OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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OCW: 3 Stages of Hell: Round 1




15:59 QueenLola: The last time Zack and I stepped into the ring, we were barely able to walk out of the ring in one piece, having torn each other apart. We went through some great extremes to be known as OCW's Hardcore Champion. Now we go head to head again ... this time it’s a "Three Stages of Hell!" match! First blood, hardcore rules, and finally if needed a steel cage match. The challenger Zack Davis looks to knock his woman off her pedestal and reclaim his title, as I look to retain my title. I make my way down to the ring to start the match wearing my sexiest black bikini and my championship belt around my waist. As I climb into the ring and wait in my corner, I wave to the crowd.

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16:12 Zack_Davis: I watch you make your way into the ring, you just had to wear that damn black bikini didn't you?! Complete with auto-wedgie and all, showing off those hams for the crowd.. and me! I know what lies ahead, the Queen of Mean will certainly be determined to keep her belt, but that is MY belt! Sexy ass and every other sexy stuff or not, tonight my baby and and I leave it outside the ring. Tonight the blonde gives up her belt, regardless of what it takes! I slip into the ring with considerably less fanfare than you received. That's okay. I don't need fanfare to beat your ass. I adjust my red speedo as I pull off my t-shirt and toss it into the crowd...
16:13 Zack_Davis:

16:14 Zack_Davis:

16:15 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in.

16:17 QueenLola: I take off my belt and raise it high into the air. I stare you down and grin evilly as I hear the crowd roar for this match. “I love you baby, but we both know, I am gonna be the one walking out of this match with the title around my waist.” I say and step to the center of the ring with the belt on my shoulder and staring you down. As the announcer speaks. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to watch the hottest rivalry to date. The Queen of Mean, defends her Hardcore title against Zack ‘Shark Attack’ Davis. First round is First Blood, who’s gonna bleed?’ The bell rings and I charge at my man trying to clock him upside his head with the belt.

16:35 Zack_Davis: Lady, I LIVE with you! Think I don't know how you think?! I duck under and through your attempt at bashing my head in. With MY belt 🤬! I clench a fist as I duck under, hoping to catch you off guard with a good belly punch . Yt

16:38 QueenLola: A swing and a miss with the belt and groan taking the strong punch right to my midsection. As the punch connects double over into the corner, dropping the belt over the top rope and down out to the floor as I lay face first in the corner holding my stomach. We know each other to well to fall for simple sneak attacks on each other like that. “Still gonna make you bleed!”

16:47 Zack_Davis: My momentum from my follow through takes me a few steps in the opposite direction of the corner you slump into... I felt my fist sink deep, though, and a glance back at you doubled into the corner confirms the hard punch landed. My instincts tell me to approach you cautiously, but screw that! I gather a running head start in an attempt to launch a knee to your face! Yt

16:52 QueenLola: I turn over and lay in the corner and see you coming at me as I try to reach quickly just trying to throw my arm up and block your knee in time hopefully so as your knee could be a fatal move for me in this first round. During the match, the announcer is handed a note from the ref and speaks. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, we have a change in the series of matches instead of a tables match, second round will be a Hardcore match, best of luck fighters.’

16:58 Zack_Davis: I hear the announcement made of the round 2 format change, with an evil grin on my lips ... "You don't think I stashed all that stuff under the ring for no reason, do you?? It's amazing what a $100.00 bribe can get you around here!" ... My knee effectively blocked by your arms, I shift tactics, pulling you upright by that long blonde hair, attempting to bounce your face off the top turn buckle ... Yt

17:00 QueenLola: I gasp as you grab me by my hair and slam my head down onto the turnbuckle, though it hurts it gives me an evil idea, I groan but am not out of this one yet, I try to slam my elbow back into his midsection to stop the attack on my head into the turnbuckle, though I can’t see and my head is spinning if I connect I should be able to take some time to recover.

17:00 Queen_Olivia: come on lola you can handle this guy

17:05 Zack_Davis: I let out a sharp "Unghhh" when you drive your elbow back into my belly, why I didn't expect THAT I have no idea. The Queen of Mean earned her nickname for a reason, and throws a wicked elbow! I double slightly, wrapping one arm around my waist while the other keeps a handful of your hair ... Shooting an evil glare at @Queen_Olivia ... Yt
17:08 Destiny_Desire: Quietly slips in and settles into the crowd

17:10 QueenLola: He’s still got a good grip on my hair and I needed him to let me go. I groan having my hair tugged on from the grip. I try to now kick my leg back into his knee, hoping to make him buckle and let me go.
17:10 QueenLola: Yt

17:18 Destiny_Desire: “C’mon Zack! You can do it!”

17:24 Zack_Davis: I growl into your ear as I double slightly onto your back, still holding that hair ... "Think you're pretty sneaky, don't you?" ... Drawing your head back slightly, pressing you over the top buckle, looking to launch your head into metal corner post this time, as your foot mule kicks back into my knee ..."FUKKKKK!!!!" I scream, knees not intended to bend that direction ... Wondering if your head hit metal ... Yt

17:29 QueenLola: I growl back at him and feel him up against me and keeping an tight grip on my hair, I managed to kick his knee but unable to react fast enough to him slamming my head into the metal part of the turnbuckle, my heart is now racing at the possibility of my head have been cut open from the metal hoping it hasn’t as I touch my head and sigh relief.

17:33 Zack_Davis: I hear the THUNK of your head striking metal, small satisfaction as I leave you hanging on the ropes to walk off my traumatized knee ... Checking out that wedgie bikini, but first things first, work out this damn knee kick. I'm hoping I've stunned you at least enough to bide my time, sadly, I don't hear the ref call first blood... Yt

17:38 QueenLola: I shake my head and gather myself as he let my hair go and stepped away as I try to keep myself at a further of a distance, I move out onto the apron and grab the back of the padding of the turnbuckle undoing the ties and removing the padding throwing it out to the crowd. Then take a minute to rest on the top rope and recover.

17:52 Zack_Davis: I watch as you untie the turnbuckle padding ... "Thanks Babe!" I sneer. Your bell couldn't have been rung that badly if you're able to undo those knots, so I stroll causually over this time as you stand on the apron resting on the top rope. From a few feet to your side, I pull back on the top rope and release it, wondering if it would slingshot you off the apron or not. Curiously I watch, never tried this move before! Yt

17:57 QueenLola: I rest on the rope as my head still hurts from the blow, as I hear your comment not happy from the kick to the knee. I then feel the rope pull back and then snap forward as I am put off balanced and fall backwards onto the ground on my wedgie ass and groan as I look up at the apron “Oh! You’re gonna get it now!”

18:03 Zack_Davis: "Ladies first!", putting my hands on the top rope to leapfrog out to the apron, I launch my body in a flying body press at you as you sit on that sexy ass ... Yt

18:08 QueenLola: I glare at you then my eyes widen as you come flying over the top rope from your spring board and grunt as you land on me from your seated flying cross body as we both now lay on the outside of the ring. I lay under you as I wraith in agonizing pain.

18:21 Zack_Davis: A high risk / high gain maneuver to be sure, I don't escape unscathed, the breath half driven from me as we crash to the ground. At least I have top position (😏) as I lay across your chest sideways, your girls flattened underneath me. I wince in agony from the impact, slapping the ringside mat a few times with an open hand, gathering myself to capitalize on my advantage ... I begin to work my legs around over yours as I slowly reposition, with the intention of gaining a straddle eventually. My leg crosses over your first leg as I ask sweetly "Need a time out, baby?". Yt

18:26 QueenLola: I shake my head no to your question and grin as my head still hurt even after the head shaking. You straddled on top of me and I see you staring down at me, as I decide to play dirty and pull my bikini down revealing my breast to you and still feel the pain from the impact on my body as I move.

18:32 Zack_Davis: We've always agreed business is business, but when your bare 34d's are introduced into a match, how does a guy NOT mix business with pleasure?!? But no!! It's a trick! But .. oh, damn .. "Well, that's very nice of you, sugar" ... my hands a mind of their own, touching those amazing breasts as I have a thousand times before ... Outside of a fight. (Brat 👅) yt

18:37 QueenLola: I gasp as I was really only trying to distract him but him touching my breast as I moan a little from this. We never said that erotic wasn’t allowed in this match and now it’s a bit hard for me to react when he’s got his hands on my breast. I struggle and look up at him as business mixed with pleasure for the first time in our match.

18:45 Zack_Davis: In a long standing relationship between fighters, pain is sometimes pleasure, both giving and receiving, and erotic sometimes takes the shape of the two of us in the heat of battle ... I caress your bare breasts, leaning down as to kiss you passionately. But not quite! Still caressing your breasts, I aim a headbutt at your forehead! I doubt it will draw that all important first blood, but it's definitely to my advantage of I can keep you on the defensive...yet those breasts! Yt

18:49 QueenLola: I moan and then groan as his work my breast caused a distraction for a head butt that left me dizzy not split open but dizzy now, as I laid fairly half naked of my own doing as he took the complete full advantage of my chance at distracting him and now groan in pain from his clever learning from the past.

21:26 Zack_Davis: I look back up at the exposed turnbuckle! I tug your top the rest of the way off and toss it aside for later. Maybe I'll tie you to the corner with it ... while I stand astraddle of you, pulling you to your feet by a wrist and some hair ... Once you've stood, a handful of waistband adds to your wedgie as I pull / shove you back into the ring. Yt

21:33 QueenLola: I get tossed back into the ring and try to fix the wedgie in my bottoms now as I look at you and then up at the metal turnbuckle hook piece. I move up to my hands and knees stumble down still slightly dizzy from the headbutt and struggle as I try to crawl towards the ropes.

21:58 Zack_Davis: I roll into the ring, getting quickly to my feet ... I sense you are not quite back within your game, so I stalk you ... You get to your hands and knees, crawling towards the ropes, allowing me to step in from your side. Lashing out with my foot, an instep kick aimed at your exposed belly ...yt

22:02 QueenLola: I scream out in agony as your foot connects with my stomach and hold it as I roll around in pain. This was his way of getting back at me for putting him through that table and taking the championship from him as the kick made it a bit hard to breath.

22:07 Zack_Davis: The SLAP of my bare foot on your defenseless belly makes the crowd gasp! Business is business ... Pushing you onto your back, stepping on your belly now as I step across you to the opposite ropes to grab a beer from a fan ... Yt

22:10 Queen_Olivia: Lola come on this is your chance

22:13 QueenLola: I groan as you use me as a stepping stone and groan holding my stomach. I roll over onto my stomach and arms as you take the beer from the fan and am slowly taking your time with me.

22:24 Zack_Davis: I'd love to simply chug this beer and get back to business, but frankly, I'm kind of enjoying the sights and sounds of your misery. I finish the beer at a leisurely pace as you writhe on the mat, clutching your belly. "Does it hurt, baby?" I ask, as I re-approach, this time at your feet to grasp an ankle in each hand... Yt

22:31 QueenLola: I squirm and kick my legs as you grab my ankles as you stand over me. “Don’t you think about it love!” As I feel you’re about to do what you’re about to do to me and keep squirming.

22:35 Zack_Davis: I can't help but laugh, as I spread your squirmy shaply legs wide ... "But honey, tell me you wouldn't if you had the chance?" ... I don't give you a chance to respond, doing as you feared, aiming my bare heel at your vulva as I release your ankles ... Yt

22:36 Queen_Olivia: uuuuhhhhhh.. it hurts just to look at it

22:38 QueenLola: I hold my cunt from his kick and groan as I curl up on the ground and look back at him with a glare in my eyes. If he couldn’t tell this was definitely going to be something he’ll regret in this match up.

22:50 Zack_Davis: I grin as Olivia winces, and smile down at Lola ... "I do hope that'll be ok for later". Business and pleasure isn't such a bad mix after all I decide, while helping you stand with a double handful of your hair. You're wounded, hopefully wounded enough ... We'll see... I begin walking towards the turnbuckle you've exposed to bare sharp steel... Yt

22:56 QueenLola: I gasp as you grab my hair and drag me up to my feet as I grip your wrist and struggle as we approach the turnbuckle that I exposed knowing exactly what he’s going to try doing with it.

23:01 Zack_Davis: I'm able to get you to the corner on your wobbly legs. "Love you, baby" I declare, planting a firm kiss on your lips before pulling away, pulling your head back slightly before trying to slam your forehead into the exposed metal ... yt

23:03 QueenLola: I kiss back and then feel my head bounce off of the metal exposed rig and hold my head as I pull my hand back and look at it the ref rings the bell as I have bled from the impact.

02:24 Zack_Davis: I feel a little bad for you, but it's our job... As you study your blood covered hand, however, I snatch the waistband of those sexy bikini bottoms in my hand, tugging playfully up on them, snugging your wedgie tighter and tighter. Maybe it's not ALL our job... Your full cheeks are now all but exposed, goddamn you have a great ass! I give it a playful swat before turning you to face me, inspecting the wound on your forehead ... "Not too bad, baby. Maybe a stitch or two"... Wiping a drop of blood off of the tip of your nose, giving a quick peck and retreating to my corner for the 5 minute intermission...

02:28 QueenLola: I squeal as you yanked my bottoms up and growl at you but then smile as you wipe the blood and give me a quick kiss as I then scoot back to my corner for the end of the first round as medical comes over to stitch my wound.

02:49 Zack_Davis: The beer vendors make their rounds through the crowd as the PA announcer declares over the sound system... "THE WINNER OF THE FIRST LEVEL OF HELL, FIRST BLOOD, IS ZACK. THE SHARK ATTACK. DAVISSSSSS!. THERE WILL BE A 5 MINUTE INTERMISSION BEFORE WE BEGIN THE SECOND LEVEL OF HELL, FOLKS, GRAB YOUR BEERS AND USE THAT SUNTAN LOTION" ... feedback screeches over the speakers as she sets the microphone down and turns on the intermission music ...



Outdoor Championship Wrestling


Published: 2023-05-23, viewed 43 times.
