OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
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OCW: A Message for the new Champion

Zack_Davis: Sitting in the VIP section of the Outdoor Championship Wrestling Arena, I watch with a clenched jaw as a relative newcomer to the organization, Wren Peterson, literally destroys the veteran ladies champion to claim the belt. The former champ writhes on the mat while medical staff rushes into the ring ... The former champion, the Sinful Senorita, is obviously seriously injured and a hush falls over the crowd. I've had a run-in myself with this 'Wren' lady, and the results weren't pretty. While Wren hovers around the ring area to claim her new championship, I look at my business partner Lola seated next to me. "Come on" is all I say to her, as we get up and make our way unnoticed to the locker room ahead of Wren. We going have a little surprise waiting for her there 😈.

QueenLola: We got to the back before Wren did, and didn’t go far, there was a curtain just beyond the curtains to the stage and both of us slip to both sides and looking on awaiting for you to step through the first set of curtains.

Wren_Peterson: *I walk through the first curtain, to be met with silence by the crew and other people. The title win doesn't overshadow the way I injured Carmen in the slightest. literally anything could make this the worst day of my life* "fuck this"

Zack_Davis: Stepping out from behind the curtain as you approach .. "hey, Wren. Congratulations are in order I suppose". I give the bystanders lingering about an icy stare, my message well received .. quickly the bystanders scurry away, leaving only you and I in the now deserted tunnel .. "tough match" I comment as I step closer, now face to face with you, commanding your full attention while I wait for Lola to spring our trap. I wipe a drop of sweat from your your upper cleavage, keeping your focus distracted on me ..

QueenLola: I move from curtain and down behind Wren as I grin placing my hand on her hip and attempted swinging my arm up harshly between her legs as hard as I possibly could.

Wren_Peterson: *I smile at Zach being genuinely nice to me* "yeah.... thanks I AAAAAAAArgh* I hold my crotch and falls to the floor from the crotch shot Lola gave me* "FUCK YOU BITCH!!!"

Zack_Davis: With a hollow sounding THUD, Lola's fist strikes hard! Smirking as you drop to the floor like a sack of potatoes, "I hope you didn't have any plans for that tonight!". I give Lola a peck on the cheek, "nice shot, baby" before re-focusing my attention on our wounded prey ... You! Picking up a folding chair, folding it while playfully testing its balance and weight before crashing it down hard onto your chest .. "how's it feel to be champion, Wren?" I chuckle.

QueenLola: “You’re going to learn bitch, your actions have consequences!” I shout and watch Zack use the chair on her as try and add a stomp into your side as well.

Wren_Peterson: *I'm hammered with the chair to my chest, coughing and covering myself with my arms crying out as I hear Lola's annoying bimbo voice. her kicking me in the side is barely anything compared to the chair shot* "I feel just as shitty, I don't deserve the title. nor do both of you cowards"

Zack_Davis: "This title?" I chuckle, taking the belt from around your waist. "I agree with one thing ... you don't deserve this" ... with your arms covering your breasts, your belly is an inviting target ... I lift my foot and stomp down hard into your navel, my lips curled into a sadistic smile.

QueenLola: I follow right after his stomp and give a stomp of my own on your stomach as we look down at you and I take the title from Zack.


Wren_Peterson: *I curl up in a ball, crying from the stomps to my stomach, nearly throwing up from it* "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!"

Zack_Davis: "Now what fun would that be?!?" ... I smile at Lola as she clutches your belt, almost giddy ... With you curled up into a ball, it takes little effort to roll you a little further onto your belly ... "How about a little souvenir of our evening here, sweetie?", grasping your ankle to lift your leg before driving your knee straight down into the cement floor!

QueenLola: I hold the title and watch on as I bite my lip letting Zack go to work on Wren for a bit and look at the title a bit wanting it permanently around my waist.

Wren_Peterson: *I hold my leg crying out in pain as I try crawl away in agony* "I just want to go home" *not even caring about the belt anymore*

Zack_Davis: Taking the belt from Lola, I place it around her sexy waist and secure the Velcro .. "You look amazing in pink, babe". Watching your pathetic attempt at crawling away, I reach down to grasp your ankle again, halting your progress. "I bet you didn't know that I learned my favorite finisher from Lola ... Of course I coined the name 'RipTide' ... she still calls it a guillotine choke". I drive your knee again into the cold hard cement just for good measure, before looking to Lola in that pink belt ... "Perhaps you should show Wren here your guillotine, baby?"

QueenLola: “Mmmm I think I’ll save that for the ring love, when I take this ladies championship off her permanently.” I say and tap the belt a few times as I grin and look down at her.

Wren_Peterson: *I cry out louder as my knee is driven into the concrete, I lie there hopefully playing unconcious will get them to leave me alone*

Zack_Davis: Gazing at the jiggle of Wren's ass that the knee slam produces, "Your call, baby". With an exaggerated politeness, I gesture towards Wren's limp figure on the floor ... "Mind if I give it a whirl?" I ask of Lola as I step to face you from your front. Without waiting for a reply from Lola, I lift your head by your florescent green hair, patting your face several times ... "Wakey wakey!". Confident that you're playing possum, I slip my arm around your neck in a front overhead headlock, grasping my opposing forearm with my hand as I lock in my beloved RipTyde!

Published: 2024-07-20, viewed 78 times.



Nathan gingerbread

2024-07-20 23:14

Oh dear ..
Seems wren has her work cut out