OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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Levii takes on Destiny!

Levi G (deleted member)

00:22 Destiny_Desire: Levii challenged me to a pro-NHB match a little while ago and I’m about to meet him in the ring for it at long last. The catch of this match… no pinfalls or submissions by his request. I saunter down to the ring clad in a black lace bikini as per my opponent’s request. I sway my hips as usually in an almost hypnotic and seductive way to the crowd as I approach the apron and slip through the middle rope. I showboat a bit to my new fans, as I jump up into the corner and raise my arms triumphantly. I jump back off bouncing toe to toe and warming up for the event tonight.
00:29 Levii: I march down to the ramp with a smirk spread across my lips, my brown hair flowing behind my head as I commandingly strutted towards the apron. I ignored the crowd, my black eyes narrowed as my annoyed face is visible for all to see, all this trash talk with my opponent having pissed me off. I couldn’t wait to put you in your place, to turn you into a jobber I’d play with. I slide under the ropes and spring up to my feet in my corner, beginning to stretch out my body as the crowd gawks at my muscles standing at 6’0 and 180 lbs in my black shorts.
00:32 The_Mangler: I sit down with beer in hand front row.....
00:33 TheBlackHulk: I take a seat next to Mangler
00:33 The_Mangler: Bro...
00:33 TheBlackHulk: Bro...
00:35 Destiny_Desire: I watch as this much larger man makes his way over to the corner and begins to stretch… taking him down would prove to be no easy challenge, but I never shy away from a fight! I excitedly get ready for the fight as I finish stretching out and getting ready for the bell to ring! Ding! It’s off and running and out like a shot I come sprinting towards him in the corner! I get ready to jump off my back foot for a jumping front kick!
00:35 Destiny_Desire: Yt
00:35 ErinEevee: You can do it Destiny!
00:38 The_Mangler: I bring out a plastic horn. A vu vu zela .I bought at the 2010 world.cup in south Africa
00:39 The_Mangler:
00:39 The_Mangler: Blat blat blat Destiny
00:39 Levii: I watch my arrogant and cute soon to be playtoy hop like a bunny around the ring, watching that ass bounce surely is distracting . Not making eye contact as i am too invested in that ass when hearing the bell DING snaps me back to reality. I shake my head and just when i am about to push myself out of corner you’re already there and your kick snaps my head back getting me a bit stunned as i try to get out of the corner. Not off to a great start yt
00:41 Destiny_Desire: I take little time to rest on my laurels, trying to learn from my previous loss as I have time right where I want him! I try to snap off a roundhouse kick or two to his torso trying to wear him down in the corner before he has a chance rally back!
00:42 Dimitri_Dragoon: Sorry Levii, I gotta root for DD! Go Destiny!
00:43 Destiny_Desire: Yt
00:44 Bundy: *holds up my sign* "We DESIRE, Destiny Kick ass! "
00:45 Levii: I have recovered enough by the time you’re done taking your lil rest, still keeping my guard up i watch your every move carefully. As you raise your leg i quickly try to get it under my arm stopping your kick while trying to sweep your other leg from under you yt
00:47 Destiny_Desire: I feel a moment of panic when you catch my leg before coming back to reality. I’ve trained for moments like these, this is my time to show off the fruits of my labor! I leap off my other foot and attempt to throw an enziguri kick to your head, trying to regain control of my leg…
00:47 Destiny_Desire: Yt
00:49 Bundy: *watches and shouts out* "YES!!"
00:49 The_Mangler: Gooo destiny
00:49 ErinEevee: "Yes Destiny! That's my girl!"
00:50 Levii: I was so sure of my move that i let my guard and not expecting you to counter get nailed in the head pretty hard. I let go of your leg and fall back onto the corner totally stunned with my arms draped over the ropes. I could hear the crowd chanting your name while i try to recover yt
00:52 Merc_01: "All rooting for Destiny...time to balance things a little. Go Levii! xp"
00:52 Dimitri_Dragoon: "DES-TIN-NEY! DES-TIN-NEY! "
00:52 Ivbn2cavalier: What a move!
00:52 Destiny_Desire: I watch as you get stunned arms over the ropes and nowhere to run! Now’s the perfect opportunity to strike… I take a few steps back dramatically waving to the crowd as I setup for my signature move from a different angle this time! I take off into a running start and get ready to launch into Destiny’s Calling! A hard hitting running spear to the midsection!
00:52 Destiny_Desire: Yt
00:53 ErinEevee: Sneaks up behind Merc, arms sliding around from behind
00:53 TheBlackHulk: Wow! High risk move !
00:55 Merc_01: Purrs "good to see you too, Erin~"
00:55 Zack_Davis: *looks around the crowd, chooses to take a seat in the front next to Destiny's corner...with beer! Tosses Hulk and Mangler one each*
00:57 Levii: I watch you setup your signature through my blurred vision when i hear someone cheer for me. Trying to ignore that, i quickly shake my head thinking of a way to get out but I am too tazed.. I think to raise my legs at the last moment but my legs doesn’t move and your shoulder buries into my open belly. I get winded out and collapse down with a thud as my hands clutch at my abs. yt
00:58 TheBlackHulk: Stay on the attack, Destiny
00:59 ErinEevee: "Hulk is right!" I call out whilst stroking Merc's hair
00:59 Zack_Davis: *nods ... I've felt that before*
01:00 Destiny_Desire: I feet your body make contact with my shoulder as I see you begin to slump down to the canvas! I throw a quick stomp at your belly to make sure you stay put, before taking a moment to catch my breath. Already dripping with sweat from such a heated exchange. I quickly take a few steps back once more, ready to throw myself into a low drop kick! Putting it all on the line.
01:00 Destiny_Desire: Yt
01:04 Levii: My abs are aching and it feels like my insides are on fire as your foot sinks into my belly stopping my from collapsing down. I try to recovery quickly but you manage to kick my head before that, i get totally stunned feeling like the room is spinning and go down in the corner yt
01:05 The_Mangler: Ohhhh Get him Destiny
01:05 JewellWrestles: Yeah Destiny!
01:06 Bundy: No Mercy Destiny
01:06 TheBlackHulk: Keep attacking !
01:07 Destiny_Desire: This time I don’t set up for yet another running more, rather grab and roll you towards the center of the ring! It had completely slipped my mind that I had to knock him out to win this match, no submissions… no pinfalls. I had to keep up the offense but the nonstop attack was definitely starting to take it’s toll. I saunter over to your body, swaying my hips seductively once again as I try to drop onto you with a vicious elbow drop!
01:07 Destiny_Desire: Yt
01:08 Zack_Davis: *admiring the saunter*
01:08 Bundy: *groans* "the only thing clear to him now is his Destiny"
01:09 Zack_Davis: (Ha! 🤜🤛 Fist bumps Bundy)
01:10 Bundy: (fist bump Zack)
01:11 Levii: A bit confused as you don’t go for the KO and instead send me to the center. I shake my head while on ground still feeling the impact from your assault while my clutcha at my belly. Watch you strut towards me through my blurry vision and wait till the last moment to try and roll out of the way letting you hit the mat yt
01:12 Bundy: changes sign to the one that reads .. "BBOOOOOOOO ... BOOO"
01:12 Destiny_Desire: I’m confident that I have this match in the bag as I go for my big elbow drop. Only it doesn’t find my target as I drive elbow first onto the canvas! I immediately feel the sharp pain shooting up my elbow as I instinctively grab my elbow, trying hard to scramble back to my feet…
01:12 Destiny_Desire: Yt
01:13 TheBlackHulk: Shake it off Destiny
01:16 Levii: A big relief as i manage to get out of the way and rolling to the ropes i slowly try to get up as you wiggle in pain on the mat. My legs are still wobbly but getting enough time i quickly launch myself out of the corner for the LeviStomp. (modified headstomp into oblivion) yt
01:18 ErinEevee: Get out of there!
01:19 Destiny_Desire: I’m about to crawl to my feet as I get on all fours, a bit shaky from the missed attack as you quickly capitalize on it. I would expect no less from an opponent of your caliber as you quickly smash my face hard against the canvas, barely even having time to process what just happened before I feel a ringing in my ears.
01:19 Destiny_Desire: Yt
01:19 Bundy: NOO .. come on find space .. recover .. get up .. fight back!!
01:20 TheBlackHulk: Ya gotta get up....move!
01:20 Zack_Davis: That's gonna leave a mark
01:21 The_Mangler: Fight it off
01:22 Levii: Stopping onto the opposite ropes i turn around to look at my dazed with an evil grin on my face. “My turn~” i say as i close in and send a kick into your side to roll you over. Then getting to your legs i quickly try to grab both your ankles and then spreading your legs send a kick between your thighs. yt
01:23 Zack_Davis: Hmmm
01:24 Merc_01: Dirty
01:24 Erich_Jericho: Leans against Merc and watches the fight. "Very dirty."
01:25 Destiny_Desire: I groan in pain for a moment, remembering who and where I am after my face first trip to the canvas. I try to shake it off, but your foot comes crashing into my side to turn me over. I let out a slight yelp in pain as I flop onto my back… I try to crawl backwards for a moment but you grab my legs and spread them wide for everyone to see! That’s not all as I feel an unbelievably sharp pain shoot through my entire body as you stomp right between my legs! My body writhing in agony from such a dirty shot!
01:25 Destiny_Desire: Yt
01:25 Dimitri_Dragoon: *winces at the sight of the low blow*
01:27 TheBlackHulk: Oh damn !
01:28 Ivbn2cavalier: Oh Damn indeed! That will take the fight out of you...and worse!
01:28 Merc_01: "But it's gonna hurt more if you got treated the same Levii...you better watch it"
01:29 Bundy: This can't be good
01:29 TheBlackHulk: Low blows are just bad no matter who is on the receiving end
01:30 Levii: Laughs watching you wiggle around in pain, i keep a firm hold on your ankles and send another kick but this time into your inner thigh. Then i try to roll you around into a boston crab as i pull your legs back and take a seat onto your back trying to worn you out. I stick my tongue out at the audience and give a wink to Merc before looking back at you “told ya i fight dirty.” yt
01:32 Destiny_Desire: This time you kick my inner thigh… not the same pain but still painful all the same! My body jumps in reaction to the shot as I try to wriggle away from you, not too eager to take any more low blows. But before I can get away you begin to flip me onto my stomach! I try to resist but you’re simply too much bigger than me as I try to desperately break the hold… yelling out in pain as you sit back onto me!
01:32 Destiny_Desire: Yt
01:33 ErinEevee: "Such a shameful way to fight"
01:34 The_Mangler: Cheap wrestling
01:34 Dimitri_Dragoon: "Boo!! Choke on your tongue Levii!"
01:35 Merc_01: "And yet, they sealed the agreement it's an NHB fight. They deal with the consequences~" grins
01:35 Bundy: Plus it give Destiny the licence to get revenge this is not over!
01:38 Levii: I keep the hold on you a little while as your screams sound like music to me. If it was a submission match i’d have won by now but fortunately it’s not. I finally let go of out legs and get off but not before stomping your back once as i get to my corner to rest. “Get up I am not done with you yet.” i demand waiting. yt
01:39 The_Mangler: Pro wrestling is a rough buisness
01:40 TheBlackHulk: Time to dig deep and show what you're made of
01:40 Destiny_Desire: My cries of pure agony permeate the arena as you hold me in the boston crab… I flail my body wildly as I try desperately to find a way out of the painful hold. But you let me go as you can’t KO me that way! I try to start crawling away but you stomp my back and halt me in my tracks… definitely dazed by this point I barely hear your taunt as I begin crawling towards the ropes, slowly using each one to help me back to my feet… resting against them for a moment as I nurse the pain shooting through my entire body.
01:40 Destiny_Desire: Yt
01:43 Levii: “Pathetic..” i roll my eyes as you struggle to stand up even after grabbing the ropes. As you’re dazed i think of something and an evil grin appears on my face as i decide not to wait, i quickly extend my arm and charge at you for a brutal clothesline hoping to send you out of the ring even if it means i go down with you yt
01:45 Destiny_Desire: I finally find my footing as I start to shakily get back to my feet after being on the canvas for so long! As you come sprinting towards me I have to think of something and something fast… I’m here to prove after my last match that I’m not just some jobber! I drop my body low as you approach me fast arm outstretched… I try to use the momentum to force my body up and drive you up and over the top rope!
01:45 Destiny_Desire: Yt
01:49 Levii: I was so sure that I would be able to execute my clothesline but you prove my otherwise by ducking down at last moment. My arms brushes past your head and i am unable to stop in my steps, the momentum sends me out making me do a front flip before i land onto the hard floor with a loud thud. I groan in pain clutching at my sore back yt
01:50 The_Mangler: Yesssssss
01:50 Dimitri_Dragoon: "Aw yeah! Look at that tumble!"
01:51 Bundy: CHEEERS up on my feet watching
01:52 Destiny_Desire: I watch in shock as my plan succeeds! You go tumbling over the top rope, but my plans for you don’t end there… to win this match Ill have to put it all on the line… high risk, high reward! I take a running start towards the opposite ropes, before slingshotting off them taking off for the very same ropes you just went over. I grab onto the top rope, using it to catapult myself up and out of the ring! Sending myself at you like a projectile to keep you on the ground.
01:52 Destiny_Desire: Yt
01:53 The_Mangler: This better work
01:53 TheBlackHulk: Gutsy move !
01:53 ErinEevee: My brave girl
01:53 Merc_01: "Time to see the results"
01:54 Michelle_Pantero: *wanders in...*
01:55 Dimitri_Dragoon: "Hot damn! Look at her fly!"
01:55 Erich_Jericho: "Well this looks exciting."
01:57 Ivbn2cavalier: High risk, high reward!
01:57 Levii: Holding my back i wiggle on the floor in pain trying to recover, i try to slowly get unaware of the risk you just took. And then BAM! i feel your body crash into mine sending me back onto the floor as the loud impact fills the entire arena. My body gets crushed between the floor and you, i just stay down grunting softly unable to get up
01:57 Levii: yt
01:57 Ivbn2cavalier: Could be trouble if he can move!
01:58 TheBlackHulk: Finish him !
01:58 Bundy: Holds up the next sign that simply reads .. "YESSS"
01:59 ErinEevee: Finish it!
01:59 Bundy: Starts a chant going around the gym "DESTINY!" ... "DESTINY!" ..... "DESTINEY!"
02:01 TheBlackHulk: Knock him the hell out !!!
02:01 Destiny_Desire: I have to go for the KO here, one more rally in his favor could mean that I’d be the one ending up out cold! I would have to dig deep and pull out something big if I was going to win… I begin to drag him over towards the steel stairs, remembering from my last match just how much devastation they can cause! I prop him up against the steel stairs as I give him a couple light taps to the face before beginning to back up… I’m poised and ready to strike him with Destiny’s Calling yet again! Modified with the steel steps behind him and nowhere to run…
02:01 Destiny_Desire: Yt
02:02 Dimitri_Dragoon: "Ohhh This looks like it could be brutal!"
02:03 Merc_01: "Come on Levii, is this how you simply lose?" Smirks under my mask
02:03 TheBlackHulk: Trouble maker
02:06 Merc_01: Courtesy bow
02:06 Levii: I am too dazed to even figure out what’s going on, but i can feel myself getting dragged by the ankles. You manage to easily prop me over the steel steps before bringing me back to reality, then all of a sudden i hear people chanting your name and see you getting ready for yet another spear. I am unable to move out of the way and my torso gets crushed against the cold steel steps knocking me out cold on impact. yt
02:07 TheBlackHulk: Whew 😅
02:08 Dimitri_Dragoon: "YES! YES! Mess him up Destiny!"
02:08 Bundy: Never in doubt ..... was it?
02:08 Destiny_Desire: I lay against your body for a moment taking a bunch of damage from the impact myself… finally I slump back onto two knees exhausted and out of breath as I raise my arms triumphantly! I sit there for a moment, holding my abs in pain before shakily returning to my feet… I wave to the crowd for a moment, to thank them all for coming before I try to wake you up, extending my arm to you to help you up…
02:08 Destiny_Desire: Yt
02:09 Zack_Davis: 📸📸📸
02:10 Merc_01: "There's that. Nice fight you both" stands up and walks out
02:10 ErinEevee: "Beautiful dear!"
02:11 TheBlackHulk: Great fight, both of you
02:12 Levii: My head still spinning a lil as i finally start to wake up.. i watch the crowd still going on about how you won and start to get angry. I shake my head before grabbing onto your hand, as you pull me up i quickly try to bury by knee into your belly and then wrap my around your head trying to DDT you into the steel steps!
02:12 Levii: yt
02:13 TheBlackHulk: Oh no!
02:13 Erich_Jericho: Oh my!
02:14 ErinEevee: A sore loser if I ever saw one
02:14 Destiny_Desire: I don’t have time to react as you latch onto my hand, allowing me to help you up… only there’s no sportsmanship here! You bury your knee deep into my abs as I almost double over from the pain! You waste no time in wrapping your arm around my head and before I know it the steps are fast approaching! My head dings off the steel steps and I lay on the ground in another world as I groan out in pain.
02:14 Destiny_Desire: Yt
02:15 TheBlackHulk: Yikes !
02:18 Levii: I catch my breath holding onto the ring as i watch you go down in pain. A small grin appears on my face as i reach under the ring to grab a steel chair. I close in and kick your side to get you onto your belly before slamming the steel chair onto your back!
02:18 Levii: yt
02:20 Destiny_Desire: With one swift kick, I find myself on my belly! I’m completely out of it as my vision blurs and my ears ring from the hard shot to the head… I lay groaning on my belly before I feel the sting of steel against my back! My body jumping from the shot as I lay barely conscious on the floor almost entirely incapacitated and helpless on the floor…
02:20 Destiny_Desire: Yt
02:24 Levii: I let out a soft chuckle before grabbing your hair from the roots to pull you up. I lick your cheek before whispering “Consider this revenge~” then set the chair onto floor and rest your head on top of it before jumping up for another LeviStomp yt
02:24 TheBlackHulk: Ouch. What a sore loser !
02:26 Destiny_Desire: You grab my hair and show my pained face to the crowd as I struggle to regain consciousness… I can’t do anything about it as you drop my face down onto the chair, painful enough in it self before stomping my head face fist down onto it! The shot ringing around the stadium as I lay there out cold on the chair…
02:26 Destiny_Desire: Yt
02:28 Levii: I ignore the crowd on my way out and leave you there unconscious on the floor
02:28 Levii: (thanks for watching everyone one😁)
02:29 ErinEevee: I walk past Levii on the way to Destiny "Watch your back..." I utter coldly as I move to pick up Destiny and help her out
02:29 Destiny_Desire: (Thanks to everyone for being a part of it!!!❤️❤️)
02:29 Erich_Jericho: Was fun to watch!
02:29 TheBlackHulk: Great match
02:29 Bundy: Thanks for allowing
02:30 TheBlackHulk: Hands Destiny a bottle of water and towel
02:37 Dimitri_Dragoon: Great fight, loved it! (still love you too Levii)
18:32 Robs40: Great match...fun reading it. Thanks.

Published: 2023-05-21, viewed 116 times.
