OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
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Lisette vs Patricia


Patricia : This fight against Lisette is very important to me, with my sister, we are drowning in financial problems, and our last fights have only made our situation worse. The comfortable bonus that will be paid to the winner is already making my eyes shine. Lisette is younger, taller and heavier than me: 30 years 1 m69 and 61 kg against 59 years 1 m62 and 54 kg, , but I am more experienced and I believe that only one woman deserves the intercontinental title: me. I am furious, because Lisette is very well known to the organizers and I am considered a challenger in this fight. They asked me to wait for my opponent in the ring so that she could make her entrance. With the bonus, I would buy myself a nice combat outfit, but today I would only wear a small yellow thong. My brown hair is tied in a ponytail. I'm in my corner, I show my fist to two little idiots who make fun of my bare breasts, I hope that Lisette will arrive soon, otherwise I will go down to slap them .......
Lisette : I just lost the women's title to Destiny and I'm still furious about how things turned out. I can't sleep. Suddenly my phone rings it's Patricia. Her email that came in the middle of the night challenging me for the Intercontinental title surprised me. I read the email and take a day to decide and regain my strength. "Okay, I'll do it" even though I'm not in the best of shape I never back down when a challenge is thrown at me. I get ready and make my way to the arena where the fight is being held. I head first to the locker room preparing for the fight. I have heard of Patricia but this is the first time we are challenging each other. She is more experienced than I am and I have to be even more careful. I leave the locker room and head to the entrance area of the stage. It will be a submission match to win.
Lisette : MELL - Topic
Lisette : My music resounds in the arena. I introduce myself to the audience as a roar of voices rises. My hair loose at my shoulders. I smile at them and direct my gaze to Patricia already in the ring. I walk down the ramp to the ring with a jog as I slide under the first rope. My gaze is fixed on Patricia. For the first time we are face to face. I step back to my corner as I wave to the fans present. I warm up by clinging to the ropes and pulling my body. I still feel some pain in my back but I don't want to give it away.
Patricia : Lisette makes her entrance and stares at me, I look at her who does some relaxation exercises, I call out to her: So, are you ready to receive a new correction? I think you're used to that!I go to the center of the ring, I do a double biceps bending: it's only muscle, you can go back to the locker room to spare yourself a humiliation, there is still time .....
Lisette : I watch how you act in the center of the ring. I hear your taunts by showing me your biceps. I join you in the center of the ring. Staring at you furiously, I reply, "I'm not going back in the ring. I will do even more. I will send you crying to the locker room after I beat you and take that belt." I growl as I quickly raise my hands to your chest and push you back. "Bring it on bitch, I'm waiting for you."
Patricia : Your hands rest on my chest, you unbalance me and I take a step back, my face reddened with anger, I advance towards you, then chest to chest, I try to make you back off, I give a vicious slap in the face .....
Lisette : The match starts right away. Your slap turns my face as our bodies immediately make contact. I respond furiously with a slap in turn to your face. I continue the action by grabbing your hair with my left hand and go up with my right forearm trying to hit you with uppercuts.
Patricia : You respond immediately with a slap that turns my face, you grab my hair, you hammer my face with uppercuts, I managed to grab your right wrist with my left hand, but your strikes have left traces, my left cheek is purplish and my left eye swells..., with my right hand I grab your hair, I shoot, I try to make you lower your head.....I shout to you: Bitch! cheater!
Lisette : I scream when you take my hair and I hear your words. I look at you furiously as I feel your hand squeeze my wrist. I try to keep my head from drooping as I try to thrust my left hip into your belly and begin to push you back to the ropes. " You wanted this. Now take the consequences," I yell angrily.
Zack Davis : "Woo hoo!!! Settles in for some day drinking fight watching! Cracks a beer, Patricia entered topless, my kinda girl!*
Patricia : You put your left hip against my stomach and start pushing me against the ropes, I'm lighter I can't resist, I lift my right heel and I try to hit your toes with several strokes repeat
Lisette : Aaarrrhhhggg bitch." Your heel hits my foot. I have to break away from you and get some distance. I look up at you as I tap my foot on the ring mat relieving the pain. " Bring it on Patricia."
Zack Davis : "THAT was sneaky"
Patricia :I'm kidding you: little grasshopper! Your paw hurts! You try to distance yourself but I chase you, I lean on my right leg and try to hit you with my left foot in the stomach, My big bare breasts are swaying....
Lisette : I growl as you mock me. My body seethes with anger. You stand close to me and don't let me distance myself. To I look you fixedly in the eye and you set off your kick toward my stomach. I protect myself with my left arm trying to limit the damage and if I can deflect your kick and counterattack with a clothesline to your chest.
Patricia : My foot hits your left arm, you react with a clothesline: Uch! My foot hits your left arm, you react with a clothesline: Uch! I'm on one foot, I fall on my back, roll to the side and start to get up.....
Lisette : This time I am the one who attacks. I see you rolling on the canvas and reach up to hit your back with a stomp. I still feel some pain in my stricken foot and I kneel next to your body trying to close your head under my right arm.
Patricia : I'm on all fours and starting to get up, Aaar! My poor back, I collapse to the ground on my stomach, I feel your arm wrapped around my neck, I too try to get on my knees, my right hand tries to reduce the strangulation, my left hand tries to catch your hair....
Lisette : Your body moves. We are both on our knees as I try not to lose my grip on your neck. My long, red hair is pulled back and I grit my teeth. With my left hand I take yours pulling at my hair trying to free myself as my hip slams into yours trying to throw you off balance.
Patricia : Arg! I have trouble swallowing, your left hand frees your hair, I can breathe a little when you move your hip, my face is against your right breast, my left hand shakes uselessly closed fist, but my right hand tries to pinch your breast....
Lisette : Aaaaahhhrrrrgggg fuckkk. I feel your hand pinching my breast. It is still covered by the bra. My hands are busy holding you and my breasts are caught by your fingers. I loosen my grip and try to get out, still leaning my hip against yours as my right leg tries to climb over your body and sit on your ass.
Patricia : I try to breathe, but you don't give me any respite, you try to sit on my butt, I try to get on all fours, but I have a heavy rider to lift, I let out tigress growls, trying to lift you up....
Lisette : You get up on all fours and my body follows yours. My right arm firmly holds your neck trying to break your resistance . My left hand slides under your body and tweezes your bare nipple. " Is this what you wanted Patricia? Is this it?" I pull your nipple downward as my breast presses against your back.
Patricia : Bitch! Bitch! Stop right away! your left hand pinches, deforms, grooves my right breasts, your right arm begins to strangle me again, if I try to roll on the side my situation will be worse because you risk using your legs to immobilize me completely, I am forced to endure the pain, I have to reach the ropes, I advance on all fours, trying to reach the ropes,, I do not have a rider on my back, but a big cow, I drool, try to breathe, I get closer to the ropes slowly
Lisette : A sadistic smile forms on my face. My right arm holds your neck tightly as I grab and carve your breast with my nails in my left hand. I put all the weight I can on your back, my body pressing to yours. " Surrender to me Patricia." I whisper in your ear as my red hair joins you brown. " Say it Patricia" I move my right arm left and right in an attempt to make you yield.
Patricia : The audience makes a hell of a fuss, the end seems near, I have buzzing in my head, you scratch my breasts, I feel like you are trying to milk my breasts, but I get a little closer to the ropes, my right hand closes on the bottom rope, a grumble comes out of my throat ro.... Ro...... rope.....
Lisette : growl and my grip seems to take effect. but you're much more resilient than I thought. you manage to drag yourself to the lower rope and the referee approaches menacingly. "get out of my way now or I'll disqualify you...1......2....3....." on the third count I have to let you go and I roll away rolling away toward the ropes opposite yours. " pull yourself up.....su get up...." I shout toward you.
Patricia : My face is purple, my eyes wide open and my tongue hangs out of my mouth when you finally stop your strangulation, I start to get up with the help of the ropes, when I stand I massage my breasts, traces of nail scratches zebra my two breasts as well as purplish marks due to your pinching. You're going to pay me for that! ! I turn back to the center of the ring, I slap the referee, accusing him of favoring you, then I turn to you, I show my right fist, threatening, ready to start the fight again.
Lisette : I look at you in front of me. The marks on your body are obvious. I didn't believe your endurance as much as your tenacity. I smile and watch you as I slowly approach. raising my right hand I invite you to a test of strength, my hand vibrates searching your mind I don't take my eyes off your body.
Patricia : There is no question for me to refuse this test, I am in front of you, I raise my left hand, our fingers intertwine, then I raise my right hand........
Lisette : My free hand rises as we are already entwined with the other hand. I squeeze, hands sealing as my body advances toward yours pressing my breasts together. I try to turn your wrists inward.
Patricia : Our hands are now intertwined, I rest my head against yours, I blow hard, moan, your wrists gently twist mine, I bend my legs a little, my back arches back: Aaar Aaaar! Bitch, I contract my thighs, try to straighten myself up........
Lisette : A moan comes out of my mouth. Our heads press together as our bodies do. I blow as I try to bend your resistance by trying to twist your wrists again. My thighs charge and I try to push and pull you back. aaaaahhhrrrrgggg " I can't get the upper hand but I continue by bending slightly at the knees and push forward hard into the ropes. " You can't resist me bitch."
Patricia : I shake my head, refusing to submit, but my wrists are still twisted, my breasts crash against yours, Aaar Aaar, I step back a step, I contract my thighs, try to push you away, again I scream, moan, but you are heavier than me and I am forced to step back one step further, my skin is covered with sweat, I'm almost on the ropes.....
Lisette : I, too, am beginning to feel the fatigue of the match. Keeping attacking is tiring me and I can't push like I did at the beginning of the match. I see you back off a step, another one adds. The ropes come closer but I break the hold first by climbing with my left hip onto your belly and twisting your wrists again I place a knee into the mouth of your stomach.
Zack Davis : "That's just wicked!" ... *Cracks a beer* ... "I like it!"
Patricia : Slut! My kidneys are on your knee, you managed to immobilize me with a over the knee backbreaker, my heart is racing, the fight is very intense, my left arm is against your waist, my left wrist is turned upside down, I can no longer use this arm, I try to fight with my right arm, I try to straighten up a little, I open my mouth wide, your left nipple may be within reach of my teeth, my eyes squin, staring at this sensitive target,I try to reach your nipple with shrill cries........ .
Lisette : I keep struggling hard to keep my grip I have to give up using my arm by holding your wrist on my hip. We struggle intensely with our arms free of blocks . I do not notice my breasts near your mouth. I hear your panting and your efforts. Trying to put more pressure on your back I move even closer with my body. My knee supports the weight of your back trying to bring you onto the ring mat.
Patricia : All the muscles of my body make me suffer, I no longer have the strength in my arms to resist, the muscles of my powerful thighs are prominent, I hope that the efforts made in the weight room to have steel thighs will bear fruit but you increase the pressure on my back, my teeth move away little by little from your nipple,: No! No! I gather my last strength, push on my thighs, my arms, my abs, I manage to gain a few centimeters and my teeth close on your nipple......
Lisette : AAAAAHHHRRRGG fuckkk..... The pain from your teeth on my nipple is sharp. I scream as I try to free my hands and get out of this pain. I move my knee from your back making your back touch the ring mat , my nipple remains attached and I continue in pain as I try to sit on top of your belly, bent over your face I try to free my hands and grab your hair. I hold them in my hands raising and lowering your head making it bump against the ring mat. " Let go of me bitch," I scream.
Patricia : You grab my hair and bang my head against the ring mat: aaar! My cry makes me open my mouth, releasing your nipple, you are sitting on my chest but my hands are free now, I grab your hair with both hands and also shake your head, I try to lift my pelvis to try to unbalance you...
Lisette : The fight now is wild and hand-to-hand. I manage to free the nipple from your mouth but now your hands are on my hair. My head jerks left and right as I continue to pound yours into the canvas of the ring. You lift up with your chest and unbalance me and I roll sideways sticking to your body. I find myself beneath you and close my legs over your hips as I continue to tug at your hair.
Patricia :I feel your legs close around my waist, my ribs are crushed between your thighs,:aaa! Oh my god! What pain!My right hand rests on your thighs, trying to spread your powerful legs a little, I put the palm of my left hand under your chin and push for you to let go of your grip, I lift my buttocks and try to get up, my legs are stretched, but you are still clinging to me
Lisette :My head arches back from the push on my chin, I feel your hand on my thigh, and I try to close my grip with my ankles entwining together. I feel you try to rise and push my body against your pelvis to make it difficult to lift, with one hand I let go of your hair and move it to your back. I do the same with my other arm and try to bring you to me body to body by enclosing your body in my box.
Patricia :your hands rest on my backand you stick to me, our heads are side by side, I feel your warm breath on my shoulder, I grimace in pain, always squeeze between your thighs, drool flows from my mouth, I kneel, you are still clinging to me, with my left hand I punch your back, I grab a rope from the ring with my right hand and start to get up, you're heavy, I suffer moaning, grimace
Lisette : I can't believe you still have this much strength. I'm hanging onto your body but you're trying to climb back up, you have impressive stamina. I groan in pain when I feel your blows on my back. I hear all your panting too as I am leaning with my chin against your shoulder. I try to throw you off balance by hitting your hip and back too as I try to rest my right leg so that I am not at your mercy
Patricia : I am almost standing when I feel the pressure of your thighs stop, you rest your right leg on the ground, but my joy is short lived because at the same time you unbalance me, we fall to the ground, I am on my back, you are still clinging to me with your arms around my torso, I try to wrap my legs around yours, I hit with my two fists on your back....... My ribs hurt horribly, but they're no longer stuck between your thighs.
Sylvie :Patricia! Patricia! Kick that whore's ass!
Giada mercyless : Go Lisette, show to this brunette bitch the Italian Superiority, come on dear
Catdeb : Yeah Patricia kick her ass so I can kick yours
Lisette : Aaaaahhhrrrrgggg.... Hit my already sore back . A pain goes up my spine. We remain buckled on the ring mat but my grip is no longer firm. I hit with hammer fists your thigh and belly trying to raise your torso.
Patricia :Your blows on my thigh have no effect but those in the belly reach their goal, a blow to the liver paralyzes my stomach, I spread my thighs. I am now arms and legs spread lying on my back, letting out moans of pain........
Lisette :I feel you loosen your grip and leave my body. I crawl wearily toward your head. with the help of the rope I stand up and pull you toward the center of the ring. I apply a quick leg drop to your neck hoping to stun you more. I stay on your left side and try to lock your head between my thighs while my left hand grabs and squeezes your breast...... come on bitch free yourself from this..... I scream as sweat-soaked hair covers my face.
Patricia :You throw me to the ground, then follow with a descent of the thigh on my throat: argl!I can not swallow anymore, I try to get up but you are faster, you lock my blow between your thighs, with your left hand you pinch my big right breasts, you twist it, bitch !with my right hand I try to free my breast, I lift my pelvis, I make the bridge, I shake my buttocks to gain momentum, throw my legs in the air and try with my left hand to loosen the grip of your thighs
Lisette :We scuffle on the ring floor as I try to keep my grip on your neck.... You soar and move your body to free yourself.... I roll following your movements as I squeeze your breasts more...mine are also completely out of my bikini as I try to sit on your face pulling myself up with my back and thrusting my pelvis upwards..... slut submit
Zack Davis : OMG!
Patricia : You change your position, you sit on my face, I can not breathe through my mouth because you put your between legs on my lips, my nose is against your pussy, my face is purple because of the lack of air, you will pay me this humiliating little whore, I wriggle my belly, shake my legs, my hands are on your thighs, I try to push my nails...... Then I try to grab your panties to make you a wedgie....
Zack Davis :"She too strong Lisette, she stronger AND sexier than you! COME IN, PATRICIA!!!"
Lisette : Aaaaahhhrrrrgggg fuckkk whore.... I feel the panties pulling like nails on my thigh.... I move my pussy on your face while my right hand goes on your panties and does the same thing pulling up the fabric between the lips of your pussy ...
Patricia :We are in double wedgie, the pain in my pussy is quickly unbearable, in addition, you crush my chest, you will exhaust me slowly .... I throw my legs towards your back, trying to grab your head.......
Lisette : I tear and pull your panty brutally until it tears.... Your pussy is now free and I try to hook and rub as I thrust forward with my torso trying to avoid your legs.... I have to leave your breasts but I grab your hair and push your head against my pussy ....a mix of arousal and battle rises up my body.... panting and screaming intensely.....you are my whore.......
Patricia : I absolutely must win this fight, I am ready for anything, even to disgrace myself in front of the public, I stick out my tongue and tickle your crotch, I manage to slip my tongue under the fabric of your panties, I massage with my two hands your powerful buttocks, I bring my hands closer to your anus, I'll make you forget that it's a fight to better defeat you, I'm a big vicious bitch
Lisette : Whisper..... aaaaahhh whore.... I didn't expect something like this...I feel your hands on my ass like your tongue on my crotch and thigh.... is this what you want? I have no problem doing it....I quickly slide back leaving your mouth. With mine I get to your breasts and pinch them with my teeth pulling them while my fingers continue to rub your pussy externally and later I press my pelvis against your pussy starting to thrust...
Patricia : You free my face, aar! You bite my nipples, Bitch, your fingers sink deeper and deeper into my slimy pussy of juice. You get into position for a tribbing, I put my left hand on your thigh and start to wave my lower belly against yours, the audience is shocked by the grunts I push, little whore I will dominate you sexually......
Lisette : I will dominate you sexually Patricia..... I stare into your eyes as I move my pussy against yours...I grasp with my hand both your meaty thigh and your ass.... Come on whore...push.....I say as I rotate my pelvis and thrust forward... it's a total fight between us and only the best will survive
Patricia : I will soon resume the fight by surprise, but I do not resist a few moments of extra pleasure, my right hand is behind your back, my left hand on the ground, I close my eyes continuing to shake my lower belly, moaning with pleasure .......
Lisette : I keep moving against your pussy...I see that you close your eyes and I take the opportunity to push you with your back on the mat...I lift your leg on my shoulder and continue to tribe your pussy while I put two fingers in your mouth making them suck.... I know the battle is not over and this is just a little break of pleasure.... I want to be the one to decide when to end it and I have to be careful not to relax too much
Patricia : Fire devours my lower belly, I suck your fingers...... Stop! I have to attack you by surprise!but I am on my back, my right leg on your shoulder, impossible to fight in this position, my left leg is stuck, impossible to try a headscissor, I must try to get up, I grab your hair with both hands, I then try to crawl on my back to back and be able to get up while still holding your head by the hair
Lisette : Grab my hair as I am continuing the scissor. I bend toward you feeling you slide on my back and try to follow you but I have to slow my movements. I try to distract you by licking your neck and ear while continuing with circular motions of my pelvis on your hot pussy.I grab your thigh and with a tug try to get it over my head and bring you belly to belly against the mats resuming to trib your pussy holding your hair.
Patricia : My attempt fails you put my leg on the ground and lie flat on your stomach on my right leg, your head is on my right foot, you continue to rub against my pussy, I am stuck in this position, the audience rumbles, demands a resumption of the fight, you seem to be about to cum, I put my right hand on your buttocks, trying to get free, but you hold my foot, I'm trapped......
Lisette : I manage to get you in this vice grip, I keep rubbing myself against your pussy, I can hear the audience starting to rumble too. I keep my hand on your hair and finish moving. I advance my other arm toward your face trying to lock your head in my arms and pull you toward me in a modified version of the crossface......
Patricia : Bitch! Bitch! You resumed the fight, but continued the tribbing! You change your position again, I am trapped in camel clutch, one of your hands grips my hair, the other seems to start a phishing of my cheek, I squirm moaning, my big breasts sway, I moan, growl, screams ......
Lisette : I rub your cheek as I completely stop the trib movements. The hand holding your hair moves to the other cheek and I pull toward me arching your back..... Submit bitch, clap your hands on the carpet.... I yell pulling you toward me again.
Patricia : Aaa! Aaa! My face is distorted, you hook both my cheeks, you arch me back, I'm totally immobilized, my arms are stuck, I can't even tap! I can only wave my legs as I moan, letting out a few drops of urine on the ring......
Lisette : I can feel you resisting less and less, and I still keep crinkling your cheeks and arching your back.... When I see your resistance at its lowest I let you go by collapsing you on the mat in the ring.... I get back up and point the sole of my foot at your neck.... I give you one last chance Patricia..beat or scream your surrender...I say pressing the sole of my foot...
Patricia : I submit, bitch! I submit.........
Lisette : I torture you slightly by pretending I didn't hear and keep pressing my foot on your neck.... I leave you in agony several minutes before I lift my foot and head for my torn panties.... I lift them toward the audience walking toward you. I kneel by your head and taking your hair I lift it.... This is my gift to you....I say putting the panties in your mouth and walking away from the ring.... I have an opportunity to go for the intercontinental belt and I don't want to let this opportunity pass me by.
Patricia : Arms and leg apart, I spit out the panties, unable to get up, tears run down my cheeks: no! No! The Intercontinental Belt is for me!
Lisette : I look one last time toward the ring seeing you exhausted on the floor. I wave to the crowd and exit the stage....End...

Published: 2023-07-04, viewed 79 times.



Crippler Copping

2023-07-04 14:28

What a fight!