OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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Tempest challenges Destiny!

Tempest (deleted member)

14:54 Destiny_Desire: Tempest had challenged me to wrestling a match a little while back and after some slight delays we were finally about to square off in the ring. I make my way down the entrance ramp doing my usual routine as I bounce around and wave to the crowd before leaping up onto the apron and slipping through the middle rope. I find my way to my corner taking a brief moment to hop up on the middle turnbuckle and blow a kiss to the crowd before beginning to warm up.
14:56 Destiny_Desire: Yt
14:57 Tempest: I make my way to the ring for my match with Destiny, i am wearing orange lycra leggings and a black sports bra, walking up the ring steps and stepping through the middle ropes into the ring, an enthusiastic crowd for this match, passionate and intense, i look over at you and you look in great shape, i feel the usual mix of emotions, confidence, determination, focus and intensity, also slight nerves as i wave to the crowd acknowledging them, and start to do a few stretches to warm up yt
14:59 Bad_Wolf: šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘
14:59 Robs40: Gawd...this should be good...Two beautiful women...
15:00 Destiny_Desire: I do a few stretches in my corner as I warm up following your lead, no doubt the crowd brings an electric presence to a match such as this. I bounce back and force on my toes as I prepare for the match ahead, for once I was the one that had a slight height advantage. I make my way to the center of the ring and stretch my arm out to you in a show of sportsmanship, ready to get this show on the road as we await the bell to signal the start of the match!
15:00 Destiny_Desire: Yt
15:02 Tempest: I pull on the top rope and shake my arms and legs to get them loosened and warmed up, i see you making you're way to the centre of the ring and i take a deep breath and make my way to meet you, as the anticipation for this match starts to grow by the second, i attempt to shake you're hand in the show of sportsmanship as the bell rings DING DING as we circle each other, i adjust the waist band of my lycra leggings and attempt to cut the distance between us and try to lock up with you yt
15:03 Robs40: Wow...gets right to it
15:03 Loki_sub_of_Foxy: Go destiny!
15:04 Destiny_Desire: We circle for a moment, sizing up the other as the bell rings after what feels like an eternity. Win or lose I know Iā€™m in for a good match as we shake hands. You waste no time in cutting off the distance between us as you immediately go for a lock up with me, both of us struggling to get the upper hand on the otherā€¦ I try to stomp my feet down hard on the canvas, trying to gain some advantage in the lockup.
15:04 Destiny_Desire: Yt
15:06 Tempest: We lock up centre of the ring as the crowd start to cheer enthusiastically at the first action of the match, both struggling in the lock up as we both push each other back and forth somewhat, trying to find an early advantage to go on offense, you're feet stomping hard on the canvas echos around the ring, i grit my teeth and groan yt
15:07 Destiny_Desire: Weā€™re a fairly even match in terms of strength as we lock up, forcing me to look for other ways to advance the match. I donā€™t see this stalemate breaking anytime soon as we push back and forth in the center of the ring. I try to outmaneuver with a swift transition, trying to get you into a side headlock before you can overpower me!
15:07 Destiny_Desire: Yt
15:10 Dimitri_Dragoon: Go destiny!
15:10 Tempest: I get caught as you put me in a standing side lock, my face against the side of you're breast, gritting my teeth, 1 or 2 little droplets of sweat trickle from my forehead going into my eye slightly stinging it, my hands on you're hips, then reaching up trying to grab a handful of you're hair trying to move us towards the ropes yt
15:12 Destiny_Desire: You grab a handful of my hair in a surprisingly dirty move as I let out a yelp of pain, but in no rush to let go of the headlockā€¦ I feel you start to move us towards the ropes as you put those strong legs to work! I get ready to go with the momentum biding my time as I wait to unleash a running bulldog once we get closer to the ropesā€¦
15:12 Destiny_Desire: Yt
15:13 Tempest: i try to move you towards the ropes, but get caught out with a running bulldog as i land hard on my stomach on the canvas, the ring rattling and shaking on my impact as my opponent starts the match in confident fashion yt
15:14 Robs40: You got this Destiny
15:14 Loki_sub_of_Foxy: yes she does
15:14 Tempest: lol thanks for all the support and encouragement so far
15:15 Sumo_Bunny: Go Tempest!
15:15 Destiny_Desire: The thud resounds around ringside as we come crashing down to the canvas together. I find my way back to my feet and prepare myself to continue my aggressive start to this matchā€¦ I make a run towards the far ropes, slingshotting off of them and back towards you, ready to leap into the air for a low dropkick!
15:15 Destiny_Desire: Yt
15:17 Tempest: UUURGHHHH i take a low dropkick which connects to my stomach as i roll around holding my stomach, trying to slither towards the ropes trying to grab the bottom rope yt
15:17 Robs40: *winces...UGHHHH...that had to hurt
15:18 Robs40: Nice one
15:18 Destiny_Desire: I saunter over to your body as I sway my hips seductively to the crowd, confident of my chances thus far in the match. I watch as you cling to the bottom rope and get ready to go for a slide as I hope to send you out of the ring and out onto the floor!
15:18 Destiny_Desire: Yt
15:19 philman29: Whistles as I watch the match then cheers for Destiny
15:20 Tempest: My opponent dominating the match so far as the crowd cheer and i am sent outside the ring and out onto the floor landing hard on the thin blue mat outside the ring, trying to grab the guard rail to get to one knee yt
15:20 Robs40: Go get her D....you got her
15:22 Destiny_Desire: I mentally prepare myself for a big move as I watch you grabbing onto the guard rail trying to regain your balanceā€¦ I make a run to the far ropes, remembering the pain of the cold hard ground as I get ready. I approach the ropes nearest to you and give it my all as I leap off into the air, attempting to flip over the top rope and into your battered body by the barricade!
15:22 Destiny_Desire: Yt
15:23 Nathan_gingerbread: Look out tempest !
15:24 Tempest: i grab the guard rail trying to get to my feet, i see you at the last second and attempt to move out of the way hoping you crash into the steel barricade yt
15:26 Destiny_Desire: My high risk maneuver doesnā€™t pay off this time as you get out of the way in the nick of time! My back dings off the steel with a sickeningly loud crash as I almost spill into the audience! I groan out in pain as I lay there against the barricade nursing the damage from the unexpected collision!
15:26 Destiny_Desire: Yt
15:27 Robs40: Oh geez...
15:28 Robs40: Get up hon.
15:28 Tempest: I manage to avoid what could have been a sickening move for me, i look around and the crowd boo, which is music to my ears, the lack of support makes me more determined and focused, i take a drink from a guy at ringside and throw it in is face, 'watch this', i attempt 2 hard kicks to you're body, trying to get myself into this match yt
15:29 Robs40: Hey! WTF....
15:30 Destiny_Desire: I start to get up onto all fours, but thatā€™s short lived as you smash your foot right into my side! I double over in pain, grabbing my side and groaning in pain as the damage starts to set in on meā€¦ I roll back and forth for a moment but it isnā€™t long before a second kick stamps me right in the same stop! I let out another yelp of pain as you target just the right spot, trying to think of a way out of this predicamentā€¦
15:30 Destiny_Desire: Yt
15:31 Tempest: you're groans of pain are music to my ears as the crowd starts to boo, i smile and have a slightly scary look on my face as i try to grab the guard rail and press my foot against you're throat yt
15:32 philman29: Come on Destiny rally comeback
15:32 Emma_Dilemma: FUCK HER UP
15:33 Destiny_Desire: I choke and sputter as you press your foot against my throat, feeling an immense amount of dread in my body as you smile wickedly at me! I try to grasp at your foot involuntarily looking for any way to get you off of meā€¦
15:33 Destiny_Desire: Yt
15:35 Tempest: I try to press harder against you're throat, the lack of support making me feel like i really want to hurt this woman, it's firing me up and making me more aggressive and vicious, i take my foot away from you're throat and attempt a hard kick to you're face yt
15:35 Robs40: Damn...she's fucking nasty
15:36 Boss_Bitch_Jessica: Feisty little girls!
15:36 Destiny_Desire: I watch as your boot raises up and I gasp for air before realizing whatā€™s about to happen next! I try to roll out of the way to avoid the brutal stomp to the head, unsure if I have enough time to avoid the strike!
15:36 Destiny_Desire: Yt
15:39 Tempest: I swear out loud as my foot just misses you're head, i reach down attempting to grab some cable and try to wrap it around you're neck as the fans at ringside jeer and boo me, all music to my ears yt
15:41 Destiny_Desire: I roll towards the ring as I try to scramble back to my feetā€¦ I see you with a handful of cables as malicious intent in your eyes! I could get seriously hurt in this match if I wasnā€™t carefulā€¦ I would have to match aggression and violence with aggression and violence. I prepare myself to throw my body at you, ready to spear us both through the steel barricade and into the audienceā€¦
15:41 Destiny_Desire: Yt
15:42 Tempest: I am caught out as you spear us both through the steel barricade and into the audience, some security people coming to form some sort of protective barrier around us, to keep the fans away, as i hold my lower back groaning in pain yt
15:44 philman29: There you go Destiny get her
15:45 Robs40: Yeah! GOOD FOR HER....she deserved that
15:45 Destiny_Desire: The gamble pays off as we spill into the audience! I shakily return to my feet after such a stunt as I reach down to grab you by the hair and drag you back to towards the ringā€¦ Now it seems Iā€™m the one with malicious intent in my eyes, getting ready to brutalize you outside of the ring for all to see.
15:45 Destiny_Desire: Yt
15:45 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: give it to her Destiny!
15:46 Tempest: My scalp feels like it's on fire as i am dragged towards the ring, tiny strands of my hair fall through you're fingers on to the mat outside, i attempt a hard right fist towards you're rib area yt
15:47 Destiny_Desire: You dig a hard right into my ribs as Iā€™m forced to release my grasp on your hair. I take a breather for a second allowing myself to feel the pain of the shot to the ribs before getting ready to give you a taste of your own medicine! I raise my foot up, ready to stamp it down right onto the back of your head!
15:47 Destiny_Desire: Yt
15:50 Tempest: UUURGHHHH BITCH i drop to one knee from the foot to the back of my head, feeling a bit dazed, shaking my head trying to get rid of the cobwebs, the match taking on a more aggressive tone yt
15:51 Destiny_Desire: Iā€™m not ready to give up my momentum, beads of sweat trickling down my forehead as I prop you up and under my arm. I raise my arm triumphantly to the crowd and long time viewers know what Iā€™m setting up for! I kick my leg out and fall backwards ready for a brutal DDT outside the ringā€¦
15:52 Destiny_Desire: Yt
15:52 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Here we go!
15:52 Robs40: Love this...."PUNISH HER"
15:53 Kelly-Awesome: You go, Destiny !! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘
15:54 Zack_Davis: Kick out, Tempest!!!
15:54 Tempest: My body shining under the lights, i am in trouble and instinctively attempt to use the second of you raising you're arm to the crowd and attempt to move my body and momentum to try and ram you're back hard against the ring apron yt
15:56 Destiny_Desire: My cockiness gets the best of me this time as I showboat to the crowd for just an instant to long! Suddenly I feel myself being force back as I go to lift my leg, quickly losing ground as I feel a sharp pain travel up my spineā€¦ I let out a cry of agony as I come colliding with the ring apron, forcing me to lose my grip on your head! I try my best to snap off a groggy roundhouse kick, not ready to give up the limelight!
15:56 Destiny_Desire: Yt
15:59 Tempest: I get out of that DDT as you're back slams hard against the ring apron, i attempt a hard right knee to you're stomach, as the crowd enjoy the spectacle on show yt
16:00 Destiny_Desire: Before I feel my roundhouse kick connects, a pain shoots though me as sharp knee sinks into my belly! I nearly fall over from the pain as you use the apron from leverageā€¦ I have to do something fast I want to win, let alone survive this match!
16:00 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:01 Robs40: Geez, all this action. "Come on Destiny!"
16:04 Tempest: as you fold over, i attempt a double axe handle smash down across you're back, hoping you fall down to the thin mat, the majority of the action taking place outside the ring in this hard hitting match yt
16:06 Destiny_Desire: The axe handle smash takes me down to the thin mat as you target the same spot that my back hit the apronā€¦ I lay there groaning in pain, knowing at the very least I canā€™t lose outside the ring, I was thinking through the pain as I try to devise a comeback planā€¦
16:06 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:07 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Thisā€™ll turn around!
16:08 Tempest: i attempt to stand on you're back with my body weight grabbing the middle rope and deciding to arrogantly look at my wrist, as if i am checking the time, which gets me a lot of abuse from the crowd yt
16:09 Robs40: BOOOOOO
16:09 philman29: Come on Destiny throw her off
16:10 Destiny_Desire: I feel your entire bodyweight crushing me as I try to buck you off of me with all my strengthā€¦ I can feel this match beginning to go south, but Iā€™m not out of it yet! I wait for my time to strike once more, saving my energy for the right momentā€¦
16:10 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:11 Robs40: "Come on, you got this"
16:11 Tempest: i find myself being forced off you, and try to pick up a steel chair, which seemingly was handily placed and try to smack it down hard across you're back yt
16:13 Destiny_Desire: The chair shot rings out around ringside as steel meets flesh yet again in this match! With no ref, there is no stopping this match until one of us gives inā€¦ I canā€™t give in, not hereā€¦ I hear the crowd cheering for me to get back to my feet as I slowly make it to all fours, slowly trying to get back to my feet.
16:13 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:13 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Get back up!
16:13 Dimitri_Dragoon: Oof. That chair sounded like it hurt!
16:15 Tempest: I see you on all fours and try to embarrass you by trying to stand before you and reach down trying to grab you're hair and try to force you're face into the crotch of my lycra leggings yt
16:17 Destiny_Desire: Muffled noises can be heard as you force my face into your crotch, as I flail about wildly in an attempt to free myself! Iā€™m starting to get worn down from all the shots to the back and I would have to do something fast! I try to raise back to my feet, eager to put some hurting on youā€¦
16:17 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:17 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: There you go, all is fair!
16:17 Robs40: Oh god
16:18 philman29: There you go get her Destiny
16:18 Zack_Davis: Tempest! Tempest! Tempest!
16:18 Tempest: The crowd booing loudly at this point, i have you're face in my crotch, as a paper cup flies past me 'you're aim is shit buddy, sit down and shut up', you get back to you're feet as the crowd cheer yt
16:19 Tempest: at least someone supports me lol
16:20 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Get her Destiny! Now is the time!
16:20 Destiny_Desire: I get ready for some revenge as I size you up for a moment, my back screaming out in pain from all the abuse itā€™s taken so farā€¦ I grab you your wrists trying to Irish whip you over towards the stairs to buy myself some time to get back into the ring!
16:20 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:20 Zack_Davis: *punches the dude who threw the cup... Steals the next guys beer*
16:21 Tempest: UUUURGHHHHH i am irish whipped towards the steel ring steps, my back slams hard against then as i arch my back, the fans on their feet cheering, the momentum shifting once again yt
16:22 Robs40: "YEAH, Now your talking"
16:23 Destiny_Desire: I remember my match with Levii as I take a few steps back, abandoning my tactic of retreating into the ringā€¦ I begin to spring towards you getting ready for a hardcore version of my signature move, I need to hit this to have a chance at coming back in this match! I go for Destinyā€™s Calling my full speed sprinting spear using the stairs as a backdrop!
16:23 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:23 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: There you go! Finish it!
16:24 The_Mangler: Ohhhhh man.....šŸ˜§
16:24 TheBlackHulk: Hi risk
16:25 The_Mangler: Incredibly
16:26 Tempest: UUURGHHHHHHH i am speared as i lay outside the ring, the momentum possibly shifting for the last time, i am dazed and in a lot of pain yt
16:26 Robs40: They're ya go
16:27 Destiny_Desire: I need to get you back into the ring if I want to win this match, your body starting to look like dead weight after the spear to the stepsā€¦ I give you a taste of your own medicine yet again as I go to grab you by the hair and drag you back towards the ring! I get myself prepared to hoist you up and roll you under the bottom ropeā€¦
16:27 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:29 Tempest: My body shining with sweat, feeling in a lot of pain, sweat trickling from my forehead into my eyes stinging them, my hair grabbed, feels like my scalp is burning as i am rolled under the bottom rope into the ring, a rarity in this match yt
16:31 Destiny_Desire: I slide back under the rope as well with the action finally returning to the ringā€¦ Iā€™m practically drenched in sweat from all the physical exertion this match as I stand there huffing and puffing. I try to stand you back up to your feet once more as I look to finish this match! I get myself mentally prepared to unveil a new finisher as I lock your wrists yet again, ready to whip you towards the ropes!
16:31 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:32 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Niceeee! Finish her off Destiny!
16:32 Tempest: I am sent towards the ropes coming off them at speed towards you and attempting a spear of my own hoping it connects yt
16:33 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Look out!
16:33 Nathan_gingerbread: Come on tempest , dig deep.
16:35 Destiny_Desire: I take off like a shot towards the opposite ropes as I get ready to unleash my new finishing moveā€¦ Iā€™d been practicing it nonstop for weeks and I think itā€™s finally time to show it off to the crowd! I bounce off of them as we come running towards each other in the center of the ringā€¦ it all comes down to this! I leap up, attempting my new move ā€œFateā€™s Endā€, a devastating hurricanrana utilizing both of our momentum.
16:35 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:36 Zack_Davis: Ohh boy ...šŸ˜³
16:36 Zack_Davis: DUCK, TEMPEST!!!
16:37 Tempest: my opponent showing off her skills as i land hard on the canvas feeling dazed and pretty much out of it yt
16:37 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Good Shit!
16:37 Robs40: NICE!
16:37 Destiny_Desire: I lay there with you on the canvas for a moment in disbelief I was able to pull of such a high risk moveā€¦ I roll myself onto your body, hooking you leg and going for the pin as the count begins!
16:38 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:39 Tempest: I lay on the canvas on my back as my opponent hooks my leg ONE AHHHH, TWO AHHHH THREE AHHHH, the crowd going mental, the electricity in the air, the passion and energy, the noise levels increase as i am beaten in this match by my opponent yt
16:40 Destiny_Desire: I attempt a kip up as find myself back to my feet, an immense amount of respect for my hardcore opponent as she lays there on the canvasā€¦ I reach one hand down to you in an attempt to show my newfound respect for you and help you upā€¦
16:40 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:41 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: haha Yes! another hard earned victory!
16:41 Robs40: Well done..you two
16:42 Tempest: i lay on the canvas exhausted and dazed, feeling pretty annoyed that i lose, the fans cheering pisses me off, but i need to be civil and respectful, i am helped up to my feet as we show each other respect, the fans start to cheer and one or 2 shout my name, i attempt to spin you around for a hug, but attempt a hard right knee to you're stomach yt
16:43 TheBlackHulk: Another outstanding match. Congrats to BOTH ladies. It takes TWO to do the dance !
16:44 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: And thatā€™s what I was waiting for, knew she wouldnā€™t take the loss well!
16:44 Destiny_Desire: My eyes widen in shock as you sink your knee into my stomach as the match ends! I nearly collapse to the canvas from the sheer impact as I canā€™t believe the heelish tacticā€¦ I sink down onto both knees, clearly not in any shape to continue fighting you as I already gave it my all!
16:44 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:45 Tempest: I look around as the fans start to boo me loudly, a smirk on my face, looking down at my opponent i attempt to grab a handful of her hair with my left hand and aim a hard right fist to her jaw yt
16:45 Robs40: HEY! WTF
16:47 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Very disappointed in tempest, but then again itā€™s apart of her name so itā€™s her gig I guess!
16:47 Destiny_Desire: I let out a loud yelp as you grip my hair and force me to look at youā€¦ but it isnā€™t long before my head whips around from the shot to the jaw, leaving me dazed but still propped up by you as you grip my hairā€¦
16:47 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:48 Tempest: 'YOU GOT LUCKY BITCH, I'M GOING TO SHOW YOU HOW AGGRESSIVE I REALLY AM', i attempt a hard right knee strike towards you're face yt
16:48 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: And here comes the anger! Oh no!
16:49 Destiny_Desire: Your knee smashes into my nose as my eyes water up from the impactā€¦ I canā€™t fall over as you continue to prop me up with your left hand! Things are looking bad for me with nowhere to run and no chance of escapeā€¦
16:49 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:49 Zack_Davis: Love the Heel! Love the Heel!
16:51 Tempest: An almost psychotic evil look on my face, stuff being thrown into the ring missing me 'YEAH JUST LIKE YOU'RE TEAMS PENALTY KICKS THE OTHER NIGHT, ALL FUCKING MISSING THE TARGET', i stand behind you and grab you're hair bending over attempting to bite down on you're forehead, feeling really annoyed yt
16:52 Dimitri_Dragoon: Ohhh I'm starting to become a Tempest fan!
16:52 Robs40: Same
16:53 Destiny_Desire: I let out a blood-curling scream as you bite down onto my forehead in a brutal display in the middle of the ringā€¦ my eyes now watering up from more than just the shot to the nose as you rain blow after blow upon me, getting increasingly more sadistic!
16:53 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:53 Zack_Davis: A light snack?
16:55 Tempest: i spit out on to the canvas, and look down at you attempting to gouge at you're eyes, officials starting to charge towards the ring as it's all getting a bit out of hand, people trying to jump the barricades, i aim a hard right fist down to your jaw yt
16:57 Destiny_Desire: You dig your fingers into my eyes in yet another brutal display as some especially squeamish members of the crowd begin to look away from the post match slaughterā€¦ I let out scream after scream unable to catch my breath as I desperately begin to cry for help! You smash your right fist down hard into my jaw, nearly knocking my light out as I fall onto the canvas in a dazeā€¦ tears running down my face as I have nothing left to fight this sadistic opponent!
16:57 Destiny_Desire: Yt
16:59 Tempest: I sit astride you and grab a handful of you're hair, forcing you're face into the crotch of my lycra leggings to humiliate and embarrass you, i attempt another hard right fist to you're jaw, as officials finally decide to get into the ring and try to drag me off you, 'I LOOK FORWARD TO THE REMATCH BITCH' as i am dragged off you, the fans jeering and throwing things at me yt
17:00 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: God damn, the monster inside has been unleashed
17:01 Destiny_Desire: I lay there in the middle of the ring, almost sobbing my this point as Iā€™m left a mess from such a brutal displayā€¦ I canā€™t help but curl up into a little ball and wish that I was anywhere but here! I had no idea what a monster I was stepping into the ring with when I was challenged by youā€¦
17:01 Destiny_Desire: (End?)
17:02 Tempest: the end
17:02 The_Mangler: Wooof
17:02 TheBlackHulk: Wow
17:02 Dimitri_Dragoon: Amazing
17:02 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: guess thatā€™s the end!
17:02 Destiny_Desire: (Thank you to Tempest for being a fantastic opponent!! I wouldnā€™t have been able to write a story like this without her!!)
17:03 Tempest: thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed it, thank you to Destiny, you are superb
17:03 Destiny_Desire: Like Hulk said it takes two to tango! You are simply a fabulous opponent and hope to see more of you in the future!!
17:03 Tempest: rematch soon i hope lol

Published: 2023-05-22, viewed 120 times.
