OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
173 members
152 stories
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Levi G (deleted member)
Queen Olivia (deleted member)



Outdoor Championship Wrestling


21:47 QueenLola: I make my way down to the ring as I look around the arena at the people in attendance for this pro wrestling match up. I’m here to make a staple for OCW, wearing my black and white bikini this time around as I climb up onto the apron and step into the ring. I stand in my corner and bounce on my feet waiting for my opponent. You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
21:47 QueenLola: Yt

21:51 Levii: I march down the ramp with a smirk spread across face ignoring the thousands of OCW fans that have gathered here tonight. I slide into the ring and stand tall at 6’0 and 181 lbs in my usual black shorts. I watch you bounce like a bunny and snicker “You’re cute, I will have fun defeating you.” , then walk to the middle as I wait for the bell to ring yt

21:52 Levii: You are not logged in. yt
21:54 QueenLola: The bell rings as I watch him walk out to the middle of the ring and I try to make an immediate stamp in the match as I charge out of the corner and try to deliver a double front leg drop kick to his chest.
21:54 QueenLola: Yt

21:57 Levii: “what the—“ i watch you charge as soon as the bell rings and knowing I don’t have enough time quickly cross my arms across my chest to soften the blow. The impact sends me back into the ropes with a small grunt and I bounce right back at you yt
21:58 QueenLola: I roll up to my feet as you bounce off the ropes and come flying back at me. As you do I try to hit you with an spinning clothesline to your chest again hoping to connect and take you down to the ground.
21:58 QueenLola: Yt

21:59 Queen_Olivia: Go Lola! show him what girl power is

22:02 Levii: Luckily i wasn’t stunned and this time i was ready for you. I watch your arm raise as you spin as wait till the last moment to duck down avoiding your clothesline, then running to the opposite ropes i sling shot myself once again and jump at the last moment in an attempt to deliver a drop kick at your back. yt

22:04 QueenLola: I miss the clothesline and slam face first down to the mat as I groan from the drop kick to the back. Holding my back as I claw along the floor to the ropes and using my one arm slowly begin to pull myself up to my feet.
22:04 QueenLola: Yt

22:04 Queen_Olivia: go up Lola, you can do it
22:07 Levii: I quickly roll onto my feet and wait till you to get to the ropes. And as you’re trying to stand up i charge at you once again and attempt to deliver another drop kick into your back at the same spot!
22:07 Levii: yt

22:09 Queen_Olivia: look out! Lola

22:10 QueenLola: I groan taking the second drop kick that sends me through the middle rope and down to the floor as I lay on the outside and take my time to recover while on the outside of the ring.
22:10 QueenLola: Yt

22:13 Levii: A huge grin appears on my face as the second dropkick connects, i roll onto my feet and look at Olivia “You sure you still wanna cheer for her!” Then without wanting to waste any more time grab the top rope and jump up for a body splash in an attempt to flatten you under me yt

22:14 Queen_Olivia: do you want to challenge me

22:15 QueenLola: I watch you come flying over the top rope and using instinct I roll to the side out of the way of your springboard to the outside as we both now lay on the outside and I grip onto the barricade trying to get up.
22:15 QueenLola: Yt

22:18 Levii: The grin on my face disappears as i watch you roll out of my vision at the last moment. I hit the unforgiving floor torso first and let out a huge grunt, while on floor i quickly try to recover and then grab the ring apron in an attempt to get up. yt

22:20 QueenLola: I use the barricade to ad me to my feet and watch you slowly getting up from landing on the ground. I set up with my dominant left foot facing you as I wait til you’re up and try to send my Signature move, Royal Serenade, a super kick aimed at your jaw early on in this match and on the outside.
22:20 QueenLola: Yt

22:25 Levii: Clutching at my ribs i manage to get up halfway and see you’re already on your foot. I watch your left swing and quickly let go of the apron and drop down to barely avoiding your superkick. And then while we’re outside try to sweep your leg from under you yt

22:27 QueenLola: I miss the kick and get swept off my feet and down onto the ground as I groan and lay there in agony having to think of another move to get back into this and hold off on the super kick for now.
22:28 QueenLola: Yt

22:31 Levii: I grab the ring apron again and quickly get up as you lay in ground groaning in pain. “Total music to my ears..” i say smirkingly and then run at your head trying to capitalize and give you my Signature LeviStomp (a headstomp into oblivion) yt

22:32 QueenLola: I move up and go with the stomp right into the ground as I now lay dazed in the sand and groan as my head was spinning thankfully he couldn’t win the match outside of the ring.
22:33 QueenLola: Yt

22:37 Levii: I kick you into the side trying to roll you over and know i have to get you back in the ring. I grab both of your legs dragging you closer to ring and if successful then grab your waist and try to hoist you inside the ring upper body first, my hands grabbing your legs after to push the rest of the body inside and hopefully slide into the ring following you yt

22:39 QueenLola: I get rolled into the ring my body dazed and nearly limp from his attack as I groan try to take this time to clear my head and recover from his stomp on the outside of the ring.
22:39 QueenLola: Yt

22:42 Levii: I slide into the ring right after you and then grab both your ankles once again trying to drag you into the middle and if successful then try to roll you onto your back and sit on your back as i face your legs and try to yank them back for a BosTon Crab. yt

22:50 QueenLola: You drag me to the center of the ring and lean down to attempt to turn me over onto my back as you do I try to pull you down into my Finisher, Royal Execution, the Guillotine Choke Submission hold. Trying to pull your head under my arm and lock my legs around your waist.
22:50 QueenLola: Yt

22:52 Queen_Olivia: great Muv Lola *applaud*

22:54 Levii: I let my guard down thinking you were done but you shock me by grabbing my head all of a sudden. I feel your legs squeeze around my waist and squirm in your grip trying to push myself up by my legs while it gets harder to breathe. I ball up a fist and try to land a couple of punches into your belly in an attempt to loosen your grip as i growl “let go..”, my face starts to turn red yt

22:56 QueenLola: I grunt and groan taking punches to my abdomen as I wrench up on your neck tighter and squeeze around your waist more with my legs trying to take the fight out of you.
22:56 QueenLola: Yt

22:59 Levii: My body starts to get weaker in your grip every passing moment. Using the last bit of strength i try to reach up from my right arm and attempt to poke your eye hoping to throw you off of your game yt

23:01 QueenLola: I take the dirty poke to the eye and release your head, not wanting to lose full momentum I try to lift and slam my heel down on your spine as a way to hopefully have time to recover from your dirty antics.
23:01 QueenLola: Yt

23:04 Levii: As soon as i feel your arm loosen i take a deep breath and try to push up from my legs. But your heel buries into my back letting out a groan i try to step back from you while holding my back and catching up on the lost oxygen. yt

23:06 QueenLola: You back away after my heel nails into your back and gives me room to turn over onto my stomach and move up onto my hands and knees. I try and clear my eyes as I do and crawl towards the corner.
23:06 QueenLola: Yt

23:09 Levii: I back into the corner catching up my breathe and holding my back as i try to recover. I watch you crawl to the corner and wait till you turn around to charge and try to ram my shoulder into your belly but im still a bit weak yt

23:11 QueenLola: Climbing into the corner and having my vision back slightly as I turn I see you sprinting towards me and try to catch you on the jaw with another attempt at my Royal Serenade, super kick signature.
23:11 QueenLola: Yt

23:12 Queen_Olivia: keep it up Lola

23:14 Levii: A bit wobbly as i charge at you i fail to execute my move in time and instead get nailed in the face by your superkick. My head snaps back and i stagger back before fall onto the mat with a loud thud totally stunned . yt

23:15 Queen_Olivia: *applaud*

23:18 QueenLola: I take a small breath and sigh of relief as I caught you on the jaw with that kick leaving you flat on the mat and stunned as I grin. With all the might and strength I had left I pull my body up the corner to the top turnbuckle, “Welcome to my ring!” I say and stand both feet on the top turnbuckle and attempt my finisher, Royal Ascension as I do a standing back flip or Moonsault from the top.
23:18 QueenLola: Yt

23:22 Levii: My head is completely spinning and through my blurry vision i watch you climb onto the corner. “No no wait..” i say as you stand tall an try to move out of the way but my body doesn’t respond and get crushed between you and the mat. My body goes limp and i am almost unconscious laying spread eagle on the mat yt

23:23 QueenLola: I land the move and smile as I feel you crumble below me as I hook your leg for the pin watching the ref slide into position and begin the count. “1
23:23 QueenLola: Yt

23:26 Levii: I feel my leg yanked up and can hear the ref starting to slap the mat. I try to arch my back to shoot my legs up but fail being too dazed yt

23:27 Queen_Olivia: go lola hold him, you can do it

23:29 QueenLola: The count continues as I hold your leg and grin and smile “2
.!” The ref counts and I feel the end is near for my opponent.
23:29 QueenLola: Yt

23:31 Levii: Almost at 2 and a half i kick out my leg trying to throw you off before the ref counts 3 while i lay there dazed and stunned yt

23:33 Zack_Davis: CMON BABES, AGAIN!!!!!
23:34 Zack_Davis: Royal Ascension !!!!!

23:35 QueenLola: As you kicked out I slap the mat in frustration and stand up as I try to lift your stunned body up and relock in the Royal Execution on you this time hoping your dazed and stunned body was to worn out to hold out on it twice.
23:35 QueenLola: Yt

23:36 Queen_Olivia: come on Lola you can do it again
23:36 Zack_Davis: Ohhh, dang!!!, lock it in babe!
23:36 Zack_Davis: *squeezes Liv's hand!*

23:37 Levii: Still a bit shocked as i manage to stop you before the count but you don’t waste anytime in capitalizing and i feel your arms and legs close around me once again. But this time i m too stunned to fight back and simply squirm in your grip trying to get out as i struggle to breathe yt

23:38 QueenLola: I lock my legs around your waist and my arms around your neck the hold fully locked on as I twerk up on your neck adding more pressure “Tap or go out!” I shout as the sweat coated our bodies.
23:38 QueenLola: Yt

23:39 Zack_Davis: Classic Lola đŸ”„

23:41 Levii: I manage to ball up my fist for a punch but as you squeeze tighter i know there’s no way out of this and decide to play dirty.. i let my body fall limp and pretend to be passed out hoping the ref doesn’t ring the bell too soon. yt

23:43 QueenLola: I grin feeling his body go limp, though this was an old trick of mine, I squeeze tighter on the hold and jerk up on his neck hoping that’ll cause him to come back to reality. “Can’t trick me! Ref check em!” I shout as the ref comes over and takes hold of your arm.
23:43 QueenLola: Yt

23:45 Levii: I feel my neck yanked tighter and groan out loud in pain as you see right through me. Your legs almost crushing my waist, i tap out as the ref holds my other arm and yell out “i submit!!” yt

23:46 Queen_Olivia: a true champion :-)

23:47 QueenLola: The ref stands and rings the bell as I drop the hold and breath heavily as I smile and lay on the mat for a few seconds as I smile in happiness as I slowly get up to my feet.
23:47 QueenLola: Yt

23:48 Zack_Davis: *does a one man "wave" ... Woo hoo!!!!

23:49 Levii: i roll onto my back and hold my belly while breathing fast as i try to recover. I hear the ref ringing the bell announcing you winner as i lay dizzy on the mat. yt

23:50 QueenLola: I raise my hands happy and excited as I look at Zack and motion him to the ring for the victory reveal.
23:50 QueenLola: Yt

23:51 Zack_Davis:

23:54 Zack_Davis: The championship has been vacated. As CEO, I decided before the match began that this would be the match that filled the vacancy. Levii, I was kind of hoping for a little less estrogen in the champions quarters, but a hell of a match. You'll fight for a belt again.

23:55 Zack_Davis: Lola. You will hold this belt on an interim basis. You will face Patricia at your earliest convenience, beat her I remove the "interim" label. If she wins, she is outright champion

23:56 Zack_Davis: Good match x 2!

23:57 QueenLola: I look at the title and smile as I take it from Zack as an interim holder until my match with Patricia

23:58 Levii: I catch up on my breath and sit up shaking my head to fix my vision. Angry as i lost the championship match i get up and extend my hand to Lola smiling at her “Congratulations on the win” yt

23:59 QueenLola: I place the belt on my shoulder and watch him extend his hand as I show good sportsmanship and reach out to shake his hand “Thanks for a great match.”
23:59 QueenLola: Yt

00:01 Levii: I look at Zack “Dw That belt will soon be mine.” before looking at Lola angrily and balling up a fist to send a left uppercut aimed at her jaw yt

00:03 QueenLola: I take the punch and fall to the ground and dropping the belt as I hold my jaw and look up at him.
00:03 QueenLola: Yt

00:04 Levii: I reach down to grab the belt off of your shoulders and grin looking at you “Consider this payback..” i swing the belt at your head aiming to knock you out. yt

00:05 QueenLola: I take the belt upside my head and get laid out as I lay there spread eagle on the mat
00:05 QueenLola: Yt

00:06 Levii: I drop the belt near you limp down and slide out the ring to leave the arena before giving a warning look to Olivia and a goodbye wave to Zack

00:06 Levii: (end?)
00:06 QueenLola: End.

00:06 Levii: (thanks for watching both of you!)

00:08 Queen_Olivia: our eyes meet and i know at that moment that we too will be in the ring one day

00:14 Zack_Davis: I clothesline Levii on his way by, almost taking his head off, knocking him out as cold as a cod ... 😉 ... I have too, I have to live with her, shell nag me forever if I do nothing

00:16 Levii: I was distracted by Olivia i feel my head snap back, i fall onto the floor with a loud thud and go unconscious as my head hits the concrete

00:18 Zack_Davis: (she would nag me! I'd have knocked her ass out too 😉)

00:19 Levii: (all good :) kinda expected from the husband. thanks again everyone for the fun!)


Outdoor Championship Wrestling



Published: 2023-05-28, viewed 44 times.



Nathan gingerbread

2023-05-28 10:52

An assertive defence , unlucky levii