OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
173 members
152 stories
267 photos
0 files

Breaking in the rookie

Amina00 (deleted member)

23:56 QueenLola: Jackson Vs Janet Vs Lola first bed wars fight?

23:56 Mamajob: With lots of carpeted floorspace

23:57 Jackson_starlight: Good I'll make sure to grab Lola and introduce her to every square inch of that bedroom

23:57 Nathan_gingerbread: It is

23:59 Zack_Davis: Will there be a viewing area?!?

23:59 Nathan_gingerbread: The old two way mirror πŸ€”

00:00 Mamajob: Eyeing Lola warily. I was pretty rough on her before.

00:01 QueenLola: πŸ˜‰

00:04 Zack_Davis: Sooo 2 blondes trying to keep score. Jackson better be good with math

00:06 Mamajob: Bonking zack with my abacus

00:13 Mamajob: So Lola my dear, where were we earlier? Oh yes. Grabbing you from behind and pinning your arms back.

00:13 Zack_Davis: Haha

00:13 Nathan_gingerbread: try not bonking zack ?
00:16 Zack_Davis: Arms pinned back, huh? Ill get some of that ... Punches Lola in the gut. Says to Janet, "See, that's 1" .... *Punches Lola in the gut again ..."and that would be 2. Getting the hang of this match thing?"

00:19 Mamajob: Zack, Zack, Zack. You really have a case of terminal wise ass, but your other qualities make up. Nice punches. I can feel them right through her tight little body. Nice.

00:21 Zack_Davis: 😁 why thank you. I think.

00:21 QueenLola: I grunt and groan being help and taking not one but two punches to my stomach

00:22 Zack_Davis: I think she whoopsed her lunch 🀒

00:23 TheBlackHulk: 😱

00:25 Mamajob: Well then maybe punch lower or higher to be kind to her poor tummy

00:26 TheBlackHulk: Kind ? There's no kind in fighting !

00:26 Zack_Davis: *blinks* ... "That actually makes sense" πŸ€”

00:27 Mamajob: Not totally, 100% cruel then

00:28 Zack_Davis: Wearing her lunch as the punch-er is problematic... "The blonde makes a valid point ... I'll takeeeee ... Lower!"

00:37 Amina00: Aw, did I miss out on the belly punching?

00:39 Amina00: You are not logged in. I'm built for it!

00:40 Zack_Davis: You missed it ... But I do owe you one. I'm not sure for what, but I'm sure I do ... *Slams fist into Amina's belly button*

00:40 TheBlackHulk: πŸ˜†

00:41 Amina00: I hunch over and gurgle, spitting onto the floor as my hands come up to clasp over the red mark on my tummy. "UFF!"

00:42 Mamajob: Oh great Zack. Two messes on the floor tonight! Both your fault.

00:43 Zack_Davis: Heyy, you held Lola! How was I supposed to pass that chance up?!?

00:44 Zack_Davis: Lola's easy to hold though, she's petite. Bet you can't hold Amina 😈

00:46 Mamajob: Hmmm. C'mon up here Amina. Let mama help you up. Arms around her from behind. Ooof! She's almost two of Lola!

00:47 Nathan_gingerbread: Slips out the door

00:47 Amina00: I get pulled up by Mamajob as her arms wrap around my waist from behind. "Hey! I'm not that big!"

00:48 Zack_Davis: "She's a big'un, ain't she?" ... *Helps Janet get Amina upright* ... "Got her hands?"

00:49 Mamajob: Stretching aminas arms behind her, knee planted between her amazing ass cheeks

00:50 Amina00: "Mmph... you bitch..." I look over my shoulder at Mama as she digs her knee into my ass through my sweats and holds my arms out behind me, leaving my face and body vulnerable.

00:54 Zack_Davis: *pats Amina's face a couple times* ... "This is probably gonna hurt a little bit" ... *Steps back so I can step back forward into an overhand right, kneeling to drive it from my shoulder level into her exposed midriff, just below her navel...*

00:56 Amina00: I glare at Zack as he pats my face, and then seeing him step back and cock fist I scrunch up my face and turn it to the side. Suddenly I feel his knuckles SMASH into my belly beneath my button, punching into my bladder. My head lurches forward, body held up by Mama as my knees turn in sharply to squeeze my thighs. My tummy ripples from the strike, while another deep crimson mark forms.

00:58 Mamajob: I feel the power of Zack's pinch through Amina's thick body. I'm grateful I had all that padding on front of me because I still felt it. Kind of sexy once removed like that. "Mmmm nice baby. I think she likes it. I sure do."
01:03 Zack_Davis: "Ohhh?!?..." Smiling at Janet, "you liked that? Because you know how much I enjoy ... pleasuring ... you"

01:03 Amina00: I just hang in their grip, belly swollen and sore. "You guys wanna get a room?"

01:06 Mamajob: Don't mind him. He's a horndog. Always trying to double up. I on the other hand am a proper lady
01:06 TheBlackHulk: 🀣

01:08 Mamajob: And your ass did feel quite good transmitting the punch.

01:09 Zack_Davis: Don't make me post our last story here, Ms prim and proper πŸ‘…

01:09 Mamajob: Uhhhhh

01:11 Zack_Davis: *drives another butt jiggling uppercut into Amina's gut* .... "Yeah, about that room you think we should get 😏"

01:12 Amina00: "GGRRUH!" The uppercut slams into my belly from below, making me lean against Mama's grip of my arms as the punch jiggles my body for the duo.

01:15 Mamajob: Mmmmm nice! I let Amina's arms go and wrap her in a bearhug just under those huge breasts. I can't fit my arms around to straight up crush them so I squeeze them up to her chin

01:16 Amina00: I groan and wheeze, drooling down my chin now while Mama grabs me under my bust and pulls up to squeeze them up beneath my hanging face, exposing more of my tummy, sternum, and ribs.

01:19 Mamajob: I look around and Zack has disappeared! Only one thing to do then I lift Amina and twist, taking her to the floor in a suplex. Her exposed belly and tits smash down with me on her back. I roll of and kneel beside her,surveying the wreckage

01:21 Amina00: I get rocked, hefted up as Mama twists and escorts my body down to the hard floor with a brutal suplex, smashing my face into the ground as my tits and belly follow soon after and I get laid out. Laying face down, wheezing as my arms come to curl around my belly while my lip swells and leaks a bit of blood.

01:21 Zack_Davis: I had to sneeze, I stepped out so I didn't spread germs. I'm a nice guy like that 😏... Surveys the carnage of Amina's body..."nice work, cutie"

01:23 Mamajob: "Couldn't wait for you all day. " Lifting Amina up to her knees and holding her steady.

01:24 Amina00: I get pulled up, kneeling at Mama's feet as I cradle my tummy and get bullied.

01:29 Zack_Davis: "Oh, where are my manners?!?" ... *Slips in behind Amina, kneeling to slip a tight full nelson into place* ... "Up ya go, big girl". ... *Of course using an OSHA approved lifting technique. All with the legs, back straight. Brings Amina to a fully standing, full nelsoned position directly in front of Janet ... That sexy ass pressing against me ... "Bet you can't make it jiggle" I smirk at Janet, motioning to Amina's ass with my eyes

01:30 Amina00: I get brought to a stand by Zack now, his arms slipping under mine and locking behind my head to trap me in a full nelson, causing my arms to lift up out of the way and fully expose my bruising belly. The punches have causes my sweats to start to slide down and reveal my black thong underneath, riding along my hips. "I don't know how much more my belly can take..."

01:31 Mamajob: Zack you're such

01:33 Supergirl_Elle: (So glad he is using safety rated lifting techniques. What a great example he is)

01:34 Mamajob: such a gentleman holding her so nicely for me. Don't worry dear, I'll mix it up a little so one place doesn't take tooo much. I dig an uppercut right underneath her belly, then a straight right to the bellybutton followed by swatting each heavy breast from the side, knocking them into each other for quite the tidal wave.

01:35 Amina00: I squelch out, jaw dropping as Mama's fist punches beneath my belly for another shot up against my bladder. The next jab hits my belly button, pressing in on my stomach and making me gag a little, spit oozing down my chin as my head hangs and I take a smack to either side of my tits, pushing them together to accentuate my cleavage. "Ugh..."

01:38 Zack_Davis: "Geez, I love your style babes!" Releasing my grip behind Amina's head, I raise my arms straight up, eager to see her reaction ... "How about that room Amina suggested, cutie? ... When she could still talk, of course.."

01:42 Mamajob: Watching Amina wavering on her feet. Reaching out to poke her belly experimentally. "Hello? You still with us?" Rubbing my hand in circles over her abused belly. Still looking for a reaction.

01:43 Amina00: Zack lets me go and I stand there, wavering for a moment as Mama digs a digit into my tummy. I then fall down to my knees, coughing up a mess of spit onto the floor at her feet...

01:44 Zack_Davis: "ewwww! Somebody call the janitor, CLEAN UP IN AISLE 69!"

03:14 Victory: Hi everyone

18:04 Tarafrost_wrsl: hey lola we need you to do your job and clean up the aisle 69

18:06 QueenLola: That’s your job Tara

Published: 2023-06-08, viewed 74 times.




2023-06-07 22:28

Aaaand it devolves into a supply chain problem.

Zack Davis

2023-06-07 23:38

(In reply to this)

I fixed that problem πŸ˜‰