OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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Manglers OCW DEBUT vs Mamajob


12:12 The_Mangler: I have created the public room #OCW_MANGLERS_DEBUT_VS_MAMAJOB.
12:21 Mamajob: Ready to be pinned by a "girl"? Or a girlish 46?
12:22 The_Mangler: I await the call in the beach house. I've come to the OCW with some trepidation as I'm not familiar with some of the talent here. One thing i am sure of is my talent and.abilitris
12:24 The_Mangler: ..so.i come.out to the bright sun...wishing I had put on sunblock but I walk out in my red tights black mask and boots . .I climb. Up the ring and get .. in stretching out ....I await my opponent .Mamajob whom I will have to be wary of. But equally brutal with. Yt
12:27 The_Mangler: You are not logged in.
12:27 The_Mangler: Yt
12:33 Mamajob: I delay my entrance just a bit to make my entrance more dramatic as a psychological ploy. As I walk down to the ring I size up my opponent. Wow! Big white! "I should have brought my shades. How white can one person be?" I taunt, shading my eyes. You're big though, and I'll have to be mindful of that. I'm hoping you're as slow as you are big. I slide into the ring and do some stretches just to play to the crowd, and maybe distract you. I set up in my corner awaiting the bell
12:36 The_Mangler: As you walk In your start up the trashing right away with my Scots heritage visible to all. But as you climb in the ref asks if we are ready I give a nod. "I HOPE YOURE READY SWEETS WOULDN'T WANT YOU TO GET HURT?,"
12:40 The_Mangler: I look over and size her up. She looks good but I need to wear her down the ref looks to you....yt
12:47 Mamajob: "worry about your own big white belly mangles. Mama's got something for you." I nod to the ref and he signals for the bell. I make a quick fake lunge to observe your reaction and speed. Your hands grab for me but I stop short and laugh at you, then shoot a fast jab to your belly. Nothing big. I just want to test you out without getting in your clutches
12:50 Zack_Davis:
12:50 Zack_Davis: "GET HER MANGLER!!! NO MERCY!"
12:51 Zack_Davis: *looks at watch ... 6:50am ... Screw it, cracks a beer!* ... "Anyone?"
12:53 The_Mangler: As the bell sounds...like a dart ,Mama shoots.at me . I back off a bit but dance to avoid her.. with a quick shot to my belly. It warbles but, no real pain, I let go with a UFFFF and begin to circle I take a swing with my left ...stopping short before I attempt slashing my right hand at her face and eyes. WANTING to heel early to get the advantage....yt
12:58 Mamajob: Slapping poor little me? Who's the girl here? Your swipe at my face stings, swivelling my head but not direct enough to stun me. I dance back before you can take advantage, then immediately forward again to kick at your thigh before retreating
13:03 The_Mangler: I manage to hit Mamas face.but not all of it connecting.. so as I follow her. My fast acting opponent sends a kick towards..my thigh and GAAAHHHHH I stumble a bit as my leg is quickly taken out of commission, but I slide back and reach for the ropes to pull myself up....yt
13:07 Mamajob: I follow closely, barrelling into mangler as he pulls himself up. As we rebound off the ropes I grab his arm and spin, trying to whip him across the ring. I set up in hopes of clotheslining him on the way back
13:11 Mamajob: Yt
13:13 Nathan_gingerbread: Takes a seat watching and making a few noted in my book
13:17 Mamajob: How many notebooks do you have nathan?
13:18 Nathan_gingerbread: One for each person i know
13:20 Mamajob: Collected wisdom, idiocy, weirdness and genius of chat fighters universe?
13:21 The_Mangler: Sorry
13:25 The_Mangler: Shes on me fast and taking my arm. Slinging me to the ropes and and as I come off, showing a bit of dexterity my self...I.duck under her outstretched arm and go to the opposite ropes. Bowing them out . Rebounding and sending a boot aimed at your abs ....
13:25 The_Mangler: Yt
13:29 Mamajob: I must have watched too much pro wrestling as a little girl. I miss badly and the turn around to get a vicious boot as you predictably come back. I bend over holding my belly and coughing, in trouble
13:31 The_Mangler: I grab a handful of blonde hair....and walk you over to corner ...I bend a bit a d look in your face " Time for a introduction....fave meet buckle" As I rear your head back aiming to slam you at the top buckle. Yt
13:32 Zack_Davis: *panics as Mangler slingshots off the ropes ... The ring supports groan, the ropes stretch waaaaayyyy far!*
13:34 The_Mangler: Yt
13:38 Mamajob: You smash my forehead into the padded turnbuckle. I sag to my knees, arms and chest draped on the middle turnbuckle, groaning.
13:43 The_Mangler: "Yes sweety this pale Scots heritage fellow is for real" through sun beating down, causing a light layer of perspiration on both of us.... I each for you and drag your up to your feet. Your face glances on my belly. I smirk, then taking your arm , I, whip you to the ropes ....waiting , with a outstretched arm for my own clothes line....yt
13:43 Nathan_gingerbread: Claps "lets go mangler "
13:48 Mamajob: Grateful that you too watched too much pro wrestling, I duck under your arm and rebound, but somehow you seem to have read ahead in the official pro wrestlers moves booklet and I see you're waiting to grab my foot. I slide to the floor as I hurtle back, attempting a leg sweep instead.
13:53 Zack_Davis: "OKAY MAMA!"
13:53 The_Mangler: WHOOOOAAAA , baaaaaaghh, as my legs are taken out from me and I land.on my back.. looking up at the blue sky..the air having been slammed out of me. I start to roll to my side ....knowing in I need to watch out for her now...starting to push up....yt
13:58 Mamajob: We end up face to face on our bellies. As we each try to get up we meet on our knees. I grab you around the head and envelop your face in my chest to wear you down with a breast smother, one of my favorite moves. Many men don't seem to immediately realize they should fight back.
13:59 Anastasia_the_brawler: YEAH MAMA !
14:00 The_Mangler: I try to get up faster than you. But, you have the drop on me. And pull me into your glistening cleavage.. all goes black and t my mouth even with the mask on....is.plastered on you I
14:04 The_Mangler: I try to.pull back but you have me drawn in tight...I begin to panic.....but , I cock my right arm and attempt.to send it at.your abs to break free
14:10 Mamajob: Your fist plows into my soft belly, making me release you. I fold over, holding my belly and trying to back away out of your reach. My abs are almost as soft as my tits. I struggle to rise, still gasping with an arm over my belly
14:16 Zack_Davis: *that hurt*
14:17 The_Mangler: Ghhhhhhhuuuuuuuhh I manage to breathe again. I look at you reeling . I need to try something, so I slowly get to my knees first and approach you....I lift you to your feet. And place a arm over my shoulders and I slip my hand between you're thighs sliding along your crotch to cup ass cheek I hoist you up your breasts draw along my hairy bulbous chest...." Old school at.its best baby" As I prepare to slam you to the ring boards for a vicious slam...yt
14:24 Mamajob: Old school indeed as you hoist me up, making sure you cop some good feels along the way. Feeling pretty helpless at this point as I'm being manhandled, I note how you make the most of your fingers as they slide over me, sending little tingles in preparation for a devastating slam. Then the slam. My whole body shot through with pain as you crush me into the boards
14:26 The_Mangler: I slam you down to the mat. And i look around and see the gathered crowd , friends and opponents ...and I give a flex
14:27 Zack_Davis: *she jiggled 🔥*
14:27 The_Mangler: You are not logged in.
14:29 The_Mangler: Then i drop to my knees and lay across her chest going for a pin....and a early win the ref.comes down and slaps.thd mate for ONNNNEEEE YT
14:33 Mamajob: The world spinning, at least half of it on my chest as you pin me. ONE! I groan, raising my head. TWO! Not exactly sure why, I raise a shoulder barely off the mat, breaking the count.
14:34 Anastasia_the_brawler: wake up mama !
14:39 The_Mangler: I look at the ref in disgust. I grab her blonde hair, and lift her up her face on my belly as i shout to the ref."If I find out Either Elle or Anastasia got to you....I'll Fuck you up Ref" now I get up lifting you too and I bring you over to the corner again. Getting ready to slam your head on the buckle again.....yt
14:44 Mamajob: Again with the corner! Stumbling after you on shaky legs I can see where we're going."noooo!" But can do nothing about it as you slam me into the pads again. I sag to my knees, again. The world is spinning
14:46 Supergirl_Elle: “I only paid him off to not count you out outside of the ring. Its all good big guy”
14:49 Anastasia_the_brawler: MAMA FIGHT BACK
14:50 The_Mangler: This is the kind of results I was wanting. As she slips to her knees,. @Supergirl_Elle chirps up and as I grab another handful of MAMAS hair. With the other hand I salute Elle 🖕 I lift my opponent out of the corner and take you in reverse headlock
14:52 The_Mangler: Both looking down I begin to set you up.for a attempt at a neckbreaker.. taking you in a reverse headlock grabbing your arm the n swing upside down...it would be a devastating move ....yt
14:57 Mamajob: "noooo!" Beaten down by great white, there's not much I can do beyond a last feeble protest. You tighten your grip around my neck, hop, and bring me down hard, laid out on my front, twitching.
15:10 The_Mangler: Laying flat on the mat. I'm hearing you in pain...this brings a smile visible under my mask. And I know the end is coming soon. I get up to see your back heaviness I have begun to exhaust you too. So I I get up look.down on your body......I grab another handful of hair. And peel your sweaty body off the mat. We stand face to face. I bend over and wrap my hands around you're waist. I hoist you up and flip you upside down. Your thighs on my shoulder your sweaty crotch on my face. "YOU READY TO END THIS MAMA?" I yell before trying a.tombstone piedriver .yt
15:11 Zack_Davis: *that'll probably leave a mark*
15:14 Mamajob: I had thought I could wear this big old white guy down. WRONG! He just destroyed me. Now I'm just his toy to show off with. Picked up held. Dropped. There's no ready about it. I'm finished. The world goes black. I may be twitching but I wouldn't know.
15:19 The_Mangler: As I connect the driver ...she lands wth a thud and she drops.to the mat. Her body prone...i.drop on her with a reverse pin....my sweaty belly on her face and the ref comes down and counts Onnnnnne , twwwwooooo....yt
15:19 Anastasia_the_brawler: MAMA WAKE UP
15:19 Supergirl_Elle: She wanted this
15:20 Mamajob: Out. Cold.
15:21 The_Mangler: Threeee....I stand up and have my hand raised over her....and look triumphant over the crowd ...mama on the mat.....I make my way out.
15:22 The_Mangler: Looking at Elle and Anastaia....looking back at mama then at the two
15:23 Supergirl_Elle: I give Mangler a little bow. No doubt it was a good easy win.
15:23 Supergirl_Elle: I snort. “Look who you fought!”
15:23 The_Mangler: I Walk out back to the beach house........
15:23 The_Mangler: End
15:24 The_Mangler: Thanks Mama and everyone for coming out and
15:39 Anastasia_the_brawler: Mama I will give The mangler a great beating to revenge you
15:42 Nathan_gingerbread: Hi fives mangler smiling
15:42 The_Mangler: PFFFFFT please Anastasia
15:42 The_Mangler: 🖐 Yeahhhh
15:44 Zack_Davis: Hehe ... Elle snorted!
15:45 Zack_Davis: *fist bumps Mangler* ... 🤜🤛
15:45 Nathan_gingerbread: You are not logged in. just gonna pop this here
15:46 Zack_Davis: Lmfao!
15:47 Nathan_gingerbread: Makes self scarce
15:47 Zack_Davis: *covers my mouth* ... 🤭
17:18 The_Mangler: Ha ha ha

Published: 2023-07-02, viewed 74 times.
