OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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OCW: Megan vs Lola

MeganFrost (deleted member)




Outdoor Championship Wrestling


17:57 QueenLola: I strut down to the ring wearing my white and black bikini with my IC championship proudly around my waist as I climb the apron and slide into the ring. I take my belt off and hold up the championship for the crowd to see and either cheer or boo me. I stand in my corner and wait for you. You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
17:57 QueenLola: Yt

18:03 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I walk down to the ring shortly after you make your entrance, standing 5’7 and weighing 141 lbs, my long brown hair is down free as I wear a dark blue bikini out fit. I climb through the ropes, standing in my corner taking in the crowd as I prepare for this match to get under way, a tad bit of confidence on my face as I come off a win, ready for whatever is thrown at me.

18:06 QueenLola: I stare my opponent up and down admiring her and bite my lip as the bell rings. She’s 5 inches taller than me and stronger than me for sure, but I won’t let that stop me. I make my way out to the middle of the ring with my hands up looking like I wanna set up an wrist to elbow lock up in the middle of the ring.
18:06 QueenLola: Yt

18:12 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I look at my opponent, she’s a bit shorter than me but I know size doesn’t do much as long as they have the skill to win, so I still need to keep my guard up. I know what is on the line for this match, and so does she. I see my opponent leave her corner, as I do the same, meeting her at the center of the ring, keeping my hands up and eyes on her. We lock up with one another at the center of the ring.

18:14 QueenLola: We lock up at the middle of the ring and though she’s taller than me, I decide to use my quickness to my advantage and try to slide my left leg back behind her right leg and sweep her ankle trying to knock her right leg out from under her and taking her to the mat.
18:14 QueenLola: Yt

18:17 Zack_Davis: *drags my Volkswagen sized cooler of beer into the front row .. "What, it's a weekend?!"

18:21 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: We lock up, and you go for the size comparison once more, with you being a few years younger than me you are a bit faster, so your leg sneaks it’s way behind my right leg, my eyes are trained on you so all I can do is feel what’s going on below us, you take me to the mat, breaking the lock up but that doesn’t stop me from reaching for one of your legs and pulling it out from under you, also trying to bring you down with me!

18:21 Zack_Davis: *peeks at that belt ... It's so shiny!* ...
18:21 Zack_Davis:

18:22 Zack_Davis: 'atta girl, Megan! Kick her bratty little butt!!!

18:24 QueenLola: I gasp as she quickly sweeps my leg out from under me and down to the mat I go, my back hits the mat and I groan as I hold it with one hand and roll onto my stomach. This brunette isn’t one to take lightly as I crawl towards the ropes holding my back as I do.
18:24 QueenLola: Yt

18:28 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: From my landing, my back also hurts a bit, but now we are both on the ground as I watch her crawl towards the ropes, I feel at my back, making sure it’s good before I roll over, pushing my self back up to my feet as the match is underway.

18:30 QueenLola: I make it to the ropes and use them to pull myself up to my feet already being at an not so good advantage early on in this contest. I hold my back as I turn and face my opponent using the ropes to keep me up to my feet.
18:30 QueenLola: Yt

18:33 Zack_Davis: *pops my first beer*

18:35 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Now off the ground, I make my way over to Lola who is still using the ropes to prop her self up, knowing she can be a bit faster, I can’t take any chances with her as I also wasn’t expecting her landing to be a big impact early on. I attempt getting the first shots of the match in, going for a right hook to her face, and hopefully if that hook connects, a left one to make it a combo.

18:37 Zack_Davis: *Lola is against the ropes in front of me with her back turned to me ... Causually grabs the waistband of hur bikini at her butt so she can't move ... Throw me through a table, will you!*
18:37 Zack_Davis: (👅)

18:38 QueenLola: Staggered to my feet I look up only to take a right and then a left to the jaw knocking me silly as I stumble off of the ropes down to and grabbing onto the ropes in one of the corners. ‘Fuck that hurt’ I thought to myself as I groan.
18:38 QueenLola: Yt

18:42 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: My hits connect, I try keeping the early momentum I have against my opponent, not wanting to give her a chance to recover. I follow after you as you stumble into the corner of the ring, your hand latching onto the rope, I reach down, grabbing a handful of your hair, helping you up before attempting to ram your head into the corner turnbuckle.

18:44 QueenLola: She grabs my hair and pulls me up to my feet as she attempts to slam my face into the turnbuckle I use my hands to try and resist her attempt and make her struggle for it hoping I can get an opening to throw an elbow back at her.
18:44 QueenLola: Yt

18:49 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: With my grip in your hair, you do your best to resist me, and you use your hands, your struggles getting me annoyed before you finally get a opening and throw your elbow back at me, connecting with my shoulder making me gasp, also making me release your hair as I stagger back a bit, holding it but keeping my eyes on you.

18:51 QueenLola: I turn around and attempt for a left kick to your midsection hopefully making you double over in pain from it as I need to get in some action on this bitch, I know what’s on the line and as badly as I wouldn’t mind facing her again for my title, I can’t make it easy for her either.
18:51 QueenLola: Yt

18:54 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: The momentum of this match quickly turning, you turn around as your foot leaves the air, using my free hand as I try to ignore the pain in my shoulder, I try catching the wild foot before it can reach its target.

18:56 QueenLola: She catches my foot and makes me bounce on my other foot as I try to use this to my advantage and nail her with an pop up insguri, with my other leg, a kick aimed at her jaw hopefully I can connect even though the move will cost me some as well.
18:56 QueenLola: Yt

19:00 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: “Agh!” Your other foot comes up, I don’t have enough time to move my head out of the way, your foot hitting my jaw and making me release your other foot, staggering back holding my jaw.

19:02 QueenLola: I land on my right shoulder from the move and groan as I stagger back to my feet and line her up as she’s staggered as I wink at Zack. I attempt to hit her with my signature Royal Serenade aka a super kick to her already hit side of her Jaw.
19:02 QueenLola: Yt

19:08 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: You fall onto your shoulder, I shake my jaw, keeping my eyes on you as you stagger back up, I’ve recovered a bit, you go for your signature move, another kick aimed for my jaw as your foot leaves the ground once more, I try to duck under your foot before it can connect and do more damage to my jaw as I want to show that I still have fight in me!

19:12 QueenLola: I miss the kick and fall into the ropes using them to keep me up onto my feet as I look at you both of us willing to keep fighting for what we want. I see your back is to me and I grin as I try to use that to my advantage and try my second signature moving forward as I try to grab your shoulders and attempt Monarchs Respite which is an double knee back breaker.
19:12 QueenLola: Yt

19:15 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I manage to avoid your first move, I turn my head behind me and see you fly by me and into the ropes, as you grab my shoulders, i know your going to try and use it to your advantage, so I try getting some retaliation in, flying my elbow back at you as hard as I can, hoping to catch you by surprise and trying to hit something that is in range of it, not wanting to give up!

19:17 QueenLola: I bend down and as I go to leap up for the move I catch your elbow to the side of my eye making me drop to the mat as I hold my head and blink as I try to regain sight from the watery blurriness in my eye.
19:17 QueenLola: Yt

19:20 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Finally having a chance to recover and a opening, I push my self back to my feet, realizing I probably just saved my self from a serious match turning blow, I want a chance at that championship, so if it means give it all, then that’s what I will do! I turn to you, quickly sending a kick to your side as you try regaining your senses.

19:22 QueenLola: I grunt and groan as I take a kick to my ribs sending me to my back as I keep blinking trying to gain a sense of my surroundings as I look up at lights and the pain in my head and ribs are so intense as if it was like someone jabbed me with an hot iron.
19:22 QueenLola: Yt

19:25 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Now having you on your back, I use this as a chance to pounce, getting on top of you and sitting on your chest, trying to keep you down as I reach for your dangerous arms, attempting to pin them above your head your dazed state working for me as I look to keep the offensive momentum going.

19:28 QueenLola: I groan as she decided to get ontop of me and pin my arms down above my head as I struggle and the ref gives her a look as if to start a pin or not on this action.
19:28 QueenLola: Yt

19:30 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I look at the ref, who currently looks like they are questioning my choices, deciding to be smart, I should try to end this, not taking chances with her as I know she is skilled, not dragging it on. I move my self to her side, looking to lay across her and go for a pin, I grab at her leg hoping to get a count started as she’s still dazed.

19:36 QueenLola: I feel her body shift and she lifts my leg, my eye slowly gaining it’s vision back as I groan and hear the ref count 1
 my head hurting from the elbow left me dazed and weak though I didn’t wanna find out if this was gonna turn erotic if she won or not and wasn’t taking a chance as I let my body recover a bit.
19:36 QueenLola: Yt

19:40 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: The count continues, you slowly recovering from the eye shot, the ref counts 2
 as we still lay there at the center of the ring, hoping you don’t come back to as I look to not drag this on further than it needs to go.

19:43 Zack_Davis: *spills my beer in my lap leaning up in my seat 😳*

19:44 QueenLola: My body wants to move but my head still hurts from her elbow to my eye as by the time I react to the count the ref slams his hand down for three and I groan in agony... The ref gets up and rings the bell as I lay in agony, Megan was definitely a tough bitch to fight, and I do look forward to being in this ring with her again, though next time it’ll be for my championship title ... and she’ll be laying on her back.
19:52 QueenLola: Yt

19:55 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Deciding to be smart and end it pays off, I get up and walk away with a win here today, smiling as I now have confidence for the championship, I’ll be trying to repeat my efforts here as it’ll be for the title the next time we meet in this ring.


Outdoor Championship Wrestling



Published: 2023-06-04, viewed 55 times.
