocking heel move! I’m unable to barely complete the pin count as I’m not sure what to do next… with little other option I just continue to sit there in the pin…

04:08 Ash_Sorority_Queen: Mangler you going to let that stand?

04:10 asianfighter: Aaaannnhhh.... dragged out of the ring by leg as I land hard on cold hard floor... moaning as I roll on my back... you bitch!!! I snarl

04:10 The_Mangler: I run up to the ref and toss her back in the ring....

04:10 The_Mangler: Count ref

04:11 Zack_Davis: I lay beneath you for what seems like forever! Where is that 3rd count?!? I gasp my first real breath since "The Kiss", with it comes enough clarity of mind to put my hand out onto the rope ... Mayhem appears to have broken out everywhere! That's my girl 😘 ... Yt

04:11 asianfighter: Tossed back in the ring by @The_Mangler as I drag myself to the middle and raise hand for the final count when Zack touched rope

04:12 asianfighter: rope break!!

04:12 Ash_Sorority_Queen: BULLSHIT!!! GUTLESS!!!!!

04:12 The_Mangler: Look over at Lola.....point at her

04:13 The_Mangler: Draw my thumb across my throat at her

04:13 The_Mangler: 😈😈👺👺👹👹

04:13 asianfighter: I get onto my knees... know this is wrong but no way but to declared rope break

04:14 The_Mangler: You did it before you can do it again....

04:14 Destiny_Desire: I kick off of you finally, clearly not getting my win as I had anticipated… I stand back up clearly dumbfounded as I turn my back to Zack and peer at Lola outside of the ring! I raise my arms at her in disbelief of such a dirty move, not sure how I could’ve let something so careless happen!

04:14 Zack_Davis: (fair is fair ... Says innocently 😜)

04:15 Ash_Sorority_Queen: Destiny is such a pro and classy fighter, nothing like the likes of Zack and Lola, so gutless!!

04:16 The_Mangler: (Zacks coffee is going to be decaf....secretly....."fair is fair)

04:16 The_Mangler: From now on

04:16 QueenLola: I slide into the ring and get in her face as if she had an problem with me

04:17 Destiny_Desire: “Bring it on Lola! I’ll take you and your little boy toy!”

04:17 The_Mangler: Concentrate on ZACK....leave the twat alone

04:17 Zack_Davis: 🤣🤣🤣

04:18 Penny_Barber: What the actual effing thing happened

04:18 Rylee_rocket: Get over barricade time go into the ring from behind swinging a right hook to try and nail Lola’s head saying, “you make blondes have bad rep” hoping to be able to take her out do this can finish

04:18 Dimitri_Dragoon: Oh shit

04:19 The_Mangler: Get her RYLEE

04:19 The_Mangler: Send her my way

04:19 Zack_Davis: I grin as my sweetheart climbs into the ring, looking as sexy and as feisty as ever. My girl 🔥

04:19 Levii: Quietly watches the chaos unfold

04:19 Penny_Barber: Right behind Rylee I follow into the ring and close line then both out of the ring "No one destroys Destiny's win" You are not logged in.

04:20 Zack_Davis: *trips Rylee on her way by ... Splats her on her face*

04:20 Ash_Sorority_Queen: So hot Destiny

04:20 QueenLola: I stand beside Zack and grin as I back a little and move to my knees sending an uppercut up between his legs and grin as I try to slip out of the ring.

04:21 Rylee_rocket: *falls rolls out of ring*

04:22 Colin_4U: Someone stop Lola! Don’t let her get away with this shit!

04:23 The_Mangler: Wait, what?

04:24 MichaelWrestles: Did she just…

04:25 Penny_Barber: Damn no more being a dad
04:26 The_Mangler: I almost feel sorry for him.....almost.......

04:28 Zack_Davis: Stunned, shocked, disbelief! Oh yeah, don't forget sheer agony! Women! One or two little hardcore matches and they all bent out of shape! At least one is... I let out a squeak as I clutch my boys and sag to my knees, Lolas cute ass scurrying out of the ring between the ropes. She can scurry all she wants, I'll deal with her when we get home. Right now, I have bigger concerns. Like the fact that she's good at fighting dirty! My sag to my knees is followed by a faceplant at Destiny's feet... Not at the moment really caring! 🤢yt

04:29 The_Mangler: FINNISH HIMMMMM

04:30 Zack_Davis: (Mortalllll Kombattt!)

04:30 Destiny_Desire: I’m completely and utterly confused by Lola’s actions as she turns against her man… practically delivering him to me on a silver platter as he falls onto his face right by my feet! The angle isn’t quite right for a pin as he lay on his stomach so I have another idea… I grab his legs dragging him to the center of the ring with nowhere to run! I plant my feet on either side of him reaching my arms around his chin and leaning back… locking in a painful camel clutch!

04:33 QueenLola: I watch her lock him in and blow her a kiss as I slowly walk up the rampway

04:34 Ash_Sorority_Queen: What a gutless move doing that to your own man, I liked you better when you were trying to help him!!

04:35 Destiny_Desire: (@QueenLola is an agent of chaos it seems)

04:35 Penny_Barber: Ash shut up wouldn't you we are witnessing something good 😊

04:36 Ash_Sorority_Queen: WTE!!

04:37 Zack_Davis: Drug away from any chance of another rope break, Destiny's firm yet curvy butt settles onto the small of my back as she grasps my chin ... As if the fire in my crotch wasn't bad enough, she pulls back hard on that Camel Clutch! Dang rookie must have been practicing that too! I still can't say a damn word, I think my boys are up in my throat still, so I wave my hand as much as I can to signal my submission.... God I need a drink! Yt


04:38 Penny_Barber: And that ladies and gentlemen is girl power 😂

04:38 Destiny_Desire: I look around in disbelief as I release the hold! I’m not sure what happened in the later half of the match but what I do know is I just won!! I leap to my feet and pump my fists in the air, leaping up and down in celebration of my first match in the books! I blow a kiss to everyone in the stands, continuing to showboat a little after a hard fought match!

04:39 Destiny_Desire: I offer my hand to Zack as a show of good will, looking to help

04:39 Ash_Sorority_Queen: Congrats Zack and Destiny outstanding match!!!🎉🎉🎉

04:39 The_Mangler: I jumo in the ring and offer destiny a victory lap on my shoulder

04:40 Destiny_Desire: I giggle as Mangler offers to put me on his shoulder, humbly accepting the offer

04:41 The_Mangler: Upppp. With the victor up high I walk around feeling her perspiration

04:42 Levii: Congratulations Destiny!

04:42 Destiny_Desire: Thanks for watching everybody!! 🤭

04:42 The_Mangler: Thanks guys

04:43 Penny_Barber: You were perfect Destiny I'm proud of you. You go girl 💪😘

04:45 Colin_4U: Damn right! Go Destiny!

04:45 Carolsingapore76: Congratulation awesome match

04:45 Zack_Davis: I accept Destiny's offer of helping me to my feet, giving her a peck on her cheek as I do. "It was an honor to be your debut match", bowing to the lady. You're a blast my friend!

04:46 Zack_Davis: Thanks everyone for making this a blast, and congrats to Destiny, she's awesome 👍

04:46 Destiny_Desire: You are awesome too Zack! Thanks to everyone for participating!!

04:47 Lily_K: Congrats destiny well deserved win even if it came as a shocker for all

04:48 Colin_4U: This is one to watch out for!

Published: 2023-05-15, viewed 104 times.
