OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
173 members
152 stories
267 photos
0 files


Fitbob1 (deleted member)
Alessawrsl (deleted member)






20:35 Lisette: Lisette ready to rumble

21:48 Kelly-Awesome: I believe I'm here, too ! ! πŸ’ͺ

21:52 Spanked_Angie: Can I enter?

21:57 Zack_Davis: Heck, y'all can do your entrances and start rumbling! We'll just pay attention to the order people enter, and that will be the order we will follow

21:59 Spanked_Angie:
22:03 Spanked_Angie: Disco music plays into OCW arena to announce my entering, I feel so thrilling to join this battle Royal, it's not the first one I participate but this is one I am gonna win! I wear my blue bikini, barefoot my brunette hair falling under my shoulders as I do my way, dancing, swinging my broad butt and shaking my hands to fans, as I enter into the ring the speaker announces me "from Italy, a brunette curvy body, Angelaaaaaaa the sex machine" yt
22:04 Spanked_Angie: You are not logged in.

22:06 Kelly-Awesome: (Nothing quite so elegant for me LOL) I slide under the ropes and find a place in one of the corner.. eyeing the landscape ..
22:07 Kelly-Awesome: You are not logged in.

22:09 Spanked_Angie: Moving toward the Awesome one, I am the only one landscape right now, I push my body on hers as I whisper into her ear "hope we'll team sugar" swing my arm to deliver a friendly spank on her ass 😁

22:10 The_Mangler:

22:10 Kelly-Awesome: I smile, and wink at Angie... "You got it, sister ! ! " I smile.. but watching to see you else enters the ring ....

22:12 The_Mangler: O I walk up to the ring ...Red tights black mask and boots ...i know a battle royal will be very dangerous...for my opponents. Bit I'm excited to get it going as I climb up and in the ring...checking out who's there ....

22:12 The_Mangler: You are not logged in.
22:13 The_Mangler: Yt

22:19 Spanked_Angie: I grab Kelly's hand as I hear the song of the next Wrestler, I watch him, a big one but he is wearing a mask, I wonder what is hiding under...I squeeze her hand "oh sissy we'll put that mask on his butt" *giggling*

22:20 The_Mangler: *glares at the other two combatants* To bad we meet like this inn the ring Angie...you going over the top like Kelly here.

22:21 The_Mangler: *I go over and offer Zack a fist bump* 🀜

22:24 Zack_Davis: πŸ€œπŸ€›

22:24 QueenLola: I am a surprise add on and skip down to the ring wearing my black bikini and sliding in under the bottom rope looking at the three of them as I grin β€œHey all!” I place my hands on my hips and look around the ring. You are not logged in.
22:24 QueenLola: Yt

22:26 Spanked_Angie: Sneaking behind Lola as she enters into the ring and spank her ass "Hello baby" yt

22:27 Zack_Davis: (4/10 in, so far the order will be Angie, Kelly, Mangler, Lola .... You can wait for the rest to enter, or commence the beatings! Only rule I care about is have a blast!)

22:27 Spanked_Angie: (turns till now: Angie, Kelly, Mangler, Lola)

22:28 Zack_Davis: (atta girl ;-)

22:28 Spanked_Angie: (opps, trying to help, some people don't know how it works ☺️)

22:29 Kelly-Awesome: (Thanks for the info... πŸ˜€)

22:39 Kelly-Awesome: I see Mangler just standing in the middle of the ring.. I know he might be the biggest opponent in this ring... I wink at Angie, and try to sneak up behind him... hoping others with join me to overwhelm him yt

22:41 The_Mangler: As I look at all..I see Kelly sneaking behind...so I retreat to the ropes before any cab get the jump on me....yt

22:42 QueenLola: I jump as Angie spanks my ass but give her a wink and watch Mangler head toward the ropes as I charge at him and look to try to hit him with an crossbody into the ropes.
22:42 QueenLola: (Angie) Yt

22:46 Spanked_Angie: Looks like Mangler is the most dangerous opponent, Kelly sneaks behind him but he moves towards the ropes to block her attempt, Lola charges him with a cross body I move forward expecting Lola moves out after he bounces on the ropes trying to deliver a front kick on his belly yt
22:46 Spanked_Angie: (Kelly)

22:48 Kelly-Awesome: I see the girls got my drift.. and are focusing on Mangler.. I keep trying to get behind him.. and now jump on him back.. straddling him with my legs.. and holding onto his head yt
22:48 Kelly-Awesome: (Mangler)


22:51 The_Mangler: I've realized that I'm in a difficult way....Lola has leaped at me and still fresh I catch her ..in my arms and slam her to the mat only to have Angie drop kick me ....falling back I fall against Kelly I end up flat on my back trying to get up to get up..to my feet..(Angie) nyy

22:52 Zack_Davis: *snuggles up with the Jamiekins to watch the fray*

22:53 Cute_Jamie: ohhhh huggign Zack

22:55 QueenLola: I get slammed to the mat and groan out in total agony as I hold my back and grunt rolling to my stomach and slowly moving up to my hands and knees as I slowly crawl away from the fray.
22:55 QueenLola: (Angie)
22:55 QueenLola: Yt

23:02 Nathan_gingerbread: Jamiekins πŸ™‚

23:07 Cute_Jamie: :) Zack call me that ... i love it hehe

23:11 Lisette: my time has come, i can hear my music playing in the arena as the fight has already started. i introduce myself to the audience by sending a smile and focusing on the ring. i slowly approach seeing the first couples already fighting and stall by walking up the ring steps. i wait until there is no one in the area and step between the second and third ropes starting my match and studying how to move and who to attack first. (You are not logged in. my attire)
23:12 Lisette: yt

09:29 Fitbob1: I am waiting and watching as the rumble already started with three girls going together after Mangler and now the fourth girl also entering into the ring… I must enter now and as soon as Lisette enter in I quickly slide inside and move towards Mangler and offer a fist bump expressing my alliance with him against the bunch of girls who seem to have already formed a group..
09:30 Fitbob1: You are not logged in.
09:30 Fitbob1: Yt

13:54 Lisette: I see Bob coming to the ring. He approaches mangler and it looks like the beginning of an alliance between them.... Lola rolls away after the dunk on the mats catching her breath. That leaves Angy and Kelly..... I approach them and whisper.... "we have to try to keep them apart and not let them cooperate, I'll take mangler if that's okay with you."
13:54 Lisette: Yt

13:56 Kelly-Awesome: (Do we revert now to the top of the list?)
13:58 Lisette: Yes, when you add those who are missing make their entry and decide where to deploy).
14:13 Kelly-Awesome: (So i guess It’s Angie’s turn)
14:44 Zack_Davis: (Order currently: Angie, Kelly, Mangler, Lola, Lisette, FitBob ... still need Eden, Alyssa and Kate)

14:55 Alessawrsl: Walks out towards the ring seeing the commotion going on as I watch everyone in the ring beating on each other. As I have decided on a one piece black suit for this battle royal.My music blaring over the PA System roar of a tiger as i skip down. Hear the crowd roaring for the fighters of their choice. I hop up on the ring apron but wait til there is room to slip in under the ropes,,,,as I look to see whom i maybe able to toss out of the ring with ease,,,as I slide in and attack Kelly as i make my initial charge in,,,yt

23:30 Spanked_Angie: My foot lands on Mangler's belly ohh ohhh sending him flat on her back "bigger they are harder they fall" I wink to Kelly but before I can perform another attack I am distracted by people entering, Bod is joining the Mangler but an amazing red woman come in, she is Lisette , she looks teaming with girls, I nod to her but after this Alessa comes in charging to Kelly, I rush to her coming from jumping and leaning back I try to catch her with a drop kick to block her attack yt
23:30 Spanked_Angie: (Kelly)

23:33 Kelly-Awesome: I see Mangler down, and I also see all the commotion as others begin to battle... I know that Mangler is the biggest danger, so I ignore the other action, and leap up.. coming down with my butt on his chest.
23:33 Kelly-Awesome: (Mangler) yt

23:36 Spanked_Angie: (I guess right order is: Angie, Kelly, Mangler, Lola, Lisette, Fitbob, Alessawrsl. )

03:43 The_Mangler: Laying on the mat ....the chaos ensues....knocked down...but not hurt. I manage to look around...only to see Kelly already having leapt, coming down on me....UUUUUUUUUHHHHFFFF, I did manage to brace but. It still hurt....a bit of pain.wont stop me from trying to launch a forearm at her gut...... (Lola) yt

10:35 QueenLola: I lay on the mat under the bottom rope as I catch my breath and look up seeing all the chaos that has ensued and decide to stay down and relax a bit seeing no one is targeting me.
10:35 QueenLola: (Lisette)

10:35 QueenLola: Yt
14:09 Lisette: Couples have already formed and continue their battle. Lola is recovering. Angy and Kelly continue their battle against mangler, and Alessa has also been added. I remain standing in front of Bob. He seems to be my opponent at the moment...." Let's get it on." I yell before snapping and trying an initial assault looking for an arm and head lock starting to push... (Bob)
14:10 Lisette: Yt

14:58 Fitbob1: As i approach Mangler i see Angie landing her foot on his Belly and he goes down hard on his back, and before i could reach out to him Kelly runs in and drops her bum on his chest and its turning chaotic and I realize I cant help Mangler . Just then I hear the Red headed Lisette yell looking at me "Let's get it on." and she charges into me trying a head lock.I raise my arms preventing her head lock and grab her arms and push her back hard "Ohh yeahh Sure , lets get it on Lisette", trying to push her all the way towards the turnbuckle corner in a test of strength.
14:58 Fitbob1: You are not logged in.
14:59 Fitbob1: (YT Angie)

15:00 Lisette: I think it's Alessa's turn now.)
15:00 Lisette: This Is a rotate
15:02 Fitbob1: Yeahh, Its Alessa's Turn

15:38 Alessawrsl: Looks over and down seeing Lola cowarding under the ropes,,as I walk to her bending and grabbing her by her blonde hair. Pulling her out from under the ropes and to her feet. As I use her blonde mop as a handle and hairmare her around the ring by it the best i can,,,yt

(All in! Order: Angie, Kelly, Mangler, Lola, Lisette, Fitbob, Alessawrsl)


Outdoor Championship Wrestling!



Published: 2023-07-07, viewed 65 times.



Zack Davis

2023-07-08 11:51

The 'model' I typically use, Private Beach Battle Royal, works well for 6 or fewer participants.

For this event, order was determined by entry as opposed to entry in a predetermined order.

We've transitioned into a 'free post' format now to help speed things along.


2023-07-08 11:54

(In reply to this)

Thanks for the info! It is appreciated! :)


2023-07-08 09:10

A "technical" question: what was the "rule" for the turn order? The one that made a move told who was next? Could somebody have been "left out" this way, or was there some additional rule to make sure everybody got a turn before one got a turn twice? I am always curious about multi-person-combat :) (although I am not into wrestling that much).