OutDoor Championship Wrestling
Established: 2023-01-25
Chat room: #OCW
- No holds barred
- Pro wrestling
- Submission
- Back and forth
- Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
210 members
155 stories
288 photos
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18:13 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *pops in and takes a seat*
18:14 Anastasia_the_Dominant: Hi girls
18:14 Anastasia_the_Dominant: And Mike
18:15 junkmonkey: Evening people…..anyone got any popcorn?
18:17 Mike_Day: I get prepared for the match ahead of me, peeking my head out from behind the curtain to see a crowd already beginning to form... It's my second match for OCW but I wasn't deterred. I was going to make Jackie pay for underestimating me and picking a fight that she couldn't win... I see the green light and I emerge from the curtain to my entrance music. I see the crowd already lining up for their seats as I calmly make my way ringside and walk up the ring stairs. I walk across the apron slipping through the middle rope and make my way to the corner, no fanfare here... all business.
18:21 Tenacious_Jackie: I wait for my music... "POISON" by Alice Cooper... and I stand outside the ring and greet my hordes of admirers... and Megan :P I slide into the ring wearing my workout gear and loosening up to get ready for this match... "Be careful what you wish for", I tell Mikey as I stare him down
18:23 Mike_Day: I don't acknowledge your comment as I warm up in my corner... I come to the center of the ring to meet you as the bell rings ready to get this match underway! I put my hands up to you showing you a test of strength as we prepare for the long and grueling fight ahead of us.
18:24 Verónica: *I run in, arriving late, and take a seat*
18:24 Destiny_Desire: (Audience commentary encouraged 🤭)
18:24 Tenacious_Jackie: I move toward you... sizing you up... and I step forward quickly, faking a lunge at your left leg... then stepping back just as quickly to see how you will respond
18:24 Anastasia_the_Dominant: Hey Verónica
18:25 Anastasia_the_Dominant: Come on Jackie!
18:25 Verónica: Hi Ana
18:25 Failed_Experiments: *Can't comment as can't speak*
18:26 Rebecca_Welsh: *takes a seat next to Megan, shares some popcorn*
18:27 Mike_Day: I see you lunge down towards my leg, quickly getting ready to defend it as you quickly step back faking me out. I'm not one to mess around in the ring, but I also wasn't one to underestimate my opponent! I prepare to return fire, stepping in close to you and snapping off a quick front kick to your abdomen hoping to get some damage in early!
18:27 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *snatches some popcorn* kick his butt Jackie!!
18:28 Destiny_Desire: *Slips into the front row, watching the match intently*
18:29 Zack_Davis: "Ohh, nice turnout!" ... *Wiggles in between Lola and Veronica*
18:29 Tenacious_Jackie: ooofff!!!! I take the kick from Mikey and I stand my ground.... "I thought that was going to hurt!" I respond... then I move closer and grab Mikey by the shoulders, planting a foot in his tummy and falling back, trying to flip Mikey over top of me!
18:30 Verónica: *wave my hand to Zack*
18:30 Zack_Davis: "TEAM TESTOSTERONE!!!"
18:31 Zack_Davis: *kisses the lady Veronicas hand*
18:31 Mike_Day: I get a bit annoyed by all your constant teasing, but I don't let it go to my head... yet. Suddenly my vision is flipped upside down as you preform an impressive flip, my entire body soaring over yours and landing hard on the canvas with an incredibly loud thud! The ropes shake as I hit the canvas, I get ready trying quickly to scramble back to my feet...
18:35 Tenacious_Jackie: I flip you over... and savor the moment as I hear you land with a THUD. "Time to go for a headscissor..." I think to myself... but before I can get hold of you, you are able to slip away and get to your feet. I roll away and stand up, facing you, and clap my hands for you sarcastically with my tongue sticking out :P
18:35 Zack_Davis: *tweaks Destiny's ear 😈*
18:35 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *shocked*
18:37 Mike_Day: I get back to my feet watching as you clap sarcastically... it's starting to get on my nerves, but there was no way in hell I was going to let that show. I come in close, stomping across the ring and over to you with heavy footsteps. I try my best to get a good hold of you going for a headlock to lock in my next move...
18:40 Tenacious_Jackie: I try to slip behind Mikey... but he catches me in his grip and pulls me into his headlock. I squirm a bit and struggle, feeling his firm arms gripping tight... trying to find a way to escape
18:42 Mike_Day: I have the upper hand now as you squirm in my hold, I take a moment to savor the feeling of shutting your big mouth... I take off running bringing you with me, I go to jump up into the air going for a bulldog to bring you crashing down onto the canvas!
18:44 Tenacious_Jackie: oh no... I feel Mikey trying to take me down.... so I try to stop my momentum. I grab Mikey by the hips and shove him forward, hoping to slip out of his grip before he breaks my neck...
18:45 Verónica: *I take out a thermos and drink coffee while I watch the match with interest*
18:46 Mike_Day: You shove me forwards and just barely stop my bulldog in the nick of time... I take off towards the far ropes, making a dash for them before using them to build some momentum back towards you! I come bounding towards you at full speed, taking a page out of Edge's playbook going for a massive full speed spear to take you down!
18:46 Tenacious_Jackie: OOOOFFFF!!!!
18:48 Tenacious_Jackie: I thought I was clever to escape that slam... until Mikey explodes off the ropes and slams his shoulder into my tummy! I feel the air rush out of my chest as it feels like I got hit my a truck... and I am driven into the mat where I lay stunned and gasping....
18:49 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *munches popcorn watching*
18:50 Nathan_gingerbread: suddenly feels the urge to support jackie " come on jackie " claps hands
18:52 Mike_Day: I get back to my feet, standing over your gasping body for a moment before taunting to the crowd Triple H style! I raise my arms out in victory before beginning to march over to you, normally I would pick you up and go for my finisher but I had something extra special in store after all your trash talking... I grab you by the arm and raise you back up to your feet dazed, I go to Irish Whip you into the opposing corner with malicious intent!
18:54 Tenacious_Jackie: Still in a daze... gasping for breath as Mikey picks me up... I feel myself hurtling across the ring until *BAM*
18:55 Tenacious_Jackie: my back slams into the corner... another jolt to my rib cage... and the wind is knocked out of me. I cough and gasp as my body slumps against the corner pads
18:56 Anastasia_the_Dominant: Noooo, come on Jackie. Show him some tenacity
18:57 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *boos mike*
18:57 Tenacious_Jackie: I hear the voice of dear Ana in my mind.... trying to summon the strength to fight back
18:58 Mike_Day: I make my way across the ring, my form looming over you as I slowly approach you with caution. You've proven to be a slippery one so far and I wasn't going to let this opportunity slip through my hands. I put my arms around you, getting ready to raise you up onto the top of the turnbuckle... I prepare to follow you up there planning something big!
19:00 Tenacious_Jackie: No!!! I feel myself hoisted up onto the pads... and I try my best to resist, pushing weakly at Mike as he lifts me and sits me on the top turnbuckle
19:00 Destiny_Desire: *Sits forward in my seat, watching intently*
19:00 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: 👀
19:00 Anastasia_the_Dominant: Oh sweet Lotus
19:02 Mike_Day: I have you right where I want you... I climb up onto the turnbuckle following closely behind you, both of us stood up on the turnbuckle! I lift you up onto my shoulders using all of my strength, having you seated on them as I prepare for a high risk, reward move... The superbomb, an enhanced version of my finishing move down to ringside!
19:03 Anastasia_the_Dominant: Oh Void preserve her
19:03 Zack_Davis: "ohh damn! Gonna ruin a perfectly good Jackie 😳!" ... So be it ... "Nail it Mike!!!!!"
19:04 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *sighs and gets ready for the wince*
19:04 Tenacious_Jackie: My eyes widen... I begin to panic.... swinging my arms weakly and punching at Mike's back and head... "please... no... I'm too young to die!!!"
19:04 Verónica: *looks carefully*
19:06 Mike_Day: You flail in vain, as you weakly try to knock me off of you... I hoist you up above my head, preparing to throw us both down to the thin ringside mats below. This was going to hurt you a lot more than it was going to hurt me! I get prepared to leap off the turnbuckle, ready to bring you down with me!
19:07 QueenLola: I close my eyes peeking slightly through my fingers at the action
19:07 Zack_Davis: *chugs my beer*
19:07 Nathan_gingerbread: Grabs drink and moves back
19:07 Anastasia_the_Dominant: *Exhales smoke in nervousness*
19:08 Verónica: *Looks sideways at Lola*
19:08 Tenacious_Jackie: My struggles are for naught... as the big bully picks me up and balances me precariously in the air... instinctively, I put my arms over my head and draw in my final breath as I prepare for the worst..... a promising young life about to be cut short too soon....
19:09 Zack_Davis: *googles 'askance'
19:09 Rebecca_Welsh: *leans forward in rapt wonder, trying to get a good look at the coming brutality*
19:10 Anastasia_the_Dominant: *flexs fingers in frustration, talons slip out*
19:11 Mike_Day: A sickening thud echoes out around ringside as we both come crashing down onto the thin mats by ringside! We soar through the air for a fleeting moment before both connecting with the ground! Both of us take a good deal of damage from the infamous Superbomb but you definitely take the worst of it coming down onto your back! The crowd watches with bated breath, enraptured by the scene of unfiltered brutality as we both lay the for a moment... neither of us stir for a solid couple seconds before I shakily get back to my feet...
19:12 Verónica: Holly shit
19:12 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *throws popcorn at mike as he gets up*
19:12 Anastasia_the_Dominant: Get up Jackie! Please
19:13 Zack_Davis: *cracks another beer .. this one's over*
19:13 Verónica: *I look at Zack, he's drinking too much*
19:14 Tenacious_Jackie: aaauuuggghhhh..... I feel my body hurtle through the air and CRASH to the floor.... luckily holding my head to prevent it from slamming onto the ground.... my ribs explode on impact and I lay motionless on the floor... gasping for breath and blinking....
19:14 Tenacious_Jackie: *cough*
19:14 Destiny_Desire: I’ve waited patiently long enough… I hop over the barricade wielding a steel chair in one hand as I spring into action! I swing the chair at Mike’s unsuspecting back as I plan to do some serious damage with this one! Payback for our match the other night and my fun is just getting started…
19:15 Anastasia_the_Dominant: Oh fuck yeah DD!
19:15 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Kick his bulky butt :)
19:16 Zack_Davis: Ohh damn!!!
19:16 Verónica: Damn I didn't expect that
19:16 Mike_Day: THUNK! The sound of steel dinging off my back echoes around ringside just as I was starting to get the upper hand in this match! I fall down to my knees from the unexpected chair shot, quickly trying to turn around to see where the sudden burst of pain just came from...
19:17 Zack_Davis: *chokes on beer* ... "DESTINY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?"
19:18 Anastasia_the_Dominant: Kicking ass
19:18 Destiny_Desire: You spin around to face me but your night is only getting started! I shove the chair hard into your abs before dropping down onto the floor below us! I go to wrap my arm around your neck, hoping to secure a headlock… I prepare for an extreme DDT looking to bring you headfirst onto the chair!
19:18 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *laughs* just watch!
19:19 Zack_Davis: 😳
19:19 Verónica: *I feel like kissing someone*
19:19 Mike_Day: The crash of the chair connecting with my abs echoes out around ringside, not that I have much time to even process what's going on! You pull me suddenly into a headlock not even knowing who you are yet! I struggle for a moment but all the chair shots have definitely weakened me a good deal... Suddenly I feel a splitting pain shoot through my skull as my face bursts open donning the crimson mask!
19:19 Anastasia_the_Dominant: *kisses Verónica*
19:20 Verónica: *I blush and kiss Anastasia back*
19:20 Rebecca_Welsh: Hell YEAH! Go DD!
19:21 Destiny_Desire: I get back to my feet, walking down to the ring apron… skipping really as I lift it and inspect all the toys hidden underneath! This one feels like a good choice… “Awwww… Zack… You shouldn’t have!” I pull out a fresh and undented steel chair and I make my way back over to the two battered contestants!
19:22 Tenacious_Jackie: *blinks... not sure what is causing the commotion as I try to regain my senses... sitting up slowly*
19:23 Zack_Davis: * I squeeze Lolas hand*... "why the hell did she interfere?!?" ... *As the C.E.O. of the company, this is ... appalling!*
19:23 Destiny_Desire: I watch on as Jackie makes it back to her feet… I walk over to her, sauntering my hips as I walk. Without hesitation, I throw the chair towards Jackie! I anticipate her catching it, readying a spinning jump kick to the chair… RVD style!
19:24 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *and facepalms*
19:25 Tenacious_Jackie: As my vision returns... I see a blur as a chair comes hurtling my direction... instinctively I catch the chair... still disoriented.... until *CRACK*
19:25 Tenacious_Jackie: The chair suddenly crashes into my face and I collapse to the floor in a daze
19:26 Dimitri_Dragoon: "Clean up the place, Destiny!"
19:26 Anastasia_the_Dominant: *wings unfurl as I deeply kiss Veronica*
19:27 Zack_Davis: Get a room
19:27 Destiny_Desire: I watch as you both lay on the ringside floor semi-unconscious… I saunter my way back up to the ring, grabbing a can of red spray paint from my seat as I walk up the ring stairs and into the ring… I grab a mic off of the official and get ready to deliver my parting words to the audience…
19:27 Verónica: *Grabs Anastasia's hair and kisses her deeply*
19:28 Zack_Davis: I stand up from my ringside seat, shocked at the chaos, the CARNAGE that has erupted! "Lola, STOP HER!!!"
19:29 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Oop
19:29 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *gets more popcorn since I’m empty*
19:29 QueenLola: I stand out of my seat as the founder and jump over the barricade sliding into the ring behind destiny and trying to nail her in the back of the head with my forearm.
19:30 Zack_Davis: "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?" ... glaring at Destiny ... Lola will put an end to THIS nonsense!
19:30 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Let the children play!
19:30 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Heheh
19:31 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *happily munches on more popcorn watching the chaos*
19:31 Dimitri_Dragoon: Yeah! Let the chaos reign!
19:31 Destiny_Desire: I hear Zack cry out for OCW’s chairwoman to try to stop me! Too little too late! I hear Lola slide into the ring behind me, spinning around on a dime and ducking below her elbow! I raise the mic up above my head, swinging it down with incredible force waiting to hear it connect with Lola’s head!
19:32 QueenLola: I hit the mat hard as I groan holding my head as she splits me open slightly with the mic hit and I miss the clothesline to the back of her head.
19:33 Zack_Davis: "LOLA!!! NOOOO!!!"
19:34 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Maybe Zack should try and do something 😈
19:34 Destiny_Desire: I watch with a spreading grin as I split Lola open and see her tumble down onto the mat! I grab my can of red spraypaint shaking it up before standing over Lola for a moment, I speak into the mic…
19:34 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: add to the pile *giggles*
19:34 Anastasia_the_Dominant: *flips off Zack, still tongue deep in Veronica's mouth*
19:34 Destiny_Desire: “Let this be a lesson for each and every one of you watching! From now on… ANARCHY RULES!”
19:35 Destiny_Desire: I spraypaint the logo nice and bright onto Lola’s exposed belly, before sauntering over to the nearby cameraman and snatching the camera out of his hand, spraying a nice “A” onto the camera to really get my point across!
19:36 Rebecca_Welsh: Yeah! *throws up the horns and pumps the air*
19:36 Anastasia_the_Dominant: *pumps fist for DD, barely paying attention*
19:36 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *doesn’t care who’s in charge as long as the show is good*
19:37 QueenLola: I gasp and hold my head as she sprays the logo on my stomach and groan feeling the blood drizzle down between my eyes
19:37 Verónica: *I break the kiss and look at Anastasia* Damn, and those wings?
19:39 Zack_Davis: My face is bright red, a vein in my forehead throbbing, spittle spraying from my mouth as security descends upon the carnage to attempt to restore SOME sense of order ... They restrain ME! "I sign your paychecks, you idiots!!!!" ... Snarling at Destiny, "You've started something that can't be undone! OCW will DESTROY Anarchy!!!" ... (Flips off Anastasia ... In your dreams).
19:39 Anastasia_the_Dominant: Oh, oops. They weren't supposed to slip out.
19:39 Destiny_Desire: “You’re not the only competition in town anymore Zack! Anarchy Pro Wrestling is going to put you out of business!”
19:40 Zack_Davis:
19:40 Destiny_Desire: I drop the mic, satisfied with my invasion and promo promptly sauntering back to the crowd and disappearing into it…
19:41 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *continues to munch popcorn*
19:41 Verónica: *Smiles sweetly* I like your wings
19:41 Anastasia_the_Dominant: Awww thanks. Now shall we get a room?
19:41 Verónica: Hell yeah!
19:42 Zack_Davis: *Growls at the security team *.. "Clear the arena ... And CALL THE DAMN MEDICS!!!"
19:42 Tenacious_Jackie: *lies motionless*
19:42 Rebecca_Welsh: *Wonders if Anarchy Pro Wrestling pays well*
19:43 Destiny_Desire: *Knows it does*
19:43 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Or someone should just do mouth to mouth *giggles*
19:43 Tenacious_Jackie: *wonders if Anarchy Pro Wrestling offers health insurance*
19:44 Verónica: *Wait a minute they even pay to fight?*
19:45 Destiny_Desire: (End!)
19:45 Rebecca_Welsh: Good show!
19:45 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: marvelous :)
19:45 Anastasia_the_Dominant: Fuck that was funny
19:45 Destiny_Desire: Thanks to Mike and Jackie for being good sports!
19:45 Verónica: Good match and show Cuties 💕
19:45 Zack_Davis: I tear off my shirt to apply pressure to Lola's head wound ... Already on my cell phone to the Board of Directors to arrange a meeting first thing in the morning! "Payback is a BITCH!" I scream in the general direction of destiny's departure!
19:46 Zack_Davis: End 😘 ... Great show!!!
19:46 Tenacious_Jackie: Thanks for the invite Destiny, it was fun :)
19:46 Amberfights: Man this was so fun to read!
19:46 Mike_Day: Agreed! thanks for having us Destiny!
19:46 TheBlackHulk: yes indeed
19:47 Zack_Davis: Kudos for a great match from Jackie and Mike as well! Awesome!
19:48 Dimitri_Dragoon: Very fun watch, thank you all for putting it on!
19:48 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Definitely was a fun show! was a great build up :)
19:48 Anastasia_the_Dominant: I apologise if I caused too much chaos with my antics
19:49 Zack_Davis: Nah, added to the intensity ;-)
19:49 Tenacious_Jackie: not at all :) It added to the fun
19:49 Mike_Day: Agreed!
19:49 Anastasia_the_Dominant: I figured, just wanted to throw up a fake apology
19:49 Tenacious_Jackie: bye bye for now :)
19:49 Zack_Davis: As transparent as glass ;-)
19:50 Zack_Davis: Bye Jackie
19:50 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *spanks Jacki~* damn she left to fast :(
Published: 2023-12-15, viewed 88 times.
Zack Davis
2023-12-15 14:08