OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25
Chat room: #OCW

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  • Outdoors match
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Fatal Four Way: I Shook up the World!!!

The Bratty Princess (deleted member)
Levi G (deleted member)
MeganFrost (deleted member)



23:22 QueenLola: Big match big night. I take a deep breath and walk out from backstage and down the ramp way as my music plays and hold up my OCW Intercontinental Championship high in the air wearing my black bikini as I slide into the ring. I stand in my corner with my belt on my shoulder. You are not logged in.
23:22 QueenLola: (Lisette)
23:22 QueenLola: Yt

23:25 Lisette: my music echoes in the open arena. i'm nervous. so much is up for grabs this time and i'm not going to lose again. i show up in my pink bikini leaving my hair down as usual. i greet the fans with high fives and climb into the ring looking at lola with a smile before going to the other corner and waiting for the other opponents. (megan)
23:25 Lisette: yt

23:26 Lisette: You are not logged in.
23:26 Lisette: yt

23:30 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I hear the music playing over the speakers of Lisettes entrance come to a stop, I make my entrance soon after my name is heard. I stand 5ā€™7 weighing 141 lbs, ready for a big match tonight, wearing a dark blue and black bikini outfit, the usual one. I walk down the entrance ramp and to the ring side and climbing into the ring, looking at the 2 other ladies that are already there as my long brown hair flows free. I start my warmups as we await for the final person to enter as itā€™s a 4 person match. (Bratty)

23:33 The_Bratty_Princess: *Waiting backstage, I'm a bit jittery, unlike me, but ready for the challenge. The princess never backs down, and my music hits. I come out beyond the curtain with a wide confident grin, my head slowly panning, making eye contact with each of my victims before I start making my way towards the ring and sliding in, smirking, looking back and forth extending an outstretched thumb coupled with a vertical index finger to each of you before I take to the the remaining corner, leaning back, waiting for the match to begin*

23:33 The_Bratty_Princess:
23:34 The_Bratty_Princess: (Lola)
23:34 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

23:37 QueenLola: I hand the belt to the ref as mine and the vacant ladies championship are shown to the crowd as the announcer speaks. ā€œLadies and Gentlemen! Tonight OCW brings to you a fatal four way match. Between the Queen of Mean Queen Lola, The red head brawler Lisette, Meganthewrestlegirl, and The Bratty Princess! In this match there are no disqualifications only way to win is to pin or submit your opponent. All is legal within reason.ā€ The announcer finishes and the bell rings as I charge Lisette immediately out of the gate, trying to clothesline her into her own corner.
23:37 QueenLola: (Lisette)
23:37 QueenLola: Yt

23:42 Lisette: i hear the match announcement. my body vibrates and i feel the adrenaline rising quickly in my body. i look at the girls in front of me. i push my hair out of my face ready to start. my fingers vibrate more when i hear.....DING...DING..... the match has started and immediately i am assaulted by Lola who immediately uses a clothesline. i am distracted and get hit immediately with my body staggering and moving sideways to the ropes.... (megan)

23:42 Zack_Davis:
23:42 Lisette: yt
23:43 Zack_Davis:
23:43 Zack_Davis: Yt

23:48 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I finish my final preparations before the match starts, hearing the announcers announcement over head as I look at the ladies before me. I hear the bell ring and see Lola charge for Lisette, leaving Bratty open for the taking! I get over to her, attempting to kick her legs out from under her hoping to catch her by surprise! (Bratty)
23:48 QueenLola: Yt

23:51 The_Bratty_Princess: *The bell rings, and, not at all surprised, anticipating Megan's first move would be to come straight for me, I just smirk, out of the corner of my eye, seeing Lisette clumsily clamoring along the ropes as Lola clotheslines her, Megan's approach haphazard and predictable as I slide easily from the corner with a giggle and bring my hand up to the back of her head, grabbing her hair and trying to use her momentum to slam her face down into the turnbuckle I was just leaning against* (Lola)
23:51 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

23:54 QueenLola: I see Lisette staggering from my clothesline and grab her by the back of her head and try to throw her out of the ring early on in this contest as I look to put on one hell of a show for the OCW crowd watching this madness unfold as I feel my heart beating out of my chest as the sun beats down on us. All three of these women are really good in ring. Will I leave here still OCW Intercontinental Champion.
23:54 QueenLola: (Lisette)
23:54 QueenLola: Yt

23:59 Lisette: I stagger to the ropes and crouch with my right arm. i feel myself grabbing the back of my head and trying to throw myself out of the ring. i'm charged up and want to give the best I can to bring home two titles and put on the best show i can. my body propels itself to the outside of the ring. i cling with all my strength to the ropes by putting my feet in the apron ring. i try to quickly get back up on my feet and hit lola with a backwards elbow and get back in the ring. (Megan)
23:59 Lisette: yt

00:00 Zack_Davis: šŸ˜³

00:03 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I hear you giggle and slide out of the way with ease, making me go ā€œOh come on.ā€ I let out as you grab my hair from the back of my head, using it to push my head into the turnbuckle and making me groan. Before attempting to send a strong back kick to your leg, hoping to have enough power in it to try and surprise you as Lola looks to have the jump on Lisette. (Bratty)
00:04 QueenLola: Yt

00:09 The_Bratty_Princess: *With my hand in your hair and standing at your side, your leg finds nothing but air as you kick. I giggle* "Poor Megan!" *Before smashing your face back into the turnbuckle one more time, this time, pulling back with all my might on your hair trying to slam your back onto the mat, with a grin as I turn towards Lola and Lisette* (Lola)
00:09 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

00:11 Levii: šŸ”„

00:12 QueenLola: I take the elbow to my jaw as it swings back and hold my jaw as I lay my side into the corner and massage my jaw to recover giving Lisette time to regroup and stay up on the apron. I watch her reenter the ring and as she steps through the ropes, I try to meet her spine halfway in with my knee attempting an high knee kick to her spine.
00:12 QueenLola: (Lisette)
00:12 QueenLola: Yt

00:18 Lisette: i manage to land my elbow. i turn to go back in but see both you and britty very close with megan in the corner. i stop thinking the worst and stand still in the apron ringo. " come on bitches, two blondes against a redhead." i taunt you trying to distract you as i re-enter the ring raising my guard. (megan)
00:18 Lisette: yt

00:27 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Bratty has a tight grip in my Dark brown hair, my kick misses as you ram my head into the post once more making me groan out more ā€œDamn you!ā€ My head ringing, you pull my head back and slam me back first into the canvas, I hold at my back as you turn towards Lola and Lisette, laying there in pain for a moment, I look up and see you turn your back towards me, giving me the chance to try and grab and yank your leg out from under your feet to show Iā€™m still in this fight. (Bratty)
00:28 QueenLola: Yt

00:34 The_Bratty_Princess: *Megan's groans are music to my ears as her back crashes against the mat. Making my way towards the strawberry blonde fight in the other corner, I feel my ankle being pestered by a bug. I shake it loose with a growl trying to kick my foot back against Megan's face as you grab at my leg* "You're next, Red" *I taunt with a glaring smirk* (Lola)
00:34 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

00:36 QueenLola: Lisettes attention on Bratty as I try to hit her in the back of her head with my forearm hoping to knock her down to the ground and form an temporary alliance with Bratty.
00:36 QueenLola: (Lisette)
00:36 QueenLola: Yt

00:40 Lisette: "oh really? come and get me bitch." i study the two blondes in front of me. megan can't help me at the moment i see lola first start towards me with her forearm. i try to stop it with my hand and twist it trying to hit you later with a kick in your belly and try to throw you towards bratty. (megan)
00:41 Lisette: yt

00:43 Zack_Davis: *Bratty and Lola ... Teammates?!?*

00:43 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Bratty shakes my hand off and kicks me in the face, making me scream out. I roll over onto my stomach and focus on recovering for the moment as Iā€™m left alone, pushing my self back to my feet and feeling at my back and face for the quick moment looking over at the action going on across the ring for a second. (Bratty)

00:44 Zack_Davis: *Gooo Team Blonde Airheads!!!*
00:44 QueenLola: Yt

00:49 The_Bratty_Princess: *I see Lola throwing a forearm at Lisette, and Lisette trying to counter. In your scuffle, I'm able to make my way past Lola and towards your side, then behind you as you thrust a kick out towards Lola, reaching up and grabbing at your long red hair, trying to give a tug back, if I can, to aid Lola, and whispering into Lisette's ear as I stand behind you,* "That's no way to treat a Queen" (Lola)
00:49 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

00:52 QueenLola: I take the kick to the stomach and groan holding my stomach as Iā€™m tossed toward bratty but sheā€™s not there as I fall to the mat and roll out of the ring holding my stomach now on the outside and down to a knee as I take sometime to recover.
00:52 QueenLola: (Lisette)
00:52 QueenLola: Yt

00:55 Zack_Davis: *gives Lola a beer*

00:57 Lisette: i was busy wrestling lola. i didn't notice Bratty's movements behind me. when i take lola's arm and throw her, no one is there. Lola exits the ring. i don't have time to turn around that i hear Braty's shrill voice behind me. i stand still listening to your words. " what exactly don't you do? does it seem like royal behavior to come up behind you?" i see your figure out of the corner of my eye and start loading weight on my legs expecting anything. it's just you and i left in the ring at the moment and i can best focus on one person. (megan)
00:58 Lisette: yt

01:01 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: After watching Lola an bratty team up on Lisette for a minute, I see Lola escape off to the side so I decide to go after her, letting lisette and bratty take the ring for now after having plenty of time to recover since they teamed on lisette and didnā€™t push their attack on me, I walk to Lola out side of the ring and try grabbing her hair blonde hair, only to try and ram it into the side of the ring canvas. (Bratty)
01:02 QueenLola: Yt

01:05 The_Bratty_Princess: *Trying to press my advantage as I pull on Lisette's hair* "Royal behavior gets left at ringside sweetie" *I taunt with a cold voice as I bring my foot up and try to kick it into the back of your knee, aiming to bring you down onto one knee in front of me* (Lola)
01:05 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

01:07 QueenLola: Trying to recover and made to spill a beer from Zack as Megan grabs my hair and whips me into the side of the ring back first as I cry out in agony as I lay on the side of the ring holding my back as I hold my back and look up at her towering over me.
01:07 QueenLola: (Lisette)
01:07 QueenLola: Yt

01:11 Lisette: perfect,keep your royal demeanor out. i will have less trouble pinning you." i feel my hair pull back. i imagine what can happen in that situation and hit your belly with my ass and later hit your neck with a circular backward comit. (megan)
01:11 Lisette: yt

01:13 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Your cry of agony fills my ears as you fall to the side from the impact of the hit. You hold at your back as I try stomping down on your stomach as I tower over you, trying to get some air out of your system. (Bratty)
01:14 QueenLola: Yt

01:15 The_Bratty_Princess: *Just as I try to kick your leg, your ass juts out, bumping into my stomach causing me to let go of your hair and stumble back a step. Before I have time to react, I feel you strike against my neck. I let out a startled groan as I jut to the side, grabbing at the top rope as I stumble, trying to keep my balance* (Lola)
01:15 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

01:15 Levii: šŸ˜³

01:16 QueenLola: I grunt and groan taking a kick to the stomach as I roll over onto my stomach both arms wrapping around it as I lay there with my ass in the air. I cry out in agony from the stomp as the pain in my back still intensified.
01:16 QueenLola: (Lisette)
01:16 QueenLola: Yt

01:21 Lisette: now to free my hair from your hands, i manage to hit you with the elbow and i can turn to face you. for the first time we are face to face in the ring. i run towards you and jump when i am close to you trying to hit you with a dropkick to the center of your chest. i roll quickly getting back up and try to continue the action by grabbing you this time by the hair and get my arm up on your chin with an uppercut.(megan)
01:21 Lisette: yt

01:26 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I take a quick glance over and see lisette kicking brattys ass finally, then look back down at Lola whoā€™s ass is infront of me. I grab one of her legs and make her lay flat on the floor, on her stomach, I try grabbing her other leg and bending them, trying to lock her in a Boston crab hold, attempting to put more pressure on her already sore back. (Bratty)
01:27 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: yt

01:31 The_Bratty_Princess: *I turn around, my back on the ropes just in time to see Lisette jump, her feet coming up and thrusting forward slamming into my chest, but I can't fall over as my back bounces off the ropes behind me, springing me forward towards her, leaving me exposed as you take my hair and swing your arm up, crashing it against my chin with a vicious uppercut. My neck snaps back and hair flails about as I stumble, my knees starting to buckle beneath me, just barely maintaining my balance as I yelp with a heavy labored breath, trying to plant my feet and compose myself* (Lola)
01:31 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

01:32 Zack_Davis: "COME ON QUEEN OF MEAN!!!"

01:34 QueenLola: I gasp and scream in agony as Megan grabs my leg and pulls me into an agonizing Boston crab. My free leg I use to try and slam my heel into her chest if I connect hoping to do it over and over hoping sheā€™ll let me go.
01:34 QueenLola: (Lisette)
01:34 QueenLola: Yt

01:41 Lisette: you're tougher and tougher than i thought. after suffering the dropkick and the subsequent uppercut you're standing. i look you fixedly in the eye and this time i'm the one who catches your blond hair. "how does it feel?" i say teasingly as i pull your hair down and arch your back still hitting your chest with a chop. i'm about to hit you one more time but i see Lola locked in the boston crab. i don't think twice about it and i leave the fight with britty by quickly getting out of the ring and try to break megan's move with a frontal knee to your chest by jumping a short distance away from you. (Megan)
01:41 Lisette: yt

01:44 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I have Lola locked up in a Boston crab, however, Lola tryā€™s using her free leg to try and raise her heel up into my chest, making me groan out as I let her go. I see Lisette coming towards me and I try to roll off to the side to avoid her knee to my chest, hoping sheā€™d land on Lolaā€™s back instead. (Bratty)
01:44 QueenLola: Yt
01:44 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: yt

01:47 Levii: šŸ‘€

01:48 The_Bratty_Princess: *I grunt out, in frustration as you taunt and yank my hair, bending me over before hitting my chest with a mean chop in my chest. I clutch at it, back against the ropes, preparing to defend myself against another attack. Luckily, you get distracted and leave the ring to attack Megan. Leaving me alone, to catch my breath, panting. I look out at the carnage ringside, thinking about diving out, but thinking better of it, stepping away, towards the center of the ring, alone, leaving the 3 of you to wear each other down* (Lola)
01:48 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

01:49 QueenLola: I get Megan off of me as I lay in agony on the ground and groan then grunt feeling Lisette land on my aching back as the both of us lay there and Megan and Bratty both stand in and outside of the ring.
01:49 QueenLola: (Lisette)
01:50 QueenLola: Yt

01:54 Lisette: i try to intervene and break megan's move. she shifts and rolls away causing me to completely miss my knee strike. i fall heavily with my butt on lola's back. the recoil jerks me up holding my back in pain. i sit beside lola touching a barrier and trying to get back up as soon as possible and avoid an attack from megan. (Megan)
01:54 Lisette: yt

02:01 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I decide to not focus on the too fools behind me, and focus on the one all alone in the ring. I hop back into the ring over the ropes quickly trying to tackle her to the floor of the ring hopefully getting her down. (Bratty)
02:01 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: yt

02:03 The_Bratty_Princess: *Standing alone in the center of the ring, watching, calculating. Not difficult to discern your movements and intentions as you slide back into the ring and charge at me. I just smirk as you rush forward in a rage, lowering your shoulder, and your view, I'm able to step to the side and avoid your tackle, sliding my leg out to the side trying to trip you face first into the mat* (Lola)
02:03 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

02:05 QueenLola: Slowly getting up to my feet and seeing Lisette leaning on a barricade outside of the ring and as I stagger to my feet I try driving both of us through the barricade on the outside of the ring.
02:05 QueenLola: (Lisette)
02:05 QueenLola: Yt

02:05 Levii: šŸ‘šŸ»

02:11 Lisette: I'm getting back up, I look up and see Megan and Britty in the ring. i try to get to them but Lola quickly arrives and we launch ourselves out of the ring area into the crowd. i buckle into her body as we collapse onto the spectators legs and floor. i hit her with punches in the back trying to get her off of me.
02:11 Lisette: yt
02:11 Lisette: (megan) yt

02:14 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I know Lisette probably wants a piece of me, but she shall have to wait as She has to deal with Lola. I end up on the ground alone and face first, as you stepped to the side, I push my self back to my feet and look at Bratty ā€œDamn you! Think your so sly, huh?ā€ I say, circling her.
02:15 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: (Bratty)
02:15 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: yt

02:21 The_Bratty_Princess: *Your face hitting the mat sends joyous chills down my spine, giggling, watching as you get up, flustered and angry, matching your motions, carefully, raising a brow, mocking* "Something wrong?" *I taunt, keeping a safe distance as I step back towards the ropes behind me. I hear the CRASHING of the barricade as Lola and Lisette tumble through it. I press my back to the ropes, and wink at Megan* Your turn will come *gymnastically flipping my back over the top rope, planting my feet on the apron in a graceful display before hoping down to the ground and making my way towards the strawberry-blonde tussle in the ground* (Lola)
02:21 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

02:23 QueenLola: We crash through the barricade and into the crowd I grunt and groan loudly as Lisette hits my back and give her some pain of her own driving my elbow into her rib cage over and over as I roll around on the ground over and over all the crowd members feet.
02:23 QueenLola: (Lisette)
02:23 QueenLola: Yt

02:29 Lisette: We roll in wild combat exchanging blows on our backs and chests. the crowd quickly makes room for us by massing in a circle. when I roll on top of you I try to climb your body but I am repelled by your movements. I try a different tactic and try to close my arm on your neck and make you give way by sliding with your body twisting with your legs on your hips. (Megan)
02:29 Lisette: yt

02:31 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I watch bratty leave the ring, angered, I chase after her, jumping over the ropes my self and getting behind her and using 2 of my hands to try and grab her blonde hair and pull her away from the on going tussle of the floor. Trying to get her closer to the outside of the ring once more. ā€œI wasnā€™t finished with you yet brat.ā€ I whisper into her ear as I hold her hair. (Bratty)
02:31 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: yt

02:34 The_Bratty_Princess: *As I make my way towards the tumbling brawling champs, I let out a startled yelp as my hair is suddenly yanked back. I growl as I instinctively and swiftly raise my arm up and swing my elbow back with vicious force, aiming to strike Megan in the face with it* (Lola)
02:34 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

02:36 QueenLola: We tussled around on the floor until Lisette gets ontop and try to restrain my legs and make it kinda hard for me to breath with her arm on my neck as I struggle looking up at her as the other two Iā€™m surprised havenā€™t tried to pin or submit one another yet.
02:36 QueenLola: (Lisette)
02:36 QueenLola: Yt

02:37 Zack_Davis: Crowd erupts in a chorus of "Go Bratty! Go Bratty!" ...

02:40 Zack_Davis: *does a one-person 'wave', sound effects and all* šŸ¤£

02:40 Lisette: my legs twist to those of Lola. in the tussle we ended up far from the ring and the referees follow us in the formed pairs. i still press with my arm on your neck trying to take it all. with my free hand i hit your hip near your breast trying to break your breath more. (megan)
02:41 Lisette: yt

02:43 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I grip her hair with my hands, hearing her growl And Yelp at my sudden tugging of hair, and I look at her arm, seeing her bring it up fast aimed for my face, I quickly remove a hand from her hair to catch the arm so it doesnā€™t hit my face, ā€œNot today princess!ā€ I laugh, trying to bend your arm up behind your back in a standing wrist lock. (Bratty)
02:44 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: yt

02:47 The_Bratty_Princess: *You use my momentum against my as you catch my arm and twist, pulling it up and cranking it behind my back. I grunt out in frustration, coming up to my tip toes as you pull on my arm. My eyes widen in anger, Lola and Lisette beating the hell out of each other just a few feet in front of me. My face reddens with a blind rage as you tug, the pain in my shoulder coursing through my body as you taunt* "Oh yes, today, bitch!" *I snarl back as I suddenly thrust my leg up, kicking it back as I bring it up as hard as I can between your legs aiming to kick you in the crotch with the back of my knee and free myself* (Lola)
02:47 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

02:49 QueenLola: I grunt and groan taking each punch after punch to my side finding it harder and harder to breath and feeling my head getting weary Lisette seems determined to knock me out and lay me out in the crowd and hopefully guarantee a new champion in her eyes.
02:49 QueenLola: (Lisette)
02:49 QueenLola: Yt

02:50 Levii: HolyšŸ˜³

02:55 Lisette: I continue with my submission move . i have to maintain it and resist your movements trying to break free. my legs stay firm with yours. i help myself by grasping your shoulder with my hand and continuing to push . i still hit your side a few more times and as a last move i push forward resting my chest on your face hoping it will make you give in before the others notice.
02:55 Lisette: yt
02:55 Lisette: megan)
02:55 Lisette: yt

02:57 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I finally get a grunt and noises of frustration coming out of you, i try taking the opportunity of having your arm up your back, oh look your lifting your leg up below so that gives me the opportunity to kick at your other leg and hopefully let go of your arm to send you falling to the ground and potentially avoiding a game changing shot. (Bratty)
02:57 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Yt

02:58 Zack_Davis: Commentator: "Lola's being boobed into submission!!!"
02:59 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: yt

02:59 Zack_Davis: ... "The Brat goes low but nobody home"

03:03 The_Bratty_Princess: *I try to kick you, but somehow you manage to avoid it and kick the back of my leg. Luckily for me, you let go of my arm as I stumble forward, towards Lola and Lisette, my eyes wide looking to seize the opportunity, not wasting the momentum Megan's cute little kick gave me as I move forward, locking my eyes on the submission in front of me as I dive forward bringing my arms together, clutching my hands together in a unified fist as I drop down to my knees, slamming my arms down as hard as I can trying to crush Lisette's back with a brutal hammer fist punch and hopefully break the submission before Lola taps* (Lola)
03:03 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

03:06 QueenLola: Laying under Lisette as I feel my body fading until I groan loudly feeling my body being crushed by Lisette and Bratty landing on me as I am in no shape to capitalize on any of them at this point.
03:06 QueenLola: (Lisette)
03:06 QueenLola: Yt

03:12 Lisette: aaaaarrgggg fuck!!!!""" i feel lola is putting up less and less resistance, my hope of winning increases more and more but it is broken by the hammer fist on my back. i curl up on lola's side still holding my back while bratty ends up on the other side. i catch my breath after the sudden hard blow .
03:12 Lisette: (megan)

03:14 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Now having let go of bratty, I move over to Lisette and grab her hair, trying to help her up to try and throw her back into bratty who is also on the ground, looking to slam both of them into each other as Lola is recovering from the sudden attack she had to go through. (Bratty)
03:14 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: yt

03:19 The_Bratty_Princess: *After slamming my fists down on Lisette, I swiftly move to get myself back up, onto my knees, then standing, just in time to watch as Megan flings Lisette's body back onto the ground, missing me as I stand up, smirking as i plant my left leg firmly on the ground without hesitation, and spin, lifting my right leg up, my foot flying high in the air as I aim a crushing roundhouse kick to Megan's face hoping to knock her out before she realizes she's missed* (Lola)
03:19 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

17:10 QueenLola: They both roll off of me and I lay in a heap on the ground my body in agony as I groan and look up laying under the crowd as I roll to my stomach and begin to stagger towards the ring on my hands and knees my body in so much pain.
17:10 QueenLola: (Lisette)
17:10 QueenLola: Yt

15:30 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I glare at bratty as she just swiftly avoids lisettes body meaning she gets thrown back to the ground, and another attempted attack failed. My eyes widen as I see her foot leave the ground and I quickly duck, knowing a kick to the face could change the momentum and give her the advantage, I quickly shoot back up though reaching out for your leg and trying to make it so you are on now on one leg with one suspended in the air! (Bratty)

02:01 The_Bratty_Princess: *My leg flies up, aiming my foot for Meganā€™s face, but finding air instead. Before it can complete the rotation, youā€™ve popped back up and grabbed my ankle. I grunt in frustration as you hold me there, struggling to balance as I hop on one leg. Lolaā€™s anguished groans echoing, Lisette recovering just a mere inches away as I hop up and down several times on one foot. My eyes wide, glaring at Megan as she holds me. My chest heaves. Bounce. Bounce. Bounceā€¦JUMP! Keeping my eyes locked on Megan as she holds my other leg in the air, leaving her face now completely exposed and helpless as I jump off my bouncing foot. Using Meganā€™s grip in my other foot to spin my body as my other leg comes flying high into the air, swinging harshly as my body twists and Megan holds my other leg. My foot careening through the air on a straight path for Meganā€™s exposed face as I try to hit her with the spinning jump kick* (Lola)
02:01 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

02:13 QueenLola: As Megan and Bratty battle with each other I crawl to the ring apron and use to help me up to my feet and into the ring as I lay there and gather myself taking some time to recover from the action outside of the ring.
02:13 QueenLola: (Lisette)
02:14 QueenLola: Yt

15:55 Lisette: I recover after the blow to my back. I get up slowly aided by the guards and see Megan and britty engaged in their battle. Lola is near the apron ring as well. Britty hopping in place with her foot blocked by Megan's hands. I dangle toward them. I wait for britty to jump and try to hit Megan to hug Megan from behind. I clamp my hands on her belly and try to project her backwards with a german suplex onto the mats outside the ring.
15:55 Lisette: Yt

18:08 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I hold Brattyā€™s Leg, her hoping on one foot as I grin, as she brings her other foot off the ground and over to my face, I push her leg in my grip, throwing her off balance mid kick! Having bratty shoved to the side, I widen my eyes and feel a pair of hands wrap around my belly and I quickly turn my head to try and look behind at my attacker, but stop and before she gets me thrown backwards I try to raise my leg between hers right into Lisettes exposed pussy! (Bratty)

23:11 Lisette: I join in this three-way action. Bratty's leg is sent sideways. i take the opportunity to get closer but you notice my presence. i move my body closer to yours trying to avoid your leg but i don't make it completely in time. i feel your leg coming up on my pussy.....aaarrrrhhhh.... i snort and grit my teeth enduring the pain as much as i can. i try to hit your neck with my forearm before backing away from the pain.
23:11 Lisette: yt

00:08 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I manage to get out of a sticky situation, my crotch shot connecting to the attacker behind me, as I take the opportunity to try and move away before you hit my neck with your forearm making me gasp out and grab my neck, stumbling forward a bit, I move my hand to feel at it before turning around, not focusing on Bratty anymore, I see Lisette back off as I glare. Right before pushing forward and focusing my attack onto the Redheaded woman in-front of me! I get in range as you backed away and try to shoot a quick right kick to Lisetteā€™s side!

00:10 The_Bratty_Princess: *I jump and try to kick Megan, but somehow she manages to avoid it. Luckily the momentum of my body spinning allows me to brace and catch myself as I fall to the ground, not crashing, but catching myself for a graceful landing. Grunting in frustration as I quickly bring myself back to my feet, turning to see Lisette wrapping her arms around Megan, distracting Megan, allowing me to step forward and LUNGE just as Megan turns around, launching my own body at Meganā€™s distracted body as she tries to deal with Lisette. Launching myself, hoping to hit Meganā€™s back with a surprise cross body splash and bring her and Lisette both down from the impact*
00:35 The_Bratty_Princess: (Lola)
00:35 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

01:12 QueenLola: I manage to get to my feet and stand in the corner watching the action on the outside of the ring and take this time to rest up and regroup as my championship is on the line here watching these three women battle on the outside. I take a few deep breaths and try to recover for now.
01:12 QueenLola: (Lisette)
01:12 QueenLola: Yt

21:55 Lisette: i'm face to face with megan. i'm still holding my lower abdomen from her blow to my nether regions. i barely have time to look up that megan approaches. i close to parry her kick to my side. i catch a glimpse of the princess' blond hair behind megan. "move over" i whisper softly toward megan seeking quick cooperation. if she moves with the right timing i can try to lunge with a spear toward Bratty's belly.
21:55 Lisette: yt

22:30 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I get tackled from behind as bratty tackles me into lists, squished between both Bratty and Lisette I find my self in a sticky situation, I see Lisette looking like sheā€™s looking at something behind me then whisper softly for me to move over, I decide to comply since the brat with the golden hair has been slippery this whole match, she just got herself into a problem. I move over and out of the 2s path as Lisette prepares to put her plan in motion, and I kinda want to see her get hit too so I felt like it was worth it to comply for now.

22:48 Zack_Davis:

23:43 The_Bratty_Princess: *Launched into the air with nowhere to go, my arms and legs spread out as I try to crash my body into Meganā€™s, utterly defenseless as she surprisingly side-steps and all I see is Lisetteā€™s red hair lowering as she lunges forward right at me, slamming her shoulder into me in a brutal spear, catching me midair and slamming me down hard onto my back on the cold, unforgiving ground below. I let out a bellowing cry as I crash into the ground, nearly pierced in half from the brutal red spear* (Lola)
23:43 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

23:51 Zack_Davis:

00:48 QueenLola: I watch the action on the outside of the ring having a good while to rest and recover as I look away watching such an disaterous spear by Lisette taking down bratty as Megan moved out of the way. Things were getting crazy in this match as Iā€™m rested up but still remaining in the ring to let them ware down each other on the outside.
00:48 QueenLola: (Lisette)
00:48 QueenLola: Yt
17:06 QueenLola: (Megan)
17:07 QueenLola: Yt

17:39 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: As bratty is already down from the spear I allowed Lisette to do, and the closest one to me, I try and give her a quick stomp to her midsection right before climbing back into the ring through the ropes as I see Lola has restored herself from the damage she took earlier on in the match.
17:39 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: yt

17:43 The_Bratty_Princess: *I writhe on the ground from the spearful impact only to feel a foot stomp down on my chest, I groan out, clutching my chest as I heave deep breaths, trying to recover and recoup as you turn your attention to the ring, leaving me there lying outside the ring. My eyes wide, gasping, as I roll onto my stomach and very slowly start trying to get to my feet* (Lola)
17:43 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

17:46 QueenLola: I turn back and watch as Megan is making her way back into the ring as Iā€™m recovered and rested Iā€™m ready to try to not only hold onto my championship but take home the Ladies OCW World Championship as well. Once sheā€™s in the ring I grin and try to greet her with my signature, a good Royal serenade, super kick aiming at her jaw.
17:46 QueenLola: (Megan)
17:46 QueenLola: Yt

17:51 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: As soon as I get in the ring, I see Lola coming at me with a signature of hers, a super kick aimed for the jaw. Still a bit exhausted from all the action before hand, I donā€™t have enough speed to move out of the way, resulting in the foot landing right on my jaw, and making me scream out and stumble backwards from the force of the kick as I hold at my jaw, quickly trying to turn back to face her.
17:51 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: yt

17:55 The_Bratty_Princess: *I make it to my hands and knees with a panting breath. I hear the loud commotion of the crowd and look up towards the ring to see Megan's jaw getting rocked by Lola's kick. Bringing myself to one knee just outside the apron, looking up, recovering* (Lola)
17:55 The_Bratty_Princess: yt
17:56 Zack_Davis: "Go Bratty! Go Bratty!!!"

17:56 QueenLola: She stumbles and staggers from the kick but doesnā€™t go down as I grin and back up as I try to send another kick to her jaw hoping to take her to the ground this time around.
17:56 QueenLola: (Megan)
17:56 QueenLola: Yt

17:59 Zack_Davis: " the 'BRAT ATTACK!' ...
18:01 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Lola targets at my jaw again, once her foot connects I end up falling down to the ground, still holding at my jaw as I start trying to shake my head clear from the ringing it has going on. I let out another grunt as the foot hits as Bratty works on recovering.
18:01 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: yt

18:04 The_Bratty_Princess: *Watching as Megan races forward wildly only to be struck by another brutal blow to her face. I can't help but smirk as she crashes down onto the canvas, staying put, watching with gleeful amusement as my breath starts to recover, feeling a waxing adrenaline building as Lola toys with Megan* (Lola)
18:04 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

18:06 QueenLola: Finally getting her to the ground with my signature as I grin and shout ā€œStay down bitch!ā€ At her as I then begin to scale the top rope and looking back at her as I do and once at the top I attempt my finishing move, the Royal Ascension, an moonsault off of the top rope.
18:06 QueenLola: (Megan)
18:06 QueenLola: Yt

18:06 Zack_Davis: šŸ˜¬

18:11 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: I glare up at Lola as she is on the top rope hearing her taunt, then I smirk, seeing her jump into the air, I snap out of it and try rolling out of the way last minute to avoid it, ā€œOh Ill stay down bitch.ā€ I grin, hoping to see you moonsault into the floor once good ol Gravity kicks in.
18:11 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: yt

18:14 Levii: Uh-ohšŸ˜®

18:17 The_Bratty_Princess: *As Lola climbs the ropes, Megan laid out, I quietly rise to my feet. Just as Lola springs from the ropes, flipping through the air. I slide into the ring to see Megan rolling out of the way as Lola careens towards the canvas. Distracted as she rolls, I sprint right towards Megan on the ground, just as Lola crashes down as I leap and slip my legs out from under me, as I spring forward and thrust my feet forward aiming a brutal knockout dropkick straight for Megan's face as she rolls, landing on my back at the same time Lola lands on her own face* (Lola)
18:17 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

18:19 QueenLola: Noticing after the fact of Megan moving and land hard on the mat bouncing up a bit off of it as I roll to the side groan holding my head and stomach laid out on the mat unaware of what else is transpiring.
18:19 QueenLola: (Megan)
18:19 QueenLola: Yt

18:27 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: As I roll on the ring Floor, bratty comes running at me seemingly unnoticed by anyone as she also lunges forward with her foot, targeting my brutally damaged jaw as she aims right for my face with a hard kick, knocking whatever wind I had left in me out and making my body go limp from its force, my back flat on the canvas as I go limp from the kick.
18:27 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: yt

18:29 Zack_Davis: BRAT ATTACK!!!

18:32 Levii: Sheā€™s down.šŸ˜

18:32 Zack_Davis: *Holds up the two belts at stake... Come on Bratski, you can do it!!!"
18:33 Zack_Davis:
18:33 Zack_Davis:

18:34 The_Bratty_Princess: *Quickly getting to my feet, my heart and mind racing as I see Lola groaning on her stomach, I step towards her and grab her hair, wasting no time as I try to drag her to the ropes then use my foot to push her body under the bottom rope and roll her out of the ring onto the hard ground below. Growling as the adrenaline races through me, I turn my attention back to Megan, seeing her lying there, limp and helpless on her back. I grin, as I step to the corner, climbing up onto the bottom rope for just a little leverage as I bounce on it twice before launching myself back into a buttdrop, if I can, gravity bringing me down an my butt slamming onto Megan's chest with a mean THUMP. As she curls from the impact, I reach back and grab her legs, locking them in my elbows and bending her back forward as I sit on her chest to complete the pin...the ref slides in quickly and starts the count*
18:34 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

18:35 Zack_Davis: "Count, damnit!!!"

18:36 QueenLola: I grabbed her wrist being dragged to the ropes and groan being pushed to the outside and smacking the ground hard as I hold my back and roll to my stomach crawling to the apron and slowly pulling myself up occasionally gripping my stomach and back.
18:36 QueenLola: (Megan)
18:36 QueenLola: Yt

18:41 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Bratty climbs up onto the bottom rope to bounce off of it and get some friction behind it as she uses gravity to come find a spot on my chest, making me curl up but she grabs at my legs and goes for the pin, as the ref starts the count off with a 1 as my legs are locked in place with her grip.
18:41 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: yt

18:45 The_Bratty_Princess: *I press all of my 103lbs down onto Megan's chest, clutching her legs tightly as the ref's hand slaps down TWO roars the crowd with him. My eyes locked on Lola as I sit on Megan, my chest heaving, she's pulling herself up, but not enough time....THREE screams the crowd as the ref's hand slaps down for the third and final time, signalling Bratty's victory, sat over Megan. My smile widens as I let go of Megan's legs, throwing them back to the mat below in complete dismissal. I remain seated on her chest, unable to fully believe it myself, basking shining roars of my first victory, and TWO belts. I bounce on Megan's chest in absolute glee*
18:45 The_Bratty_Princess: yt

18:47 QueenLola: I get up and slide half into the ring right as the refs hand comes down for three and my eyes widen in the disbelief that I just lost my title to that ā€˜Princessā€™ as I place my hands on my head and watch her celebrate her victory.
18:47 QueenLola: {End?}

18:48 The_Bratty_Princess: *Still sat on Megan in disbelief, the ref comes over and hands me my two new shiny belts. I hold them up high in my hands, smiling and proud*

18:48 The_Bratty_Princess: (End?)

18:49 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: (Yep)

18:49 QueenLola: {End}

18:50 Zack_Davis: Wowww! 'atta girl Bratty!!!

18:50 Levii: Congratulations BrattyšŸŽ‰


Outdoor Championship Wrestling!!!



Published: 2023-07-23, viewed 118 times.




2023-07-24 19:08

Ok after catching my breath over all the excitement ,I have drawn the conclusion this had to be rigged!!...No way Megan can lose!! NO. NO NO!

Zack Davis

2023-07-24 19:18

(In reply to this)

Bratty brought her "A" game to this one!


2023-07-24 09:33

Move over, 1-2-3 Kid! Get lost, Santino Marella! There's a new greatest upset in wrestling history, ya fucks!

No seriously, that was some lovely writing, great performances all around and a lively crowd, and Bratty carried through with that angle beautifully. Really fun read!