OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
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  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
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Ocw rayna nathan.


Nathan_gingerbread: Sitting at a table the PR guy says i need to sigh some pics , its been a long tour... But finally were coming to the end. One more show, then a break, gods i need a break ... Still in my face paint i do my obligation signing away one after another...

Nathan_gingerbread: The belt hung up on in my locker, i am looking forward to a stiff drink a hot bath and maybe a cigar . The simple things . For now a diet coke and a pain killer is the best i can do. Its all gone very well - full attendances, tv coverage a growing roster of new talent - somehow it all seems worth it.

Rayna_Vallandingham: I've been in photoshoot after photoshoot, not having a chance to face anyone in a while... so when I get a call after my last photoshoot and seeing I'm going against Nathan, my bored aura evolves into pure excitement, even if I'm not showing it. Against a champion like him... I need to give every ounce of myself to try and capture the title, and that is why I have been spending the past couple weeks training like I never have!

Rayna_Vallandingham: Now tonight is the night, and I'm in my locker room relaxing in this attire, feeling comfy and mentally at home, ready to face Nathan and try to give him the fight of his life...


Nathan_gingerbread: Looking through the running order for the last show ...i see some changes have been made .. and my brow furrows. A title defence really ... And whos this rayna ..the name i know i have seen some nice posters ...but i have had my attention on the main events.

Nathan_gingerbread: Well then ... Heading to the locker room to find her and see if she even knows about it .. and then .. well we shall see.

Rayna_Vallandingham: I'm in the locker room laying on one of the benches resting, listening to some music to hear the door of the locker room open and my eyes open, not sure who it is

Nathan_gingerbread: "Rayna ....? Did you see the the roster for the last show .. your on main event with me ... " Tall and slim she looks relaxed and i can see the posters have not been re- touched. i like my face paint it hides my expressions ... " I dont think we have really had a chance to meet ... "Keeping my voice low , in this buisness you meet all sorts and its best to let them show you some cards first.

Rayna_Vallandingham: "Oh? I wasn't sure who I'd be fighting to be honest" I say, sitting up and standing, bowing to you out of respect "we haven't met yet... Rayna Vallandingham, what's yours?" I ask, already knowing but wanting to ask just because

Nathan_gingerbread: I smile my face paint feeling dry on my face pretty sure she knows exactly who i am but fair play she didnt blink "Nathan ... The gingerbread man " i dont embellish with my accomplishments. Just letting it hang in the air .

Nathan_gingerbread: " this your first main event ? "While i talk my eyes go across her body judging and thinking ... I bet she doesnt even have any old injuries yet ..

Rayna_Vallandingham: I give a soft smile as you say your name, and can tell you're trying to seem cool so I respect it. "Well hello Nathan, I hope we both have a great match together. And yes this is my first main event, but to me it's the same as any time to fight"

Nathan_gingerbread: An eyebrow raised.... Then i nod , " sure ,sure " but i remember being a rookie ...no way its the same as any time... " Well then sparky see you tomorrow .." turning off to find the hot tub . I have no doubt young gun here will --- like so many before her-- be gunning to make an impression.

Nathan_gingerbread: Ahhhh . ... Easing myself into the hot tub my paint off the pain killer kicking in ... Feeling much better . ... The director walks in .. " nathan ...my man!"

Nathan_gingerbread: I grimace " oh come on dude .. cant i just relax " " nathan i wont keep you .. just you know its the last show tomorrow "

Nathan_gingerbread: "yes clem i am well aware its the last show ..thats me in the ring every night ... ". " well ..... Good just you know we need to keep up the good work, and i wanted to say its been a hell of show "

Nathan_gingerbread: " thanks clem now do me favour , fuck off and let me rest .. i will will give you a show like i always do ... " " ha ha ha, good man and nathan the rookie ... We want her on more events "

Nathan_gingerbread: Knowing what that means i just raise my glass and sink further into the hot tub as clem finally leaves me in peace .

Rayna_Vallandingham: While Nathan is relaxing in the hot tub, I relax in the locker room, calmly waiting for our bout to be called so I can make my way for this main event, ready to put it all on the line to try and earn the title properly

Rayna_Vallandingham: After a good while, a producer comes into the locker room and directs me out, letting me know it's time for this big match... I'm excited and ready for this, and show a confident smile before going through the curtains

Rayna_Vallandingham: My entrance theme plays, and I smile and bow to the crowd, seeing how many of them are here and make my way to the ring, unphased by the packed arena, my mind only focused on my opponent and beating him

Rayna_Vallandingham: Upon entering the ring, I give another bow to the crowd before getting to my corner and sitting patiently, waiting for the champ to come as I'm in this attire


Nathan_gingerbread: Sitting in my dressing room ( a little perk i negotiated) putting on the make up ... I still feel stiff and sore but its ok i know once i get in that ring i will feel better . I hear my music starting ... I know it's time .. " 3,2,1 ...lets jam" bursting out and letting a mouth full of water shoot up in the air loke a wild geyser....

Nathan_gingerbread: Timing is everything as the pyro goes off... and i steam down to the ring leaping up onto the apron and waving to the crowd.....

Nathan_gingerbread: Slipping between the ropes and getting to my corner as the announcer tells everyone what they already know... The ref checks were ready . There is nothing now but the pause as we wait for the bell.

Rayna_Vallandingham: With us both in the ring, the bell rings! DING DING DING! And immediately I get in my fighting stance, circling you to try and draw an attack out of you

Nathan_gingerbread: Moving out as soon as the bell rings i try and take the middle of the ring wanting to dominate the space and control the options . As rayna circles i follow her movment pivoting smoothly . I dont want to make the first move but were here for the main event and people want action not a tactical show. So i drive forward trying to take the fight to her lifting my arms high hoping her eyes follow them as i launch a sparta style kick to her belly hoping for an early hit.

Rayna_Vallandingham: I'm a striker first, so as you drive forward, I can tell you raising your arms are a way to set up something big, and side step from the sparta kick attempt just in time, before countering with a fast left side kick aimed for your abs, trying to focus on your body to weaken you enough to launch a proper attack

Nathan_gingerbread: A gamble does not always pay off but it was worth the try even if now i suffer a side kick that sends me back a step ... I let my hand go down like i hurt more than i do and make a loud grunt selling it for the crowd but also to her hoping to embolden her into somthing rash .

Rayna_Vallandingham: "It wasn't that hard" I say to you, focused on you heavily and throw a question mark kick with my right leg, the kick looking to go for the body, but changing the angle and aiming for the side of your head instead

Nathan_gingerbread: I flash a little grin , its all i have time for as another kick comes in my right arm still low i dont feel to threatened by another body kick start to close the space between us but the leg flicks up and i only have time to clench my jaw and incline my head as it ricochets off my shoulder and into the side of my head knocking me off balance i cant get off my shot just yet but my momentum brings me closer still as i draw in my arms and go into a tight guard both arms tight to me and hands clenched by my head.

Rayna_Vallandingham: With you in a tighter guard, I know I can't give the fans a weak main event, so I use my speed by throwing a left oblique leg kick aimed to push your right leg straight at an awkward angle, before following with a spinning side kick aimed for your abs, the crowd surprised just how agile I am

Nathan_gingerbread: Crowding you is costing me as you manage to get off an awkward kick to buckle my knee and i feel my tendons taking a bad feeling as just for a moment my leg tries to go wrong way... But then she gets flash spinning and i pounce dropping my shoulder and making a grab to put my arms around her waist looking to tuck my head to her and close my grip .as i set my feet .

Rayna_Vallandingham: Wow you're fast! I think as you wrap your arms around my waist and close your grip well! I try to respond to this with a tight right elbow thrown for your head, trying to get you to weaken your grip so I could possibly counter the position

Nathan_gingerbread: Its cost me a few hits as i got in but i have to play to my strengths and not let her tee off on me with kicks. With my head tucked in i dont take a hit but shes struggling and thrashing i really wanted a fast suplex but i cant get the center of gravity i need and after a moment i am forced to push her away and consol myself with low kick aimed at the inside of her calf as i back up and start to think how i can proceed.

Rayna_Vallandingham: I manage to get you off of me before anything big could happen, but as you push me away, a low leg kick hits my inside right calf, feeling the impact and nodding at you with respect

Rayna_Vallandingham: With us not too far from each other, I bounce off the ropes for momentum to run at you, before attempting a low dropkick for your legs, trying to weaken your base

Nathan_gingerbread: As soon as i see rayne going to the ropes i know i dont want whatever she is selling ... Tightening up and bracing ready to extract a counter if i can but she goes low and and i try unsuccessfully to get out the way scooting my hips back and trying to jump back... Her feet impact and knock out my legs completely but its not lost on me where i will land and i try to pay back by bringing my elbow across and either an elbow or a forearm as i fall aiming for a head shot as gravity does the rest and i fall on top ....

Rayna_Vallandingham: The dropkick does its job... until the champion creativity comes into play. You feel the blow to your legs knocking them out completely, but with me on the ground for a moment, you intelligently use gravity and position yourself for an elbow to my head! Seeing you fall to me, I raise my guard to block the strike, but feel your weight on me like a sack of bricks, trying to punch you in the solar plexus as you're on top of me

Nathan_gingerbread: Blocking my strike at least keeps her busy as i spread my legs and try to make sure i am above her hips so she cant wrap me up,keeping my weight on top and swarming her now .. she lashes back at my body trying to squeeze a fist in but its awkward and tight and i dont feel it much. I glance to the side wondering if i have a pin but i dont have time to bank on that .. levering my free arm between us and pushing down on her chest i get some room and start battering at her defences with my fist seeking a way through but knowing the sheer concussion will take a toll.

Rayna_Vallandingham: You get me in a full mount position essentially, and with your weight and experience, I can only block as you fire a barrage of punches to my face, battering my defence as you would hope and causing me to look dazed from all the blows!

Nathan_gingerbread: I could just keep on but i an considering it doesnt make a show for the crowd well not the show they came for and the pay per view too.

Nathan_gingerbread: I can see she is a bit dazed and make a move to rise up pivoting on a knee grabbing her far arm and pulling as i fall back my free leg coming up to cross her chest i roll back and want to pull her onto my shin , setting up for the next stage of the hells gate.

Rayna_Vallandingham: With me dazed, you're in the perfect opportunity to try something other than to continue your strikes, and you set up a triangle choke almost, trying to cut off my breathing and make me tap!

Rayna_Vallandingham: But my mind is a lot stronger than to just give up easily, so I use my free arm to throw punches to your sides, while also trying to roll you up for the referee to count for the pin...

Nathan_gingerbread: She certainly has a will and even though i can see she is going red she tries to stack me up and starts swinging punches ...oh now the fat ass ref makes a move dropping down and looking like its not obvious ... Well as he is busy i get a chance to move my hand from the back of her head to grabbing some hair while i bunch my shoulders and tense my biceps making a show of working the hold on truth there is only the same amount of force possible .. "0ne" .. i can hear the crown buzz grow as some comment and get animated. "Two" i dont want to get too near the line this ref is an idiot and counting too quick. .. so i let go of her head and push withy leg while at the same time swinging my weight to the side as i put my arm in the air ready to show i am not pinned.

Rayna_Vallandingham: The referee almost gets to three until you power out and kick out clearly, pushing me away as I get on all fours before standing up, focusing on collecting my breath while also looking at you, waiting for you to stand up. The crowd cheers at what's going on so far, a competitive bout so far, with the champion having an edge, but will it continue?

Nathan_gingerbread: I manage to both push her too side and get clear before a 3 count and i give the ref a quick glare so he knows i am unhappy with how quick he was going ....rolling to my feet and keeping my eyes firmly on her we face off again she is still red faced but recovering quickly and i try to keep the momentum of the match going on the offence .

Nathan_gingerbread: Skipping forth and planting my back foot for a showy move as l lean back and lash out my foot toward her face

Rayna_Vallandingham: I may be red faced, but with some distance I see your showy move coming, and side step your super kick attempt, instead countering by grabbing you by the back of the head and attempting a zig zag!


Nathan_gingerbread: The crowd roars as she deftly dodges and steps in throwing her weight into bringing me down , barely recovering my balance only to have her arm snake around me and yank me backward . Uffff not a graceful landing flat on my back as the back of my head bangs on the canvas . I try and get up but things take a moment to get firing again and all i manage is to roll onto my front and post up on all fours as i look to see where she is at.

Rayna_Vallandingham: I land better than you of course, with your back landing hard onto the canvas. Feeling the electricity of the crowd, I run at you as you're on all fours to attempt a running knee dug into your abs!

Nathan_gingerbread: Looking up only to see her a step away charging in and smashing a knee in my side .. i barely have time to do anything but brace a little and the impact sends me rolling as the pain creases me up i may have a cracked rib i realise as i breath in and feel a sharp pain ...damn.. rolling to a stop on my back and keeping my knees up as i try to recover hearing the crowd lifted as they see me taking a hard hit

Nathan_gingerbread: Suddenly the ground shakes and people start to scream i see rayne knocked from her feet ... And some of the stage lights fall from ceiling... " EARTH QUAKE..." A fat guy shouts ...uts his last words as a huge peice on concrete drives his body into the ground...

Nathan_gingerbread: Huge lumps of concrete start to fall and i roll across the floor and under the rope flopping to the floor as i hear crashes and screaming ... Then i roll under the apron and say a little prayer to nera...

Published: 2024-05-15, viewed 19 times.
