OutDoor Championship Wrestling
Established: 2023-01-25
Chat room: #OCW
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- Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
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21:31 Destiny_Desire: I stand behind the curtain, slightly nervous at the prospect of coming back into the ring. It had been a couple months since I had been injured in my match against The Mangler and I certainly wasn’t in a rush to be hurt again… but the show goes on! I get the green light and I make my entrance to my usual theme song, I don a bright red bikini this time as I saunter down to ringside seductively swaying my hips as I move. I jump up onto the apron and climb through the middle rope, I go to my corner raising my arms and bouncing around the ring as I move! I finally settle in after the applause of the audience dies down, knowing my opponent is a complete newbie to the league I feel my odds are pretty good!
21:31 Destiny_Desire:
21:32 Mike_Day: This would be my first match wrestling for OCW, I wasn't about to let this shot go to waste! I hear your entrance music begin as I get ready to emerge from the curtain and onto the entrance ramp. I hear the crowd go wild for it's once champion, after all I had been doing my research on your exploits and you seem to be an impressive competitor. However, impressive or not... I was going to win this match. My cue to enter finally comes as I hear my entrance music begin, I stroll down the entrance ramp and down towards ringside. I was definitely the underdog in this match, but I tried not to let it get to my head... I walk seemingly calmly up the ring stairs and and step between the middle rope. I walk back to my corner, making eye contact with you for a brief moment as I recline back in my corner awaiting the start of the match!
21:33 Nick_CKO: grabs a seat with some popcorn grinning "Come on Mike! Get that debut!"
21:33 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *pops in with popcorn taking my front row seat* “Kick his ass Destiny!!”
21:35 Destiny_Desire: The bell tolls and I emerge from my corner, I blow you a seductive kiss to really get the mind games started as we prepare to square off! The audience is clearly excited to see me back in action, and I’m excited to be back! I’ve learned from my previous mistakes having always gone for a handshake in the past, being met with a boot to the stomach usually. I wised up this time and as we meet in the center of the ring I’m all business! We circle for a moment, sizing the other up… you have a bit of an advantage over me but I’ve felled bigger opponents before! I send a quick kick to your midsection getting ready for you to double over in pain!
21:36 Mike_Day: I'm a bit taken off guard by your sudden movement as you come barreling out of your corner and right up into my face... not an ounce of fear it would seem as we get prepared to square off! This is my first time appearing before the crowd and I was eager to show off that I wasn't just some jobber to be pushed around. I indulge you in circling for a moment before you spring into action... you snap off a quick kick to my abs, so quick I almost don't have time to react! At the last moment, I raise my arms up to catch the kick. I use my strength to try to spin you around, looking to catch you with a clothesline to get myself off to an advantageous position.
21:39 Destiny_Desire: I’m surprised someone as large as you was quick enough to catch my kick… I’m not easily deterred though, I’m determined to win this match! I get prepared to turn the tides with an enziguri kick to your head, but before I can react I feel the ring spin around me… BOOM! Before I know it I’m on my back from the force of your brutal clothesline! It’s been a while since I’ve been in the ring so I chalk it up to just being rusty… I shakily try to get back to my feet, looking to catch you with a superkick to the head when I do!
21:43 Mike_Day: I take a moment to admire my handiwork as you lay sprawled out for a moment on the canvas... It doesn't last long however as you spring back up and back into action! Not surprising for someone who survived a drop through a cell. I knew you were tough... I just needed to test how tough! I attempt to capitalize on my clothesline, getting ready to go for another strike as you rise up... but like a cobra pouncing on it's prey you connect with an unbelievable superkick to my skull! I stagger back several feet, trying to regain my bearings from the boot to the head! I know this is going to be a tough fight, all I can hope is that I come out on top and make a memorable debut...
21:46 Destiny_Desire: As you said, like a cobra looking to strike I make my move… I go running in the opposite direction of you, using the ropes like a slingshot to momentarily boost my momentum towards you! I take off like a shot as I come running towards you and going for something big… I just don’t know what yet, finally I come running at you and go for a crossbody looking to use my momentum to bring you down to the mat!
21:51 Mike_Day: This time it's me shakily finding myself stumbling backwards, I shake my head as I get prepared to turn the tides of this match yet again. You're quick I'll give you that, but it would take a lot more than a single blow to take me out of commission... I see you come barreling towards me for the second time in this match as you leap up into the air! No surprises there as you've always seemed to be a bit of a high flyer in your matches. I try my best to use all my strength to use your momentum to my advantage, going for a powerslam to hopefully do some damage and bring you down onto the mat below!
21:51 Destiny_Desire: (Crowd commentary and cheering encouraged 🤭)
21:51 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *munches popcorn* look out destiny!
21:52 TheBlackHulk: Take 'em down Destiny!
21:54 Destiny_Desire: I soar through the air, seemingly what has always been my natural habitat! I leap into you, using my body weight in an attempt to bring you down to the mat! Only I suddenly find the ring shifting around me yet again! You spin me around like a toy, using your size advantage to harshly slam me against the mat… I arch my back in pain as I collide with the canvas, the ring bouncing from the impact as I find myself on the receiving end of a powerslam!
21:54 Nick_CKO: hearing the boom cheering Yeah that's it Mike! Nice one!
21:56 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *winces*
21:59 Mike_Day: It's starting to look like fortune favors me tonight... but that isn't reason to get cocky just yet! I take a moment to adjust to my surroundings, still new to the OCW ring. I must admit it was already beginning to feel like home as the crowd went back and forth over who was going to come out on top! I don't take long to bask in the success of my latest move, rather going for a harsh stomp to your inner thigh... hoping to weaken you up a good deal so you can't use your speed to outmaneuver me for long! You were clearly the crowd favorite, but that was to be expected as a rookie taking on a returning veteran.
22:00 Biff_the_Bruiser: (cmon, get up Destiny!)
22:01 Destiny_Desire: I lay dazed for a moment after being slammed down to the mat, instinctively I want to roll out of the ring but you have other plans as you stomp down onto my inner thigh! I let out a yelp of pain as your foot lands hard against me, trying my best to escape from you before you can do anymore damage… as with any match I was involved in, the rules were a bit more loose. If I could get you outside the ring, falls count anywhere! I go to roll out of the ring and onto the ringside floor, quickly trying to get back to my feet!
22:04 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: that’s it!!
22:05 Mike_Day: I watch as you roll out of the ring and away from me, I would have no choice but to go after you as you get back to your feet. I knew things were much more dangerous outside the ring and I was about to find out firsthand just how rough things could get... I step through the middle rope, hopping outside the ring and down towards ringside. The crowd seems much more intimidating up close, but I try not to let it get to me... We stand face to face yet again, albeit in a much more unorthodox fashion outside the ring. As you had requested for this match, falls count anywhere meaning I wasn't safe anywhere this fight would take me! I take a page out of your book going for a swift front kick to your abs hoping to stagger you a bit and set up for something big!
22:07 Destiny_Desire: Your massive boot connects with my abdomen… you’re quick for a guy your size and I’m a bit rusty being out of commission for so long! I hunch over for a moment, trying my best to not fall to my knees… I let out yet another yelp of agony as the strike connects with me, unable to maintain my composure as I bend forward for the impact! I was starting to regret not making this an extreme rules match to level the playing field…
22:08 TheBlackHulk: Come on Destiny, pull yourself together !
22:11 Mike_Day: You hunch over clearly hurt from the kick to the midsection as I hear you let out a yelp of pain. I wrap my arms around you, looking to use my size advantage to really throw you around this match! You may have had the crowd on your side but things looked to be swinging back in my favor... I try to pull your head in between my legs setting up for a big powerbomb! It was risky to go for with you so fresh in the match but I was confident I could do some real damage hear and maybe even start to take a permanent lead in this match!
22:11 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: uh oh
22:11 Kim_Jung: “Come on Mike”
22:12 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *bonks kim*
22:13 Nick_CKO: Ohhh lets go Mike! Get it! Put her down! munches on more popcorn
22:13 Destiny_Desire: You yank me forwards using your size to your advantage yet again in this match… I find myself in between your legs for a moment before I suddenly find myself riding high on your shoulders, I try to think of something fast but nothing comes to mind! I’ve been out of the game too long, my moves aren’t as fluid as they used to be… It’s a nice view of the crowd up here, but it’ll be less nice in just a moment if I didn’t think fast!
22:16 Mike_Day: I have you right where I had hoped you would end up... You ride high up on my shoulders, struggling to get back down. You don't seem to be as quick as you used to be before your match with The Mangler, lucky for me... though I had hoped to face you in your top form! I take a moment to revel in the position I have you, some of the crowd starting to take my side as I look to prove myself in this debut match. I finally look to bring you back down, not onto the concrete below but into the steel barricade holding the crowd back!
22:17 Nick_CKO: watching on , seeing Destiny up while Mike sets her up, I can't help it, grinnig flipping her off mouthing..'down you go!'
22:19 Destiny_Desire: A loud metallic echo can be heard around ringside as my back harshly dings off the barricade! I arch my back in unbelievable agony as I start to get worried about my position in this match… this guy wasn’t your average rookie, nor was he the pushover I expected going into the match! I try to crawl back to my feet, thinking about how to get back into this. I shakily stand back up, taking a breather for a moment… I shake my head and take off running back towards the ring! I had a plan, but could I execute it?
22:19 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *pokes nicks ear*
22:20 Nick_CKO: throws popcorn at Megan
22:20 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Lucky it wasn’t wet! *laughs*
22:21 Mike_Day: I watch as you take off running like a shot, clearly your speed hadn't been hampered one bit as you return this match back to the ring... I wasn't sure what your end goal was or if you were just trying to get away but I was certain I was about to find out soon enough! I climb up onto the apron yet again stepping through the middle rope and back into the ring. We stand across from each other as we both contemplate our next move, it was going to be a deciding factor on who struck first. I wait for you to make the first strike, ready to counter whatever you have coming...
22:25 Destiny_Desire: I get prepared mentally, I begin to work my plan into action… I take off running yet again, but I would have to be careful not to use up all my stamina! I bounce off the far ropes yet again, going for something I knew the crowd was going to love! I waited for you to draw near… I was out to prove I wasn’t some washed up has been! I leap into the air, springboarding off the middle rope and back towards you! I’m hoping to turn all that momentum into a hurricanrana!
22:26 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *Cheers* Get it in Destiny!
22:27 TheBlackHulk: Go DEstiny !
22:28 Mike_Day: My eyes go wide for a moment as you spring off the ropes and back towards me... something I never expected you to pull out after taking such a brutal shot against the barricade! Your legs wrap around my neck as you spin with finesse and grace unlike which had been seen in the ring so far... You use all that momentum to spin me around several times before finally executing your big move snapping off a hurricanrana that brings me down to the canvas! This time it's me arching my back as I land with a harsh thud, the ring bouncing up and down in the process.
22:28 Biff_the_Bruiser: (Very nice move DD!)
22:31 Destiny_Desire: I take a moment to bask in the fact I actually just pulled that off! I was no stranger to risk, but even by my standards that was an extremely risky move! I get back to my feet though the landing wasn’t exactly easy on me either, I plan to keep using momentum to my advantage… the crowd cheering me on as I begin to finally get a foothold in this match! I notice you dangerously close to the ropes as I devilish idea creeps into my mine… I take off running to the far ropes again, hoping you get up just in time for me to dropkick you out of the ring!
22:34 Mike_Day: There was certainly a reason that you were a veteran, it took an insane amount of skill to pull of a maneuver like that! I start to find myself back to my feet, shakily using the ropes to help me back up. I climb for what seems like an eternity until I hear the familiar sound of footsteps approaching and approaching fast! I barely have time to react as you come thudding towards me, once more leaping into the air like a torpedo... a torpedo I had no chance of stopping. Your boots connect against my chest and suddenly the ring becomes much further away! I go up and over the top rope, grateful that this isn't a battle royale as I land against the ringside floor with a loud thud... I take a moment to get my bearings trying to get back to my feet...
22:37 Destiny_Desire: I watch as you stand back up outside the ring… I was going to go for it! The move to end the match right here… right now… I take off running for what seems like an eternity, I make it to the ropes where you’re standing and I spring into action… I jump up, my foot pressing against the very top rope for but an instant as I go for a high risk high reward move, a crossbody splash!
22:38 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *watches closely munching more popcorn*
22:41 TheBlackHulk: 😮
22:41 Nick_CKO: growls Come on Mike! Don't let her get you like this!
22:42 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *bonks nick*
22:42 Mike_Day: I see you take off running yet again, though my vision is a bit shaky from the impact to ground. I can't help but be impressed by your immense amount of stamina, though I was hoping I would be able to outlast you in the end! You step off of the top rope and come shooting out of the ring... I try my best to catch you again but the momentum proves to be too much for me as I come down to the ringside cement with a harsh crash! I arch my back in agony, letting out a loud grunt as I collide against the ground!
22:42 Biff_the_Bruiser: (its her Destiny to win this i think :)
22:44 Destiny_Desire: I celebrate my big move paying off as I do a kip up back to my feet… I still got it! I have a big idea, an idea that will put away this match! I grab you by the hair, trying to force you back to your feet as I drag you over to the announcer’s table… I prepare for something big, a moment that will blow the crowd away!
22:44 TheBlackHulk: (Now finish him Destiny)
22:45 Rebecca_Welsh: *leans forward in her seat, mouth agape*
22:45 Nick_CKO: throws popcorn into Rebecca's mouth chuckling
22:45 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: wooo!
22:46 Mike_Day: I can't help but let out a slight yelp myself this time as you grab me by my hair and begin dragging me over towards the announcer's table... I'm a bit worn down, but I'm not out of this yet. I just need to wait for my moment to spring into action! You roll me up and onto the announcer's table with relative ease, my body sprawled out on it as the announcer's go running for cover knowing what's about to come next... I lay there trying to recover a bit as I breath heavily, waiting to see what you're up to so I can make an appropriate counter!
22:49 Destiny_Desire: I leave you up on the announcer’s table, it’s times like these I wish I always had a ladder handy… I head back towards the ring, hopping up onto the apron and climbing back in, I head over to the corner and begin to climb the turnbuckle! It had been a while since I had seen the ring from this altitude, but I felt at home… I mentally prepared to leap off, getting ready to fly through the air with an impressive moonsault to finish him off!
22:49 Anastasia_the_Dominant: YES GIRL
22:50 Nick_CKO: shakes my head Come on Mike, get up! Don't let it end like this!
22:50 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: There we go :)
22:50 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *sticks tongue out at nick*
22:50 Rebecca_Welsh: *shakes fist in air* Hell YES! END HIM!
22:51 Mike_Day: This was it... it was now or never. I see you soaring through the air, a sight that would be majestic if it wasn't for me about to be on the receiving end... I take one last chance to get back into this match, my instincts kicking in as I raise my knees up to my chest, waiting for you to come crashing down onto them! I wouldn't have enough time to get back to my feet to stop you, this was my only shot at coming back in this match!
22:52 Biff_the_Bruiser: (UH OH......look out Destiny!)
22:53 Nick_CKO: slaps the barricade That's it Mike NICE! Eat that Destiny!
22:53 TheBlackHulk: ( Yikes.... Not good!)
22:55 Destiny_Desire: Uh oh. I realize my fatal error just a bit too late as you tuck your knees, I curse the fact that I can’t change my trajectory in midair… I have no choice but to eat the brunt of the pseudo-strike! Your knees drive hard into my chest as I bounce off of you and down to the floor! This was starting to look bad, I try to get back to my feet as I watch you roll off the table, standing towering over me as I shakily get back up…
22:55 Anastasia_the_Dominant: Come on Destiny. You've got this!
22:56 Nick_CKO: Throws popcorn at Anastasia No she doesn't!
22:56 Anastasia_the_Dominant: Bite me Nick
22:56 Matthias999: Went to the well once too often, it seems.
22:56 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: She has this in the bag!
22:56 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: nick just got hit in the head earlier :)
22:57 Nick_CKO: Pffff you think I won't!
22:58 Matthias999: *hopes Nick has had his shots*
22:58 Nick_CKO: 🤣
22:59 Mike_Day: I get off of the table and back down onto solid ground, relieved that I happened to be able to stop the moonsault from landing. I knew it would've been game over for me if I went through that table! However, I was looking to get back into this match and I was going to take the opening that had presented itself. I rush towards you, dropping my shoulder down and trying to ram your already hurting back into the ring apron! The crowd can't seem to get enough of this match as they cheer for you, I hate to disappoint them by coming out on top... but what can you do!
23:02 Destiny_Desire: I feel myself suddenly getting pushed back as I don’t have enough strength to hold your massive size advantage at bay… I try my best to hold my ground but it just isn’t enough! I frantically begin to panic, letting out a scream of desperation before my back even touches the apron… My back was already in incredibly bad shape, and this wasn’t the type of spinal adjustment I needed…
23:03 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: yikes get out of there!
23:04 Mike_Day: Your back crashes against the apron with a loud crash! My plan starting to pay off as I prepare for yet another big move, this would end the match if I pulled it off correctly... I grab at you yet again, trying to set up for another big powerbomb! I had just enough strength left in me it would seem to get the job done as I try to hoist you up onto my shoulders... The table looking like a perfect target to set you down...
23:06 Destiny_Desire: In an instant I find myself at a higher elevation than before… I’m hoisted up onto your shoulders, I try my best to think of a counter but all I can think about is my aching spine! You spin us around, with you facing the table… I can’t think of anything to react in time to stop this!! Was I really about to lose my comeback match?
23:10 Mike_Day: You find yourself up on my shoulders yet again as I prepare to powerbomb you through the table... I didn't have a finisher thought up yet but the powerbomb was looking like an increasingly likely candidate! I put all of my strength into this move, letting gravity and my muscles dictate the force of the impact. I pick you up off of my shoulders... and get ready to throw you down with all my might, the table looming in the background as I get ready to end this match!
23:11 Nick_CKO: YEAH! That's it Mike! Put her down!
23:12 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: do something! Can’t just let him pick you up like your nothing~
23:13 Destiny_Desire: I find myself at an even higher elevation, though only for a moment and I suddenly find myself coming crashing down to the ground below… only there’s one obstacle on my way down… the announcer’s table!! It splits in two with my body as the catalyst, slamming hard against the ground as the table splinters all around me… I’m semi-unconscious for a moment as I try to get back into the fight, but my body feels as if it was just hit by a freight train! I lay sprawled out on the ground, unable to move my limbs even the slightest bit as I desperately try to think of a way to win this match!
23:16 Mike_Day: I stand over you for a moment, catching my breath as you lay sprawled out before me... it was over. It just had to be, I go for a pin cover... dropping down onto me knees exhausted as I lay my body on top of yours. I lift you leg and go for the pin count waiting for the referee to begin the longest three count of my entire life! At this point I was confident I had this match in the bag, all that was left was to finish it.
23:19 Destiny_Desire: The referee stands over us beginning what feels like the world’s longest count… 1! I lay there dormant unable to stir from my stupor, I try my best to recover but it’s seeming less and less likely that I’m going to win this match… but that’s quitter talk! 2! The count draws closer as things go from bad to worse, just as the referee goes to bring down his hand to count the final pin count… I push up with all of my might hoping to break your pin and keep this match alive!
23:21 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: and it continues! get up destiny!
23:22 Mike_Day: This was it... my first victory in OCW was going to be over the legendary Destiny Desire! What a way to make an entrance... only my daydreaming about winning was cut short. You suddenly drive your shoulder up and break the pin, keeping this match going until one of us gives out! I expected nothing less from you though, after all you had taken punishments much worse than this! I look in disbelief as you break the pin getting back to your feet and keeping this crowd on its toes! I get back to my feet waiting for you to rise up to face me again... this match wasn't in the bag just yet!
23:25 Destiny_Desire: I was still in it! I was hurting bad but I was still in it! I shakily return to my feet, my back killing me from all the punishment it had endured this match… I needed to get back to the ring by any means necessary, it was clear that coming out here was a mistake and that I was only going to get seriously hurt if we kept going… I try for a kick to your abs, hoping to buy myself enough time to make a mad dash back to the ring!
23:28 Mike_Day: You still have some fight left in you as you snap off a quick kick to my abdomen... I don't have enough time to predict it coming as you make me hunch forward from the impact! Just as I expect you to follow up with some crazy extravagant move, you zip past me and run for the ring? I'm not sure what your thought process was but I knew it wasn't going to be good for me... I follow closely behind making my way up towards the ring, hot on your trail as you enter the ring. I wasn't looking to give you any breathing room to recover knowing that any one move from either of us could spell the end for the other!
23:31 Destiny_Desire: I was back in it now… all I needed was an opportunity to win put this match away and get back on the track to ruling OCW! I wasn’t about to let this rookie push me around, I was dishing out beatings long before you got here! I go for it yet again, trying to throw you off by looking like I’m going to springboard yet again… I ricochet off the ropes and back towards you with renewed determination, hoping to try my crossbody yet again!
23:35 Mike_Day: I see you take off towards the far ropes expecting you to go for yet another high flying maneuver to knock me down. This time you bounce off the ropes, barreling towards me with heavy steps as you leap off the ground and up towards me yet again... Only I didn't fall for it the first time and I wasn't about to fall for it this time! I raise my arms ready to catch you as you soar through the air towards me. A devilish grin spreads across my face as I know exactly what is needed to put this match away!
23:36 Nick_CKO: cheers HA! One trick pony! Take her down!
23:37 Destiny_Desire: Uh oh. Again I find myself possibly in over my head… I soar through the air and back towards you as you raise your arms to catch me! I begin to kick my legs in vein looking for any way to turn this move into something favorable, but things are beginning to look bleak as I can’t seem to do anything to get out of your grasp!
23:40 Mike_Day: This was it... the moment I had been waiting for. This was my opportunity to get the win, to secure my place in OCW as not just another face! I hold you for a moment, spinning to make sure the crowd has a good view of you helplessly kicking and trying in vein to get free of me... Then I hoist you up onto my shoulders preparing to unleash a brutal submission hold on that already hurting back of yours... the one and only torture rack!
23:43 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Dammit Destiny! Get out of that! *watches on the edge of the seat, popcorn almost gone*
23:43 Destiny_Desire: I was in serious danger here, my back was definitely worse for wear as I had taken quite a few shots to it already! Well maybe more than just a couple… I helplessly kick my legs as you hoist me up onto your shoulders like a ragdoll, your size advantage coming into play yet again as I’m powerless to kick my way out of it… You lock in the torture rack and I immediately feel like screaming bloody murder! I try my best to hold on, but I’m not how sure I can last in this!!
23:43 Nick_CKO: You got her Mike! She's done, keep it up!
23:44 Anastasia_the_Dominant: Come on DD!
23:45 Biff_the_Bruiser: (torture rack is brutal.....one of my faves)
23:47 Mike_Day: This was it. This had to be it. There was no way you were getting out of this in a hundred years! I lock in the hold, applying as much pressure as I can to your back in an attempt to seal the deal and put this match away. The crowd had an unbelievable view of your face as it contorts in pain, struggling hard not to submit as I keep it up as long as I can! I was going to make my name known by any means necessary... you just happened to be a stepping stone along the way!
23:48 Matthias999: I think the only way Destiny is getting out of this is if Lex Luger's attorney shows up and serves Mike a cease and desist for trademark infringement.
23:49 Biff_the_Bruiser: (does Luger hold a trademark on the torture rack? lol)
23:50 Matthias999: It was his finish most of his career.
23:50 Destiny_Desire: I couldn’t hold on any longer, a bloodcurdling scream leaving my lips as it feels like my back is torn in half… I feel tears start to well up in my eyes as I try to hold on as long as I can not wanting to give you the satisfaction of a submission against me! It was too late though I was done for, I scream and scream for a moment unable to control myself as my fighting instinct is finally snuffed out, I scream out… “I QUIT I QUIT… I SUBMIT!! AHHHHHHHH!!”
23:51 TheBlackHulk: (Damn!)
23:52 Anastasia_the_Dominant: Fuck! By the fucking void!
23:52 Nick_CKO: grins and nods That's it! Nice Mike!
23:53 Mike_Day: And with that... the match is over! I had won my debut against veteran against all odds... I let you down with a heavy thud against the mat as I drop you off of my shoulders. I walk to the center of the ring raising my arms in triumph as you lay on the canvas, it was a hard fought match but I wasn't going to let it go to my head. Winning my debut in OCW didn't mean I had gotten anywhere yet, this was just the beginning of my career and I couldn't wait to get more matches in...
23:53 Biff_the_Bruiser: Congrats Mike Day...everyone at SNL is proud of you! 😁
23:54 Matthias999: *Mental note-spamming cross body presses at someone with a 60 pound weight advantage is not a great strategy*
23:55 Destiny_Desire: I lay there my back still on fire from the brutal hold, but at least I wasn’t going out on a stretcher for once… I arch my back in pain as you celebrate your victory, my ego a little bit damaged from the match… but not more than my body. I would have my revenge sooner or later, you wouldn’t be able to hide from me after I recovered from this match. You had a target on your back now, and I was aiming for it!
23:55 Destiny_Desire: (End)
23:56 TheBlackHulk: Nice job you two !
23:56 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Good match :)
23:56 Nick_CKO: (Super fun! Nice job both of you 😀)
23:56 Matthias999: Good match, guys.
23:56 Destiny_Desire: Thanks to everyone who came out to watch the match!! ❤️❤️
23:56 Destiny_Desire: Thanks to Mike for allowing me to be his debut ❤️
23:57 Mike_Day: Seriously! Thanks to everyone who made this match so special!
23:58 Vivi_Vixen: Good job from the participants. Fun read.
23:58 Rileyy: Well done!
03:49 Nathan_gingerbread: Sat up in gods watching carefully making a few notes in my book .. nodding to myself .
04:21 Levii: great match! congrats Mike. Only wish I was here for the show👀
04:22 Mike_Day: Thanks for the kind words! I’m sure there’ll be a rematch in the works 💪
04:22 Levii: Can’t wait to see that. Hope you kick her ass again😁
04:23 Mike_Day: That’s the plan! 😁
04:23 Levii: Good luck!
Published: 2023-12-13, viewed 110 times.
Zack Davis
2023-12-14 00:13Just AWESOME! Instant classic