OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
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OCW: Temper, Tempest, Temper!




Outdoor Championship Wrestling


19:51 QueenLola: I walk out to the ring as I hold my Interim Intercontinental Championship above my head as I walked down the rampway and bite my lip as I slide the belt into the ring and climb in, picking it up and placing it on my shoulder as I stand in my corner wearing my white and black bikini You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
19:51 QueenLola: Yt

19:52 Tempest:

19:53 Tempest: I walk to the ring wearing black tight lycra shorts and a black sports bra, barefoot, walking up the ring steps and step through the middle rope into the ring, looking over at my rival, she looks in great shape and i anticipate a tough match, as i stand with my back against the turnbuckles and my arms across the top ropeyt

19:57 QueenLola: I smirk as my opponent steps into the ring as I stare her down. I pass my belt to an staff member on the outside of the ring as I grin. “Think you can handle me bitch?” I shout across the ring and hear the bell ring and make my way towards the center of the ring with my arms up.
19:57 QueenLola: Yt

19:59 Tempest: 'I am glad you are not putting that belt on the line against me, because i would take it from you bitch', the trash talking begins as i pull on the top rope and the bell rings, i adjust the waist band of my lycra shorts as we circle each other and i attempt to lock up with you centre of the ring yt

20:02 QueenLola: We lock up in the middle of the ring as I try to move quick and turn the lock up into throwing you into an side headlock early on in this contest. “Oh really?”
20:02 QueenLola: Yt

20:03 Tempest: We lock up, pushing each other back and forth, struggling with each other, i get put in a standing side headlock, my face against the side of you're breast as i groan in pain UURGHH, grinding down on the back of my neck, my hands on you're hips yt

20:05 Nathan_gingerbread: Takes a seat

20:06 QueenLola: I have you down in the side headlock and look towards the ropes as I try to charge towards the ropes to hopefully nail an springboard bulldog on you to hopefully drop you down to the mat. Whether my title is on the line or not I always fight 100%.
20:06 QueenLola: Yt

20:08 Tempest: I am in the standing side headlock, the back of my neck in pain, as you charge towards the ropes and land a bulldog, the ring rattles and shakes on impact as i land on my stomach, my opponent making a positive start to the match, i groan in pain yt

20:10 QueenLola: I land the bulldog getting her down to the mat as I stand to my feet over her. I reach down and grab her hair trying to pull her back up to her feet now, I remember Zack mentioned nasty, did that mean she’d fight dirty?’ I asked myself and kept my legs closed just incase.
20:10 QueenLola: Yt

20:11 Tempest: My hair grabbed as it feels like my scalp is on fire, tiny strands fall on to the ring canvas as i am dragged to my knees and attempt a right fist to you're stomach yt

20:16 QueenLola: I grunt and groan taking her fist to my stomach, I guarded my crotch and even though I should of been guarding my stomach as I step back and hold my stomach letting her hair go, I’d rather my cunt then my stomach “ah! Fuck you bitch!”
20:16 QueenLola: Yt

20:17 Tempest: I try to get to my feet, you're groan of pain echoing around the ring, i attempt to rake at you're eyes as i try to get myself into this match after a poor start yt

20:22 QueenLola: I squeal and stumble back and down onto a knee holding my head trying to rub out my eyes from her dirty tactic of an rake of the eyes “Oh you bitch! You~Fuck! My eyes!”my vision now blurred.
20:22 QueenLola: Yt

20:23 Tempest: i look down at you and attempt to grab 2 handfuls of you're hair 'Shut up whore', trying to force you're face into the crotch of my black lycra shorts, trying to humiliate and embarrass you early on in this match yt

20:23 Nathan_gingerbread: Holds up placard You are not logged in. whistles loudly.

20:26 QueenLola: She drags me against her as I groan and blink my eyes trying to gain my vision back though knowing I’m against her I can’t tell where, if she wants to play dirty I can play dirty too, as I try to bite her.
20:26 QueenLola: Yt

20:27 Tempest: UUUURGHHH YOU FUCKING WHORE i let go of you're hair and moving away from you holding my crotch yt

20:28 QueenLola: I rub my eyes and look up as I notice that I bit her crotch and grin as I slowly get up to my feet. I think about and stand on my side facing her with my left foot waiting for her.
20:28 QueenLola: Yt

20:30 Tempest: i adjust my black lycra shorts and try to move towards you cautiously and attempt to lock up with you again centre of the ring yt

20:31 QueenLola: I watch you step towards me, though your looking to lock up and instead I try to nail you with my Signature, Royal Serenade, an super kick to your jaw.
20:31 QueenLola: Yt

20:32 Tempest: I see you're kick coming at the last second and attempt to grab you're foot, and try to kick at you're free standing foot trying to take you off balance yt

20:35 QueenLola: She catches my foot and makes me bounce on one foot and as I think I wanna do an pop up insiguri she makes me lose my balance instead and takes me down to the ground on my back as I groan.
20:35 QueenLola: Yt

20:36 Tempest: I attempt to grab you're legs and spread them apart, looking over at the gingerman holding the stupid sign and attempt to stomp down hard on you're crotch yt

20:42 QueenLola: I gasp and groan as she stomps down on my cunt and roll away holding my cunt as I laid chest down ass up on the canvas. ‘Fuck!’ I shouted and was now on a receiving end of things.
20:42 QueenLola: Yt

20:43 Tempest: GET UP WHORE, i attempt to grab you're right leg and try to lift it up off the canvas and try to slam you're right knee down on to the canvas yt

20:48 QueenLola: I groan and now grasp my knee as it’s been slammed down to the mat and pain, I try to scoot back and hold my knee as I do so looking up at you.
20:48 QueenLola: Yt

20:49 Tempest: GET UP WHORE, i stalk you and try to grab at your right leg and aim a hard kick to the back of you're right knee as i seem to be controlling the match now yt

20:55 QueenLola: I groan and fall forward as she’s really doing a number on my knee as I turn over onto my back and wait and watch her as she follows me and give her a grin.
20:55 QueenLola: Yt

20:56 Lucicat: lola don't give up.. i will cheer her up

20:57 Nathan_gingerbread: Winces , " you can turn this around lola"
20:58 Queen_Olivia: go Lola, go

20:59 Tempest: The cheers for you irritate and annoy me as i move towards you with a look of hatred on my face and attempt to grab you're right leg raising it and attempt to kick you hard in the crotch yt

21:00 Zack_Davis: "HEY! EASY ON THAT PART!... I might need that later 😏"

21:01 QueenLola: As she grabs my right leg I send a kick towards her knee with my left hoping it’ll buckle her.
21:01 QueenLola: Yt

21:02 Tempest: UURGHHH BITCH, you're kick connects to my knee as i shout out in pain limping away from you, holding the middle rope bending my knee yt

21:03 Zack_Davis: Knee'ds a hand 🤣

21:06 QueenLola: She stumbles away and gives me room to pull myself back up to my feet barely. My knee in so much pain it kinda hurts to stand on it. I hobbled over towards her and tried to stomp down onto that same knee that I kicked.
21:06 QueenLola: Yt

21:07 Tempest: UUUURGHHHH BITCH i drop to one knee from you're hard stomp on my knee, gritting my teeth, tiny beads of sweat form on my forehead trickling down into my eyes, my body shining under the lights yt
21:08 Zack_Davis: 🥵

21:09 Nathan_gingerbread: Luckily right opposite where i am sitting as i wave my banner more making sure tempest sees it You are not logged in.

21:09 QueenLola: I try to move behind her and grab her shoulders attempting on one good knee to hit, my other signature, Monarch’s Respite, a double knee backcracker.
21:09 QueenLola: Yt

21:10 Tempest: as you move behind me i attempt to reach up and rake at you're eyes before you can get the chance to hit the move yt

21:11 QueenLola: I lean my head back this time to avoid her dirty rack at the eyes and try to send a kick to the side of her head with my only good leg.
21:11 QueenLola: Yt

21:12 Tempest: UUURGHHHH fortunately i am close to the ropes as i roll outside the ring on to the thin blue mat feeling dazed, trying to move and grab the guard rail yt

21:16 QueenLola: I see you expertly roll out of the ring and with this one good knee I hold onto the ropes and walk to the turnbuckle. I watch you as I scale the ropes slowly as my knee is screaming in pain. I make it to the top and wait for you to get to your feet as I turn, preparing to do my move from the top to the outside. Royal Ascension, a moonsault from the top.
21:16 QueenLola: Yt

21:17 Nathan_gingerbread: 🫣

21:17 Tempest: I try to get to my feet as i see you coming off the top rope and move out of the way hoping you either hit the barricade or the mat, grabbing the ring apron yt

21:19 QueenLola: I miss and smack hard on the outside of the ring and lay there as now everything in my body hurt badly.
21:19 QueenLola: Yt

21:20 Tempest: I look at the guy with the stupid sign and attempt to snatch it from him and rip it up into pieces and drop the pieces over your body, as you lay on the thin blue mat, i grab the barricade and attempt to press my foot down on to you're throat yt

21:24 QueenLola: I lay on my back after rolling over from the moonsault and feel her foot on my throat as I grip her ankle and feel my body fading.
21:24 QueenLola: Yt

21:24 Nathan_gingerbread: Hey!!! 😡

21:26 Tempest: I attempt to raise my right foot and stomp down hard on to you're face, 'If i was you i would give up now BITCH, before i really hurt you badly and Zack dumps you' YT

21:28 Nathan_gingerbread: Holds up whats left ...." Outrageous!" You are not logged in.

21:28 QueenLola: I roll under her as she raised her foot to stomp down onto me and catch my breath, as I pant heavily and growl from her comment. The pain in my body moved to the back of my mind out of anger and reach up as I grab and try to dig my nails into her cunt.
21:28 QueenLola: Yt

21:28 Zack_Davis: I leap up in protest, "accidentally" tossing a full cup of beer into Tempest's face 😈

21:29 Tempest: 'I needed a drink, thanks', as i attempt to spit on you, 'you two idiots can sit down, keep you're mouths shut, especially you with that sign, what are you 7 years old', i suddenly feel her nails into my crotch as i shout out in pain and attempt to grab at you're hand and stomp down on you're stomach before moving away yt

21:34 Zack_Davis: She's numb there baby ....

21:35 QueenLola: I grunt and groan as she stomps on my stomach which is already hurt from landing on it from the failed moonsault. The pain hurts so bad in my stomach nearly bringing me to tears.
21:35 QueenLola: Yt

21:37 Tempest: I go and grab a steel chair which is very handily placed and attempt to smash it down hard on to you're stomach, feeling quite pissed off with the morons at ringside yt

21:39 Zack_Davis: Hey!!! I resemble that comment! 🤬

21:40 Nathan_gingerbread: Huffs and grunbles " nearly 7 " puts thumb in my mouth and starts to blow until somthing pops up You are not logged in.

21:40 Zack_Davis: I hold up my own sign ...
21:40 Zack_Davis:

21:41 QueenLola: She hits me with the chair and the ref calls for the bell as I groan and roll over onto my stomach.
21:41 QueenLola: Yt

21:41 Nathan_gingerbread: I should sell those 🤔

21:41 Zack_Davis: Jumps up shoving Tempest hard by her shoulders 🤬

21:43 Tempest: i move back 1 step and laugh 'i've been shoved harder by a little boy, sit down before i take that sign, roll it up and stick it up you're ass sideways'

21:44 Tempest: 'i haven't finished with you yet', i attempt to smash the steel chair down hard across you're back'
21:44 Tempest: yt

21:48 QueenLola: I take the chair shot to my back and cry out in agony as she seems to have let the anger get the best of her.
21:48 QueenLola: Yt

21:49 Tempest: i cup my hand to my ears as the guys seem to have went quiet, i put my foot on you're body and raise the steel chair above my head, like i am raising a trophy

21:52 QueenLola: I lay on the outside the winner but also the loser as you hold a chair like a trophy with your foot on my back.
21:52 QueenLola: Yt

21:53 Tempest: looks like i have been disqualified, i shrug my shoulders 'oh well', and i attempt to smash the chair down hard on to you're head

21:54 Nathan_gingerbread: 😳 a savage temper tempest .

21:55 QueenLola: The chair shot to the back of the head lays me out on the outside

21:59 Tempest: hope you enjoyed that

22:08 Nathan_gingerbread: Well now we know what was meant when told she fights dirty

22:09 Tempest: she does doesn't she ;)


Outdoor Championship Wrestling



Published: 2023-05-30, viewed 51 times.
