OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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Kitty Vs Tempest In A Rival Fight To The Finish

Princess Kitty (deleted member)
Tempest (deleted member)

21:11 weakkittyfights: your a real bitch
21:12 Tempest: thanks
21:12 weakkittyfights: you welcome
21:12 Tempest: i am honoured
21:12 weakkittyfights: your a honored dumbitch
21:12 Tempest: you're a weak bitch
21:13 weakkittyfights: stronger then you
21:13 Tempest: lmao best laugh i've had all day
21:13 weakkittyfights: your mouth does not count
21:13 Tempest: you got nothing
21:13 weakkittyfights: no the best laugh you had is looking in the mirrow
21:14 weakkittyfights: got it over you bitch
21:14 Tempest: lmao
21:15 weakkittyfights: get over yourself your not all that
21:15 Tempest: i am
21:15 Tempest: i am great
21:15 weakkittyfights: omg now you hallucinate
21:16 Tempest: you said i was
21:16 weakkittyfights: i never said you was
21:16 weakkittyfights: only thing about you is your big mouth
21:17 weakkittyfights: and that can be easily shut
21:17 Tempest: who's going to do that
21:17 weakkittyfights: i will
21:17 Tempest: lol and who are you bringing to help you do that
21:18 weakkittyfights: i dont need help to handle your mouth
21:18 Tempest: are you challenging me lol
21:19 weakkittyfights: well yeah , actually to shut your mouth
21:20 Tempest: well i need a good laugh
21:20 weakkittyfights: sorry i cant help you there but i can make you have a good cry
21:21 Tempest: cry with laughter lol
21:21 weakkittyfights: i quickly strike out toward your mouth with my right fist
21:21 Tempest: UUURGHHH my face snaps to the side
21:21 weakkittyfights: There thats more like it
21:22 weakkittyfights: then i strike out at your belly with my left fist TAKE IT BIG MOUTH BITCH ! yt
21:22 Tempest: OOOOFTTTT air driven out of my body as i fold over holding my stomach
21:24 weakkittyfights: i go behind you as you bend over and pull your hair with my left hand yanking your head back as i put my right arm around your neck and start squeezing it yt
21:25 Tempest: My hair grabbed, feels like my scalp is on fire, tiny strands falling as you're arm is around my neck, trying to grab at you're arm to loosen the grip
21:27 weakkittyfights: i feel you trying to loosen my grip as i let go of your hair and support my other arm with my left arm to keep a tight squeeze around your neck ! NOT SO TALKATIVE NOW ARE YOU DUMBITCH ! yt
21:28 Tempest: i drop down to one knee as you keep a squeeze around my neck taunting me, i reach up trying to rake you're eyes yt
21:29 weakkittyfights: i follow you keeping my grip as you drop to one knee but then your fingers in my eyes as i yell YOU BITCHHHHHH MY EYESS i let go of your neck getting up rubbing my burning eyes yt
21:30 Tempest: I cough and splutter on my hands and knees trying to get breath into my body, trying to get on one knee yt
21:42 weakkittyfights: i gtg be back in 30 sorry
21:47 weakkittyfights: im back
21:48 Tempest: 30 seconds lol
21:49 weakkittyfights: my eyes burning and tearing as i try to get focused YOU BITCH
21:49 weakkittyfights: yt
21:52 Tempest: I try to move away from you yt
21:56 weakkittyfights: i come toward you and grab your hair with my right hand yanking your head around
21:56 weakkittyfights: yt
21:58 Tempest: UUURGHHHH my hair grabbed, tiny strands fall on to the canvas yt
21:59 weakkittyfights: YOUR SOO PATHETIC
21:59 Tempest: its your turn lol
22:00 weakkittyfights: i let go of your hair and raise up my fists arching my chest out as i circle you looking up into your eyes yt
22:00 Tempest: We circle each other, i am in pain yt
22:02 weakkittyfights: i feel confident as i breath hard and fast my body glowing with sweat in my bikini as i strike out my right fist toward your left boob ytYou are not logged in.
22:02 Tempest: UUURGHHHHH my breast turns red and stings as i cry out in pain yt
22:04 weakkittyfights: i laugh as i keep my fight stance showing off my body as i then send my left fist toward your right boob , GIVE UP BITCH OR I WILL KNOCK YOUR WEAK PATHETIC BIG MOUTH TALKING ASS OUT ! yt
22:04 Tempest: UUURGHHHH i fold over holding my breasts trying to move away from you yt
22:06 weakkittyfights: LAST CHANCE BITCH SAY IT OR IM PUTTING YOU TOO SLEEP ! SAY YOU GIVE UP AND THAT I AM THE BEST ! I flex my right arm making a fist ready to knock you out yt
22:06 Tempest: I fall against the ropes, arms across the top ropes yt
22:08 weakkittyfights: ANSWER ME BITCH i show my fist taunting you yt
22:09 Tempest: answer you for what
22:09 weakkittyfights: SAY YOU GIVE UP AND THAT I AM THE BEST !
22:11 weakkittyfights: OKAY THAT BIG MOUTH OF YOURS IS TO BLAME FOR THIS ! then i swing my right fist as hard as i can with all my body strength into it aiming for your chin GOOD NIGHT BITCH ! yt
22:11 Tempest: I attempt to duck you're attempt and attempt a hard right to you're stomach yt
22:13 weakkittyfights: my eyes open wide as your fist makes a loud noise as it goes deep in my tummy knocking the air out of me as i moan crumbling to my knees holding my nauseated burning tummy coughing as i look up at you yt
22:14 Tempest: GET UP YOU WHORE grabbing 2 handfuls of you're hair trying to drag you to you're feet yt
22:16 weakkittyfights: my face showing my painful expression as you pull me up by my hair my scalp burning as i look into your eyes tearing in shock feeling like i want to puke with severe tummy cramps as i hold my tummy yt
22:16 Tempest: I attempt to scoop you up, cupping you're ass with my hand as i attempt a back breaker yt
22:18 weakkittyfights: i yell in fear as you pick me up OMGGG NOOOOOO DONTTTT yt
22:18 Tempest: i drop you down across my back and throw you down on to the canvas BITCH yt
22:20 weakkittyfights: OYEEEE my body drops to the canvas as i reach out my hands to avoid my head crashing on the floor as i land on my back looking up at you confused at the sudden turn around breathing hard and fast yt
22:21 Tempest: I look down at you and attempt to grab you're legs and spread them apart and aim a hard right knee down on to you're sex yt
22:21 weakkittyfights: my back in extreme pain as i cry out squirming on the ground your knee goes down in my kitty as my body jerks and twitches as i cry out wanting to turn over but cant my back is broken as i hold my burning kitty yt
22:21 Tempest: yt
22:25 weakkittyfights: yt
22:25 Tempest: I attempt to aim a hard right foot to you're face, trying to knock you unconcious yt
22:29 weakkittyfights: your foot kicks out across my face as my weary sweaty body twitches your kick making my head turn over to my right as blood flows from the right side of my mouth and my trembling painful body goes limp as i pass out from her strong kick my pussy squirting out cum from my bikini bottoms as i lay spread out yt
22:30 Tempest: i attempt to sit on you're face YOU ARE NO MATCH FOR ME WHORE yt
22:31 weakkittyfights: you sit on my face but i do not react as i am out cold
22:31 weakkittyfights: im finished😔

Published: 2023-05-24, viewed 61 times.



Tempest (deleted member)

2023-05-24 22:36

I decided to give this little bitch a chance in this fight, give her some much needed confidence, and then i decided to finish her and leave her unconscious, she will think twice about challenging me again

Princess Kitty (deleted member)

2023-05-24 22:39

(In reply to this)

omgg she tricked me , and beat me bad knocking me out without mercy at the end after breaking my back and hurting my pussy .