OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
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Amina vs Megan

Amina00 (deleted member)
MeganFrost (deleted member)
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20:07 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I’ve been chatting to this girl online who’s been talking a lot of shit recently, so I decided to challenge her to a NHB Brawl. I told her to meet me at the basement in my house, as there’s a mat set up down there and it’s pretty private, so no interruptions. I am already there, waiting in a dark blue bikini, arms crossed as my brown hair is down, standing 5’7 and weighing 141 lbs, ready to show this girl what’s up as I wait for her arrival.
20:10 Amina00: After coming over to Megan's place for our fight, I came down to her basement and stripped out of my normal clothes and into my bikini underneath. Stepping onto the mat at 5'6" and 175lb I looked you up and down and flexed, flaunting my curves and thick figure while flashing you a mischievous grin. "Ready for the hurt, babes?" I wink at you and get my hands up, balling my fists and tucking my elbows as I start to move in towards you. yt
20:10 Amina00: You are not logged in.
20:17 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I notice my opponent is a bit heavier than me, but that shouldn’t be a problem I have to worry about. I’ve taken down skilled veterans before, so this new challenge is good. I glare at you once you enter, as I also get into a stance, keeping my eyes trained on you as I move in towards you. “That’s if you can touch me.” I grin back.
20:21 Amina00: I crack my neck with a sudden jerk to the side and smile. "Oh, I can." I circle in around you like a predator stalking its prey, slowly closing in tighter and tighter until I am finally near enough to strike. I step in with my left and go for a power move, immediately following with a deep right step that twists my hips and is accompanied by a right, overhanded haymaker that I hurl around my shoulder and try to smash across your cheek! yt
20:26 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: We finally get in range of one another, my eyes on yours as you go for the first move, twisting your body to throw a right haymaker at my cheek, I see your first coming and duck it, using my speed as I attempt for 2 quick jabs at your sides with my fists before backing up and keeping my eyes on you.
20:28 Amina00: You duck my overhand as I swing it over your head and lean in, taking a step to balance myself. As I do your fists come in below and you sink two jabs into either side of me, punching my stomach side to side as ripples travel out from the impact of your knuckles! I grit my teeth and take a step back as we both eye each other up again, this time with my stomach a bit sore. "Bitch..." I hiss and come at you again, trying to keep you close and reduce your ability to escape me now. I step in with both hands coming up, trying to grab you by the hair and yank you towards me with a firm tug! yt
20:32 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: “Haha.. What’s Wrong?” I laugh, smirking as we look at each other, your stomach now sore as my punches connected, you come in once more, grabbing my hair with both of your hands as you yank me inwards towards you, I use this to my advantage, I bring my knee up once you pull me in, attempting to aim it between your legs for a early low blow!
20:34 Amina00: I had my own plans to knee you, but you beat me to it. With my hands in your hair and focused on tugging you, I keep my feet apart for balance only to suddenly feel your knee smash between my thighs. I squeal, dropping like a stone as my hands slink out of your hair and crawl down my body till they are clutching my cunt while I fall to my knees, wheezing hard as the pain radiates throughout my guts! yt
20:38 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Your hands out of my hair now, I smirk, your squeal echoing the basement, you slowly fall to your knees on the mat, clutching at your pussy, I now grab at your hair with one of my hands, quickly trying to bring my knee up and into your face hard as I angle your head down.
20:41 Amina00: You're even more brutal than I expected, laying into me as I am stunned from the low blow. You get a clean hit, grabbing my hair and forcing me to look down as your knee rises up and crushes into my nose! I scream out again as blood trickles from my nostrils and stamps onto your lower thigh, feeling the pain now. I am stunned, desperate to get out of this as my adrenaline spikes and I reach forward to try and sink my nails into your stomach, hoping you'll let me go. yt
20:45 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: My knee connects to your face, getting you stunned momentarily as blood lands on my lower bare thigh, staining it. You reach forwards, my hand in your hair still as your hand comes to my stomach, nails digging into it and making me release your hair, wincing in pain, but only to grab at your hand with my own to try and remove it from my stomach.
20:46 Amina00: Once you release my hair I pull my hands away, pushing off of my knees and onto my ass. I squirm backwards to make some distance and finally try to get to my feet, a bit shaky as my guts still hurt from the low blow and my vision is now a bit impaired from the knee to the face, nose starting to swell up. I am feeling it now, but hoping to get onto my feet and reset with my fists up. yt
20:50 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: You pull away, still a bit shaky from my low low and knee attack, I come back over to you, as you get back in your stance, eyes trained on you, as I get back into my stance. “Still think you got what it takes?” I smirk.
20:53 Amina00: "Shut up Megan..." I gasp out at you, really not doing well. I start to come in again, needing this fight to be over - or at least more even. I go for my big haymaker again, cocking my right fist and swinging it wide but I pull it back suddenly to try and juke you out with a feint as I then lift my right knee, using the momentum of my hips for some extra power to try and jam my knee cap into your stomach! yt
20:57 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: “Well, why don’t you do something about it?” I taunt, I see you come in once more, going for your haymaker like earlier so I get ready to duck it once more, but half way through it, you pull it back, quickly lifting your knee up into my stomach, making me gasp loudly as I feel a bit of air leave, stumbling back a bit once your knee removes itself, “Okay, that was a good one..” I get out between gasps. Trying to keep my eyes on you.
21:01 Amina00: I smirk a little at you as I manage to hit you hard and knock your abs. I don't intend to slow down, following that right knee with a quick left hook as I twist my hips in the opposite direction and take a big, lunging left step to try and stay close to you as I attempt to inflict a beating and drive my knuckles into your eye socket, going for brutality now that you've shown your style! yt
21:06 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: My eyes widen, bringing my senses back once I see you come at me, I need to stay in this fight, having a bit of air back in me, I quickly try ducking your haymaker again, hoping it flys over my head, as I now attempt going for 2 more punches to your stomach. As this fight only gets tougher.
21:07 Amina00: You dodge my hook and go low again, pounding my stomach with two more punches as you make it bounce. I wheeze, the combined blows to my belly and cunt starting to take their toll on me. I hunch over, spitting onto the mat and stumbling a step as my left hand ducks down to cradle my belly. yt
21:09 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I use this opportunity to try and get more air inside of my body, before quickly trying to bring this to the floor, I walk behind you as you hunch over, attempting to put my foot on your ass and pushing you to the floor.
21:11 Amina00: While I am clutching my belly, struggling to keep its contents down after two more hard jabs into my guts, you slip in behind me and kick me in the ass with a push kick! I stumble forward a few steps and trip up, falling onto all fours on the mat. yt
21:13 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I reach down, attempting to grab your hair, lifting your head up only to attempt to ram it down face first into the mat, not once, but three times. as you are on the mats now.
21:15 Amina00: You grab my hair and start to lay on the abuse, lifting me up and then slamming my face into the mats! I collapse onto my belly, gasping as you beat my bloody nose into the floor again and again until I am stunned, squirming a bit at your feet. yt
21:17 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I release your hair, you now on your belly as I try stomping on your back, you now stunned from the face ramming as you are at my feet.
21:19 Amina00: You drive your foot down into my back, crushing into my insides from behind! I let out a scream of pain as my body curls up and I cough, spewing saliva and blood onto the mats while my hands slither up behind me to grab at my back... yt
21:25 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I decide to use this as a opportunity to end this, I try flipping you over so you are on your back, I attempt to grab at your hair, taking a seat behind you as I try forcing your head between my thighs in a head scissor, looking to lock the hold as I start trying to squeeze!
21:26 Amina00: Beat down and now at your mercy after the face, gut, and back shots, you flip me over onto my back and slip in behind me, lifting my head by my hair to get my head in your lap. I am pulled back between your thighs as you start to squeeze, crushing my head and making me cry out in pain as my legs kick and I plant my palms on your thighs, desperately trying to separate them... yt
21:30 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: “You want to give ‘babe’ or would you rather be put to sleep?” I taunt, as I squeeze you tightly, feeling your hands on my thighs trying to pry them apart as your legs start kicking out, I keep a tight grip in your hair with my hand, my other hand behind me pro-ping me up..
21:32 Amina00: I am a mess, my nose bloody and belly speckled with bruises. You crush my head until my eyes feel like they're going to pop out of my head and finally, I tap out. Hands slapping your thighs as I weakly cry out for you. "I give!!" yt
21:36 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: “Smart choice..” I smirk, releasing you and letting go of your hair. I get up and look at your beaten and battered body as you lay on the floor like a mess.
21:37 Amina00: I lay there, having lost the match. I pant heard, splayed out at your feet and looking up at you with a bit of fear, hoping you'll just let me get my things and go... yt
21:40 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: “Before you go, let me give you a parting gift..” I smirk evilly, I rip my panties off, climbing on top of you to add a bit of humiliation to it, I scoot up, brining my ass down onto your bloodied face, stuffing your nose in my crack.
21:42 Amina00: I groan a little as I watch you strip, seeing you stand over me and slowly squat down until my nose is stuffed in your ass crack, right up to your bare asshole. I scrunch up my face, taking tiny little breaths in apprehension of the scent... yt
21:45 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I grind my ass on your face a bit, making you take it in as I force your nose into my sweaty crack, grabbing your hair to push it in further as your face scrunches up underneath it.
21:46 Amina00: I groan, gasping as you grind and wipe my nose up and down your ass crack, nostrils scooping sweat. The smell of your ass makes me gag a bit, kicking my legs under you as you torture me, every breath stinking... yt
21:48 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I move my ass down a bit, making it cover your mouth as well as I now fully sit on your face, torturing you as you start to gag from the smell of my sweaty ass. Your legs kicking at the floor behind me.
21:49 Amina00: You settle your asshole over my lips, making me taste it. Trapped under you, my senses overwhelmed as you crush my bloody, busted up nose in your rank booty. "Mmmrmrrrph!" yt
21:54 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: And to make matters a bit worse for you, I let out a little fart on your face, mixing in with the sweat scent as I grind it on your face, making you take it all the way in as your noises are muffled.
21:56 Amina00: I flinch as the warmth of your fart blasts into my slightly open mouth, immediately tasting it. I try to cough under you, muffled and forced to just lay under your butt with your fart in my mouth, burning my lungs. "MMMMMM!" My cries get more desperate, eyes watering. yt
22:00 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: “All right bitch, I think it’s time for you to sleep..” I say, keeping my ass on your face as I wait for you to pass out due to lack of air from my ass on your face.
22:01 Amina00: You push down onto me, keeping me trapped with your fart tainting my tongue. With absolutely no air getting through it doesn't take long and I finally pass out, eyes rolling back as I squirm and twitch, KO'ed. yt
22:03 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I get up, looking at you body one more time before leaving the basement and you out cold on the floor.

Published: 2023-06-06, viewed 96 times.

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