OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
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  • Outdoors match
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Elle Vs Lola for the OCW Intercontinental title

13:49 Supergirl_Elle: Having dominated in some of the lower class leagues for awhile i return to challenge for Intercontinental OCW title against a competitor I’ve never faced. I shift my weight from foot to foot as I wait for my entrance music to begin. Finally bring me to life by evanescence starts to Blair or the Soundsystem and I begin my slow jog out towards the ring occasionally brazing a hand towards the crowd on either side of me. I get to the ring and jump up onto the edge of the canvas, grabbing the top rope, leaning back and launching myself up over it into the ring in my best flying impression. as I land in the Ring, I raised both arms and turn and a complete circle to give the whole crowd a good look at my super themed one piece suit. the announcer begins “ This match is for the OCW intercontinental championship and first in the ring the challenger from Canada standing 5’8” and weighing 125 pounds, Suuupergirl Elllle”
14:01 QueenLola: I make my way down the entrance ramp as the music plays and I look at Elle while holding a kendo stick on one hand draped over my shoulder and my Intercontinental title wrapped around my waist as I entered the ring wearing my traditional black two piece bikini and as the announcer calls my name and I hold up my championship “You are gonna blow this opportunity bitch.”
14:06 Supergirl_Elle: I focus less on the belt, it will be mine soon enough, and more on the weapon she is carrying. It's a little unnerving but i dont let it show. “Both of those will be mine soon enough” saying as i pace back and forth watching you.
14:08 QueenLola: I grin and look at her as I toss the belt in the air at her direction hoping she’d attempt to catch and leave herself open for a swing of the kendo stick to her back side before this match up even gets under way.
14:11 Supergirl_Elle: Shes tossing it at me? Im a bit confused but manage to sway it away with my quick reflexes but WHACK get punished for it as she belts me in the ass with the stick and i stumble forward rubbing my ass before trying to back kick out towards her stomach.
14:18 QueenLola: I watch her stumble forward and follow suit wanting to follow up only to take a swift kick to my bare mid section as I groan trying to back pedal and hold my stomach for a moment “You bitch!”
14:20 Supergirl_Elle: I spin around as you hold your stomach and take a bounding leap towards you to try and grab your hair on either side of your head in an attempt to whip you towards the ropes by it.
14:21 QueenLola: I gasp and squeal as you grip me by my hair and throw me towards the ropes as I bounce off and come trying to deliver a counter pump knee strike aimed at your jaw on the rebound.
14:25 Supergirl_Elle: I rushed towards you as you sink into the rope and start rebounding. I’m looking to slam my shoulder into your chest. Whether it works or not remains to be seen, but in the process of doing so your knee up under my chin and it knocks me back, staggering towards the ropes and lean against to stop from falling down to the mat
14:29 QueenLola: I watch you lean on the ropes as I grin and try to charge towards you and attempt an diving cross body against you resulting in possibly both of us going over the top rope and down to the floor.
14:33 Supergirl_Elle: Stunned from the knee uppercut i shake mu head then get clobbered by your body as we both go for a trip out of the rung to the mats below where we land on our sides next to each other as i groan.
14:38 QueenLola: We both go crashing to the floor as I groan as well landing on my side and holding my ribs taking us both out for the time being as I look at her and slowly turn over onto my back.
14:40 Supergirl_Elle: Watching her roll to her back I swing my leg up with a loud and effort field grunt. Try to turn and get on top of her so I’m sitting on her abs aiming to clamp my hands around her neck to try and choke her.
14:45 QueenLola: I gasp and begin to squirm feeling her hands wrap around my throat and choking me as I cough and groan trying to use my feet to try and push her back into the ringside apron.
14:52 Supergirl_Elle: You struggle to try and stand up, but my full weight is on your hips and my upper body is leaning down in an attempt to strangle you, making it extremely difficult. However your squirming is starting to annoy me and I pull my hands from your neck and then send a left and right hammer fist down at each of your breasts to try and calm you down
15:01 QueenLola: I grunt and groan feeling her fists slam down onto my breasts as I lay there looking up at her and reach up trying to wrap my hands around her neck as payback.
15:07 Supergirl_Elle: With my hands on her breasts as she tries to wrap her arms around my neck, I push on her chest and slide my body down along hers in an attempt to escape her grasp and step up on her lower legs
19:43 QueenLola: I scowl as she manages to slide away from my grasp and cause some pain in the process by standing up on my legs as I look up at her and grin trying to move my legs to hopefully knock her off balance a bit.
07:16 Supergirl_Elle: To avoid tumbling off your legs i let myself drop down on my knees to try and straddle them and as i coke down i ball both fists together and awing them down aiming for your bare abs.
18:35 QueenLola: I grunt and groan as your double fists slam down against my stomach making me sit up a bit and then lay back down as I hold my stomach while under you.
15:59 Supergirl_Elle: Aa you sit up i grab for your hair and stand up, m arms flexing as i try to pull you up to your feet so i can slam your head down into the edge of the mat.
16:42 QueenLola: You grab my hair and drag me up to my feet as I groan then groan once more being slammed face first into the mat below.
16:57 Supergirl_Elle: Reaching between her legs i hoist her back into the ring and rill her under thr lower rope then work to pull myself back up into the ring and up onto my feet on the outer side of the ropes
02:12 QueenLola: She had rolled me back into the ring and I make it to my feet once she does watching as she began to pull herself back into the ring, once half her body was in the ring, her upper half I try to sprint forward and attempt to curb stop her head to the mat.
08:05 Supergirl_Elle: To her feet faster than I expect and I try to move quicker to get myself back in as well however, I’m not fast enough and her foot connect with my head which Thing connect with the mat and sandwiches between the two. As my body lay along the edge of the ring stunned.
02:52 QueenLola: While you’re stunned on the mat, I try to drag you towards in front of one of the corners and then move up to the top turnbuckle attempting my finisher Royal Ascension, as I turn and do a moonsault off of the top rope hoping to land it.
07:59 Supergirl_Elle: Feel myself being dragged along the mat as my eyes squint, and I shake my head, trying to get the cobwebs out. As they open my eyes start to focus I see her high up on the top rope and then begin to sail down towards me Without much room to roll either way effectively, I pull my legs up towards my chest, essentially into a ball to deny her the more soft and effective landing on me that she was hoping for.
19:17 QueenLola: I land across her knees driving the air right out of my lungs as I move up to my knees grasping my stomach nearly about to throw up and fall to my side in so much agonizing pain that was a rough landing for sure.
08:26 Supergirl_Elle: As you drop back to your knees and start to fall over i shoot out my legs to try and catch your head and neck in a scissor hold with the intention of taking some more fight out of you.
00:46 QueenLola: As you catch me in a scissor hold I try to roll you onto your back as I groan in agony as the only way to break a hold like this is to hopefully get her to let go by having to kick out of a pin.
13:40 Supergirl_Elle: Im already on my back so it doesn’t take much to get me more well-positioned only a lot of effort in perseverance to start stacking me and folding me backwards to my shoulders firmly down to the mat. I’m not one to normally fight with pins and outs so I wasn’t prepared for her to use such a maneuver against me considering I had much better more dangerous hold position. There’s no way I’m gonna get counted out like this so I plant my hands to my sides, clench my ab muscles and legs and push to shove her away and off of me with the unfortunate result of having to let her go
04:13 QueenLola: I catch myself after she pushes me off in the ropes as I grin but take in a breather as I watch her and wait for her to get up as I slowly move back towards her.
07:02 Supergirl_Elle: With the momentum of my legs from kicking her away i roll up to my feet then charge towards her looking to try and tackle her back into the opposite corner just as she starts moving in on me at the same time.
16:08 QueenLola: I grunt and groan as my back slams into the corner but as she does I painfully try to lock her into half assed Guillotine submission hold, wrapping my legs around her waist.
23:46 Supergirl_Elle: Trapped in your legs so can’t back away then snared in the guillotine hold, thankfully its not super set in well. I reach up and grab a handful of hair to yank whole a fist drive into your kidneys.
11:44 QueenLola: I scream and groan as she punches my side and I try to hold on and tighten my legs tighter around her waist.
19:20 Supergirl_Elle: With your legs around me and your arm, choking me and a guillotine hold my blows seem to do little to soften you up. I have to work quick to do something before your weakening hold leaves me without the energy to fight back. I pulled my feet up as high as I can next to you and grab a handful of hair with each hand and make a big effort as my legs and arms flex and then let out loud breath trying to pick you up at least a foot or two off the mat and then slamming you back against it in hopes that your legs or at least your arm loosen up.
19:59 QueenLola: Her slam makes me drop my hold on her waist but I try to push up and wrench back on her neck as tight as I could trying to drain the fight out of her to the best of my ability.
00:52 Supergirl_Elle: Free of your legs but still fading from the effects of the choke. I try working my way along my knees around your body and pulling an arm back to drive a fist down towards your stomach. Most likely it won’t have the force To hurt you a lot, but just enough that I’m hoping for the grip around my neck.
03:20 QueenLola: She slams her fist into my stomach making me groan out in agony as I drop hold onto her neck trying to return the favor with a punch of my own aimed at her side.
07:03 Supergirl_Elle: “Guhhhh” i get the release but don't get far as I'm hammered in the side and curl into the blow and stagger, still light headed, into the ropes.
04:25 QueenLola: I use the ropes next to her as I try to attempt to spring board off of them and land solid kick right to the side of her temple hoping to bring her down to the mat.
08:04 Supergirl_Elle: “Gahhhh” my head snaps to the side and blonde hair whips through the air before i sail down and collapse over the mat. Ears ringing and head spinning.
16:39 QueenLola: She falls to the mat and once she does I grin and try to roll her onto her back while she’s stunned just a few inches from one of the corners of the ring.
16:50 Supergirl_Elle: I shake my head to try and focus and shake out the ringing. I feel you rolling me to my back as I moan and heels scrape at the canvass as I lay there, breasts heaving with each breath while trying to pull it together.
18:24 QueenLola: I climb to the top rope once more and attempt my moonsault finisher once more as I look to completely end this bout and hold onto my title, hoping I land before she shakes her head clear.
16:53 Supergirl_Elle: I roll side to side. Looking around and trying to locate her. And when I finally do She's airborne Flipping Down towards me. I try to move out of the way. But her body slams downacross mine. Driving the air for my lungs as I scream out in pain.
03:25 QueenLola: I manage to land this time and groan a bit as I try to end this and hook her leg immediately for a pinfall attempt as the ref slid into position and slammed her hand down for the count “1….!”
09:45 Supergirl_Elle: I pretty much lay stunned for the first count. Then try to twist away only to find myself stuck with my leg trapped. 2!. “No!” I yelp as i start to struggle under you, bodies grinding together as i watch in horror as the refs hand comes down again 3! He yells. I release a sigh of defeat and drop my head back to the canvass.
18:43 QueenLola: I roll to my side and groan as I slowly make my way back to my feet with my hand raised and my belt in one hand as the retaining champion.
18:43 QueenLola: [End]

Published: 2024-05-21, viewed 40 times.
