OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
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  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
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LisettevsDestiny TLC Ladies championship


23:27 Lisette: I have created the public room #LisettevsDestiny_TLC.
23:31 Zack_Davis:
23:32 Zack_Davis: .
23:33 Zack_Davis:
23:34 Destiny_Desire: After defeating Andrea in the first challenge of champions match, I secured my place as the number one contender in OCW. After a bit of time had passed I finally was able to challenge Lisette to a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match in which the winner would have to grab a belt suspended from the ceiling. I was equal parts excited and nervous for this match as it was my first time having a championship attempt. I skip down from towards the entrance ramp and towards ringside unable to contain my giddy demeanor for the match ahead. I slip under the bottom rope and after bouncing around the ring a bit, I make my way to my corner. Finally settling in and stretching as I wait for the current champion…
23:34 Destiny_Desire: Yt
23:35 The_Mangler: Sits down .. cooler of beer in hand
23:36 The_Mangler: Let's go Destiny.
23:36 Lisette: my entrance music resonates. the adrenaline is already at an all-time high. i introduce myself to the audience with the belt on my hips. i look out at the crowd and smile mischievously . i approach the ring passing under the first rope. i unbuckle the belt before climbing into the corner and raising it to the sky. i watch as i climb down and hand it to the referee. he hooks it on the wire and brings it up. " keep your hands off that belt Destiny. i openly challenge you waiting for the match to start.
23:37 Lisette: yt
23:37 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Get her good Destiny!
23:37 Lisette: You are not logged in. my attire)
23:37 Lisette: yt
23:38 Levii: Kick Destiny’s ass!
23:39 Destiny_Desire: “That belt is as good as mine!” I reply with a mischievous smile plastered on my face. I respect you as the champion, but once that bell rings all hell could break loose! I approach the center of the ring as the bell sounds signaling the start of the match! I circle you for a moment, before stretching my hand out to you. Showing you a display of sportsmanship and my respect as I do with all my opponents.
23:39 Destiny_Desire: Yt
23:39 The_Mangler: Ohhh Levi
23:40 The_Mangler: CAREFULL KID
23:40 Dimitri_Dragoon: Sitting down with popcorn, front row seat to the action. "Go Destiny!"
23:42 Lisette: the bell tolls. the time has come. i see you offer your hand in respect and i do the same but being careful of your movements in case you want to start out dirty. " show me what you can do." i shake your hand lightly and send you a wink before walking away and circling around.
23:42 Lisette: yt
23:42 Robs40: Here we go!
23:43 The_Mangler: Beer any one for Beer?
23:43 Robs40: Sure
23:43 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Wooooo
23:43 The_Mangler: Rob....Megan.
23:44 Destiny_Desire: In a surprising show of sportsmanship you shake my hand and we part ways both raring to get this bout underway! I take a couple steps back circling with you as well in the center of the ring as I try to decide what my first move should be. I look for openings in your defense but it’s clear you’re the champion for a reason. I start of strong taking a few quick steps towards you before snapping off a strong roundhouse kick to your side!
23:44 Destiny_Desire: Yt
23:44 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Hey mangler!
23:44 The_Mangler: .🍺🍺
23:44 The_Mangler: Yeah Megan?
23:44 The_Mangler: 🍺
23:45 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Sure I’ll take some :)
23:45 The_Mangler: 🍺
23:46 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: good choice mangler… destiny is the girl tonight
23:47 The_Mangler: Absolutely. I always cheer for Destiny
23:47 Lisette: i study your movements and my gaze focuses on your body and your hands. i advance to try a lock but you are early with the kick. i move sideways to avoid it following the movement of your kick. i counterattack to block your kick on your side and respond with my kick on the opposite side.
23:47 Lisette: yt
23:48 The_Mangler: *as I watch...I make notes in note book...puts away*
23:49 Destiny_Desire: You kick doesn’t quite do as much as you were hoping but it does connect as I drop my guard in an attempt to block it… you hit hard for your size and I will have to be careful of those hard kicks if I want to stay in the match. After stumbling a few feet from the impact of the kick, I quickly try to move to a more advantageous position! I rush back in towards you, as I this time try to go for a lockup with you. The belt precariously perched above us as we clash for the first time!
23:49 Destiny_Desire: Yt
23:54 Queen_Olivia: sit in the front row with a beer
23:54 Venezuelan_Metal_Girl: wants a beer, sits in front row
23:54 Dimitri_Dragoon: *offers to share popcorn with Olivia*
23:55 Robs40: Thanks Mangler
23:55 The_Mangler: Tosse beer to Carmen
23:55 Lisette: the first quick exchange of kicks has started. you are nimble and have taken cover limiting the damage of my kick. i have to be careful if i don't want to lose my belt. we get close again i also advance toward you looking for a hold. I try to anticipate your arms by resting my hands on your forearms and then advancing with my right hip on your abs..... I continue with the action by looking for a lock on your neck and leaning forward as I move to your left hip.... the crowd begins to warm up and clamor waiting for the action to get into full swing.
23:55 The_Mangler: Hey Olivia
23:55 Lisette: yt
23:55 philman29: *sits next to VMG and watch the match
23:55 Kimberly_Mounds_20: *Slips into the front row with a beer to watch the action*
23:56 The_Mangler: Want a beer phil
23:56 Venezuelan_Metal_Girl: sits on Phil's lap
23:56 The_Mangler: He he he
23:57 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *sits wherever the best view is to see the whole thing*
23:57 philman29: I'm good mangler and hi VMG
23:58 The_Mangler: More beers in my cooler people
23:58 Destiny_Desire: I feel as we lock up for a moment before your hip comes slamming into my abs! I take a moment to try and nurse the wound but you’re much more nimble than I had given you credit for! You lock your arm around my neck and lean forwards with me, taking the first bit of momentum in the bout! I look to reverse it by trying to run us both towards the far ropes, hoping to cut off your attempt before you can do some damage with it!
23:58 Destiny_Desire: Yt
00:01 Zack_Davis: Beer me!!!
00:01 The_Mangler: 🍺
00:01 The_Mangler: There you go man
00:03 philman29: Come on Destiny
00:04 Lisette: i have to follow your movements trying not to let go of your grip. we get close to the ropes quickly i have to decide quickly what i can do. when we are close to the ropes i try to make a small jump to the second rope. if i am lucky i can catch the momentum and try a bulldog reverse falling both of us to the ring mat. a small groan of exertion comes out of my mouth. you are smaller than me but very agile and toned more than i expected.
00:04 Lisette: yt
00:05 Zack_Davis: 🤜🤛
00:05 Queen_Olivia: great Lisette, keep it up
00:05 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: come on destiny! You got this!
00:05 Dimitri_Dragoon: *glares at Olivia, taking back popcorn*
00:05 The_Mangler: Cmon Destiny get tough
00:06 Levii: Pound HER into the mat!
00:06 The_Mangler: Careful Olivia is tough
00:06 Destiny_Desire: I get ready to strike as we near the ropes… not sure what my plan is when we get there but ready to get something started! Only the opportunity never comes as you hop up onto the middle rope! Before I know it come tumbling down the momentum of a bulldog… I lay there on the canvas dazed for a moment, shocked how that could’ve gone south so quickly but I try my best to shake off the cobwebs as I try to devise a counter attack.
00:06 Destiny_Desire: Yt
00:07 Queen_Olivia: Thank you ;-)
00:08 ErinEevee: Get up Destiny
00:09 TheBlackHulk: * slips in and takes a seat*
00:09 The_Mangler: BEER HULK ?
00:10 TheBlackHulk: Yes please Mangler
00:10 The_Mangler: 🍺
00:10 TheBlackHulk: Mmmm. Thanks
00:11 Lisette: I land with my butt on the canvas. my attack has taken effect but I see that you immediately try to recover. i roll to the opposite side from yours to get back up and resume the fight. i try to get there before you get back up completely by hitting you with my knee on your right side.
00:11 Lisette: yt
00:11 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Look out!
00:12 The_Mangler: Stay Strong DD
00:13 Destiny_Desire: I try to help myself up from the canvas but it isn’t long before you knee smashed into my side! I drop back down to the canvas unable to avoid the knee in time as I try to nurse the pain… I hold my side for a moment before rolling closer to the ropes, holding onto the bottom one as I lay there. I can’t underestimate you if I want to win this match, and I plan on giving it everything I’ve got!
00:13 Destiny_Desire: Yt
00:13 Dimitri_Dragoon: Slapping the barrier I yell "Come on Destiny! Get up!"
00:14 The_Mangler: *scribbles in note book*
00:15 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Come on destiny!
00:15 Levii: Woo! Go lisette!
00:15 Zack_Davis: "Lisette's a tough, veteran Champion"
00:16 Kimberly_Mounds_20: *drains my beer and looks for another*
00:16 Lisette: my knee hits your side. i watch you approach the ropes and challenge you. " come on Destiny we're just getting started." i look out at the crowd and taunt you as i hit your back with my forearm before turning you against the ropes and trying to launch you to the opposite side and prepare for your return to hit you with a dropkick to your chest.
00:16 Lisette: yt
00:17 Zack_Davis: *Trips over self running to grab one for you 🤣*
00:17 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: oh no look out destiny!
00:17 The_Mangler: LOOK OUT
00:18 Kimberly_Mounds_20: *giggles as Zach trips*
00:20 Destiny_Desire: You hit my back as I get back up causing me to be dazed for a moment as you whip me towards the opposing ropes. I begin running but as I slingshot back I begin to put my plans into action! As I start to get close to you I see you planting your feet and anticipate a big attack coming as I barrel towards you at full speed… I quickly drop down to the canvas, sprawling out and ready to duck under you dropkick! I hope to make it back to my feet in time to get a quick kick of my own to your midsection…
00:20 Destiny_Desire: Yt
00:21 The_Mangler: YEAHHHHHH!
00:21 Dimitri_Dragoon: *waves a $5 at Mangler for a beer*
00:22 The_Mangler: 🍺All good man I got you
00:23 The_Mangler: Big cooler her gang...
00:24 Nathan_gingerbread: ... You are not logged in.
00:25 The_Mangler: Gets Beer for Nathan 🍺
00:26 Lisette: fuck!!!!" i'm getting the momentum to jump up and hit you with the dropkick. you drop to the mat of the ring completely sending my blow wide open. i'm totally defenseless when your kick comes and knocks me badly backwards . i hold my torso as i lay on my left side catching my breath. i try to recover as i see you in front of me.
00:26 Lisette: yt
00:26 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Hell yeah get her destiny!
00:26 The_Mangler: STANDS CLAPPING ....
00:28 Venezuelan_Metal_Girl: Seeing that Destiny is going to be my rival here... Go Lisette
00:29 Destiny_Desire: My gamble pays off as I come rising back up from the mat! I take the page right out of your playbook as you lay on your left side catching your breath… I take a few steps towards you before throwing my body towards you as a projectile with a low dropkick of my own! I target that same side of your body, hoping to begin wearing you down and gaining some momentum in this matchup.
00:29 ErinEevee: Lisette is a friend, though I need to side with my beloved <3
00:29 Destiny_Desire: Yt
00:29 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: momentum change!!
00:30 TheBlackHulk: Go Destiny!
00:30 Kimberly_Mounds_20: Go Destiny!!!!!
00:31 Levii: Boo!
00:32 The_Mangler: YEAHHHHH
00:32 philman29: *looks at VMG* go Destiny
00:34 Lisette: i'm still lying on my side i'm trying to get up when your low dropkick comes. it hits me and rolls me close to the ropes. i take the chance and continuing the rolling i get out of the ring. arriving close to the fenced area. i'm still holding my side as i get up and look at you angrily. " you're going to pay for this." i say resting one knee on the outside mats.
00:34 Lisette: yt
00:34 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Go after her!
00:35 Nathan_gingerbread: 🫣
00:36 Destiny_Desire: Normally I would pull off a crazy stunt by suicide diving into ringside, but one too many trips to the barricade have wisened me up a bit! I come storming towards the ropes as I get ready to roll out the bottom and towards ringside… I see you nearing the fenced area and I’m not ready to give up my attack just yet! I break into a spring as you rest on one knee ready to hit you with a spear using the barricade as a backdrop!
00:36 Destiny_Desire: Yt
00:37 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: there you go! use that momentum!
00:41 The_Mangler: GOOD Call DD
00:42 Lisette: i'm getting back up as i see you step out of the ring and approach. i have to act fast or the situation is in danger of getting out of hand. i try to get back up fully on my feet but i see you launching yourself at me. i don't have time to escape so i prepare to receive your spear. I stiffen my abdominal muscles as much as I can. your shoulder slams violently sending me against the fence but I try to close your head on my side and take you with me against the balusters and try a guillotine on your neck as I scream from the pain in my back.
00:42 Lisette: yt
00:43 The_Mangler: Shes good
00:43 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: she is indeed,
00:44 The_Mangler: *watches to see how DD will escape..scribbles....
00:44 The_Mangler: *
00:48 Destiny_Desire: BOOM! My gamble (or lack there of) pays off this time as I come charging into you with a spear! I feel your back ding off the barricade and I get ready to pull away only to find you’ve put me in a guillotine lock! I try to pull my head free but you aren’t budging even with that hard shot to the back… I ready an elbow your midsection in an attempt to loosen your grip.
00:48 Destiny_Desire: Yt
00:48 QueenLola: Go Destiny!
00:49 The_Mangler: WHAT!
00:49 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: get out of that Destiny!
00:50 The_Mangler: FIGHT IT DESTINY
00:53 Lisette: my back is against the barricade in pain. i managed to close the guillotine on your neck and squeeze so as not to let you go. i feel you try to hit me with your elbows and i try to continue the action by trying to carry you toward the outside mats of the ring as my legs wrap around your hips and cross my ankles over your back.if i am resilient i can put a good lead on the match. i can hear the crowd screaming for this action. those who support me and those who cheer against me join in one scream.
00:53 Lisette: yt
00:53 Levii: Go Lisette!
00:53 Kimberly_Mounds_20: Go Destiny!
00:55 Nathan_gingerbread: * looks concerned*
00:55 The_Mangler: DES---TIN---Y
00:56 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *watches*
00:56 The_Mangler: Concernd look on my face...
00:56 Destiny_Desire: The pressure’s on and the time is now to show what I’ve got! There’s no time like the present to show this veteran that I’m not to be taken lightly!! You pull us towards the mats and I bide my time, you wrap your legs around my body and I know I’m in danger if I don’t give this everything I’ve got! I try with all of my might to lift you up to my level, hoping to bring you down onto the mats with me with a big crash!
00:56 Destiny_Desire: Yt
00:57 The_Mangler: CMONNNNN
01:01 Mamajob: Got here late . Is there popcorn?
01:02 Dimitri_Dragoon: *shares tub of popcorn with Mama*
01:02 Lisette: ahhhhhhh!!!! my back slams violently once again against the outer mats. i don't want to give up, it's the hot time of the match and i don't want to get sprained by my opponent even if she is very good. my back hits the mats once again. the ache is even more acute and i loosen my arm tension but i am under you. i try to slip under your body and move my legs over your neck and close it in a scissor. the fatigue of the match starts to be felt as i show for the first time signs of breathlessness.
01:02 Lisette: yt
01:03 Kimberly_Mounds_20: *eyes the popcorn...all the beer making me hungry*
01:03 Venezuelan_Metal_Girl: grabs some popcorn
01:03 philman29: Steals some of VMGs popcorn
01:04 Mamajob: There's beer? Grabs an ipa
01:04 Venezuelan_Metal_Girl: ok you can have some Phil
01:04 philman29: Hehe thanks
01:04 Kimberly_Mounds_20: Cant have snacks without drinks
01:04 philman29: Go Destiny
01:05 Rylee_rocket: Good choice
01:05 Rylee_rocket: Does the same*
01:05 Destiny_Desire: We are an even match and there doesn’t seem to be showing any signs of one of us taking the momentum over the other just yet! You lock your legs around my neck in a scissor hold… normally I would start to panic at this point but I’ve been training for any and all possibilities of this match! I wrap my arms underneath of you and prepare myself to pull off one of the biggest slams of my career to date… I attempt to lift you off of the mat once more, using all of my strength in an attempt to prop you up into a pseudo-powerbomb position! I get prepared to drop you onto your hurting back once again, shakily trying to hold you up.
01:05 Destiny_Desire: Yt
01:06 Zack_Davis: *Grabs Janet 😈*
01:06 Levii: Oh no, watch out!
01:06 Mamajob: Almost forgot there was a match what with all the refreshments
01:06 Kimberly_Mounds_20: Get her Destiny!
01:07 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: There you go!
01:07 Mamajob: Squeals girlishly
01:09 The_Mangler: Heyy Mama
01:09 The_Mangler: Cmonnnn
01:09 Mamajob: Hi mangles. Want popcor
01:10 philman29: Hi Mamajob
01:10 The_Mangler: Yes please ...
01:10 Mamajob: Hi phil
01:10 Mamajob: Hands popcorn around.
01:10 The_Mangler: Thanks ...mmm mmm mm..
01:12 Mamajob: There's still a fight, right?
01:12 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Yep, just takes a minute for the responses
01:13 Mamajob: The popcorn gallery is entertaining itself
01:13 Lisette: you have frightening strength and incredible stamina. i can feel you wrapping your hands around my legs and trying to get up and get me up. i grit my teeth and try to put as much weight as i can to fatigue you but you manage to get me up and are about to enact your powerbomb. if you succeed my back is devastated. i hit your head with fists to unbalance you and get out of this dangerous position. " let me go!!!" i try to arch backwards and project you forward by holding your head between my legs and releasing it later.
01:13 Lisette: yt
01:14 The_Mangler: Such a great bout
01:16 Destiny_Desire: Your cries for help seem to spur me forward as you beg for me to let go of you! You manage to knock me off balance a bit as I start to stumble forwards… I get ready to throw you with all of my might as we start to approach the ring together! I plan to toss your right into the apron if I can get the timing right, hoping to continue to devastate your back as we go back and forth and back and forth! The moment of truth comes as a silence sweeps the arena, I raise you up ready to throw you down with all my might!
01:16 Destiny_Desire: Yt
01:16 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Go destiny! Show her who’s boss!
01:16 Levii: Noo!
01:16 Kimberly_Mounds_20: Go Destiny!!!!
01:17 The_Mangler: Yessssssss
01:22 Lisette: i try to project you but i can't i stay on your shoulders as you keep moving back and forth. i hit your head again to keep you from applying this devastating move but i can't stop it. my back slams into the apron ring. a heartbreaking scream comes out of my mouth as i slump down holding my back with my hand. a roar comes from the crowd when you manage with this move to devastate my back but i'm the reigning champion i don't want to give up right now.
01:22 Lisette: yt
01:23 Mamajob: Tough women
01:23 Zack_Davis: Big move! 😳
01:24 TheBlackHulk: Go Destiny !
01:25 Destiny_Desire: My plan is to continue to devastate your back and wear you down that way… I take a couple steps back as you slump down with your hand on your back, clearly with bad intentions as you have you back to the ring still! I see my opening and go for it as I charge forward towards you once more getting ready hit you with another dropkick to the chest, hoping to bounce your back off the apron once again! I refuse to back down from this fight… it’s all or nothing and I’m going all in!!
01:25 Destiny_Desire: Yt
01:26 Mamajob: Dangerous move dear.
01:31 Lisette: i have to recover. my back hurts like hell. i feel myself getting back up and leaning against the apron ring again. i stagger holding my back while you are setting up for another dropkick. you hit me bounce me back against the apron ring again but i fight back with pride and try to hit you with a clothesline taking advantage of the bounce. i end up on the mats again and try to get away from you by moving closer to the barricade.
01:31 Lisette: yt
01:34 Destiny_Desire: Your clothesline bounce catches me by surprise… hitting me just above the collarbone as I drop down to the mat as well from the shot! You end up on the mats and begin moving towards the barricade but I take a different approach, beginning to reach under the apron to see what toys have been left out for us! It seems like Christmas came early this year as I dig out a steel chair from under the ring! I begin to make my way towards you yet again, ready to do some more damage to that hurting back of yours!
01:34 Destiny_Desire: Yt
01:35 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: ohhhh now we getting there
01:35 Nathan_gingerbread: 😳
01:35 Kimberly_Mounds_20: "Give her the chair Destiny!!!!" *giggling to WWE flashbacks*
01:36 Levii: Not the chair!😮
01:37 Emm_R: The comfy chair???!!!!!
01:37 Dimitri_Dragoon: *big grin appears across my face*
01:40 Lisette: i struggle to get back up with the help of the barricades. i hear the crowd scream as you pull the steel chair out from under the ring. i watch you out of the corner of my 'eye as you approach. i steal a glass of beer from a nearby fan " sorry Rylee i need this" and quickly turn around throwing it in your face and advance myself with a spear causing you to slam your back into the apron ring.
01:40 Lisette: yt
01:40 Rylee_rocket: “ Have it” I say after it’s taken
01:41 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Look out destiny!
01:42 The_Mangler: Oooohhhhhh
01:43 Destiny_Desire: I’m taken aback by the sudden beer to the face, but virtually everything is legal in this matchup! I stumble back a few feet dropping the chair in the process as I suddenly feel myself being ran back towards the ring! I’m given a taste of my own medicine as I smash into the apron back first and let out an agonizing cry of pain! I drop down to my knees for a moment, but I’m not out yet… I bide my time waiting for the moment to strike…
01:43 Destiny_Desire: Yt
01:43 Levii: Wooo! that’s what im talking abt
01:43 The_Mangler: CMON KID
01:43 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Shake it off!
01:43 Dimitri_Dragoon: Now things are getting spicy! My kind of match!
01:43 Kimberly_Mounds_20: CMON DESTINY!!!!!
01:44 The_Mangler: *taking detailed notes*
01:47 Lisette: i see the chair fall onto the mats next to us. i hear your screams and feel a sense of pleasure at having you discover the pain of slamming into the apron ring. still testing my back i wrap my left arm around your neck and bend you forward bringing you down with a DDT on the chair. it's a tough and aggressive match ,neither of us wants to give ourselves up for defeat.
01:47 Lisette: yt
01:47 Levii: Oh hell yeah! *stands up all excited!*
01:48 The_Mangler: DAMMMMM
01:48 Dimitri_Dragoon: OH yeah!
01:48 Kimberly_Mounds_20: Winces as I watch...
01:48 Rylee_rocket: *watches unfazed at the scene unfolding arms crossed*
01:50 The_Mangler: Looks over and shakes my head at Rylee
01:53 Destiny_Desire: I sit there in a daze for a moment, feeling the pain of the apron radiating through my back as I sit on my knees… Before I go to get back into the action I feel your arm wrap around my neck and next think I know… BAM! A huge shot rings out around ringside as my brains are scrambled from the chair shot to the head! The sharp pain coursing through my skull as I lay there next to the chair groaning in pain from the sudden shift in momentum!
01:53 Destiny_Desire: Yt
01:54 Levii: Pretty sure she’s having flashbacks *laughs and site back down*
01:56 The_Mangler: That Levi is quite a heel....*takes note down*
01:57 Kimberly_Mounds_20: *Growls and glares at Levii..*
01:58 Rylee_rocket: *leans back in chair a little face straight no emotions*
01:59 Levii: *turns head towards Kimberly with a smirk on his face *
01:59 Lisette: my DDT manages to hit your head. the recoil on my back kicks in as i get up and see you lying down and stunned. i want to take the decisive advantage and look out at the audience smiling sadistically. i walk over to the ring cloth and pull out another chair. I raise it in the air before placing it on your head closing it into a sandwich with the other steel chair. i climb onto the apron and look at the fans one more time before launching myself with a leg drop onto your head. the recoil is even more painful but worth it if it has the desired effect.
01:59 Lisette: yt
02:00 TheBlackHulk: Damn !
02:00 Kimberly_Mounds_20: *Moves closer to Levii...*
02:01 Dimitri_Dragoon: Oh wow, Destiny I love ya, but brutality is a express lane to my heart.
02:01 Zack_Davis: Good heavens!
02:01 Michelle_Pantero: *arrives late half lit*
02:02 Rylee_rocket: The flip flopped dimitri returns. * continues to watch leaned back arms crossed face straight*
02:03 Levii: *raises my eyebrow at Kimberly*
02:05 The_Mangler: CLAP CLAP CLAP Come on Destiny Dig for it ...Reach Deep
02:05 Destiny_Desire: I lay there in a daze as you fold a chair around my neck, sadistically smiling the whole way as you do so. I’m in a lot of trouble here and I have to do something fast if I want to survive this match with you… I frantically try to devise a plan as I start to regain my senses, I scream for my body to move out of the way but things are looking bad! I try with all my might to use my legs to scoot out of the way, hoping not to take the entire brunt of your leg drop to my head! Every atom of my body screaming to fight back and continue this match…
02:05 Destiny_Desire: Yt
02:10 The_Mangler: This a crazy match
02:12 Lisette: as i'm falling towards you i see you move. i can only spread my legs a little to hit the chair on your neck as hard as i can. i catch you with a glancing blow but i think i've done enough damage to you. i try to get back up quickly even though my back is screaming for mercy but i don't care. with a stomp i hit your head again between the two chairs before heading for the ladder and throwing it into the ring heading for the belt.
02:12 Lisette: yt
02:13 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: woa
02:14 Levii: Gotta love headstomps😁
02:14 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: getting live up in here!
02:14 Robs40: Yeah...mean is good
02:14 Robs40: (in a match anyways)
02:14 Dimitri_Dragoon: Hell yeah bro. They're awesome. *tries to fist bump Levii*
02:15 Destiny_Desire: The stomp to my head nearly quiets my mind as I lay there groaning in pain from all the abuse I’ve taken so suddenly… I have no choice but to endure it as I through blurred vision see you grab a ladder and toss it into the ring! My body has taken a lot of damage and I would have to dig deep if I still wanted a chance at that belt… I try to get onto all fours, hoping to make any movement at all after all the sudden shots to the head.
02:15 Destiny_Desire: Yt
02:15 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: GET UP DESTINY!
02:15 The_Mangler: *scribbles*
02:16 Kimberly_Mounds_20: CMON DESTINY!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!
02:16 Levii: *fist bumps Dimitri* Amazing match. Love watching Destiny on the floor
02:20 The_Mangler: Sits back and remembers when every match want NHB...TLC ...I quit matches
02:21 Lisette: with all my remaining strength i manage to pull the ladder up. i can hear the crowd screaming as i put my first foot on the step. i look out of the ring and see you crawling to get back in. i have to hurry. staggering with difficulty i reach halfway up the ladder trying to reach for the belt but i can't reach it. " fuck!!!" i say desperately as i continue the climb.
02:21 Lisette: yt
02:22 The_Mangler: Come onnnn
02:23 Destiny_Desire: I shakily make it back to my feet outside the ring as I try to slide back through the bottom rope, advancing towards you as I see you start to reach for the belt! I rest against the ropes for a moment as I get prepared to rush towards the ladder… I have little left in the tank, but I think I might have just enough to send you crashing down off that ladder!
02:23 Destiny_Desire: Yt
02:23 Levii: Watch out for her!
02:23 The_Mangler: GET HER NOWW!!!!
02:24 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: GET HER DESTINY!
02:25 Kimberly_Mounds_20: CMON DESTINY!!!!!
02:26 TheBlackHulk: It's Go Time Destiny !!!!
02:27 Rylee_rocket: Seems to be the only person completely showing no emotion or reaction to a thing as I watch*
02:27 Lisette: FUCK!!!" i say in desperation as i see you climb back up towards the ring. you stagger and get back on your feet coming towards the ladder. i stop as you approach and try to kick your hand so you don't put force into it and unbalance the ladder. i have to desist from my action and let myself slide to the ring mat. this battle doesn't want to end yet, neither of us wants to let the other win.
02:27 Lisette: yt
02:28 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: GET HER NOW DESTINY!
02:30 Destiny_Desire: I’m shaky from the shots to the head but I’m not out of it yet! I watch as you slide down the ladder and back to the canvas, ready for this match to continue… we come face to face yet again as I try to plant a big boot to your stomach, hoping to double you over in pain… it’s now or never, this could decide the fate of the match!
02:30 Destiny_Desire: Yt
02:34 Levii: You can do it Lisette!
02:35 The_Mangler: Take her down DD
02:35 Lisette: i come down the ladder and we face each other fatigued and wrecked from a very tough match. you try to hit me with a big boot on my stomach i jerk from the blow and back away a step before approaching and hitting you with an uppercut on your chin and still creating damage to your head.
02:35 Lisette: yt
02:37 The_Mangler: Oohhhh
02:37 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: this is intense!
02:37 TheBlackHulk: Yeah it is
02:38 Destiny_Desire: My kick pays off as you take a couple steps back, both of us fatigued and looking like a mess as we slug it out dead center of the ring. You come back at me hitting me squarely on the chin with a fatigued uppercut of your own as I recoil back in pain! I plant my back foot, not ready to fall over until that belt is in my hands coming back at you with another fatigued kick to your midsection… a roundhouse kick to your side.
02:38 Destiny_Desire: Yt
02:40 Robs40: OUCH
02:41 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Good one!
02:43 Zack_Davis: That's gotta hurt 🤢
02:45 Lisette: you advance again with a roundhouse kick to my side . i am exhausted but i don't give up . i lower and put my right arm out to protect my side while with my left hand i try to hit you with a chop chop on your chest . afterwards i reach out again trying to grab your hair and slam you against the ladder next to us. 1...2... 3......times.
02:45 Lisette: yt
02:45 The_Mangler: Ohhhh Destiny
02:46 Levii: Show her Lisette! *cheers excitedly*
02:46 Robs40: Yeow
02:46 Robs40: That is a little mean
02:47 Robs40: (not that I dont love it 😏 )
02:47 Allycat: make up your mind lol
02:48 Destiny_Desire: The chop lands firmly against my chest as I recoil back in pain yet again, clearly not recovering well but unwilling to give in until one of us is declared the victor… you grab at my hair but I’m not having it this time! I’m tired of having my hair pulled in the ring and I won’t put up with it anymore! I try to bat your hands away with my own, looking to reverse your plans onto yourself… I grab at you by the back of the head, ready to slam you head first into the ladder several times.
02:48 Destiny_Desire: Yt
02:50 The_Mangler: Cmon DESTINY go go go
02:51 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I know she has it in her 😏
02:52 Michelle_Pantero: *takes notes for potential weak spots*
02:54 Lisette: ahhhggggg..." my move fails. you manage to turn the same move on me again. i don't want to get my head slammed on the ladder either. i lift my foot and support it on the ladder to stop us while with my elbow i try to hit your solar plexus and later your face to get you off my hair. " not so easily bitch." i turn to you and try with the last of my strength to hit you with an enzuigiri kick
02:54 Lisette: yt
02:54 The_Mangler: *looks over at Michelle's notes and mine*
02:55 Levii: Yess! Give her a taste of her own medicine!!
02:55 Kimberly_Mounds_20: Cmonnn Destiny!!! Take her down!!
02:56 The_Mangler: Cmonnnnn
02:56 Michelle_Pantero: Eye's off, before I blacken them....
02:57 The_Mangler: *GLARES AT Michelle * 😠
03:00 Michelle_Pantero: *Panther's stare down*😡😡
03:00 Destiny_Desire: I watch in horror for a moment as you once again counter my counterattack! It’s starting to get ridiculous as we skillfully exchange blows back and forth! You dig a hard elbow into my solar plexus forcing me to let go of your hair as I start to see a second one hurdling for my face! I raise my arms up in defense, blocking the second elbow as we both face each other heaving from exhaustion… I hear your taunt as you get ready to hit me with an enziguri kick to the head… time slows down for a moment as the crowd’s screams all blend into one sound, spurring me forwards! I won’t go down! I can’t go down! I try my absolute best to duck the enziguri kick, stepping back and retaliating with an HBK style superkick to your chin!
03:00 Destiny_Desire: Yt
03:01 TanyaSexfight: Superb foot work on both sides
03:03 Zack_Davis: What a battle!!!
03:05 The_Mangler: Truly a classic
03:07 Lisette: my kick goes wide but quickly you counterattack with your kick. you hit me and I slump on the mattress of the ring. panting and exhausted. i stay on one side panting and trying to catch my breath. hearing the roar of the crowd seeing me on the ground.
03:07 Lisette: yt
03:08 Levii: Noo! Get up Lis!
03:08 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: LETS GO! GOOD JOB!
03:08 TheBlackHulk: Yessss !
03:10 Destiny_Desire: I watch as your body slumps down the the canvas, almost ready to celebrate before realizing this match isn’t over yet! I pay you back for earlier in the fight, making sure to give you a good stomp to the head to make sure you won’t be getting to your feet anytime soon… I shakily begin to make my way to the ladder, placing my foot onto the first rung and beginning to slowly climb… it was now or never, just feet away from me and being champion…
03:10 The_Mangler: Go go go quick
03:10 Destiny_Desire: Yt
03:10 Zack_Davis: The Champions down!!!
03:12 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: hell yeah, good shit!
03:13 Levii: Stop her!
03:13 Kimberly_Mounds_20: GOOOO DESTINYYY
03:15 Levii: Arghh. *covers kimberly’s mouth*
03:15 Kimberly_Mounds_20: *wrestles with Levii in the stands*
03:16 The_Mangler: You kids ...
03:16 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: You got her Destiny!
03:16 Lisette: your foot hits my head. i stay on the ground as i hear the roar of the crowd as they see me collapse and happy to lose my title. i grit my teeth and cling to the ladder to struggle to get back up. my head is spinning and my strength is at its lowest. with shaky legs i pull myself to my feet but you're already more than halfway up the ladder. i don't make it to you in time. AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHAAAAA..... i start swinging the ladder and try to get you off balance to the outside of the ring. i scream into my last bit of strength not to let go of my belt.
03:16 Lisette: YT
03:21 Levii: *while wrestling Kimberly * Send her out!
03:21 The_Mangler: Fast kid fast
03:21 Destiny_Desire: I make it more than halfway up the ladder as I begin what seems like an eternal climb… I have the belt within sight as I start to slip one arm around it! The ladder begins to shake as I hear you screaming furiously from below me… I slip my other arm around the belt, I have it! And as the thought crosses my mind, I feel the ladder begin to tip… the ladder falls over to the side of the ring and I fall outside with it, a huge drop to the ground below! I’m left splayed out and in critical condition… clutching the belt in my arms as I groan in agony…
03:22 Destiny_Desire: Yt
03:22 The_Mangler: Whoaaaaa
03:23 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Ohhhh don’t let go of it destiny!
03:23 The_Mangler: Shes got the belt right?
03:23 TheBlackHulk: I dunno
03:24 Zack_Davis: She's got it ... 😳
03:24 The_Mangler: Yeahhhh
03:24 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: she does
03:24 philman29: Nice Destiny
03:25 TheBlackHulk: All right !
03:25 Lisette: nooooo!!!!" i didn't make it in time to save my belt. i see the ladder collapse like your body outside the ring. i lost. i kneel in the middle of the ring with my hands on my hair in disbelief at what happened. "fuck!" i say in despair screaming to the sky.
03:25 Lisette: yt
03:26 Zack_Davis: Holy Moly, the Champ goes down!!!!!!
03:26 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Good stuff Destiny!
03:26 Zack_Davis: Somebody check on Destiny!!!
03:27 The_Mangler: Destiny is Champ wooonhooo
03:27 Levii: Noo!! This can’t be! *pushes kimberly off and gets up*
03:27 Destiny_Desire: Moments after my body comes crashing down to the outside, the medical team comes out of the back to check on us after such a brutal match… I refuse to let go of the belt, semi-unconscious from the fall as they slowly load me onto a stretcher, I barely remember who or what I am after the fall, but it was all worth it…
03:27 Destiny_Desire: Yt
03:27 The_Mangler: Yeahhhhhh
03:27 Rylee_rocket: Goes off out of chair walking finally showing emotion of irritation*
03:28 Michelle_Pantero: *Snickers at Rylee*
03:28 Kimberly_Mounds_20: YESSSSSSSSSS *giggles and drunkenly dances as i get up*
03:28 The_Mangler: Chuckles at Michelle
03:28 philman29: Congrats Destiny *looks around and notices Kimberly dancing*
03:29 TheBlackHulk: Way to go Destiny
03:29 The_Mangler: Way to go..Lisette well done
03:30 TheBlackHulk: One hell of a match !
03:30 Lisette: i remain in the center of the ring. i struggle to get up staggering exhausted from the long battle. i see the new champion being carried off on a stretcher. i stood but it wasn't enough and i want my rematch someday. i stagger to the ropes before walking out of the ring and staggering toward the locker room in still desperation.
03:30 Lisette: "END"
03:31 The_Mangler: Wowew
03:31 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: the ending we needed!
03:31 philman29: Nice match Lisette
03:31 Destiny_Desire: Thank you so much to everyone for attending!! Without a doubt one of my biggest matches here, and all thanks to my wonderful partner Lisette!!
03:32 Levii: Amazing match guys!
03:32 MuscleHead75: amazing action
03:32 Michelle_Pantero: Nice tussle gals
03:32 Kimberly_Mounds_20: Action packed match!
03:33 Lisette: thanks a lot everyone
03:33 Michelle_Pantero: Lisette too bad for you
03:33 Zack_Davis:
03:33 Levii: *picks up kimberly and heads to the backroom*
03:33 The_Mangler: Loss is always hard. But that was fun
03:33 Dimitri_Dragoon: Great match!
03:34 QueenLola: Excellent work to both @Lisette and @Destiny_Desire
03:34 Zack_Davis: *Standing ovation for THE match of the Century!!!*
03:35 Zack_Davis: "REMATCH! REMATCH!"
03:35 Destiny_Desire: I’m off to the hospital after that one 😵‍💫😵‍💫
03:35 The_Mangler: Tough way. To win.a belt.
03:35 Zack_Davis: *sneaks into doctors attire*
03:36 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: guess your a licensed doctor now? 🤔
03:36 Zack_Davis: *helps Lisette make her way up the aisle*
03:37 Zack_Davis: *Nope 😏*
03:37 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: ohhhh I see
03:41 Lisette: I'm going to sleep. it's very late for me. good night everyone. Destiny, pull yourself together prensto because I'm coming back for that belt.
03:41 Amazing_Andrea: Don't think you're the only one coming, @Lisette
03:43 TanyaSexfight: Wonderful match ladies
03:43 Lisette: I don't think so in fact it gives me even more charge if there is competition.
03:44 Amazing_Andrea: Good. We should talk soon Lisette
03:44 Michelle_Pantero: Pffft... Who are you Andrea
03:45 Amazing_Andrea: I am the one who was a second away from being in this title match instead of Destiny
03:46 TanyaSexfight: It must sting that you missed out~
03:47 Michelle_Pantero: One second... Two days... Doesn't matter
03:49 Amazing_Andrea: That's true, Michelle. No excuses.
03:49 Rylee_rocket: Before I exit out the door mumbling under my breath a bit to loud “destiny has it coming”
03:50 Levii: (😳)
03:50 Dimitri_Dragoon: *exits the arena whistling, happy with the violence put on display*
03:53 Michelle_Pantero: Rylee is saltier than the ocean
03:54 TheBlackHulk: 🤣

Published: 2023-05-25, viewed 85 times.



Queen Olivia (deleted member)

2023-05-25 19:32

Really great fight, fun to read

The Mangler

2023-05-25 12:35

This was a fantastic bout ladies. Thanks for putting on a great show.